0  249  257  263  267  273  275  279  285  287  293  299  303  305  309  315  317  323  327  329  333  335  339  341  343  344  345  347  348  349  351  353  357  359  363  365  369  375  377  383  387  389  393  399  405  407  413  417  419  425  429  435  443  3002 



13.下列说法正确的是?                                           (   )



C. 一定质量的气体,体积膨胀,它的内能一定减少


14.如图1所示,一束光以入射角i从空气斜射到长方体型玻璃砖上表面,进入玻璃中的折射光分成a、b两束进行传播,则下列说法中正确的是                  (   )





15.图2所示为氢原子能级图,可见光的光子能量范围约为1.62eV~3.11eV。下列说法正确的是             (    )                            





16.图3甲是用来探究加速度和力之间关系的实验装置示意图,图3乙是其俯视图。两个质量相等的小车,放在水平桌面上,前端各系一条细绳,绳的另一端跨过定滑轮各挂一个小盘,盘里可放砝码。两个小车通过细线用夹子固定,打开夹子,小盘和砝码牵引小车运动,合上夹子,两小车同时停止。实验中可以通过在小盘中增减砝码来改变小车所受的拉力。为了探究小车的加速度大小和其受力大小之间的关系,下列做法中正确的是(    )















17.已知某星球和地球的密度相同,但该星球的半径是地球半径的2倍,甲、乙是两颗卫星,分别贴近该星球表面和地球表面围绕其做匀速圆周运动,则下列判断错误的是 (    )

A.甲、乙两颗卫星的加速度之比一定等于2: 1 

B.甲、乙两颗卫星所受的万有引力之比一定等于2: 1

C.甲、乙两颗卫星的线速度之比一定等于2: 1



18.如图4所示,理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为k,输出端接有一交流电动机,其线圈的电阻为R。将原线圈接在正弦交流电源两端,变压器的输入功率为P0时,电动机恰好能带动质量为m的物体以速度v匀速上升,此时理想电流表A的示数为I。若不计电动机的机械能损耗,重力加速度为g,则下列说法正确的是                      (   )





19.如图5所示,xOy平面内的圆O′与y轴相切于坐标原点O,在该圆形区域内,可以有与y轴平行的匀强电场和垂直于圆面的匀强磁场,若只加匀强电场或只加匀强磁场,一个带正电的小球从原点O以一定的初速度沿x轴进入圆形区域,小球恰好做匀速直线运动,若电场和磁场都撤去,其它条件不变,该带电小球穿过圆形区域的时间恰好为做匀速直线运动穿过圆形区域时间的一半。若电场和磁场都存在,其它条件不变,那么,该带电小球穿过圆形区域的时间是电场和磁场都撤去时穿过圆形区域时间的(    )

A.2倍            B.倍     C.倍        D.

20.某研究性学习小组用加速度传感器研究物体从静止开始做直线运动的规律,得到了物体的加速度随时间变化的关系图线,如图6所示。已知物体的质量为1.0kg,则下列说法正确的是                        (    )

A.物体在t =2.0s到t =4.0s这段时间内做匀减速直线运动





21(1)如图7所示,是多用电表示意图。某同学想用此多用电表检测一下家庭电路的电压,他应该将多用电表的挡位选择旋钮放在           位置。图7乙中示数即为他的测量值,则他所测家庭电路的电压为           V。
























②如图9所示。根据打出的纸带,选取纸带上打出的的连续五个点A、B、C、D、E,测出A点距起始点O的距离为s0,点A、C间的距离为s1 ,点C、E间的距离为s2,使用交流电的频率为f,则根据这些条件可以计算出打C点时重锤的速度vc=          。还可以计算出重锤下落的加速度a=            。













④在验证机械能守恒定律的实验中发现,重锤减小的重力势能总是大于重锤动能的增加,其原因主要是因为在重锤下落过程存在着阻力的作用,可以通过该实验装置测定该阻力的大小。若已知当地重力加速度为g,还需要测量的物理量是              。则重锤在下落过程中受到的平均阻力大小F=            。


