0  280  288  294  298  304  306  310  316  318  324  330  334  336  340  346  348  354  358  360  364  366  370  372  374  375  376  378  379  380  382  384  388  390  394  396  400  406  408  414  418  420  424  430  436  438  444  448  450  456  460  466  474  3002 

1.两个全等的三角形如下图所示放置,点B、A、D在同一直线上.操作:在图中,在CB边上截取CM = AB,连结DM,交AC于N.请探究∠AND的大小,并证明你的结论.




































3.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点,点分别在轴,轴的正半轴上,且满足.     (1)求点,点的坐标.














4.如图,在中,分别是的中点.点从点出发沿折线以每秒7个单位长的速度匀速运动;点从点出发沿方向以每秒4个单位长的速度匀速运动,过点作射线,交折线于点.点同时出发,当点绕行一周回到点时停止运动,点也随之停止.设点运动的时间是秒().     (1)两点间的距离是        













( ) 1 The meeting didn't start___ everyone was there.
A. because B. until C. why D. if
( ) 2 The boy ___ to bed ___ his mother came in.
A. went not; until B. didn't go; after C. went; until D. didn't go; until
( ) 3 I won't believe you___ I have seen it with my own eyes.
A. before B. until C. after D. when
( ) 4 He ___ home ___ she was satisfied ___ his answer yesterday.
A. didn't go; until; with B. wasn't go; after; to
C. doesn't go; before; with D. didn't go; until; to
( ) 5 He ___ back until the work ___ done.
A. isn't; will be B. isn't; is C. won't be; will be D. won't be; is
( ) 6 They didn't start the work ___ their teacher came back.
A. until B. while C. as soon as D. if
( ) 1 Tom will call me as soon as he ___ Shanghai.
A. arrives B. will reach C. arrives in D. get to
( ) 2 I'm sure he'll come to see me before he ___ Beijing.
A. will leave B. is leaving C. leave D. leaves
( ) 3 I will tell him the news as soon as he___ back.
A. come B. comes C. will come D. came
( ) 1 Tom has got a watch. He ___ it for two years. It _______ by his father.
A. has bought; was bought B. has got; is bought ,
C. was bought; has bought . D. has had; was bought "'
( ) 2 When he got to the station, the train ___.
A. left B. had left C. leaves D. has left
( ) 3 The boy told his father what he ___ in the street.
A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. see
( ) 4 We ___ TV when the telephone ____.
A. watched; was ringing B. were watching; rang
C. watch; rings D. are watching; rang
( ) 5 By the end of last term, I___ ten books.
A. had finished reading B. have finish reading
C. had finish to read D. finish read
( ) 1 I ___ you for a long time. Where ___ you ___?
A. didn't see; did; go B. didn't see; have; gone
C. haven't seen; have; been D. haven't seen; have; gone
( ) 2 Tom___ China for 3 years.
A. has been B. has been in C. has been to D. has been at
( ) 3 I won't go to see the film tonight, because I ___ my ticket.
A. lost B. have lost C. will lose D. didn't lose
( ) 4 -Hello! May I speak to Bob?
-Sorry, but he ___ for a month.
A. had been away B. was left C. left D. has been away
( ) 5 I ___ him since I began to live in the city.
A. know B. have known C. knew D. will know
( ) 6 Zhao Lan ___ already ___ in this school for two years.
A. was; studying B. will; study C. has; studied D. are; studying
( ) 1 Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill.
A. because B. but C. until D. if
( ) 2 May I sit nearer___I can see more clearly?
A. as if B. so that C. even if D. so
( ) 3 ___ you work hard, you will certainly succeed.
A. Though B. If C. Because D. For
( ) 4 ___ he came to study in the university, he has made much progress in the study of English.
A. While B. When C. Since D. After
( ) 5 I'd like to go swimming _____ the water is not too cold.
A. for B. unless C. if D. whether
( ) 1 There are ___ many league members in class 2 ___ in Class 4.
A. both; and B. 'so; that C. either; or D. as; as
( ) 2 -Do you have a big library?
-No, we don't. At least, not___yours.
A. as big as B. as big than C. as bigger than D. bigger as
( ) 3 Suzhou is not ____ beautiful ____ Hangzhou.
A. as; than B. so; as C. even; than D. /; than
( ) 4 Iron is more useful ___ any other metal.
A. as B. than C. then D. so
( ) 1 I want to know ___ she is going to see a film.
A. if B. that C. what D. which
( ) 2 You are sure to pass the exam ___ you study hard.
A. if B. thoughC. that D. since
( ) 3 I'll go to see the film with you___I have time this evening.
A. whether B. so C. if D. when
( ) 4 ___ you study harder, you'll never pass the final exam.
A. If B. Until C. Unless D. Except
( ) 1 Although it was raining, o o still worked in the fields.
A. but they B. and they C. they D. and yet they
( ) 2 ___ there were only five soldiers left at the front, ___ they went on fighting.
A. Because; so B. If; and C. Though; but D. Though; /
( ) 3 ___ she is very old, ___ she can still work eight hours a day.
A. Because; so B. Though; but C. As; yet D. Though; yet
( ) 1 Please answer the question in a loud enough voice ___ all the class may hear.
A. so, that B. or C. in order that D. and
( ) 2 Lift it up___I may see it.
A. though B. so that C. as D. than
( ) 3 I hurried___I wouldn't be late for class.
A. so B. so that C. if D. unless
( ) 4 We should go by bus ___ we can get there earlier.
A. as soon as B. where C. in order that D. as
( ) 1 The dictionary is so expensive ___ I can't buy it.
A. because B. when C. that D. if
( ) 2 I got there ___ late ___ I didn't see him.
A. too; to B. such; that C. so; that D. so; as
( ) 3 It is ___ hot in the room ___ we have to go out for a walk.
A. such; that B. so; that C. as; as D. such; as
( ) 4 He has___ an interesting book that we want to read it.
A. so B. such C. the same D. as



