0  1038  1046  1052  1056  1062  1064  1068  1074  1076  1082  1088  1092  1094  1098  1104  1106  1112  1116  1118  1122  1124  1128  1130  1132  1133  1134  1136  1137  1138  1140  1142  1146  1148  1152  1154  1158  1164  1166  1172  1176  1178  1182  1188  1194  1196  1202  1206  1208  1214  1218  1224  1232  3002 


第 I 卷

本卷21 小题,每小题 6 分,共 126 分。







                                      英    语                     





1.Why does the woman want to go to America?

A.To take language courses.

B.To attend a conference.

C.To visit some friends.

2.What do we know about Peter Smith?

A.He is having lunch at home.

B.He is out at the moment.

C.He is talking with Mary

3.What is said about the woman?

A.She spends more than she earns.

B.she saves a lot each month.

C.She has a tight budget.

4.What do we know about the speakers?

A.They are now traveling in Mexico.

B.They have been to a festival in Mexico.

C.They painted some pictures in Mexico.

5.What is the woman doing?

A.Helping children with AIDS.

B.Raising money for African children.

C.Collecting information on African children.




6.What was the man doing during the earthquake?

A.Shouting. B.Running. C.Sleeping.

7.How was the man when the earthquake took place?

A.He was ill. B.He was helpless. C.He was frightened.


8.Why does the boy love Sunday?

A.He can play basketball.

B.He has no classes at school.

C.He can watch sports on TV.

9.What is the boy expected to do?

A.To help with the housework.

B.To watch a game on TV.

C.To have a good rest.


10.What is said about medical development in the future?

A.Health care will be free.

B.Cancer may be cured.

C.AIDS may disappear.

11.What will make distant places more popular for holiday?

A.Better air service.

B.Faster air transport.

C.Lower cost for air travel. 

12.What is the topic of this interview?

A.Future ways of travelling.

B.Medical progress in the future.

C.Changes of life in the next decade.


13.Where is the woman going now?

A.To an art museum.

B.To a Chinese restaurant.

C.To an underground station.

14.Why does the woman come to the city?

A.For business.

B.For traveling.

C.For shopping.

15.Why does the man recommend the restaurant to the woman?

A.The service there is good.

B.The food there is tasty.

C.The price there is low.

16.According to the man, which is the best means of transport to the 


A.The bus.

B.The taxi.

C.The underground.


17.What kind of passage have you just heard?

A.A public lecture.

B.A radio announcement.

C.A government statement.

18.What is the main purpose of the event?

A.To increase people’s sense of environment protection.

B.To invite people to join an environmental organization.

C.To persuade families to have an outing in the mountains.

19.How many trees are going to be planted today?

A.700 B.2000 C.4000

20.What does the speaker advise volunteers to do?

A.To learn some tree-planting skills.

B.To come along any time they like.

C.To bring along their gloves.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



21. --Does the young man _____ there have possession of the company?

--No, The company is _____ his father.

A. standing; in the possession of  

B. stood; in the possession of

C. standing; in possession of

D. stand; in possession of

22. --My friends are leaving tomorrow afternoon.

--I would rather they _____ on an early train.

A. had left        B. leave         C. would rather        D. left

23. --I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll make shorter work of this.

---______. I’m not in a hurry.

A. Take it easy  B. Take your time  C. That’s all right  D. Do as you please

24. Some 1,000 new words or usages join the English language each year. Some go into the dictionary. Others        from use.

A.remain     B.leave C.fail    D.fade

25.--How about       Christmas evening party?

--I should say it was       success.

A. a; a            B. a; /            C. the; a  D. the; /

26. When _____ naughty children with others, we often pay attention to their shortcoming without noticing their ability.

A. compared    B. comparing    C. being compared   D. having compared

27._____ that she was in great danger, Mary walked deeper into the forest.

A. Not realized                 B. Not to realize  

C. Not realizing                D. Not to have realized

28.The view _____ many students hold is _____ too much homework is arranged by their teachers.