22.如图11所示,水平绝缘粗糙的轨道AB与处于竖直平面内的半圆形绝缘光滑轨道BC平滑连接,半圆形轨道的半径R=0.40m。在轨道所在空间存在水平向右的匀强电场,电场线与轨道所在的平面平行,电场强度E=1.0×104 N/C。现有一电荷量q=+1.0×10-4C,质量m=0.10kg的带电体(可视为质点),在水平轨道上的P点释放由静止释放,带电体恰好能通过半圆形轨道的最高点C,然后落至水平轨道上的D点。取g=10m/s2。求:










































第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)



1. ---The combination of Chinese culture and modern technologies has made the Beijing Olympics a special event.

--- ______.

A. Good idea         B. That’s all right     C. It’s interesting     D. I can’t agree more

2. The store sells several ______ pairs of shoes every year with ______ for women.

  A. thousand; eighty percent                          B. thousands; eighty percents 

C. thousands; eighty percent                          D. thousand; eighty percents

3. As ______ mountains beyond our village are becoming greener and greener, they have become ______ home to a large amount of wild life.

   A. the ; /               B. the ; a                      C. / ; a                         D. the ; the

4. Swimming is ______ in summer, which makes it the favorite season for most boys here.

   A. a great fun          B. great fun                  C. great funs                D. very fun

5. As economy worsened, jobs ______ to the laid-off workers continued to be scarce.

A. valuable              B. convenient                C. comfortable                     D. available

6. Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A.contribute to      B.relate to                  C.attend to                 D.devote to

7. ---Is it true that you will have a holiday soon?

---Oh, yes, I ______ the sunshine in Hainan next Friday afternoon while you’re all working!

A. will enjoy           B. are enjoying             C. will be enjoying        D. am going to enjoy

8. Britain returned Hong Kong to China in 1997, ______ decades of negotiations.

A. ended                 B. to end                      C. ending                            D. having ended

9. They seldom, ______, pay for software they use every day. That is, they use lots of pirated software. 

   A. if some                     B. if ever                            C. if any                     D. if never

10. Tim Bemers-Lee is generally considered ______ the World Wide Web, on which all the information is shared by all.

A. to have founded B. having founded       C. founding                D. to found

11. ---What was it that you had ______ last night? It was too noisy.

---Oh, sorry. It was the washer and it won’t happen again.

A. work                  B. working                   C. to work                    D. worked

12. In the families with kids, parents usually put medicine ______ children can’t reach.

A. what            B. that                 C. which            D. where

13. ______ you eat the correct foods ______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Only if; will you                                  B. Only if; you will  

C. If only; will you                                 D. Unless; you will

14. We’re happy that our predictions ______ so accurate, which is far from expectation.

A. might be             B. would be                  C. should be                 D. will be

15. I was working at my paper last night when the lamp ______.

   A. went out       B. went off          C. went away           D. went over

16. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time ______ we have enough power.

A. since            B. after                C. unless                D. before

17. Oh, it’s so cold here. Somebody ______ the window, please.

A. closes               B. close                      C. shall close                D. will close

18. ---Who should be responsible for the accident?

---The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order ______.

   A. as told to              B. as are told to         C. as telling to                     D. as they told to

19. You should treat him (in) the way ______ suits him most.

   A. that                B. in which               C. /                           D. why

20. ---Don’t you think it necessary that he ______ to Ningbo but to Shanghai?

   ---I agree, but the problem is ______ he has refused to.

   A. will not be sent; that                            B. not be sent; that

C. should not be sent; what                   D. should not send; what

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


       In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of  teens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her family’s    21     lifestyle and said, “I don’t want your God. I am leaving!”

       She left home. Before long, she was disappointed and unable to find a job, so she took to the streets to do everything she could to   22   money. Many years passed by, her father died, her mother grew    23   , and the daughter became more and more entrenched (不易改的) in her way of life.

