0  1105  1113  1119  1123  1129  1131  1135  1141  1143  1149  1155  1159  1161  1165  1171  1173  1179  1183  1185  1189  1191  1195  1197  1199  1200  1201  1203  1204  1205  1207  1209  1213  1215  1219  1221  1225  1231  1233  1239  1243  1245  1249  1255  1261  1263  1269  1273  1275  1281  1285  1291  1299  3002 

北京市西城区2009年文综适应性练习   2009.3




命题人:杨安胜   审题人:童建辉






湖北省枝江市一中 卞文洲 443200



               化 学           2008年12月

本试卷共 14 页,29小题,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。

相对原子质量; H 1   C 12   N 14   O 16  S 32   F 19   Cl 35.5   Al 27   Ca 40   Cu 64

Fe 56   K 39   Mg 24   Na 23   La 139   Zn 65   M n   55 N i 59







Coming home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitement of having the weekend off. But I was   1   into stillness by what I saw. Mother, seated at the far end of the sofa,   2  , with the second-hand green typewriter on the table. She told me that she couldn’t type fast and then she was out of work. My shock and embarrassment(尴尬)at finding Mother in tears was a perfect proof of how   3   I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa, I began very   4   to understand. “I guess we all have to   5   sometime, ”Mother said quietly. I could   6   her pain and the tension(压力)of   7   the strong feelings that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly, something inside me   8  . I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face   9   my shoulder and sobbed. I held her   10   and didn’t try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should, what I could   11   it was enough. In that moment, feeling Mother’s   12   with feelings, I understood for the first time her being so easy to   13  . She was still my mother,   14   she was something   15  : a person like me, capable of fear and   16   and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions(场合)when I sought   17   in her arms.

    A week later Mother took a job selling dry goods at half the salary the radio station   18  . “It’s a job I can do, though”she said simply. But the evening practice on the old green typewriter continued. I had a very   19   feeling now when I passed her door at night and heard her tapping   20   across the paper. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type.

  1. A. tired                 B. ashamed            C. lazy               D. shocked

  2. A. crying            B. smiling             C. thinking         D. whispering

  3. A. eagerly             B. worriedly          C. little              D. much

  4. A. quickly             B. slowly               C. suddenly        D. proudly

  5. A. fail                   B. win                   C. fall sick          D. give in

  6. A. know of            B. watch                C. sense              D. recognize

  7. A. holding back     B. putting away      C. sitting up        D. stopping from

  8. A. lit up                B. came true          C. turned            D. increased

  9. A. to                         B. up                    C. through          D. against

  10. A. tightly             B. thoughtfully      C. carefully        D. politely

  11. A. and that           B. now that            C. but that          D. so that

  12. A. hand               B. face                  C. hair               D. back

  13. A. content            B. break                C. fall                   D. understand

  14. A. therefore         B. however            C. yet                    D. though

  15. A. more               B. much                C. little                 D. huge

  16. A. wound            B. defeat               C. cut                    D. hurt

  17. A. kindness          B. memory            C. comfort             D. support

  18. A. supplied          B. offered              C. paid for             D. contributed

  19. A. different          B. hard                  C. pleasant             D. serious

  20. A. off                  B. away                 C. out                   D. through




Some personal characteristics play an important role in the development of one’s intelligence . But people fail to realize the importance of training these factors in young people .

The so-called ‘non-intelligence factors’(非智力因素)include    1     feelings , will , motivation (动机), interests and habits . After a 30-year follow-up study of 8000 males , American psychologists (心理学)   2     that the main cause of disparities in intelligence is not intelligence     3    , but non-intelligence factors including the desire to learn , will power and self-confidence .

    4    people all know that one should have definite objectives , a strong will and good learning habits , quite a number of teachers and parents don’t pay much attention to     5    these factors .

Some parents are greatly worried    6     their children fail to do well in their studies . They blame either genetic (遗传的)factors , malnutrition ,(营养不良)or laziness , but they never take     7    consideration these non-intelligence factors . At the same time , some teachers don’t inquire into these , as reasons    8     students do poorly . They simply give them more courses and exercises , or     9    criticize or laugh at them . After all , these students lose self-confidence . Some of them just feel defeated and     10    themselves up as hopeless . Others may go astray(迷途)because they are sick of learning .   11     investigation of more than 1,000 middle school students in Shanghai showed that 11.5 per cent of them were   12      of learning , because of examinations , 1.4 per cent lacked persistence , initiative (主动)and consciousness (正直地、谨慎的)and 10.3 per cent were sick of learning .

It is clear    13     the lack of cultivation (培养) of non-intelligence factors has been a main     14    to intelligence development in teenagers . It even causes an imbalance between physiological (生理的)and    15     development among a few students .

If we don’t start now to   16      the cultivation of non-intelligence factors , it will not only affect the development of the   17      of teenagers , but also affect the quality of a whole generation . Some experts have put forward    18     about how to cultivate students’ non-intelligence factors .

First , parents and teachers should    19     understand teenage psychology . On this basis , they can help them to pursue (调动)the objectives of learning ,     20   their interests and toughening their willpower .

1.A.one’s                   B.their                   C.his                     D.her

2.A.came out              B.found out           C.made out            D.worked out

3.A.in itself                B.by itself              C.itself                  D.on its own

4.A.Though                B.Nevertheless        C.However            D.Moreover

5.A.believing              B.studying             C.cultivating          D.developing

6.A.about                   B.when                  C.how                   D.whether

7.A.for                      B.in                      C.into                    D.over

8.A.why                     B.that                    C.when                  D.how

9.A.ever                     B.even                   C.still                    D.more

10.A.put                    B.get                      C.handle                D.give

11.A.The                    B.An                      C.Another              D.A

12.A.afraid                 B.ahead                 C.aware                 D.ashamed

13.A.that                    B.how                   C.why                    D.which

14.A.difficulty            B.question             C.threat                 D.obstacle(障碍)

15.A.intelligent           B.characteristic       C.psychological      D.physical

16.A.practise             B.thrust                 C.strengthen           D.urge

17.A.intelligence         B.diligence             C.maturity(成熟)D.performance

18.A.projects              B.warnings            C.suggestions         D.decision

19.A.fully                  B.greatly               C.very                   D.highly

20.A.insuring             B.going                 C.encouraging        D.exciting




We’ve heard it before-we’ve heard it on the news, from teachers, from parents -children and teenagers today are growing up too fast. There are not too many people that will   1   with that statement. Teenagers are faced with serious problems and decisions at an early   2  . In fact most teenagers’ daily schedules(日程表)are as   3   as those of an adult’s.