A. which; which    B. that; that     C. that; which     D. what; that

29. --Why are you making so much noise?

    --I just can’t help ______.

A. so          B. that          C. that         D. it

30. --Alice, shall I use your blue ink?

--_____ is a pity that it _____ .I’ll get some.

A. It; has run out              B. It; has been run out 

C. That; has been used up       D. That; has run out

31. Some students kept ____ playing computer games the whole time, which resulted _____ their failure in the exam.

A. up; from     B. on; from      C. up; in      D. on; in

32. --Waiter!how much will I pay for a night?

--Prices _____ from room to room.

A. increase    B. vary    C. range    D. divide

33. Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first_____.
A. intention    B. attempt    C. purpose    D. desire

34.I was about to go to bed ____ suddenly someone knocked at the door.

A. while         B. since            C. when           D. then

35.The average cost of a new house per square meter has ____ by 10%.

A. sent up      B. come up        C. gone up       D. brought up



Fifteen years spent in the field of education has provided me with many treasured moments. One of the most unforgettable   36   when I was teaching second   37  , 10 years ago.

In May I decided to plan something special for the children; a Mother’s Day tea. We had put our heads together to   38   ideas of how to   39   our mothers. We practiced singing songs, memorized poems and wrote cards. We decided to hold our tea the Friday before Mother’s Day. I was surprised and   40   to learn that every mother was planning to attend. I   41   invited my own mother.

Finally, the big day arrived. Each child   42   up at our classroom door, expecting the arrival of his or her mom.   43   it got closer to starting time, I looked around and my eyes quickly found Jimmy. His mother hadn’t shown up and he was looking   44  .

I took my mother by the hand and walked over to Jimmy. “Jimmy,” I said, “I have a bit of problem here and I was   45   if you could keep my mother   46   while I’m busy.”

My mom and Jimmy sat at a table. Jimmy   47   my mom her treats, presented her with the gift I had made, just as we had   48   the day before. Whenever I looked over, my mother and Jimmy were in deep   49  .

Now 10 years later, I work with students of all ages, educating them about the environment. Last year, I took a senior class on a field trip, and there was Jimmy, I had the students complete an outline of the day’s   50   and an evaluation of our trip. Then I collected the students’ booklets and checked them to see if   51   was completed. When I came   52   Jimmy’s page, he had written “Remember our Mother’s Day tea we had in second grade, Mrs, Marra? I do! Thanks for all you did for me, and thank your mother, too.”

I told him I really enjoyed what he had written. He looked rather embarrassed and   53   his own thanks and walked away. Suddenly he ran back and gave me a big hug. “Thanks again. No one even knew my mother didn’t   54   it.”

I ended my workday with a hug from a teenage boy who had   55   stopped hugging teachers years ago.

36.A.lasted       B.happened  C.experienced      D.described

37.A.school      B.class  C.grade D.lesson

38.A.pay attention toB.look forward toC.get on with      D.come up with

39.A.love  B.please       C.respect      D.admire

40.A.astonished B.worried    C.relieved    D.interested

41.A.even  B.ever  C.still   D.once

42.A.followed   B.held  C.kept  D.lined

43.A.As    B.Although  C.While       D.Because

44.A.wild  B.curious     C.strange     D.upset

45.A.considering      B.wondering       C.asking      D.doubting

46.A.connection       B.care   C.company   D.concern

47.A.served      B.supplied    C.assigned    D.applied

48.A.taught      B.studied     C.practiced   D.told

49.A.mind B.thought     C.agreement D.conversation

50.A.feeling     B.behavior   C.event D.action

51.A.something B.everything       C.anything   D.nothing

52.A.by     B.to      C.on     D.over

53.A.announced       B.delivered  C.stated       D.whispered

54.A.make B.get    C.do     D.take

55.A.probably   B.exactly     C.rarely       D.eagerly




New York Time―A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself, setting off panic among holiday shoppers, the police said.