英 语 试 题

本试卷满分:150分 考试时间: 100分钟  命题人:孙永瑾 侯信星


第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)

第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

1. I often have conversations with John over ____ telephone, while keep in touch

with Tom by____ letter.

     A. /; the          B. /; a             C. the; /     D. the ; a

2. ---Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?

 ---But I ____ told anything about it.

  A. haven’t been       B. am not

  C. wasn't          D. won't be

3. _____ everyone else wouldn't go to the mountain area, he went without a second


  A. As long as           B. While

C. Where            D. In spite of

4. ---She seems a ____ waitress.

  ---Yes, each of us always feels ____ with her good manners and service.

      A. pleased; pleased                                     B. pleasant; pleasant

      C. pleased; pleasant                                     D. pleasant; pleased

5. ____ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

      A. As                         B. For                      C. With         D. Through

6. ---Why are they ____ the forest?

  ---They are ____ the murderer.

        A. searching for; searching                B. searching; in search of

        C. searching; searching                     D. in searching; searching for

7. It was ____ the radio that the young man spent a whole morning in his room.

        A. to repair           B. repaired                   C. repairing           D. to be repairing

8. When ____ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences

   without noticing the many similarities.

A. comparing                                    B. being compared       

C. compared                                   D. having compared

9. If it were not for the fact that she ____ sing, I would invite her to the party.

        A. couldn’t            B. shouldn’t                 C. can’t                 D. might not

10. Our English teacher ____ by the teachers and students.

      A. is good thought of                                  B. is thought high of

      C. is sung highly praise for                          D. is spoken highly of

11. ---John, you’ve never been to the Great Wall since you came to China, I am


   --- ____.

A. No, I’ve just been there with Mary

      B. Yes, never. How about you?

     C. No, but how I wish to

      D. Yes, but I’d like to as soon as possible

12. --- The price is fine with me. How would you like _____ paid?

--- Well, it is up to you.

      A. one                        B. it                           C. that                        D. this

13. There is such a problem ____ we all should ____.

      A. as; pay attention to it                              B. that; attract our attention

      C. as; pay attention to                                 D. that; attract our attention to it

14. ____ at the news that I didn’t know what to say to comfort her.

      A. So sad she looked                                   B. So sad did she look

      C. So sadly she looked                                D. So sadly did she look

15. With frequent storm disasters affecting all _____ of human life, it is evident that

    global warming becomes a big threat to mankind

      A. results                    B. approaches             C. methods                 D. aspects

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


       Two sons worked for their father on the family’s farm. The 16 brother had been given more responsibility and 17 for some years, and one day the older brother asked his father to 18 why. The father said, “First, go to the Kelly’s 19 and see if they have any geese for sale― we need to add to our stock(家畜).”

       The older brother soon returned with the 20 , “Yes, they have five geese they can 21 to us.” The father then said, “Good, please ask them the 22 .”