    I have been working since I was thirteen, and always in   4   in which I was working with adults (成年人). I have had to learn to think and   5   like an adult to be taken seriously. So, I count myself as one who has grown up too fast. I just graduated from high school, and have recently spent some time reflecting(反思)on the   6   eighteen years-thinking about myself, what I have gained, and what   7   I have yet to achieve.

    We are expected to work hard, get excellent   8  , be in a good relationship, and know what we want to do   9  . The list goes on and on. But the   10   is clear: We live in a society today that is   11   our childhood. We no longer have many years to be careless and fancy-free. We are expected to   12   the strict school rules and to excel (擅长)in everything we do.

    I’ve known these things for a long time, and knew that they   13   me. But, I never really admitted it until last night, when I learned a   14   lesson, taught to me by my boss where I work. We had finished a job at a remote(遥远的)site. It was about 11:30 at night, and we had   15   to his house. We were talking about the   16   he had been making to his home. One of the things he said was “I   17   my basketball hoop(篮圈). ”Then he threw a basketball to me.

    I hadn’t   18   a basketball in five years.

    We proceeded to shoot hoops for about 5 minutes. Both of us were terribly bad at it, but we spent the whole time   19   like children. Then I realized something: I am still a child. Oh, the law says I’m an adult. But, we are still really and truly children. We all need to have   20   once in a while.

  1. A. argue                B. disagree            C. satisfy               D. discuss

  2. A. age                   B. stage                 C. year                  D. grade

  3. A. certain                  B. busy                 C. careful                     D. perfect

  4. A. companies         B. places               C. positions           D. offices

  5. A. study                B. speak                C. work                 D. act

  6. A. last                   B. other                 C. rest                   D. coming

  7. A. purposes           B. success              C. goals                 D. jobs

  8. A. textbooks          B. grades               C. teachers             D. schools

  9. A. in life            B. in time                     C. for ages             D. for ever

  10. A. information     B. message            C. notice               D. idea

  11. A. ruining            B. correcting          C. envying             D. shortening

  12. A. respect            B. accept               C. learn                 D. follow

  13. A. inspired           B. disappointed      C. affected             D. frightened

  14. A. valuable          B. serious              C. important          D. useful

  15. A. walked            B. flown back        C. gone back          D. driven

  16. A. furniture         B. improvements    C. equipment         D. arrangements

  17. A. moved            B. fixed                 C. sold                  D. broke

  18. A. played             B. caught               C. touched             D. held

  19. A. laughing          B. shouting            C. running             D. shooting

  20. A. a rest                     B. a talk                C. fun                   D. sports




Anthropology is a science which deals with man and his social habits. I think of anthropology here as “being interested, without 1, in the way other people choose to live and 2.”

―When you are curious about the way someone behaves or the way 3 feel about something, it’s 4 that you will he annoyed(恼火).

When someone acts in a way that seems 5 to you, rather than react in your usual way, such as “I can't believe they would do that,” 6 say something to yourself like “I see, that must be the way they 7 things in their world. Very interesting.” In order for this 8 to help you, you have to be genuine (真诚的).

Recently I was at a shopping mall with my six-year old daughter 9 a group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos (纹身) covering much of their bodies. At the sight of them, my daughter immediately asked me, “Daddy, why are they 10 like that?” Years ago I would have felt very 11 with such young people. I would have given a judgmental explanation and passed along to her my 12. Pretending to be an anthropolgist, however, has 13 my perspective (看法) a great deal, so it’s made me 14 .I said to my daughter, “I’m not really sure, but it’s interesting how 15 we all are, isn’t it?” She said, “Yeah, 16 I like my own hair.”

When you are interested in other perspectives, it doesn’t mean you’re 17 them. I certainly wouldn’t choose a punk rock lifestyle or 18 it to anyone else. At the same time, however, it’s really not my 19 to judge it either. One of the most important rules of joyful living is that judging others takes a great deal of energy and 20 you away from where you want to be.

1. A. agreement   

B. judgrnent  

C. improvement  

D. entertainment

2. A. behave    

B. speak    

C. grow     

D. eat

3. A. you     

B. they     

C. I       

D. we

4. A. natural    

B. certain    

C. obvious    

D. impossible

5. A. normal    

B. common   

C. strange    

D. passive

6. A. just      

B. also     

C. still      

D. never

7. A. make     

B. find     

C. see      

D. get

8. A. person    

B. way     

C. interest     

D. word

9. A. whde     

B. until    

C. since      

D. when

10. A. tried on    

B. grown up  

C. acted out     

D. dressed up

11. A. pleased    

B. interested  

C. bored      

D. excited

12. A. views     

B. questions  

C. advice      

D. plan

13. A. blocked    

B. changed   

C. enlarged     

D. raised

14. A. softer     

B. higher    

C. happier     

D. angrier

15. A. similar    

B. confident   

C. humorous    

D. different

16. A. and     

B. but      

C. so       

D. or

17. A. like     

B. for      

C. beside      

D. against

18. A. present    

B. connect    

C. send      

D. suggest

19. A. place     

B. attempt    

C. fault      


20. A. gives     

B. brings     

C. pulls     





I do a lot of management training each year for the Circle K Company. Among the    1    

we discuss in our classes is the    2    of quality employees(雇员).

“What has caused you to stay    3    enough to become a manager?” I asked. After a while a new manager took the    4    and said slowly, “It was a baseball glove.”

Cynthia said she used to    5    a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的)one while she looked for something    6    . On her second day behind the counter, she received a (an )   7    from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He    8    a baseball glove for the little League. She    9    that as a single mother, money was    10   , and her first check would have to go for paying    11    .

When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Partircia, the store manager asked her to come to her small office and handed her a box. “I overheard you    12    to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is    13    to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie. I know you have to pay bills    14    you can buy gloves. You know we can’t    15    good people like you as    16    as we would like to; but we do    17    and I want you to know how    18    you are to us .”

Cynthia’s story shows vividly that people    19    more how much a (n)    20    cares than how much he pays .