“The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds,” Sgt. Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news. “We have been able to clear the mall,” she said. “We don’t believe we have any other shooters.” The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings.

She did not give the shooter’s identity. “We are still conducting the investigation,” Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city’s mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha.

She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background. The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said, but by then the shootings were over.

It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives. A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity (匿名) said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to “go out in style.”

The shootings broke the usually banal routine of holiday shopping. The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd. Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter.

   Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores. Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised. President Bush was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place.

56. Where did the shooting first come out?

A. On a newspaper       B. In the InternetC. In TV news    D. In a police poster

57. What do the underlined words “go out in style” probably mean?

A. go out of the mall in particular clothes

B. walk in the mall with everybody focused on

C. go to a socially event by fashionable means

D. stop his life in a impressive way

58. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home.

B. The city’s mayor happened not to be in the city when the shooting took place.

C. Police arrived at the mall before the shootings were over and rescued customers.

D. The official who showed what the note mean have no request of his own identity.

59. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. There is only one shooter in this event.

B. The shooting created fears among the customers.

C. An important holiday is coming soon.

D. President Bush came here for the shooting.

60. Which of the following can be the best title of the news?

A. Gunman Kills 8 People, Then Himself at a Mall in Omaha

B. Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday

C. Bush Happened to Escape a Shot

D. Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the west of Omaha


Living in the wild can be hard. Finding food and staying safe aren’t easy. Each day, animals struggle to survive in their habitats. Not all animals get by on their own. Some animals form a close partnership with other kinds of animals. These pairings are called symbiotic (共生的) relationships.

In a symbiotic relationship, the animals depend on each other. One animal helps the other meet its needs. Sounds good, right? Not always. Some animals are not very kind to their partners. In some cases, one animal meets its needs but hurts its partner. Take ticks, for example. These insects suck blood to live. To get blood, they attach themselves to other kinds of animals. Ticks can pass germs that cause disease instead of helping their hosts.

In other relationships, animals don’t treat their partners so poorly. Both animals benefit from living with the other animal.

Small animals called cleaner shrimps have found a way of helping fish at coral reefs. As their name suggests, the shrimps clean the fish. They hang out at what scientists call a cleaning station. A fish stops by. Then a shrimp climbs onto the fish and even steps into the fish’s mouth. The shrimp uses its tiny claws to pick stuff off the fish’s body. That can include dead skin, tiny pieces of food, and wee creatures that can hurt the fish. The fish gets a nice cleaning. The shrimp enjoys a tasty meal of fish trash.

Small birds called plovers are also in the cleaning business. They have big customers― crocodiles. Crocs have long snouts (鼻子) filled with sharp teeth. Cleaning them is tricky. When a croc opens its mouth, the plover hops right in. The croc does not snap its snout shut. Instead, it lets the plover eat small, harmful animals attached to the crocodile’s teeth. The plover gets an easy meal while the croc gets clean teeth.

61. The text is mainly about ______.

   A. the hard life in the wild         B. some dangerous animals

   C. animals living together            D. animals in a symbiotic relationship

62. According to the text, in a symbiotic relationship, _______.

   A. animals depend on each other B. birds depend on animals for food

   C. both sides can get help       D. not all animals treat their partners well

63. Why do the cleaner shrimps clean the fish?

   A. To get fish trash for food.              B. To eat wee creatures.

   C. To help fish go out of coral reefs.      D. To get food for fish.

64. When plovers hop into crocodiles’ mouths, they ______.

   A. are really to clean crocodiles’ teeth

   B. are to make crocodiles happy

   C. aren’t afraid of being eaten

   D. aren’t happy to clean the crocodiles’ teeth

65. According to the text, it can be inferred that ______.

   A. living in the wild can be hard

   B. different animals have different living ways

   C. crocodiles mainly live on plovers

   D. ticks are useful to some animals


Three Mexican fishermen have been rescued after drifting for about nine months across thousands of miles of the Pacific Ocean in a small boat, a hard experience they survived by eating raw birds and fish and drinking rain water.