       The son returned with the answer again, “The geese are £10 each.” The father said, “Good, now ask if they can 23 the geese tomorrow.”

       And 24 the son returned with the answer, “Yes, they can deliver the geese tomorrow.”

       Next the father asked the older brother to wait and 25 , and then called to the younger brother in a 26 field, “Go to the Davidson’s farm and see if they have any 27 for sale ― we need to add to our stock.”

       The younger brother soon returned with the answer, “Yes, they have five geese for £10, 28 ten geese for £8 each; and they can deliver them tomorrow― I asked them to deliver the five 29 they heard something different 30 us in the next hour. And they agreed that if we want the 31 five geese we could 32 them at £6 each.”

       The father 33 to the older son, who 34 his head in appreciation―he now 35 why his brother was given more responsibility and reward.

16. A. older                      B. younger               C. taller                   D. thinner

17. A. reward                   B. guide                   C. right                    D. chance

18. A. translate                 B. demonstrate          C. explain                D. discuss

19. A. shop                       B. market                 C. factory                 D. farm

20. A. remark                   B. conclusion            C. answer                 D. comment

21. A. send                       B. sell                      C. give                     D. offer

22. A. price                      B. date                     C. time                    D. place

23. A. prepare                   B. deliver                 C. order                   D. provide

24. A. in a short time         B. at all times           C. at one time           D. at a time

25. A. research                  B. think                   C. learn                    D. listen

26. A. rich                        B. small                   C. nearby                 D. green

27. A. geese                      B. chickens               C. pigs                     D. ducks

28. A. though                   B. or                        C. but                      D. and

29. A. after                       B. until                    C. unless                  D. if

30. A. in                          B. on                       C. of                        D. from

31. A. extra                      B. spare                   C. unusual                D. special

32. A. visit                       B. buy                     C. borrow                D. rise

33. A. turned                    B. pointed                C. talked                  D. smiled

34. A. shook                     B. lowered               C. bent                     D. nodded

35. A. wondered               B. realized                C. admitted              D. noticed




You would like to take good photographs of real-life situations but you have few ideas for pictures. I suggest you look around you. The everyday world is full of scenes being played by an ever-changing group of actors. You probably passed a dozen picture situations without noticing on your way to work this morning.

The realistic approach to photograph has been perfected in the past by such masters as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Bill Brandt. But while you can learn a great deal from looking at the work of others, any success you can hope to achieve in this field has to come from developing an individual approach.

The main requirement for any photographer has little to do with technical matters. You must develop an awareness of the world around you and the people who live in it, and you should learn to notice when a situation may develop to a point where you will be able to take a good picture. Those who have reached this happy state will be prepared when that moment comes, and will simply raise their camera quickly and shoot. Others who are not so aware will be struggling with camera cases and lens caps.

Film manufactures must be delighted at the thought of the inexperienced photographer setting out in search of the right situation and the right moment. Many miles of costly material have passed through thousands of cameras as this endless search continues. But although a lot of this waste must be put down to inexperience, you’ll find that even the professionals have to use a lot of film when they are out shooting.

Not every shot is going to be a winner. If you look at the work of even the best photographers, you’ll notice dozens of pictures have had to be taken only because they lead up to the successful shot of a situation that the photographer has obviously been observing through the lens. You may find that you have taken one or two pictures after the right moment has passed as well. There is seldom more than one shot which stands out. There is just one point where it all comes together, and you often have to waste film to catch that precious moment.

36. According to the passage, one can become a better real-life photographer by


A. watching other photographers at work    

B. learning about famous photographers

   C. just taking a great many photographs    

D. developing skills and ideas for yourself

37. Most likely, to catch the right moment, one must ____.

A. take pictures without too much preparation       

B. take a whole series of similar pictures

C. take great care to set up the situation   

D. take one picture just at the right moment

38. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The waste of film in photography is essential to the production of good


B. Film manufactures usually enjoy pictures by inexperienced photographers.

C. Only amateur photographers waste film in taking pictures.

D. The waste of film, which is the result of poor choice of subject, is expensive

   and unnecessary.

39. The passage is ____.

    A. part of a book of camera instruction    B. an advertisement for film

C. a history of photography                    D. an introduction to photography


       Bus Tours―Gray Line (tel.021/2512-9919) offers a number of tour routes: the R$88(US$29) afternoon tour of the Sugarloaf and Rio’s historic downtown is a reasonable value; theR$88 (US$ 29) half-day tour (morning or afternoon) of the Corcovado is really wonderful. If your time is very limited you can also combine these two tours and see the Corcovado,Sugarloaf, and historic Rio in one full-day trip for R$220 (US$72), lunch included.