1.A.topics                  B.problems            C.difficulties          D.lessons

2.A.employing            B.praising              C.keeping              D.improving

3.A.soon                    B.long                   C.strong                D.calm

4.A.position               B.decision              C.question             D.advice

5.A.take                     B.change               C.lose                    D.consider

6.A.lighter                 B.easier                 C.better                 D.higher

7.A.letter                   B.call                     C.answer               D.email

8.A.bought                 B.kept                   C.needed               D.offered

9.A.complained          B.explained            C.understood          D.admitted

10.A.short                  B.enough               C.spare                  D.tight

11.A.food                   B.education            C.clothes               D.bills

12.A.talking               B.crying                C.arguing              D.scolding

13.A.easy                   B.hard                   C.simple                D.nice

14.A.after                  B.until                   C.when                  D.before

15.A.value                 B.remain               C.pay                    D.fire

16.A.much                 B.many                 C.pleasant              D.possible

17.A.regret                 B.agree                  C.worry                 D.care

18.A.excellent            B.important           C.thankful             D.thoughtful

19.A.remember           B.refuse                 C.thank                 D.realize

20.A.mother               B.clerk                  C.official               D.manager




What is your favorite    1  ?Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist(乐观者), a leader, an active person who enjoys life, people and  2  . Do you prefer grays and blues? Then you are   3  quiet, shy, and you’d rather  4  than lead. You tend to be a pessimist(悲观主义者).

       Colors   5  our moods, there is no doubt about it. A yellow room  6  most people feel more cheerful and more  7  than a dark green one. It seems that a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.   8  the other hand, black is depressing(压抑的). A black bridge  9  the River Thames, near London, used to be the scene of more suicides(自杀)than 10  bridge in the area―until it   11  green. The number of suicide attempts immediately fell sharply; perhaps it   12  even more if the bridge had been done  13  .

       Pink or baby blue. Light and  14  colors make people  15  happier but   16  .It is an established fact  17  factory workers work better.

       18 , and have   19  accidents when their machines are painted orange rather  20  black or dark gray.

1.A.game                    B.color                   C.idea                    D.friend

2.A.friends                  B.parents                C.excite                  D.excitement

3.A.probably               B.possible               C.sure                    D.better

4.A.go forward            B.come                  C.follow                 D.think

5.A.influenced             B.don’t influence    C.do influence        D.effect

6.A.causes                   B.gets                    C.calls                    D.makes

7.A.relaxed                 B.relax                   C.nervous               D.worried

8.A.At                        B.For                     C.By                      D.On

9.A.on                        B.over                    C.cross                   D.through

10.A.other                  B.any other             C.any                     D.the other

11.A.painted                B.is painted            C.got                     D.was painted

12.A.would have fallen                                B.will fall               C.would fall    D.fell

13.A.with                   B.by                      C.in                       D.to

14.A.dark                   B.bright                 C.clear                   D.good

15.A.only                   B.not                     C.much                  D.not only

16.A.active                 B.more quiet           C.more active         D.much active

17.A.which                 B.how                    C.to us                   D.that

18.A.harder                 B.more hardly         C.even hard           D.however

19.A.little                   B.less                     C.fewer                  D.more

20.A.to                       B.than                    C.for                      D.not




The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the I―595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale, picking up rubbish. I paused to   1   the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky. “can't it rain?”I thought. That would  3   things off.

    I thought about my   4   , who were  5  sitting in an air-conditioned classroom at the high school right now. I'd had some   6   in school, so my parents decided to let me work     7   with my dad. We both worked for my uncle, who had taken   8  of a road maintenance (道路养护) company. It was up to us to keep the roads   9   of rubbish. The job was __10   and dirty, especially on hot days like this. I   11   why I ever agreed to do it.

     We continued our   12   route (路线) along 595,   13   for the overpass bridge. Then I noticed an area where some   14  were broken on the ground. They weren't like that before.

     “Dad! Pull over! I want to  15  something out. ”

     I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge. Something was telling me to   16 . . . there wasn't much time.   17  I saw a Toyota that   18  upside down in the trees. Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody   19  there. Then I noticed something   20  . It was a bloody leg poking out of the driver's side window!

     "H-e-l-p!" a lady moaned (呻吟).

1. A. wipe         B. clean          C. dry             D. brush

2. A. When        B. How          C. Why            D. How long

3. A. wash         B. keep          C. stay            D. cool

4. A. relatives      B. neighbors      C. friends          D. workmates

5. A. happily       B. probably       C. really           D. finally

6. A. difficulty      B. trouble        C. questions        D. problems

7. A. full-time      B. part-time       C. all the time       D. some time

8. A. advantage     B. possession      C. position         D. place

9. A. away            B. from            C. far              D. clear  

10. A. easy           B. exciting        C. smelly            D. comfortable      

11. A. knew          B. wondered         C. believed          D. admitted   

12. A. regular       B. common       C. unusual           D. old    

13. A. leaving       B. going           C. coming           D. heading     

14. A. cars            B. bottles          C. trees               D. glasses      

15. A. check         B. turn           C. make              D. bring 

16. A. decide        B. hurry            C. consider          D. listen 

17. A. Above        B. Behind         C. Ahead             D. Below

18. A. hung          B. pulled           C. caught            D. knocked    

19. A. treasured        B. deserted        C. kept                   D. hid    

20. A. pushing      B. shouting        C. moving           D. crying




After graduation from Harvard Medical School, Dr. William Thomas never thought he’d work in a nursing home. Then,  1   , he became a medical director of a nursing home in New York, and his ideas began to  2   . “For the first time in my career, I was  3   for the answer to the question, What does it mean to   4   another person?”

  5   that the biggest trouble facing nursing-home residents(居住者) are helplessness,

  6   and boredom, he arranged laughter, usefulness and love as  7   .

 Thomas calls it, he began the “”Edenization” of the nursing home in 1992. At last he founded the Eden Alternative.

Lazy moments and loud television programmes were  9   with lovely children, playful pets,  10   plants and music in the lobby. These living things are  11   into life. Residents are

  12   to tend the animals, water the plants, weed outdoor gardens and do crarts with the children.

The Eden Altemative changed the   13   of the residents at this 80-bed nursing home. In a three-day study, the nursing home was  14   with a nursing home of equal size. The Eden Alternative had 26 percent less nurse-aide turnover, 15 percent   15   resident deaths and 3 percent lower medication costs.