The shark fishermen said on Wednesday they left their home town of San Blas on Mexico’s Pacific coast in November and were blown 5,000 miles off course after their 25-foot fiberglass boat ran out of gas and they were left to the mercy of the winds and the tides. Their families had given them up for dead.

“We ate raw fish, ducks, sea gulls. We took down any bird that landed on our boat and we ate it like that, raw,” said Jesus Vidana, one of the three survivors.

The odyssey finally ended when Vidana and the other two men, Salvador Ordonez and Lucio Rendon, were rescued a week ago by a Taiwanese fishing boat in waters between the Marshall Islands and Kiribati.

The three men were sunburned but otherwise in good health. Vidana said they always believed they would be found.

“We never lost hope because we were always seeing boats. They passed us by, but we kept on seeing them. Every week or so, sometimes we’d go a month without seeing one, but we always saw them so we never lost hope,” he said.

They were lucky to be picked up in the end because they were fast asleep and only noticed the rescue boat was coming for them when they heard its engine.

“There are no words to express it. The emotion here is very strong because we thought they were dead,” said Efrain Partida, a fellow fisherman in San Blas, which was once a Spanish port and is known for its bird life, tropical jungle and mosquitoes and sand flies.

San Blas is home to thousands of fishermen and many have old boats without radios or life-saving device.

66. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The Nine-month Drift on the Pacific Ocean

   B. Fishermen Survive Nine Months at Sea Eating Birds

   C. Three Deaths Drifting on the Pacific Ocean

   D. The Wonder from San Blas

67. According to the text, it can be inferred that the news was earliest reported in ______.

   A. July      B. August      C. October       D. November

68. What made them unable to send signals for help?

   A. The lack of gas.

   B. Lacking the related knowledge.

   C. There being no need for it.

   D. The boat’s lacking life-saving device.

69. They never lost the hope of being found because ______.

   A. they often saw the passing boats

   B. they could get enough food

   C. they knew where they would go

   D. they foresaw the rescue was coming

70. The underlined word “it” in the eighth paragraph refers to ______.

   A. the fact that they stayed nine months on the sea

   B. what made them live on for so long a time

   C. the news that they are still alive after nine months

   D. the fact that they left San Blas so long


     Every year students flock to the college bookstore to purchase the different textbooks that they need for their classes. Little do these students realize that, in doing so, they are throwing good money away. It may sound unbelievable but textbooks, in some cases, actually cost as much as, if not more, than college fees.

Many people think that college bookstore are the most convenient source for textbooks. Titles are usually in-stock and students may purchase new textbooks or  choose to buy second-hand books and save money . But the money saved by purchasing second-hand textbooks from college bookstores is small compared to the amount they could save by shopping online.

More and more online booksellers have begun selling textbooks at heavily discounted prices. Online second-hand bookstores are another source for college books as they stock a large number of textbooks, which means sizable savings for students. Students should avoid purchasing their textbooks at the first store that they browse online since there are so many ‘virtual’ booksellers on the Net. Price isn't the only factor to consider when making an online purchase. Students should also consider shipping costs and delivery time when making their decision.

Online auctions(拍卖) are another option for students seeking a bargain. This option, however, has its pros and cons. A plus is that students can get incredibly cheap books. One problem is that while online bookstores have a system in place that ensure  you receive your order within a reasonable amount of time, with an auction purchase, however, you  must depend on the auction seller's timetable.

One way that students can really save is by getting books for free. Project Gutenberg is one resource that English majors will find invaluable. Here students can legally download a huge collection of classic novels. In the past students needing help with their studies would often have to spend a lot of money buying expensive study guides. Today that is no longer the case. Cash-strapped students can now visit the website SparkNotes for free downloadable study guides as well as classics.

71. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

A. Learning to save on Textbooks

B. Why Buy Textbooks

C. Online Shopping

D. Tips for Buying Secondhand Textbooks

72. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a source to obtain textbooks ?

A. College bookstores.

B. Online used bookstores.

C. Online auctions.

D. Secondhand bookstore centres.

73. The underlined expression ‘pros and cons’(paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to __________.

A. professionals and conservatives            B. joy and sadness

C. good and bad points                                     D. processes and conditions

74. According to the passage, Project Gutenberg is probably __________.

A. a government project aimed at helping English majors

B. a project to help poor students get free learning materials

C. a website for English majors to get the guides from language experts

D. a website for students to get free sources for English learning

75. From the passage, we can learn that__________.

A. the cost of textbooks in college is low compared to the amount spent on tuition

B. online auctions are perfect for students seeking text books.

C. students should visit many websites before buying their books.

D. students should consider shopping costs and delivery time above all else when making their buying decision.

第四部分:写作 (共两节,满分35分)


AIDS is a medical condition caused by HIV, a virus which damages people’s natural defenses against disease. So far, no cure has been found for it.

In the early mid-1980s, while other parts of the world were beginning to deal with the serious disease, Asia remained relatively unaffected by this newly discovered health problem. By the early 1990s, however, HIV and AIDS had hit several Asian countries, and by the end of that decade, HIV was spreading rapidly in many areas of the continent. Today, HIV and AIDS are a growing problem in every region of Asia. The latest statistics produced by UNAIDS suggest that in 2008, over 5 million people were living with HIV or AIDS in Asia.

Various factors cause the spread of HIV, including poverty, inequality, unequal status of women, cultural myths about sex and high levels of migration(移民). Although it’s useful to understand the situation of AIDS in Asia as a whole, each country in the region faces a different situation. In Cambodia and Thailand, there has been evidence of declines in HIV infection levels. In Indonesia, Pakistan and Vietnam, meanwhile, the number of people living with HIV has rapidly increased. In China, the number of people newly infected with HIV and AIDS is also rising, although at a much slower pace.

Much improvement is needed to prevent HIV and AIDS around Asia. New guidelines and policy documents have been continually issued over the years. Most of the successful programs do have at least three features in common. Firstly, these programs encourage HIV and AIDS education among the general population to teach people how to avoid infection and to face discrimination. Secondly, they are very practical and they involve the infected people themselves in program design and implementation(实施). Last but not least, strong leadership is essential for HIV prevention. If all of the leaders truly committed themselves to this cause, then a great many lives would be saved.

Overview of HIV and AIDS in Asia

The (1)_________ of  AIDS

HIV, a virus (2) _________ the body’s immune system.

The past situation

◇ In the early mid-1980s, with other parts of the world troubled with the serious disease, Asia remained (3)__________unaffected by this newly discovered health problem.

◇ In the early 1990s,HIV and AIDS (4) _________ only several Asian countries, but HIV was spreading rapidly in the next 10 years in Asia.

The (5)__________


◇ AIDS/HIV is a growing problem in every region, over 5 millions people living (6)___________ HIV or AIDS

◇ Asian countries are facing (7)___________ situations today.

The improvement to prevent  HIV and AIDS

Three (8)___________ most of the successful programs have in common.

◇ (9)_________ people to be educated about how to avoid infection and face discrimination .

◇ Being practical and getting the infected people (10) _________ in the program design and implementation .

◇ Leaders’ taking an active part in the cause.







不无故旷课, 不以强凌弱.


注意:1 词数:120左右。

2 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。


  It’s important and necessary for us to be good students. But how can we become good students?

















cause        damaging   relatively        hit   present/ current   

with     different  features       Encouraging    involved



 How to be a good student

It is important and necessary for us to be good students. But how can we become good students? In my opinion, those who are strict with themselves and in their studies can be considered as good students while those with bad behaviors of smoking, drinking or being absent from classes without any reason  are admitted to be bad ones. Being good students, we should show respect to our teachers and the elderly and be always ready to help others. Besides we must obey the school regulations, and try not to form the bad habits, such as being addicted to playing computer games, telling lies and teasing and bulling the weak.