       No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, having    24     her daughter’s whereabouts, went to the poor part of the city in   25    of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple    26   . “Would you allow me to    27    this picture?” It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a handwritten    28    at the bottom, “I love you still…come home!”

       One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat    29     listening to the service, all the while letting her    30    wander over to the bulletin board. There she saw the picture and thought, could that be my mother?

       She couldn’t    31    until the service was over. She stood and went to look. It was her mother, and there were those words, “I love you still…come home!”   32    she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too     33    to be true.

       It was night, but she was so     34    by the message that she started walking home.    35     the time she arrived it was early in the morning. She was afraid and    36     her way timidly. As she knocked, the door    37     open on its own. She thought someone must have broken into the house. Concerned for her mother’s    38   , the young woman ran to the bedroom and shook her mother awake and said, “It’s me! It’s me! I’m home!”

       The mother couldn’t believe her eyes. They fell into each other’s arms. The daughter said, “I was so worried and    39     someone had broken in.” The mother replied gently, “No, dear. From the day you left, that door has never been    40   .”

21.A.shabby                   B.religious                       C.awful                            D.simple

22.A.earn                             B.win                              C.offer                            D.approach

23.A.lonelier                  B.slower                          C.elder                             D.older

24.A.told about                     B.heard of                       C.learned from                 D.informed of

25.A.sight                            B.charge                          C.search                          D.want

26.A.request                         B.remark                         C.question                        D.speech

27.A.bring up                       B.lay off                         C.drop out                       D.put up

28.A.record                          B.advice                           C.message                        D.notice

29.A.constantly                     B.absent-mindedly      C.frequently                     D.carefully

30.A.eyes                             B.hands                            C.thoughts                        D.imaginations

31.A.help                             B.evaluate                        C.wait                              D.consult

32.A.After                            B.Since                            C.Until                            D.As

33.A.lucky                            B.good                             C.happy                    D.certain

34.A.astonished                     B.touched                         C.blamed                         D.ashamed

35.A.By                               B.At                                C.During                          D.Before

36.A.walked                         B.led                               C.made                            D.held

37.A.seemed                         B.blew                             C.proved                          D.flew

38.A.safety                           B.anxiety                         C.danger                          D.relief

39.A.observed                       B.realized                         C.found                           D.thought

40.A.adopted                        B.opened                          C.locked                          D.fixed




I was shopping in the supermarket when I heard a young voice.

“Mom, come here! There’s this lady here my size!”

The mother rushed to her son; then she turned to me to apologize.

I smiled and told her, “It’s okay.” Then I talked to the boy, “Hi, Mickey, I’m Darry Kramer. How are you?”

He studied me from head to toe, and asked, “Are you a little mommy?”

“Yes, I have a son,” I answered.

“Why are you so little?” he asked.

“It’s the way I was born,” I said. “Some people are little. Some are tall. I’m just not going to grow any bigger.” After I answered his other questions, I shook the boy’s hand and left.

My life as a little person is filled with stories like that. I enjoy talking to children and explaining why I look different from their parents.

It takes only one glance to see my uniqueness. I stand three feet nine inches tall. I was born an achondroplasia dwarf (侏儒). Despite this, I did all the things other kids did when I was growing up.

I didn’t realize how short I was until I started school. Some kids picked on me, calling me names. Then I knew. I began to hate the first day of school each year. New students would always stare at me as I struggled to climb the school bus stairs.

But I learned to smile and accept the fact that I was going to be noticed my whole life. I decided to make my uniqueness an advantage rather than a disadvantage. What I lacked in height, I made up for in personality.

I’m 47 now, and the stares have not diminished as I’ve grown older. People are amazed when they see me driving. I try to keep a good attitude. When people are rude, I remind myself, “Look what else I have---a great family, nice friends.”

It’s the children’s questions that make my life special. I enjoy answering their questions. My hope is that I will encourage them to accept their peers (a person of the same age, class, position, etc.), whatever size and shape they come in, and treat them with respect.