In 1995 Dr. Thomas  16   his full time to the promotion of the Eden Alternative. More than 200 nursing homes throughout the country have  17   the Edenization process. Thomas receives queries(质疑)from as   18   away as Turkey, Japan, Brazil and the Netherlands. He hopes that his idea of filling “  19   ”into nursing homes and inviting the community in will help to “break conventional practice in long term   20   .”

1.A.unexpectedly         B.surprisingly         C.unhappily            D.suddenly

2.A.wonder                 B.struggle               C.shake                  D.change

3.A.asking                  B.answering            C.caring                 D.searching

4.A.make                    B.visit                    C.tend                    D.care

5.A.Recognizing          B.Hoping               C.Regarding           D.Including

6.A.loneliness              B.poverty               C.timelessness         D.excitement

7.A.food                     B.reference             C.treatment             D.introduction

8.A.When                   B.As                      C.Unless                 D.since

9.A.went                     B.replaced              C.began                  D.met

10.A.man-made           B.plastic                 C.alive                   D.live

11.A.changed              B.mixed                 C.divided               D.made

12.A.got                     B.helped                 C.encouraged          D.required

13.A.lives                   B.habits                  C.customs               D.methods

14.A.compared            B.covered               C.dealt                   D.equipped

15.A.more                  B.less                     C.worse                  D.fewer

16.A.sent                    B.led                      C.devoted               D.used

17.A.begun                 B.developed            C.prevented            D.invented

18.A.long                   B.much                  C.far                      D.soon

19.A.homeness            B.homelessness       C.plants                  D.pets

20.A.relation               B.education            C.match                 D.care




 “Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is   1   to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and   2   other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the   3   of someone who acts important and proud.

Down-to-earth persons   4   be important members of society, of course.   5  they do not let their importance “go to their heads”. They do not   6   themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is   7   to have “his nose in the air”. There is   8   way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.

Americans   9  &



                化学         2008年11月


可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1  C 12  N 14  O 16  Na  23  Al  27 

                        Cl  35.5  Fe  56   Cu  64

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共58分)

1、环境污染问题越来越受到人们的关注,造成环境污染的主要原因大多是由于人类生产活动中过度排放有关物质引起的。下列环境问题与所对应的物质不相关的是       (   )

A、温室效应――二氧化碳                               B、光化学污染――二氧化氮

C、酸雨――二氧化碳                                      D、臭氧层破坏――氟氯烃

2.Se是人体必需的微量元素。下列关于的说法,正确的是                (    )

       A.二者互为同素异形体                          B.二者属于同一种元素www.ks5u.com

       C.的性质相同                     D.分别含有44和46个质子

3.在短周期元素中,若某元素原子的最外层电子数与电子层数相等,符合条件的元素种数为     (    )

       A.1种                    B.2种                    C.3种                    D.4种

4.下列实验中,颜色的变化与有关物质的强氧化性无关的是                                 (    )





5.有NA表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列说法正确的是                                       (    )





6.下列各组物质在适宜的条件下反应,其中氧化剂和还原剂的物质的量之比为2 :1的是

                                                                                                                              (    )

     A.CuO+CO                                               B.H2SO4(浓)+C

     C.Mg+CO2                                                D.Fe2O3+Al

7.有M、R两种主族元素,已知M2离子与R离子核外电子数之和为20,下列说法正确的是     (    )





8.某研究性学习小组为了探索镁粉与FeCl3溶液的反应机理,做了如下两组实验:①将镁粉投入冷水中,未见明显现象;②将镁粉投入FeCl3y溶液中,观察到有气泡产生,溶液颜色逐渐变浅,同时逐渐产生红褐色沉淀。则下列有关镁与FeCl3溶液反应的叙述中,正确的是                                                                          (    )






   A.检验买来的奶粉中是否加有淀粉    B.检验自来水中是否含有Cl

   C.除去保温瓶中的水垢                D.洗去白色衣服上的番茄汁

10、下面有关硅的叙述中,正确的是(    )

A. 光导纤维是以硅酸盐为主要原料制成的




11.泽维尔用飞秒(时间单位:1飞秒=10-15秒)激光技术研究了氰化碘(ICN)的分解反应 ICN→I+CN,发现该变化可在200飞秒内完成。已知(CN)2和卤素的性质相似。以下有关ICN的叙述中正确的是(      )

A  ICN不能和NaOH溶液反应        B  ICN是一种共价化合物

C  将ICN加入到氯水中可生成I2       D  ICN的晶体是离子晶体














A.①                   B.②                   C.③                   D.④







A.NH4、Na、NO3、Cl     B.Cu2、K、SO42、NO3

C.H、K、HCO3、Cl        D.、K+  Na、Cl、SO42

15.已知酸性条件下有如下反应:2Cu+=Cu2++Cu。由于反应温度不同,用氢气还原氧化铜时,可能产生Cu或Cu2O,两者都是红色固体。一同学对某次用氢气还原氧化铜实验所得的红色固体产物作了验证,实验操作和实验现象记录如下     (    )















       A.Cu                                        B.Cu2O

       C.一定有Cu,可能有Cu2O      D.一定有Cu2O,可能有Cu

16.t℃时CuSO4的溶解度是S g,其饱和溶液密度d g.cm-3、物质的量浓度为c mol.L-1。向足量饱和溶液中加入m g无水CuSO4或蒸发掉n g水后恢复t℃,均能获得W g胆矾晶体,下列关系式正确的是(      )

A.        B.

C.                      D.

17.有10 g不纯CaCO3样品与足量盐酸作用后生成4.44 g CO2,且溶液中残留难溶物质。则对于此样品中是否存在①MgCO3  ②K2CO3  ③SiO2杂质的判断正确的是(    )

A.肯定含①③,不含②    B.肯定含①③,可能含②

C.肯定含②③,不含①     D.肯定含②③,可能含①



50mL 盐酸

50mL 盐酸

50mL 盐酸


















19.在烧杯中加入铁和铜的混合物,然后加入一定量的稀硝酸,充分反应后,剩余金属的质量为m1g;再向该烧杯中加入一定量的醋酸,充分振荡后剩余的金属质量为m2g。则m1与m2之间的关系一定正确的是                     (    )

     A.m1可能等于m2                                    B.m1一定等于m2

       C.m1可能大于m2                                               D.m1一定大于m2

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共42分)















   (3)试根据所学知识推测,在②的滤液中含 有的溶质,除了溶解的极少量氯气外,还含有的其它溶质为(写化学式)                              

















22、(11分)下图中所有物质均为中学化学常见物质,F、H是气体单质,Z是固体金属单质,Y中阳离子与阴离子个数比为2:1 ,化合物X、Y、A、D、E、G的焰色反应为黄色,I是白色沉淀。








   (1)写出X、E、I的化学式。X             E             I            



              A.Y是氧化物                                         B.Y是过氧化物

              C.Y是含有非极性键的离子化合物      D.Y是碱性氧化物




23.(12分)将总物质的量为4mol的Na2O2和Al2(SO43的混合物投入足量水中,充分反应后生成y mol沉淀(y>0)。


























第一节 单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)


21. ― What about some more tea?

