
A. Get involved in student activities

B. Your voice is actually super important

C. There is a significant increase of opportunities

D. Stay in active communication with your friends

E. Get smart about the people who you spend your time with

F. Your major does not matter as much in your first of college

Five Things Nobody Told Me about College

As I type this , I am in my university dorm room. A year ago, when I was awaiting to hear the results of my college applications, I often went to websites for some type of insider look on what college would be like. However, there’s only so much that prep books, websites, and older friends can teach. Here are the top 5things nobody told me about college:


Nobody entering a university knows exactly what they want to study. If they tell you otherwise, they’re lying and will probably change what they want to purse within the first quarter of attendance . During my first quarter at University of California, Riverside (UCR),I thought that I wanted to study Political Science with its focus on International Affairs, so that’s what I applied for. However, once I worked with statewide and local government, I realized that a better fit for me would be Public Policy, and now I am in the process of changing my area.


In college, there are so many good chances for you to meet your expectations. However, there is a very important difference between wanting to do something and applying for something. In order for you to take advantage of the conferences, research, internships ,and fellowships that your university offers, apply! Step into your academic advisor’s office, introduce yourself, and begin making the valuable connections that are necessary to help during the rest of your college career. Great things happen when you step out of your comfort zone, and you would be surprised on how many chances exist if you just ask.


College is where you meet your birdesmaids, neighbors, and potential bosses. The relationships you develop now will probably be linked to the ones you value later, so be wise about the people who you invest yourself in . You are only one person, and you do not have time to waste on people who would rather cause drama or mess up with your purpose. Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better while loving you for who you are, and be patient to the people who are the complete opposite of that description.


As a first-year, I was afraid to make any noise towards campus issues that I noticed. It was not until I became involved in student government that I gained the confidence to handle projects that I created with the help of ASUCR Office of the President. During my first quarter, I spoke directly to the Chancellor, asking him for support towards my initiavives, met with the Vive Chancellors, and coorerated with my teaching assistances to begin my undergraduate research protect. Nothing good will happen when you are silent.


At my high school, there were about only four active club and organizations that students could be a part of. Imagine my surprise when I stepped foot onto UCR’s campus, where over 400 organizations exist, ranging from political organizations to karate club. You are not paying all or your tuition(学费)to merely go to class, study,pass tests and graduate. Make something worthy out of your experience. Create that you will want to tell your grandchildren one day. It all begins here, by signing up to join an organization.


We all go through times when we feel we are not good enough. We might feel that way at work or in school or even as a parent. Here are some things to remember when you feel like that.

【1】.When I started my Ph.D. program, I felt like the dumbest person in every class. I couldn’t believe how many smart people were there. I didn’t know if I could measure up to their intelligence or compete in the same league with them. Years later, I found out that almost everyone felt this way, too.

You are unique and have special talents. If you can barely make Hamburger Helper , don’t compare yourself to your sister who is a chef(厨师). I’m sure you can do many things that she can’t. 【2】 You are you. You are not your sister.

You need to stop chasing perfection. It doesn’t exist. What’s perfect to me is not perfect to you. So if you think that there is some objective measurement of perfection and that the rest of the world is judging you against, then you are wrong. 【3】.

【4】.Our sense of self-worth is based in our thoughts. We have been programmed for many years with thoughts about ourselves. Messages come from our parents, our peers, teachers, the media and our own labels. But guess what? They are only thoughts. Just because you think these thoughts, it doesn’t make them true. 【5】.

A. You have the power to change your future.

B. So focus on your own passions and talents.

C. You are not the only one who feels this way.

D. If you love yourself for who you are, other people will notice.

E. You need to change your thought patterns.

F. One of my favorite sayings is, “Don’t believe a negative thought you think!”

G. Most people are too worried about their own lack of perfection to judge you.


Five Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

No matter how hard we work, it seems that there is never enough time to get all the important tasks done. Rather than working longer, consider working smarter, not harder. Here are some ways to work smarter:

Make a careful plan. Just like every organization needs a business plan, an efficient worker needs a work plan. 【1】 Schedule your tasks throughout the days, weeks, and months, but do it ahead of time.

Set your goals. As a part of your work plan, you should set clear and measurable goals. Goals should state which tasks are to be completed and when they get completed. Rather than setting firm deadlines, which can lead to pressure and stress, allow a period of time to reach goals. 【2】

【3】 Develop a consistent daily work schedule and stick to it! If a typical workday consists of some writing tasks(emails, reports), one-on-one meetings, and processing data, set aside specific time each day to accomplish each kind of tasks.

Delegate(授权)effectively. 【4】 The person who tries to do everything himself or herself not only is overloaded and overstressed, but is bad for their colleagues, by not allowing them to be challenged and grow by taking on important duties.

Don’t make work harder than it actually is. Much of the pressure is produced by ourselves. 【5】 We feel like we should do more. Remember that tasks should be completed step by step. Focus on each step rather than on the entire project, which can help us cut down on feelings that we are “overwhelmed”.

A. Stick to your plan.

B. We set unrealistic goals or standards for ourselves.

C. Also, take time to reward yourself for achieving a goal.

D. Organize your workday.

E. We cannot expect to complete the tasks quickly.

F. Learn which tasks can be delegated and which need personal attention.

G. It is a well-thought-out plan to help guide and direct work activities.

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