41.Why did the mother apologize to the author?

      A.Because the boy ran into the author.

       B.Because the boy laughed at the author.

       C.Because the boy said the author was fatter than him.

       D.Because the mother thought the boy’s words had hurt the author.

42.When did the author realize that she was too short?

       A.When she grew up.

       B.When she was 47 years old.

       C.When she began to go to school.

       D.When she met the boy in the supermarket.

43.Which of the following word can best replace the underlined word “diminished”?

       A.dismissed         B.increased         C.decreased         D.discriminated

44.How does the author feel about people’s stares?

      A.Angry.            B.Calm.              C.Painful.           D.Discouraged.


The term IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, generally describes a score on a test that rates the subject’s cognitive(认知的) ability as compared to the general population. IQ tests use a standardized scale with 100 as the median score. On most tests, a score between 90 and 110 or the median plus or minus 10 indicates average intelligence. A score above 130 indicates exceptional intelligence and a score below 70 may indicate mental retardation (智力迟钝). Like their predecessors, modern tests do take into account the age of a child when determining an IQ score. Children are graded relative to the population at their developmental level.

IQ tests are designed to measure your general ability to solve problems and understand concepts. This includes reasoning ability, problem-solving ability, the ability to perceive relationships between things and the ability to store and regain information. IQ tests measure this general intellectual ability in a number of different ways. They may test: the ability to visualize control of shapes; the ability to solve problems;the ability to complete sentences or recognize words when letters have been rearranged or removed; the ability to recall things presented either visually or aurally(听觉上).

Most people perform better on one type of question than on others, but experts have determined that people who are good at in one category do similarly well in the other categories, and if someone does poorly in any one category, he/she also does poorly in the others. Based on this, these experts theorize there is one general element of intellectual ability that determines other specific cognitive abilities. The best tests, therefore, feature questions from many categories of intellectual ability so that the test isn’t weighted toward one specific skill.

IQ tests measure your ability to understand ideas, not the quantity of your knowledge; learning new information does not automatically increase your IQ. Learning may exercise your mind, however, which could help you to develop greater cognitive skills, but scientists do not fully understand this relationship. The scientists are still in the dark about the connection between learning and mental ability, as are the workings of the brain and the nature of intellectual ability. Intellectual ability does seem to depend more on genetic factors than on environmental factors, but most experts agree that environment plays some significant role in its development.

45. In determining an IQ score, _______________.

  A. the subject’s cognitive ability is compared with his/her former performance

  B. the children’s age is taken into consideration

  C. 100 is treated as the standard score

  D. children of various developmental levels are tested

46. What can we learn from the third paragraph?

  A. A person who does poorly in one category is not necessarily poor in other categories.

  B. Experts got the conclusion that learning new information can automatically increase your IQ.

  C. The general intellectual ability can determine specific cognitive abilities to some extent.

  D. Whether a person can do well in one category is not decided by IQ.

47. What is known to be certain about intellectual ability?

  A. The relationship between learning and intellectual ability.

  B. The connection between the workings of the brain and the nature of intellectual ability.

  C. Environment does play a role in the development of intellectual ability.

  D. Genetic factors are the determining factors of intellectual ability.


Below is an advertisement in a travel brochure.

Book this package

There are few areas better than Lake Myvatn for viewing the Northern Lights and discovering the wonders of the Icelandic winter.

Day 1

Reykjavik―Akureyri―Lake Myvatn

Flight to Akureyri from where you will be picked up. Transfer to Lake Myvatn. Sightseeing tour of the Lake Myvatn area. After the tour an introduction of the activities available.

Day 2

Free day at Lake Myvatn: optional tours available. Please note that all tours are dependent on weather and road conditions, and therefore only booked locally at Lake Myvatn.

Day 3


The morning will be spent at Lake Myvatn and then in the afternoon a transfer to Akureyri where you will go on a short sightseeing tour of Akureyri enjoying the beautiful sights. Afternoon flight back to Reykjavik.