In a word, good students are always trying their best to make constant progress so that they can achieve their goals.





    本试卷分第1卷(选择题30分)和第1I卷(非选择题120分)两部分,全卷满分1 50分’考试时间150分钟。












A.0             B.1              C.2              D.3


A .35            B.           C.           D. 







A .0              B.1           C.3         D.4




5.在中,分别为三个内角 所对应的边,设向量



A.           B.           C.        D.


A.27                   B.30     C.33               D.36













A.4             B.6              C.12         D.16

8.在样本的频率发布直方图中,共有11个小长方形,若其中一个小长方形的面积等于其他10个小长方形面积和的四分之一,样本容量为160,则该小长方形这一组的频数为                          A .32             B.              C.40           D. 



A.           B.           C.            D. 

10. 若,则大小关系是  

A.                     B.     C.                    D.


A.            B.            C.    D.


A.                   B.               

C.                    D.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共90分)




(考试时间:150分钟  满分:150分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)


1 选择题用答题卡的考生,答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、试题科目用2B铅笔涂写在答题卡上学科网(Zxxk.Com)

2 选择题用答题卡的考生,在答卷时,每小时选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷和答题卷的选择题栏中;不用答题卡的考生,在答卷时,每小题选出答案后,填在答题卷相应的选择题栏上。学科网(Zxxk.Com)

3 答卷时,考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、考点、准考证号填在答题卷相应的位置;答题时,请用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔直接答在答题卷上,不要在试题卷上答题。学科网(Zxxk.Com)


第I卷  阅读题(66分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)



                  命题人 :瞿著平、席冬梅、杨会杰 







在现代可推测火山爆发期间 (    )
















2.对图中河流流向、甲处潜水流向、①处潜水位的判断正确的一组是(   )

A. 西北    北    65        B.东南   南     55

C. 西北   东南    65       D.西北   北     55

3.下列说法正确的是 (   )









    A.a处            B.b处             C.c处            D.d处


    A.地形平坦,有利于城市建设             B.水源充足,有利于人类居住

    C.水陆交通便利,有利于对外联系         D.阳光灿烂,有利于农业生产













6.若在图2中乙处修建一水库,对生态环境产生的影响是(    )

A.会使图中湖泊不断萎缩          B.河口滩涂增速变缓

C.一定会造成库区周围土地盐碱化  D.使河流下游径流量变幅增大

7.图5中甲、乙、丙、丁四处可能形成的地貌与图6中四幅图配对正确的是(    )



A.甲一III      B.乙一Ⅳ         C.丙一I          D.丁一II




A.  C点的地理坐标是(0°,60°E)




9. 若AB是80°E经线,B、A分别为南北极点, AC位于昼半球,CB位于


A.7时20分    B.14时40分    C.3时20分   D.20时40分



    A.②点的太阳高度角大于①     B.①②两点的太阳高度角相等

    C.②③两点的太阳高度角相等   D.③点的太阳高度角小于①点的太阳高度角










11. 甲图所示的工业部门、乙图所示的工业部门最有可能是






A.1840年         B.1843年        C.1858年         D.1860年


A.北伐战争的胜利    B.红军长征的胜利     C.抗日战争的胜利    D.解放战争的胜利


A.揭露和批判了私有制的罪恶        B.维护和巩固了欧洲各国的统治

C.其法律观念具有普遍性            D. 给予自由民和奴隶以公民权


A.定期召开全体成员参加的公民大会    B. 各级官员实行差额选举

C.所以公民具有参与权、知情权、发言权        D.集体管理、依法行政


A.玉面人的年代     B.玉面人的特征     C.鼎内壁的小篆        D.扁足青铜方鼎



A.①②⑤       B.①②③⑤        C.①②④⑤          D.①②③④⑤


A.伽利略开创了近代科学         B. 达尔文建立起生物进化论

C.牛顿的万有引力定律和力学三定律         D.法拉第的电磁感应理论


A.重视礼仪教化     B.主张礼法并施    C.强调严刑峻法     D.提倡为政以德


A.有利于奠定国家工业化的基础        B.存在着使农、轻、重比例失调的危险

C.有利于提高国家的国防能力           D.有利于促进建国初期国民经济的恢复


A.《论人民民主专政》         B. 《新民主主义论》

C.《论十大关系》             D. 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾问题》