       Boat Tours―A 3-hour tour. Saveiros Tour (tel. 021/2224-0313) offers 3-hours tours of Guanabara Bay aboard an old wooden fishing boat. Cost is R$25 (US$8.25), including snacks of fresh fruit. Departure is at 9:30 am Tuesday through Sunday from the Gloria Marina. The tour takes in Ilha Fiscal and the navy yards, has a look at the Sugarloaf from the sea, then sails across the bay to Niteroi to look at the huge Fortaleza Santa Cruz that once guarded the mouth of Guanabara Bay.

       Helicopter TourSRio is a town where taking the high ground is rewarded. Helisight (tel.021/2511-2141) offers sightseeing tours by helicopter. Prices range from R$150 (US$50) per person for a 6-minute circuit(巡游) round the statue of Christ to R$300(US$100) per person for a 12-min flight over the Christ, Botanical Gardens, Rocinha,Lagoa, Leblon, Ipanema, Copacabana, and the Sugarloaf. There’s a minimum of two to three people per flight. Tours depart from Urca Hill (half way up to the Sugarloaf) and from the shore of Lagoa (opposite the rowing stadium in Leblon).

       Tram(有轨电车)Tours― Rio has two special tram tours. The Historical Tour departs at 10 am , while the Ecological Tour begins at 2 pm. Both tours are guided and run about 3 hours. For further information call the Museu de Bonde(tel. 021/2242-2354 or 021/2222-1003).

40. If you want to go to the Sugarloaf, you had better contact ____.

       A. Gray Line                                            B. Saveiros Tour

       C. Helisight                                              D. the Museu de Bonde

41. If you are interested in overlooking Rio, you should call ____.

       A. 021/2512-9919      B. 021/2224-0313      C. 021/2511-2141      D. 021/2242-2354

42. Bob and his parents are traveling in Rio. His father paid nearly US$220 for a

   tour. They must have chosen ____.

       A. one full-day bus tour                             B. a 3-hour boat tour

       C. a 12-minute helicopter tour                    D. a 3-hour tram tour

43. In which of the following can you have the most choices? ____.

       A. Tram Tour                                           B. Helicopter Tours

       C. Boat Tours                                    D. Bus Tours


Culture means any human behavior that is learned by human society. All of the meaningful parts of a culture are passed on to different generations through “tradition” or social learning. From this viewpoint, all human groups have a culture. Culture exists in agricultural as well as industrialized societies.

       Culture is necessary for the survival and existence of human beings as human beings. Practically everything humans know, think, value, feel and do is learned through taking part in a social cultural system. This statement is well supported by some well-written cases. Here’s one of the cases of children growing up apart from human society. In the province of Midnapore in India, the director of a children’s home was told by the local villagers that there were “ghosts(鬼)” in the forest. Upon looking into the case, the director found that two children, one about eight years old and the other about six years old, appeared to have been living with a group of wolves in the forest. These children were the ghosts described by the local people. In his diary, the director describes his first view of Kamala, the older, and Amana, the younger.

       Kamala was a terrible being, the head, a big ball of something covering the shoulder. Close at its heels there came another terrible creature exactly like the first, but smaller in size. Their eyes were bright and sharp, unlike human eyes. They were very fond of raw milk and raw meat. Generally, as they got stronger, they began going on all fours, and afterwards began to run on all fours, just like squirrels.

       Children learn human languages in the same way they learn other kinds of human behavior―by taking part in a cultural community. They learn a certain human language as well as certain kinds of human behavior through their membership in a certain cultural community.

44. Which of the following is a must for people to grow up?

   A. Being raised by one’s own parents.

   B. A good education.

   C. Being raised by human in human society.

   D. Fresh air and water.

45. The “ghosts” in the Midnapore forest seen by the local villagers were in fact two


   A. children running on fours

   B. squirrels

   C. young wolves with bright and sharp eyes

   D. children growing up in a children’s home

46. The underlined part “going on all fours” means “____”.

   A. seeing with all four eyes

   B. walking with four feet

   C. walking with both hands and feet

   D. running in groups of four

47. What would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Wolf Children

   B. Culture and Human Behavior

   C. A Director’s Diary

   D. Culture and Language Learning


       “Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather”. This statement, often made by Englishmen to describe the special weather conditions of their country, is both revealing and true. It is revealing because in it we see the Englishman insisting once again that what happens in England is not the same as what happens elsewhere. Its truth can be proved by any foreigner who stays in the country for longer than a few days.