Activities available at Lake Myvatn


Take an exciting adventure on our snowmobiles out on the frozen Lake Myvatn or travel deep into the Highlands with one of our guides. 30 min and 1 hour tour available.


Sightseeing at Myvatn and a super-jeep adventure. 3 tours available: around the area of Lake Myvatn; a tour to Dettifoss, the most powerful waterfall in Europe and unforgettable at winter time; a tour further into the Myvatn area.

Sightseeing tours

Sightseeing tours to some spectacular places: Icelandic farms, power station, museums and a search for the northern lights. These tours are recommended for all nature lovers.

Cross-country skiing

The Lake Myvatn area and surrounding Highlands are great for cross-country skiing. There is a good mixture of areas from easy to more demanding and the length of each tour also depends on one’s ability.

Horse riding

A wonderful area that offers a great variation of trekking(跋涉)routes. On offer are tours from one hour to a day tour with different destinations, something to match your desire.

Go-carts on ice

Experience the adventure of driving on the ice of the lake. The snow is taken away and you drive with “nailed” tires. Also available is go-carts in the snow.

Winter garden

Different kinds of amusements on the frozen lake: bowling, cricket, skating, mini golf etc.

48. What is the purpose of the ad?

   A. To inform the timetable of a trip.

   B. To list the steps to see the Northern Lights.

   C. To introduce a special traveling package.

   D. To introduce the wonders of the Icelandic winter.

49. Where will you spend most of the time during the trip?

A. Reykjavik.       B. Akureyri.       C. Lake Myvatn.      D. Icelandic farms.

50. Which activity is not included in the travel package?

A. Sightseeing tour in the Lake Myvatn area.      

B. Sightseeing tour of Reykjavik.

C. Sighteeing tour of Akureyri.

D. Seeing the most powerful waterfall in Europe.

51. If you want to view the Northern Lights, you will join in _________.

A. Horse riding                     B. Cross-country skiing   

C. Super-jeep                       D. Sightseeing tours


Life has changed in Mexico City. Streets normally filled with people are empty. One of the most popular professional soccer teams recently played a game in an empty stadium that can seat more than 100,000 people. It’s swine (猪) flu that has made life in Mexico City grind to a halt (慢慢停了下来).

Seemingly out of nowhere, swine flu has caused confirmed deaths in 12 countries as of April 30. It has sent a wave of alarm around the world. Governments are trying to find ways to prevent further outbreaks. The World Health Organization has raised its swine flu global threat level to five out of six.

People may be familiar with bird flu, but they know little about swine flu. Swine flu is a contagious (传染性的) respiratory (呼吸的) disease in pigs. It is caused by a type-A influenza virus.

Humans can also catch swine flu. The virus causes regular outbreaks in pigs, but people usually do not catch it. However, there have been cases of the virus spreading to people, and then from one person to another.

The symptoms of swine flu are similar to the common flu. They include fever, lethargy (无精打采), lack of appetite, coughing, runny nose, sore throat, nausea (恶心), and vomiting (呕吐). The high proportion of young adults among the deaths is one of several mysteries about this virus. Most of the dead had lung damage. What caused it is not yet known.

The virus spreads the same way the common flu does. When an infected person coughs or sneezes around another person, the latter is put at risk. People can get the disease by touching something with the flu virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose or eyes.

There are medicines to treat swine flu. Doctors suggest using anti-viral drugs. They keep the virus from reproducing inside the body.

Although there are no vaccines (疫苗) for it now, several everyday steps can help prevent the spread of the virus: washing hands frequently; avoiding close contact with people who are sick; and avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on it.

People may worry that they will get swine flu from eating or preparing pork. In fact, you cannot catch the virus from pork products if they have been properly prepared and cooked. Cooking food at temperatures of 71°C kills the virus.

52. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. It mainly tells us how swine flu broke out in Mexico City.