A.适应了资本主义自由竞争的需要     B.适应了国家垄断资本主义的需要

C.适应了殖民掠夺的需要        D.适应了全球经济一体化的需要

23.某银行某年对外贷款共计人民币5000万元,平均年利率是13%,共吸收存款4000万元,平均年利率9%。在这一年中,银行共支付职工工资、奖金等40万元,其他开支130万元。这一年该银行的利润是   (    )

A.80万元             B.120万元        C.360万元        D.170万元

24.2008年9月16日,国家质检总局阶段性检测结果显示,包括蒙牛、伊利、圣元、雅士利等著名品牌在内的22家乳企发现“污染奶粉”。在河北、天津、山西、江西、陕西、内蒙、广东、湖南、黑龙江、山东、上海等11省市22家企业的69批次婴幼儿奶粉发现含有三聚氰胺。“污染奶粉”事件已上升为全国性乳品食品安全事件。有专家认为,“污染奶粉”事件将导致全社会对国产乳品的质量信任跌至冰点,将严重打击消费者信心,此外,还将进一步增加国际社会对中国食品的质量忧虑,对食品出口带来负面影响。本土乳业将遭遇消费诚信危机和进口奶粉替代的冲击,市场需求增速预计将大幅下降。对此,我国企业应考虑:(    )





25.右图反映的是一种经济现象。面对CPI不断走高,我国政府可能采取的措施有(    )





A.①②③④     B.②③④     

C.①②④       D.①②③


26.奥运会开幕式的文艺表演向全世界讲述了感动世界的中国故事,是一场既宏伟又节俭的开幕式。之所以要勤俭办奥运,是因为(    )

①艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约是有志者的精神境界, ②勤俭节约的精神是中华民族的传统美德, ③勤俭节约的精神是国家民族精神的象征,是现代化建设的需要。④勤俭节约的精神是国家抑制消费的需要

A.①②③   B.②③④   C.①③④     D.①②③④

27. “节俭办奥运”的观念真正落实到了整个筹办和举办过程中,从哲学上看是因为(    )



③要用发展的观点来看问题 ④量变与质变是辩证统一的关系

A.①②③   B.②③④   C.①③④     D.①②③④

28. 在举办奥运的过程中,政府做到了(    )

①履行国家经济职能、政治职能、文化职能和社会公共服务职能 ②坚持对人民负责的原则

③依法执政、民主执政、科学执政 ④直接参与经济活动

A.①②  B.②③④   C.①③④     D.①②③④


29.该地区发展村民自治(    )

①有利于提高村民参与政治生活的能力  ②有利于基层民主政治建设,保证人民群众依法参与民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督  ③有利于建设社会主义政治文明  ④有利于增加农民收入,提高广大人民群众的物质生活水平

A.①②④    B.①③④    C.①②③    D.①②③④

30、在我国现阶段,实行村民自治是基层民主中公民参与政治生活的重要形式。村委会是村民自治的重要机构,下列对村委会性质理解正确的有(    )





31. “孩子,快抓紧妈妈的手,去天堂的路太黑了,妈妈怕你碰了头,快抓紧妈妈的手,让妈妈陪你走……”5.12汶川大地震的灾难侵蚀人们心灵时,一首首优秀的诗歌作品抒发了情怀,激励了国人,唤起了希望。这体现了(    )