― It’s very kind of you.           .     

A. It tastes bitter                                    B. That’s all right

C. I like it very much                             D. Just a little, please   

21. D. A、B、C项是答非所问。

22. It was          the people at school that they spent hours and hours, staying up late into the night.

A. talk about                                                 B. talking about

C. to talk about                                      D. being talked about  

22. B. 考查spend time (in) doing……的基本句式,通过强调doing……部分而改变了句型结构。

23. The couple bought a villa (别墅) with a garden behind it near the sea         their parents’ health.

A. in line with                                        B. in case of

C. for the sake of                                          D. at the risk of   

23. C. for the sake of由于……原因;in line with与……一致;in case of以防万一;at the risk of冒……的风险。

24. We were disappointed           that the sports meeting had been put off because of the bad weather.

A. to have been told                              B. to be told

C. having been told                                D. being told  

24. A. be disappointed后可接动词不定式,并且动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,所以用动词不定式的完成式。

25. I will congratulate you         your passing the college entrance examination.

A. for                         B. to                           C. on                          D. at 

25. C. 考查congratulate sb on sth句型。

26. So the missing money must still be in the other jacket,          you were wearing yesterday.   

A. the one                  B. one                         C. what                      D. this   

26. A. the one是the other jacket的同位语。

27. I          the written papers, but failed in the oral examination.  

A. got over                 B. went by                 C. pulled through       D. got through 

27. D. get through通过考试。

28. ― What is Mary doing over there?

  ― She is removing dust from the carpet by         it.

A. beating                  B. striking                  C. knocking                D. hitting 

28. A. beat在此的意思为“(连续) 敲打”。

29. ―Where is the telephone book?

―I         it for you.

A. get                         B. will get                  C. am to get               D. am going to get 

29. B. 在说话时临时决定去做某事,通常用will。

30. When the nurse took the patient’s temperature, it was three degrees above         .

A. ordinary                 B. regular                   C. normal                   D. average 

30. C. above normal在通常标准之上。

31. People have been stocking up on water, food and candles in          for the terrible day.

A. preparation            B. control                   C. need                       D. action

31. A. in preparation for为……作准备。

32. ― Are you going to the park with me tomorrow?

― If Tom goes,         .

A. so do I                          B. so I will          C. so will I                 D. so I do

32. C. if从句用现在时表将来,主句应用将来时,表示后者情况和前者相同,应用倒装结构。

33. ―The plane is due to take off at 8:00 from the airport.

        we can’t get there in time.

―Try to take another flight then.   

A. As if                             B. Even if            C. Only if                   D. What if

33. D. what if常用来引导表示建议或担心的句子,用于疑问句,可译为“要是(如果,万一)……怎么办?、倘若……将会怎样?”;only if可引导条件状语从句,可译为“如果,只有”;even if用来引导让步状语从句,可译为“尽管、即使、纵然”。

34. ―Which of the speakers did you like better?

   ―          , they were          old.

A. None; all                       B. Neither; both         C. Either; both           D. All; none

34. B. 由“better”判断得知。  

35. ―Would you like me to help you with the English problem?

       . It’s a very difficult one.

A. Never mind                  B. With pleasure         C. Why not                D. It’s a pleasure 

35 C. 说话者是主动向对方提供帮助,那么对方的答语只能是A项。

第二节  完形填空 (共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

   阅读下面短文,掌握大意, 然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the check in. It had been a very busy three days for me with lots of    36    . So I was glad to have the    37    time to make my notes on    38    I needed to do the following day. But then came the    39    that my flight had to be    40    because there was a problem with the plane.

As I sat waiting for my flight to be    41    I reflected on my last meeting of the day. It was not a business meeting    42    a very enjoyable lunch with a(n)    43    business friend I had not seen for over 12 years. Our lunch was spent    44    times gone by as well as filling each other in on what had happened in our    45    over the last 12 years. We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the    46    times and the great experiences we had    47    together. At the end of our time together, we both said    48    we had enjoyed it and that we must do it    49    .

It was great to have this additional time to replay in my mind all that we had talked about. I    50    just how important it is to have    51    reminders of the good times in your life. I was    52    enough to have had the chance to take a short break and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over 12 years.

It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album    53    in a cupboard in your house. There before your eyes are lots of wonderful    54    that take you back to times and places, and    55    to those people who are in the photos.

My flight home was finally called three hours later.