B. It presents the reader with some information concerning swine flu.

C. It tells us the differences between swine flu and bird flu.

D. It mainly tells readers the dangers caused by swine flu.

53. The following tips can protect us from swine flu EXCEPT ________.

A. keeping us away from other people

B. washing hands frequently

C. avoiding close contact with sick people

D. avoiding touching surfaces that might have the virus on them

54. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Mexico City is really a place of horror now.

B. People in Mexico City like staying at home.

C. People in Mexico City don’t like soccer.

D. Swine flu has seriously affected people’s life in Mexico City.

55. What can we infer from the passage?

A. At present there still aren’t effective vaccines for swine flu.

B. Swine flu virus cannot spread in the air.

C. From now on, people can’t eat pork if they want to be safe.

D. All of the dead killed by swine flu had lung damage.


Cole Bettles had been rejected by a number of universities when he received an e-mail from the University of California, San Diego, last month, congratulating him on his admission and inviting him to tour the campus. His mother booked a hotel in San Diego, and the 18-year-old Ojai, California, high school senior arranged for his grandfather, uncle and other family members to meet them at the campus for lunch during the Saturday tour.

“They were like ‘Oh my God, that’s so awesome (棒的)’,” Bettles said. Right before he got in bed, he checked his e-mail one last time and found another message saying the school had made a mistake and his application had been denied.

In fact, all 28,000 students turned away from UC San Diego, in one of the toughest college entrance seasons on record, had received the same incorrect message. The students’ hopes had been raised and then dashed (破灭) in a cruel twist that shows the danger of instant communications in the Internet age.

UCSD admissions director Mae Brown called it an “administrative error” but refused to say who had made the mistake, or if those responsible would be disciplined (受训).

The e-mail, which began, “We’re thrilled that you’ve been admitted to UC San Diego, and we’re showcasing (展示) our beautiful campus on Admit Day,” was sent to the full 46,000 students who had applied, instead of just the 18,000 who got in, Brown said.

The error was discovered almost immediately by her staff, who sent an apology within hours.

“It was really thrilling for a few hours; now he’s crushed (压垮),” said Cole’s mother, Tracy Bettles. “It’s really tough on them.

The admissions director said she was in the office on Monday until midnight answering e-mails and phone calls from disappointed students and their parents. She said she took full responsibility for the error. “We accessed the wrong database. We recognize the incredible pain receiving this false encouragement caused. It was not our intent (意图).”

56. A total of_____ received an admission e-mail from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).

A. 18,000 candidates     B. 28,000 students   C. 46,000 applicants     D. 18 students

57. From the text, we can see that ________.

A. Cole Bettles had been rejected by several universities but was finally accepted by a good one

B. Cole Bettles felt on top of the world one moment but the next he was flooded with bitter disappointment by the final message

C. Cole Bettles could hardly believe the fact that he was rejected by UCSD, one of the best universities

D. Cole Bettles was disappointed that he couldn’t go to tour the beautiful campus of UCSD with his family

58. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the wrong e-mail message?

A. The mistake was made on purpose to cause pain among the applicants.

B. It was UCSD admissions director Mae Brown who made the mistake.

C. UCSD admissions staff got information from the wrong database.

D. Staff did not discover the mistake until next Monday.

59. The admissions director Mae Brown did what she could to __________.

A. make up for the mistake

B. punish herself for the mistake

C. protect the person who made the mistake

D. help the disappointed students enter the university

60. What’s the correct understanding of the sentence “it’s really tough on them” in Paragraph 7?

A. Being rejected time and again is even hard for adults, let alone them.

B. The university staff has made a great effort to correct the mistake.

C. It’s difficult for senior students to be admitted by the universities.

D. The unexpected twist from thrill to pain is just too much for these high school seniors.

第二节 请阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请在答题卡上将对应题号的相应选项字母涂黑。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

61. His platinum albums such as “You Make Me Happy and Sad,” “Flowery Heart,” “Music Brings Us Together” and “Emil & Friends” have brought him numerous awards in Singapore, and China’s Taiwan and Hong Kong.