       In no country other than England, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day! Day may break as a warm spring morning; an hour or so later black clouds may have appeared from nowhere and the rain may be pouring down. At midday conditions may be really wintry with the temperature down by about eight degrees or more centigrade. And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear, the sun will begin to shine, and for an hour or two before darkness falls, it will be summer.

       In England one can experience almost every kind of weather except the most extreme.(Some foreigners, by the way, seem to have the impression that for ten months of the year the country is covered by a dense blanket of fog; this is not true.) The problem is that we never can be sure when the different types of weather will occur. Not only we get several different sorts of weather in one day, but we may very well get a period of winter in summer and a period of summer in winter.

       This uncertainty about the weather has had a definite effect upon the Englishman’s character; it tends to make him careful, for example. The foreigner may laugh when he sees the Englishman walking on a brilliantly sunny morning wearing a raincoat or carrying an umbrella, but he may well regret his laughter later in the day! The English weather has also helped to make the Englishman adaptable. It has been said that one of the reasons why the English colonized so much of the world was that, whatever the weather conditions they met abroad, they had already experienced something like them at home!

       And, of course, the weather’s being different provides a constant topic of talk. Even the most silent Englishman is always prepared to discuss the weather. And, though he sometimes complains bitterly of it, he would not, even if he could, exchange it for the more predictable climate of other lands.

48. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

   A. Weather and Englishmen

   B. Weather Forecasting in England

   C. Weather Problems in England

   D. Better Weather in England

49. The first sentence implies that weather in England is ____.

   A. better than that in other countries

   B. worse than that in other countries

   C. more changeable than that elsewhere

   D. the same as that in other countries

50. According to Paragraph 3, weather in England is ____.

    A. predictable

B. unpredictable

    C. extremely hot or cold      

D. cold for almost 10 months of the year

51. We can infer from Paragraph 5 that ____.

   A. Englishmen hope they would have more stable weather

   B. Englishmen like their own weather

   C. the weather in England would become predictable

D. the weather in England would become more unpredictable


Michael Perham sailed into the record books last month by becoming the youngest person to sail solo across the Atlantic Ocean. The 14-year-old from Great Britain left Gibraltar on November 18 abroad a 28-foot sailboat. He reached the Caribbean island of Antigua on January 3― a 3,500-mile crossing.

“It was a really fantastic trip,” Michael told BBC News. “I enjoyed almost every moment of it.”

Michael started sailing at age 7. He was inspired to cross the Atlantic after reading about Sebastian Clover, the previous record holder. Clover was 15 when he sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in 2003.

The original plan was to complete the journey before Christmas Day. However, problems with navigation equipment forced a detour(迂回) to the Cape Verde islands, extending the trip to six weeks. Michael sailed solo, but he always had someone nearby. His father, Peter, followed two miles behind his boat and kept in regular radio contact with Michael.

Michael brought along his guitar, as well as some of his homework assignments. He also brought a camcorder(便携摄象机) and a journal to keep track of things he saw on his journey. He recorded sighting 20 bottlenose dolphins that followed him, doing tricks and swimming around the front of his sailboat. He also saw a flying fish that actually landed right on his lap!

During his travels, Michael encountered 25-foot waves, gale-force winds, and shark-infested waters. Loneliness got him down at times. He wrote about many of his experiences in his online journal.

After single-handedly sailing across the Atlantic, Michael and his father hopped on a plane to return home to Great Britain.

52. Why did Michael Perham spend more time in Atlantic Ocean than expected?

A. Problems with navigation equipment forced him to do so.

B. He would like to spend more time to enjoy the journey in the Atlantic Ocean.

C. His father advised him to do so.

D. Too fierce waves and winds forced him to do so.

53. How did Michael Perham’s father help him with his traveling?

A. His father encouraged him to start this sailing.

B. His father guided him to the destination by radio.

C. His father were staying with him in the boat all the way.

D. His father followed him behind his boat and contacted with him by radio.

54. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Michael Perham is the youngest person to sail across the Atlantic Ocean by far.