①文化对社会发展起促进作用    ②文化对人具有潜移默化的影响

 ③文化是一种社会精神力量      ④社会意识是社会存在的反映

 A.②④    B.①②    C.③④    D.①③


32.开幕式上“孔子的三千弟子”手持竹简高声吟唱的精彩场景给观众留下了深刻的印象,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”的豪迈歌声,撞击着全世界观众的耳膜,透视着好客的中国人无比的热情和真诚。材料说明(    )

①文化对人的影响具有潜移默化的作用  ②每个民族的文化都有自己的精粹

③尊重文化多样性要坚持文化一律平等的原则 ④传统文化有继承性和鲜明的民族性

A.①②        B.①③          C.③④           D.②④

33、开幕式精彩的竹简表演使得苏州许多工艺品商店内竹简十分畅销,竹简以其悠久的历史、古朴的造型深受顾客的喜爱。这说明(    )

①文化与经济相互交融  ②文化对人的影响具有深远持久的特点

③大众传媒易于引导人们的消费观念  ④社会精英是社会实践和文化创造的主体

A.①②③        B.①②④          C.①③④           D.②③④


材料一  安徽出现50年一遇旱情,安徽省气象台近日发布干旱红色预警,预计2009年2月1日至8日,全省综合气象干旱指数达到特旱(气象干旱为50年一遇),淮河以北地区将有60%以上的农作物受旱。

材料二   2003年6月下旬至7月中旬,淮河流域出现了自1991年以来最大的一次洪水。为缓解水位上涨压力,政府启用安徽省境内部分蓄洪区实行分洪,安全搬迁群众4.6万人;还启用了怀洪新河分洪等措施.

材料三  安徽地势西南高、东北低,地形地貌南北迥异,复杂多样。长江、淮河横贯省境,将全省划分为淮北平原、江淮丘陵和皖南山区三大自然区域。淮河以北,地势坦荡辽阔,为华北平原的一部分;江淮之间西耸崇山,东绵丘陵,山地岗丘逶迤曲折;长江两岸地势低平,河湖交错,平畴沃野,属于长江中下游平原;皖南山区层峦叠峰,峰奇岭峻,以山地丘陵为主。安徽地处暖温带过渡地区,以淮河为分界线,北部属暖温带半湿润季风气候.南部属亚热带湿润季风气候。主要特征是气候温和,日照充足,季风明显,四季分明。                                                           

            淮河流域图                             安徽省地形

(1)根据材料一分析, 正常年份B以北春旱严重的原因有哪些?(6分)

(2)根据材料一分析, B处是我国水资源严重短缺的地区,解决该地水资源不足的措施有哪些? (8分)

      (3)根据材料三分析, A处洪涝灾害产生的原因有哪些,当地应采取哪些措施加以治理?(14分)

(4)根据材料二    概括我省降水的空间分布特征,说出B所在自然带的名称. (6分)







例1  如下图所示的装置,两硬质玻璃管中盛满滴有酚酞的NaCl饱和溶液,为多孔石墨电极。只接通时,附近溶液变红,两硬质玻璃管中均有气体产生。一段时间后(两硬质玻璃管中液面未脱离电极),断开,接通,电流表的指针发生偏转,说明此时该装置构成原电池。下列关于该原电池的叙述正确的是(    )

  A. 的电极名称为阴极

  B. 的电极名称为负极

  C. 的电极反应式为

  D. 的电极反应式为

  解析:本题主要考查原电池和电解池的工作原理。只接通,此时该装置为电解池,附近溶液变红,说明为阴极,水电离产生的放电(还原反应),此处溶液呈碱性。断开,接通,此时该装置为原电池,应为负极,电解产生的发生氧化反应: 应为正极,电解产生的发生还原反应:



例2  某研究性学习小组准备用如下图所示的装置进行实验。甲、乙、丙三位同学分别选择了如下电极材料和电解质溶液:













A.                      B.                 C.

D.                     E.




(2)          CD

(3)           D















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