62. Jonathan Lee represents the creative spirit of the past 20 years in Taiwan and many renowned singers like Sarah Chan (Chen Shuhua), Sandy Lam (Lin Yilian), Emil Chau (Zhou Huajian) and Karen Mok (Mo Wenwei) draw great inspiration from Lee's works.

63. Jasmine Leong is a Malaysian singer who is very popular on the Taiwan music scene. Focusing on lyrical songs, Leong's Beijing performance will also tap into rock & roll music.

64. To remember Henrik Ibsen, with pianist Wolfgang Plagge, violinist Annar Folles and soprano Gao Xia, the Norwegian Ibsen Trio will present the classic works of the celebrated playwright.

65. The mix of musical treats for children in Beijing includes various kinds of art forms, including Western classical music and Chinese traditional music, as well as puppet plays, crosstalk shows, and highlights of Chinese local operas such as Peking Operas and Kunqu Operas.

A. Commemorative show: To mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, the founder of modern prose drama, a concert titled “Nora's Songs” will be given.

Time: 7:30 pm, March 20

Place: Peking University Concert Hall

Tel: 6275-2279, 6275-9637

B. Feel the mood: Jonathan Lee will host his 2006 concert in Beijing. As the master of music in Taiwan, Lee is famous for his unique annotation of love, mood and life.

Time: 7:30 pm, March 24, 25

Place: Capital Gymnasium, Baishiqiao Lu, Haidian District

Tel: 6835-4020

C. Chamber music: The chamber concert series of China Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will greet audiences with a woodwind quintet, a string quartet plus Bach's piano concerto and suite.

Time: 7:30 pm, March 25

Place: The Concert Hall of the Central Conservatory of Music, 43 Baojiajie, Xicheng District

Tel: 6641-4759, 6642-5744

D. Pop star: Singer and composer Emil Chau, one of the most admired music idols in China and Southeast Asia, will perform a solo concert in Beijing. Chau was born in Hong Kong and attended college in Taiwan. He has released more than 30 albums in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

Time: 7:30 pm, March 31

Place: Capital Gymnasium, Baishiqiao Lu, Haidian District

Tel: 6833-5552

E. Music for children: Some 50 colourful music-related performances will be staged until August 28 in an "Open the Door to Music" series of concerts, in a move to foster Chinese children's taste for art. The concert series will be held in several venues, sponsored by the Forbidden City Concert Hall and supported by the Beijing Municipal Culture Bureau.

Tickets: 10-100 yuan (US$1-12)

Time/date: 2 pm or 7:30 pm, July 20-August 28

Location: mainly in the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Zhongshan Park, some in Peking University Hall in Haidian District and in the China Puppet Art Theatre and Poly Theatre

Tel: 6506-5343, 6506-5345

F. Beautiful timbre: Jasmine Leong will meet her Beijing fans next month. Singing with beautiful timbre, Leong will present a series of love stories to the audience. To highlight the theme of love, 200 sets of lover's tickets, valued at 1800 yuan will be presented.

Tickets: 180-980 yuan (US$22-121)

Time/date: 7:30 pm, September 9

Location: Workers' Gymnasium, Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6501-6655




第II卷 (40分)

写作 (共二节,满分40分)

第一节:短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)(详见答题卷)

第二节:书面表达 (满分30分)(详见答题卷),直接做在答题卷上。

















第 I 卷 请将答案填涂在答题卡上

第II卷 写作 (共二节,满分40分)

第一节:短文改错 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

He is born in a farmer’s family in Suizhong County, Liaoning Province in June, 1965. When he was a child, he dreamed of flying in the sky. He joined in the army in June, 1983. In 1992, he was sent to the air force base. In August, 1996, he was one of the first 14 members from 1,500 pilots through the physical examination. He worked hard, but he was among the first astronaut of the county in 1998 and was chosen one of the first manned space aircraft astronauts late. On Oct.15, 2003, he successfully flew to space, circling around the earth about 14 circles and then returned. Lucky enough, she was honored to have been given the chance to be the first Chinese to travel in space.    