36. A. classes                     B. lectures                  C. meetings               D. greetings

37. A. extra                       B. easy                       C. hard                       D. enough

38. A. that                         B. how                       C. this                         D. what

39. A. conductor               B. announcement              C. discussion              D. explanation

40. A. replaced                  B. canceled                C. delayed                  D. destroyed

41. A. arranged                 B. followed                C. introduced             D. called

42. A. and                         B. but                         C. so                           D. or

43. A. new                         B. famous                   C. old                         D. attractive

44. A. repeating                 B. cosidering              C. forgetting                     D. recalling

45. A. lives                        B. families                  C. schools                   D. offices

46. A. bad                         B. sad                         C. disappointing         D. good

47. A. proved                    B. suggested                     C. shared                    D. described

48. A. how much               B. how many              C. how long               D. how far

49. A. then                        B. again                      C. there                      D. carefully

50. A. realized                   B. wondered                     C. doubted                 D. thought

51. A. wonderful               B. regular                   C. special                    D. real

52. A. right                        B. excited                   C. lucky                      D. proud

53. A. given away             B. stored away           C. kept away                     D. taken away

54. A. stories                     B. friends                   C. memories               D. passengers

55. A. after all                   B. in all                       C. at first                    D. above all

36. C. 由下段的“my last meeting”判断得出。

37. A. 由第三段的“It was great to have this additional time”判断得出。

38. D. what引导介词on的宾语从句,并在宾语从句中作do的宾语。

39. B. 机场发布了通知,此趟航班因为飞机故障得晚点了。

40. C. 由下段的“As I sat waiting for my flight”或最后一段判断得知,作者的航班起飞时间被推迟。

41. D. 由最后一段判断得知。

42. B. not……but……不是……而是……。

43. C. 由下文的“I had not seen for over 12 years”判断得出。

44. D. 我们一起回想过去的时光。由下文的“We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the……”得知。

45. A. 选项B、C、D是片面的,所以选A项。也可由下段的“the good times in your life”判断得出。

46. D. 由上文的“laughed and smiled”判断得出。

47. C. 我们一起分享的经历。

48. A. how much在此表程度。我们都很满意那天的聚会。

49. B. 并且约定今后会再聚在一起畅谈。

50. A. realize意识到,认识到。

51. B. 我认识到经常回顾生命中的快乐时光的重要性。

52. C. 我很幸运有时间来回想过去的12年间的快乐时光。

53. B. 这就有点像是在看储藏在你家柜子里的老相册一样。store away储藏起来;give away分发,赠送;keep away避开,不接近;take away带走。

54. C. 呈现在你眼前的是许多精彩的回忆,它们带你回到过去的时光和场景。

55. D. 最重要的是,它们让你想起相片中的那些人。

第三部分:阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



A team of Japanese adventurers say they have discovered footprints they believe were made by the legendary yeti said to roam (游荡) the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet.

“The footprints were about 20 centimetres (eight inches) long and looked like a human’s,” Yoshiteru Takahashi, the leader of the Yeti Project Japan, told reporters in Kathmandu on Monday.

Takahashi was speaking after he returned with his seven-member team from their third attempt to track down the half-man-half-ape, tales of which have interested Western adventurers and mountaineers for decades.

Despite spending 42 days on Dhaulagiri IV―a 7,661-metre peak where they say they have seen traces of yetis in the past―the team failed in their prime (最初) objective of capturing one on film.

But Takahashi said the footprints were proof enough.

“Myself and other team members have been coming to the Himalayas for years and we can recognize bear, deer, wolf and snow leopard prints and it was none of those,” he said.

“We remain convinced it is real. The footprints and the stories the local tell make us sure that it is not imaginary,” he added.

Photographs of the prints have been posted on the expedition’s website, www.everest.co.jp/yeti2008/.

The team had set out nine motion-sensitive cameras in an area where Takahashi saw what he thought was a yeti during a previous expedition in 2003.

“It was about 200 metres away in silhouette (轮廓). It was walking on two legs like a human and looked about 150 centimetres tall,” said Takahashi.

Despite their lack of success this time, the team plans to continue the search.

“We will come back as soon as we can, and we will keep coming back until we get the yeti on film,” said Takahashi.

56. We know from the text that           .

A. Yoshiteru Takahashi and other team members have been coming to the Himalayas for months.

B. Japanese team plans to give up the search because of their lack of success.

C. you can find the photographs of the prints taken by Japanese team on the internet

D. Japanese team had set out nine ordinary cameras in an area where Takahashi saw a yeti.

57. The underlined word “those” (Paragraph Six) refers to             

A. other team members                                 B. yeti footprints

C. the stories the local tell                             D. bear, deer, wolf and snow leopard prints

58. What’s the Japanese team’s attitude about finding yetis?

A. Determined           B. Puzzled                  C. Excited                  D. Worried

59. What is the text mainly about?

A. Yeti wanders in the Himalayan regions of Nepal and Tibet

B. Japanese team finds ‘yeti footprints’ in Nepal

C. Japanese team’s third attempt to search for yetis

D. Japanese team and the yeti footprints

56. C. 根据文章第八段得知。

57. D. 我们可以分辨熊、鹿、狼和雪豹的脚印,而这次发现的脚印不属于这其中的任何一种。

58. A. 由文章第四段和最后一段推断。

59. B. 本文是围绕“日本探险队发现‘雪人’脚印”来描写的。


Researchers at Ohio State University say sheep probably respond more to good care than any other animal. So the first thing people should ask themselves is whether they have enough time to give sheep the attention they need.

If the answer is yes, then a question is how many sheep to buy. Specialists at Oklahoma State University suggest starting with a small flock (群)―twenty to fifty females.

Consider your budget. Do you have enough money for supplies? Do you have the things you need to take care of barns and pasture (牧场) lands?

There are other basic questions to answer when getting started.

What kind of sheep do you want to raise? There are wool breeds and meat sheep and dual-purpose sheep which can be used for wool or food.

Find out what products people in your area want to buy. Is there greater demand for fresh lamb than warm woolen sweaters? What about demand for sheep’s milk for making cheese? Research what kinds of markets are available.

If pasture lands are limited, sometimes two ewes and a cow can be placed together. Susan Schoenian at the University of Maryland says sheep will eat weeds that cows reject.

Sheep may need hay and grains, but pastures with enough good grasses and weeds can often supply much of their diet. Sheep are good for the land when they feed on grasses. It helps renew pastures and it can keep land from returning to forest.

Sheep need a structure that will keep them dry. A barn where newborn lambs are housed should be well protected from the wind. Also, fences should be strong enough to hold energetic little lambs.

60. According to the text people must consider            first if they want to raise sheep.

A. whether they have enough money for supplies

B. how many sheep they want to buy

C. whether they have enough time to look after sheep

D. whether they have the things they need to take care of barns

61. We can infer from the text that            .

A. cows will eat weeds that sheep reject according to Susan Schoenian at the University of Maryland.

B. the kind of sheep people want to raise must depend on what products of sheep market demands.

C. sheep are harmful to the land when they feed on grasses.

D. a barn where newborn lambs are housed should let the wind in.

62. The underlined word “ewe” (Paragraph Seven) here probably means         .

A. female sheep         B. male sheep             C. little lamb                     D. horse

63. If you raise sheep, it is important          .

A. to keep them wet                                     B. to keep them active

C. to take special care of their feet               D. to keep them dry

60. C. 由文章第一段的第二句得知。

61. B. 由文章第六段的“Find out what products people in your area want to buy.及Research what kinds of markets are available.”判断得知。

62. A. 由文章第二段的“starting with a small flock―twenty to fifty females”及第七段的“sheep will eat weeds that cows reject”判断得知。

63. D. 由文章最后一段得知。


Are you at a loss as to how to handle your fretful (烦躁) child or how to ease your child’s colic (绞痛) discomfort? If you are, we welcome you to attend our one-hour baby massage (按摩) workshop conducted by our physiotherapists. This programme is suited for babies between one to 12 months old. You will learn the various techniques in baby massage and experience the joy of bonding with your child through touch.