B. Michael Perham reached the Caribbean island of Antigua later than expected. 

C. Michael Perham brought his violin, a camcorder and a journal with him on the


D. Michael Perham recorded many of his experiences in his notebook.

55. What’s Michael Perham’s feeling about his trip?

A. It was wonderful.                           B. It was dangerous.

C. It was boring.                                              D. It was lonely.

A. has never gone B. had never gone
C. has never been D. had never been
( ) 3 The students want to know whether they___ dictation today.
A. had B. has . C. will have D. are
( ) 4 She asked Linda if___ go and get some.
A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may
( ) 5 Linda said the moon___ round the earth.
A. travelled B. has travelled C. travells D. had travelled
( ) 1 Can you tell me___ you were born, Betty?
A. who B. what C. when D. that
( ) 2 I don't know ___ they have passed the exam.
A. what B. if C. when D. where
( ) 3 I hardly understand.___ he has told me.
A. that B. what C. which D. who
( ) 4 She didn't know___ back soon.
A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be
( ) 5 I don't know _____ he still lives here after so many years.
A. whether B where C. what D.when
( ) 6 Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday evening?
A. what B when C why D how
( ) 7 He asked me _____told me the accident.
A whom B which C who D whose
( ) 1.They don't know ______their parents are.
A that B what C why D which
( ) 2.Please tell me ______what last year.
A.where does your sister work B where did your sister work
C where your sister works D where your sister worked
( ) 3.She asked me if I knew ______.
A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was
C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it
( ) 4. You must remember ________.
A. what your mother said B. what did your mother say
C. your mother said what D. what has your mother said
( ) 5 Did you know ____?
A. who he was looking after B. who was he looking for
C. who he is looking for D. who he is looking after
( ) 6 Could you tell me ___?
A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they leave Beijing
C. when they will leave Beijing D. when did they leave Beijing

























   A.12点    B.14点    C.8点    D.0点





  A.高à低;高à低    B.低à高;高à低

  C.低à高;低à高    D.高à低;低à高


  ①该旅游地的环境承载量有限    ②旅游景观的游览价值不高

  ③旅游景观只在特定时间出现    ④距离旅游市场的路程较远

  A.①②    B.②③    C.①④    D.③④


  A.①小麦、棉花――雨水    B.②水稻、棉花――冰雪融水

  C.③小麦、水稻――河水    D.④小麦、甜菜――冰雪融水



  A.中国、印度、俄罗斯、英国       B.俄罗斯、中国、英国、印度

 C.英国、俄罗斯、印度、中国       D.印度、英国、中国、俄罗斯


  A.甲国乳肉畜牧业发达             B.乙国北部山区属于印度洋板块

  C.丙国人口再生产类型属现代型     D.丁国电脑软件业发达


  ①国土面积小于丙国    ②山区面积广大

  ③人口密度大于丙国    ④干旱、半干旱区面积广大

  A.①②    B.②④    C.①③    D.③④



    A.由东向西      B.由西南向东北    C.由南向北      D.从东南向西北


    A.亚马孙平原    B.加勒比海        C.菲律宾群岛    D.琉球群岛


    ①西汉“推恩令”        ②隋唐“均田制”

    ③北宋“方田均税法”    ④清初“更名田”

    A.①②③④    B.②③④    C.①③    D.②④



    ①唐朝安西都护府  ②唐朝北庭都护府  ③元朝澎湖巡检司  ④明朝奴儿干都司

    A.①②         B.③④       C.②③④  D.①②③④



A.莲鹤方壶    B.嵌错赏功宴乐铜壶    C.说唱俑     D.秘色瓷




    A.1919年―1922年    B.1927年―1931年

    C.1935年―1937年    D.1942年―1945年







    A.戊戌变法的起因    B.二次革命的起因

    C.辛亥革命的起因    D.新文化运动的起因






















    ①农业产值比重下降    ②第三产业比重迅速上升

    ③新兴工业异军突起    ④重工业的地位越来越重要

    A①②③    B.①②④    C.①③④    D.②③④



    A.《凡尔赛和约》《四国条约》    B.《凡尔赛和约》《慕尼黑协定》

    C.《四国条约》《慕尼黑协定》    D.《反共产国际协定》《慕尼黑协定》













    A.①②    B.①③    C.②③    D.②④

















    A.①②    B.②③    C.①③    D.①④






    A.①②    B.②③    C.①③    D.③④




    ①扰乱金融秩序的恶果    ②损害人民币国际声誉的恶果

    ③侵犯国家利益的恶果    ④增加消费者购买力的恶果

    A.①②③    B.①②④    C.①③④    D.③③④









    ①道高一尺,魔高一丈      ②行百里半九十

    ③不积跬步,无以至千里    ④吃一堑,长一智

    A.①②    B.②③    C.①④    D.②④




    A.没有量变就没有质变    B.质变是事物发展的决定性环节

    C.质变是量变的基础      D.新事物必然战胜旧事物














    (1)图9中数码①②③④所示的岛屿中,钓鱼岛是             (填数码)。(2分)