第二节: 书面表达 (满分30分)


注意:1. 词数100-120左右。










Nowadays it’s common for parents to drive their children to and from school. Recently a survey has been done on the issue. Half of the people surveyed____________________________

Nowadays it’s common for parents to drive their children to and from school. Recently a survey has been done on the issue. Half of the people surveyed__________________________
















Key to “杭州学军中学2008学年高三第十次月考英语试卷”:

1. DAABD    6. ACCBA    11. BDACA     16. DBAAB

21. BADBC   26. ADCBA    31. CDBBA    36. CDADC

41. DCCB    45. BCC   48. CCBD    52. BADA    56. CBCAD   61. DBFAE

1. is---was   2. joined in---joined   3. the air---an air   4.but---so/and  

5.first astronaut ---first astronauts   6.chosen---chosen as   7. late---later

8. circling---circled   9. Lucky---Luckily   10. she---he

One possible version A

Nowadays it’s common for parents to drive their children to and from school. Recently a survey has been done on the issue. Half of the people surveyed are in favor of the practice. Among them, half believe that driving children to school saves time. Another 30% think it comfortable to go by car, especially in harsh weather. About 15% consider it a good choice just for the sake of children’s safety. Still others think it offers more chances for parents to communicate with their children.

Personally, I like the idea of driving children to and from school. The children may have more sleep time by getting up a bit later. Also, more and more families own private cars. The parents tend to drive to work. It would save a lot of trouble for children if they give their children a ride on their way to and from work.   (121)

One possible version B

Nowadays it’s common for parents to drive their children to and from school. Recently a survey has been done on the issue. Half of the people surveyed are against the practice. About 55% of them believe it results in heavier traffic, especially in rush hours. Around 30% think that driving kids to and from school will add to pressure on parents. It takes time, expense and effort to do this. Still again, 15% worry that children may become more dependent on their parents in the long term.

While I agree that going to school by car is a better solution for young children, I don’t think it a good idea for older children. With high pressure on their studies, they need to find extra time for exercise. It would be better if they chose to cycle or walk to and from school instead of taking a car, which will definitely help them keep fit.  (128)










A.原子具有复杂的结构               B.原子的核式结构

C.原子核具有复杂的结构             D.原子核由质子和中子组成



















A.0.3kg         B.1.0kg           C.3.3kg          D.4.1kg


A.1∶3         B.3∶1

C.1∶2         D.2∶1













第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共11小题 共180分)


(1)(6分)图甲中螺旋测微器读数为         mm。图乙中游标卡尺(游标尺上有50个等分刻度)读数为          cm



















②(4分)若某次测量中电流表Al的示数为I1,电流表A2的示数为I2。则由已知量和测量值计算Rx的表达式为Rx=               .

























① 棒的加速度a

② 棒下落1m过程中,通过棒的电荷量q

③ 棒下落1m过程中,电阻上产生的总热量Q






























 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共8小题 共48分)


















第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共4小题 共72分)


(1)图甲中螺旋测微器读数为         mm。图乙中游标卡尺读数为          cm

(2) 用以上字母表示油酸分子直径的大小是:d=                    


① 在右侧虚线方框中画出测量电阻Rx的一个实验电路原理图(原理图中的元件用题干中相应的英文字母标注,有一处标错,本小题不给分)。

②计算Rx的表达式为Rx=                    .









































































































          2、可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1  C-12   N-14   O-16   Na-23

          Mg-24   S-32   Cl-35.5  K-39   Ca-40   Fe-56   Cu-64   I-127



可能用到的相对原子质量:H―1  C―12  O―16  Na―23  Mg―24 Cl―35.5  Fe―56  










2.可能用到的相对原子质量: H1 C12 O16 Na23 S32 K39 Fe56 Cu64





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