Class Content:

Physiological benefits of baby massage

Psychological benefits for both parent and child

Creating a conducive environment for massage

Massaging a fretful child

Massaging a child with colic

Demonstration (示范) of various techniques

Hands-on experience

Commencement (开始) Date:

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Saturday, 15 March 2008

(Please choose only one date)


Rehabilitation Department, Basement 1, Children’s Tower


$20 per participant for 3 sessions


For cheque payment, please crossed and made payable to “KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital Pte. Ltd.”

Who should Attend:

Parents with babies aged 1-12 months. Participants are advised to wear pants when attending the class. Limit to two participants per registration (excluding baby).

Size of Class:

Minimum of 9 participants per class

Registration & Enquiries:

Patient Education Centre

Tel: 6394268

Weekdays: 9.30 am - 6.00 pm

Saturdays: 9.30 am - 1.00 pm

Or download registration form.


64. Which of the following is not the one that a person will learn?

A. Physiological benefits of parent massage      B. How to massage a fretful child

C. The various techniques in baby massage         D. Psychological benefits for child

65. How much should a couple with one child pay if they attend 9 sessions?

A. $200                             B. $180                      C. $120                      D. $60

66. What kind of people is the text mainly written for?

A. Parents with a child aged 2 years                   B. Babies aged 1-12 months

C. Parents with a baby aged 8 months                D. Children aged 1-12 years

67. If you want to know something about the Baby Massage Class, you can telephone         .

A. at 8 am on Monday                                         B. at 11 am on Sunday

C. at 2 pm on Saturday                                        D. at 4 pm on Friday

64. A. 由“Class Content:”中的内容得出。

65. B. $20 × 3 ×3 = $180。

66. C. 由第一段或“Who should Attend”中的内容判断得出。

67. D. 由“Registration & Enquiries”中的内容判断得出。


LONDON―Maths is not being taught well enough in many English schools with too much emphasis placed on “teaching to the test”, government inspectors said on Friday.

The report by Ofsted found that despite improving exam results, teaching in almost a half of all maths lessons was only satisfactory or worse and pupils did not achieve the necessary understanding.

“Too many schools are not teaching mathematics well enough,” said Ofsted Chief Inspector Christine Gilbert.

“The way mathematics is taught can make a huge difference to the level of enthusiasm and interest for the subject.”

Ofsted, which based its findings on a study of 192 schools, said 11 percent of maths lessons were outstanding, 44 percent good and 40 percent satisfactory, a level which commentators (评论员) said implied they were not up to scratch.

Six of the nine schools where teaching was not enough were secondary schools, the report said.

While results in SATs exams and GCSEs have improved, pupils were not being left with the required skills, it added.

“Many schools, particularly secondary, are not teaching mathematics well enough because they place too much emphasis on routine exercises and on ‘teaching to the test’”, the report said.

“While this style of teaching prepares pupils to pass examinations ... it is less effective in promoting the required understanding to apply mathematics to new situations, solve problems and communicate solutions.”

Earlier this year the government announced a 140 million pound strategy (策略) to increase the number of maths teachers, make lessons more exciting and improve exam results.

68. We can infer from the text that teaching in mathematics          .

A. was weaker in primary schools than in secondary schools

B. was stronger in primary schools than in secondary schools

C. was outstanding in primary schools

D. was outstanding in secondary schools

69. The underlined words “up to scratch” (Paragraph Five) here probably means         .

A. understandable             B. believable              C. doubtful         D. satisfactory

70. The purpose of the government investing 140 million pound in measures was          . 

A. to transform the standard of maths teaching

B. to increase the wages of maths teachers

C. only to make lessons more living and interesting

D. to place much emphasis on regular exercises

71. The main purpose of this text is to tell people          .

A. too much schools maths ‘taught to solve problems’ in England

B. many English children don’t like maths

C. maths is the most subject to many English children

D. too much schools maths ‘taught to the test’ in England

68. B. 由倒数第三段的“Many schools, particularly secondary, are not teaching mathematics well enough”判断得知

69. D. up to scratch令人满意。

70. A. 由文章最后一段判断A项是正确的。

71. D. 文章主要描写了英国很多学校的数学教学是为了应付考试


People who eat quickly until full are three times more likely to be overweight, a problem exacerbated (恶化) by the availability of fast food and the decline of orderly dining habits, Japanese researchers said on Wednesday.

The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, highlight how eating styles, and not just what or how much is eaten, can contribute to an obesity epidemic (流行病) fueled by the spread of Western-style affluence in many parts of the world.

The World Health Organization classifies around 400 million people as obese, five percent of them under the age of five. The condition raises the risk of diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart problems and stroke.

For their study, Hiroyasu Iso and colleagues at Osaka University asked more than 3,000 Japanese volunteers aged 30 to 69 about their eating. About half of the men and a little more than half of the women said they ate until full. About 45 percent of the men and 36 percent of the women said they ate quickly.

Those who said they ate until full and ate quickly were three times more likely to be fat than people in the “not eating until full and not eating quickly” group, the researchers found.

They cited (引证) as causes both the availability of cheap food in big portions (份) and habits like watching television while eating.

To counteract (抵消) the “supra-additive effect” of speedy or glut (过量) eating among children likely to obesity, parents should encourage them to eat slowly and in calm surroundings, the study found.

72. The researchers gave special attention to the obesity epidemic caused by          .

A. eating time            B. eating food            C. eating style            D. eating place

73. Which of the following is not the health problem related to obesity according to the text?

A. heart disease          B. stroke                     C. type 2 diabetes             D. toothache

74. There are about         million of children under the age of five as obese according to the World Health Organization.

A. 400                        B. 80                          C. 20                          D. 5

75. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Speedy eaters seen likelier to get fat

B. Pay attention to eat quickly until full

C. Overweight people are more in the world

D. Most children are likely to be overweight

72. C. 由文章第二段的“……highlight how eating styles,……can contribute to an obesity epidemic”判断得知。

73. D. 由文章第三段判断得知。

74. C. 由文章第三段判断得知。400 million × 0.05 (five percent) = 20 million

75. A. 本文是围绕“吃饭太快太饱易肥胖”来描写的。



第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Dear Wu Fang,

    How kind of you to write to me and what nice surprise                       76.           

it is for me to get your letter on this bright Sunday morning.                       77.           