    (2)图9中A河上游地区面临的主要生态环境问题是                     。分析其形成的根本原因。(6分)



























































(3)被称为美国“汽车城”的是           (填字母),其形成的主要条件有哪些?(8分)



    材料一  大多数在1918年的“自由公债”中购买自己平生第一笔债券的美国人,都转向了更具投机性的股票……当富人越来越富的时候,千百万收入微薄的芸芸众生正掏空他们的储蓄,降低他们的购买力,为了投机而抵押他们的未来。……













1( ) 1 John___ come to see us tonight, but he isn't very sure yet.
A. may B. canC. has to D. must
( ) 2 They ___ do well in the exam.
A. can be able to B. be able to
C. can able to D. are able to
( ) 3 -May I take this book out?
-No, you___.
A. can't B. may not C. needn't D. aren't
( ) 4 You___ go and see a doctor at once because you're got a fever.
A. can B. must C. dare D. would
( ) 5 -Can you speak Japanese?
-No, I____.
A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. may not
2( ) 1 -He___ be in the classroom, I think.
-No, he ___ be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.
A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; can't D. may; mustn't
( ) 2 -Shall I get one more cake for you, Dad?
-Thanks, but you___, I've had enough.
A. may not B. must not C. can't D. needn't
( ) 3 Even the top students in our class can't work out this problem, so it       be very difficult.
A. may B. must C. can D. need
( ) 4 He isn't at school. I think he ___ be ill.
o A. can B. shall C. must D. has to
( ) 5 ___ I take this one?
A. May B. Will C. Are D. Do
3( ) 1 The children___ play football on the road.
A. can't B. can C. mustn't D. must
( ) 2 You ___ be late for school again next time.
A. mustn't B. needn't
C. don't have to D. don't need to
( ) 3 -Must I do my homework at once?
-No, you___.
A. needn't B. mustn't C. can't D. may not
4( ) 1 His arm is all right. He___ go and see the doctor.
A. has not to B. don't have to
C. haven't to D. doesn't have to
( ) 2 He had to give up the plan, ___ he?
A. did B. didn't C. does D. doesn't
( ) 3 They had to walk here, ___ they?
A. mustn't B. did C. didn't D. hadn't
5( ) 1 He had better stay here, ___ he?
A. didn't B. don't C. hadn't D. isn't
( ) 2 You'd better___late next time.
A. not to be B. not be C. won't be D. don't be
( ) 3 You'd better ___ your hair ___ once a month.
A. had; cut B. had; cutted
C. have; cut D. have; cutted
( ) 4 You___ ask that man over there. Maybe he knows the way.
A. had better not to B. had not better C. had better D. had better not
6( ) 1 -Shall we go and visit the History Museum next Sunday?
A. Here you are B. Sorry, I can't C. Yes, please D. Let me try
( ) 2 -Why don't you ask Mike to go with us?
-Thanks, ___.
A. I will B. I won't C. lean D. I may
( ) 3 -___ I take the newspaper away?
-No, you mustn't. You____read it only here.
A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must
7( ) 1 Excuse me. ___ you please pass me that cup?
A. Do B. Should C. Would D. Must
( ) 2 ___ you like to have another try?
A. Could B. Will C. Would D. Do
( ) 3 -Would you like to go boating with us?
-Yes, ___.A. I'd like B. I want C. I'd like to D. I do
8( ) 1 You___ worry about your son. He will get well soon.
A. needn't B. can't C. mustn't D. have to
( ) 2 The poor man needs our help, ___ he?
A. need B. needn't C. does D. doesn't
( ) 3 -Must we do our homework first?
-No, you___. You may have a rest first.
A. mustn't B. needn't C. may not D. can't



  数    学(理科)







球的表面积公式        其中表示球的半径

球的体积公式         其中表示球的半径