    I have such many good memories of my time in your city.                   78.           

    As for my school life, I think my after-school activities are so             79.            

interesting that I will enjoy me at school. Could you tell me more               80.           

about yours.

    I don’t think your English is poor. You have taken good                      81.            

progress in it. Next spring I plan to return China for my second                  82.            

visit it. I hope to make some more friends, but language is always        83.            

a problem. Will you give me some advices on how to learn Chinese?           84.            

    Please giving my fondest regards to your family and friends.                     85.             

                                       Yours truly,


76. nice前加a   77. is→was  78. such→so   79. √  80. me→ myself  81. taken→made  82. return后加to  83. 去掉visit后的it  84. advices→advice   85. giving→give


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



















注意:(1) 词数100左右;

      (2) 参考词汇:飞船 spacecraft(单、复数相同)     发射 launch(vt.&n.);

(3) 开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Mary,

I’m very glad to tell you something about China’s two manned spacecrafts Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou Ⅶ.



Dear Mary,

I’m very glad to tell you something about China’s two manned spacecrafts Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou .

China launched its second manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI on Oct 12, 2005, sending two astronauts into space. The astronauts, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, carried out many experiments and returned to the earth on Oct 17, 2005, which proves China has become a global space country.

On Sept 25, 2008 three Chinese astronauts, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were sent into space by China’s third manned spacecraft Shenzhou Ⅶ. They landed safely on Sept 28, 2008. During the flight, the three astronauts carred out many scientific experiments in space. Above all Zhai Zhigang walked in space with the help of Liu Boming, making China the third country to conduct a spacewalk after the United States and Russia.


Li Ping





1.      I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.

A.While                     B.When                     C.As                   D.For

2. They love their daughter so much that they are always ready to do everything they can ____ her happiness.

A. make sure of            B. be sure of          C. to be sure of      D. to make sure of

3. I thought her nice and honest _____ I met her.

A. first time           B. for the first time C. the first time      D. by the first time

4. They were going to leave _____ it began to rain.

A. when                       B. while                  C. as                             D. how

5. Last year I was on the flight across the Pacific Ocean________ a plane crashed.

A. while                  B. when                C. as                       D. as soon as

6. ― Did you remember to give Jack the book?

―Yes, I gave it to him       I saw him.

A. while            B. immediately       C. once           D. suddenly

7. The government has taken some measures to solve the shortage of electricity, but it may be some time         the situation improves.

A.since                    B.when                    C.unless                     D.before

8.  -Do you have a minute? I’ve got something to tell you.

-Ok, ______ you make it short.

A. now that         B. if only        C. so long as           D. every time

9. Although he was in poor health, Robert succeeded ______  other more famous engineers failed.

A. which           B. that          C. what               D. where

10. The meeting was expected to start at 9 o'clock but the manager didn't turn up ______ twenty minutes later.?

A. before             B. until          C. after              D. since

11. ___ difficulties we meet, we can work them out.?

A. Whatever          B. However       C. Wherever         D. Whenever

12. What impresses me most is ______ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile.

A.which          B.that        C.where      D that whenever

13.  Wait till I turn on my computer, _____ there is his telephone number.

A. there           B. where         C. which       D. in that

14.  ―Could I use your dictionary?

―I’m sorry it isn’t here. I’d get it for you_______ I could remember who last borrowed it.

A. expect that                  B. now that   

C. only if                      D. even though

15.  Nowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance _______ they or their family members need medical treatment. 

A so that         B. in order that        C in case            D no wonder that

16. ________ you’ve got two film tickets, you may as well invite Mary to go with you tonight.

A Now that          B After all        C Although       D As soon as

17. These foreign teachers say they will go ________ they are needed to teach English after they arrive in China.

A. to place         B. to where         C. wherever         D. to matter where

18. Tom searched carefully in the room _____ he might discover exactly what he needed.

A. in that          B. in order that      C. in case            D. even though

19. John plays the piano _____, if not better than, David. But he never shows off in public.

A. as well          B. as well as          C. so well         D. so well as

20.  He shut the window with such force _____ the glass broke.

A which            B that      C as           D if





1. Every possible means _____to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

A. is used                B. are used         C. has been used          D. have been used

2. E-mail, as well as telephones, _____ an important part in daily communication.

A. have played   B. is playing        C. is making        D. are making

3.The sick boy, as well as his parents, ________ to the hospital.

A. sends           B. send       C. were sent       D. was sent

4. One and a half days       what I need.

A. was        B. were        C. is              D. are

5. Every student as well as teachers who _________ to visit the museum _________ asked to be at the school gate on time.

A. is ; is         B. are ; are           C. is ; are                     D. are ; is

6. Three million tons of coal ______ every year in the city.

A. is exploited   B. are exploited    C. had exploited      D. have exploited

7. Stories of the Long March _______ popular with the young people now.

A. is          B. was           C. are              D. were

8. Mathematics _______ the language of science.

A. are         B. are going to be    C. is               D. is to be

9. Both rice and wheat _____ grown in our country.

A. is         B. are             C. was              D. were

10. ________ either of your parents come to see you recently?

A. Have      B. Had            C. Has               D. Is

11. What the children in the mountain village need ________ good books.

A. is         B. are             C. have              D. has

12. The whole family _______ TV attentively.

A. are watching    B. is watching    C. is seeing          D. are seeing

13. Nothing but several glasses ________ bought by my father the day before yesterday.

A. was        B. were           C. have been           D. would be

14. At the bus stop ______ a soldier and two young

people on their way to the village.

A. were      B. was             C. is               D. sits

15. If law and order ______, neither the citizen nor his family is safe.

A. are not preserved           B. is not preserved

C. were preserved             D. have not been preserved

16. There ______ little change in that middle school.

A. have         B. had         C. have been          D. has been

17. What such a sunset is ______ strange to us all.

A. going to be    B. /           C. is                 D. that

18. Seventy-five percent of the earth’s surface ______ with water.

A. is covered     B. is covering     C. were covered      D. are covered

19. The following ______ some other mental diseases.

A. being        B. are            C. was             D. were

20. Not only you but also I ______ able to help him out.

A. are          B. is            C. am                D. were




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