0  734  742  748  752  758  760  764  770  772  778  784  788  790  794  800  802  808  812  814  818  820  824  826  828  829  830  832  833  834  836  838  842  844  848  850  854  860  862  868  872  874  878  884  890  892  898  902  904  910  914  920  928  3002 



考试时间:90分钟      总分:100分       命题人:王晓林





时间:90分钟        满分:100分


下列各题只有一个答案符合题意请选出并涂到答题卡上 (每题2分共60分)




A①②    B ③④  C ①④  D②③


A把握主次矛盾之间的关系   B把握事物变化发展的趋势





A①②     B③④      C②③④          D①②③④


4.在这场罕见的冰雪灾害面前,任何一个部门、一个地区的单兵作战都注定软弱无力,要打破“条块分割”,大协作成为这场抗灾救灾硬仗中的最强音!之所以要搞好各个部门之间的大协作,是因为                     (    )




A.①②③               B.②③④                 C.①③④                 D.①②④



①坚持适度原则量力而行                                ②主观要与客观相符合

③用全面联系的观点看问题                            ④内外因关系要相协调

       A.①②③               B.②③④                C.②③                  D.①④


    ①要处理好整体与部分的关系                    ②共性和个性是统一的

    ③调整事物内部结构促成质变                    ④数量的变化引起质变

    A.①②                      B.①③                  C.②③                    D.③④






 A.以一定的客观条件为转移的    B.一个改造世界的过程

 C.根据社会理想来设计的        D.由主要矛盾来决定事物性质的



 ③与实事求是相统一的 ④我们必须坚持的思想路线的内容之一

 A.②③    B.③④    C.①③④    D.②③④


A.主观符合客观      B.理论指导实践     C.物质决定意识    D.共性与个性相结合





A.①④            B.①②            C.②③④            D.①②④



A.新事物是旧事物矛盾变化的结果         B.事物数量上增减必然引起质变

C.优化事物内部结构,促进事物发展       D.事物发展是前进行与曲折性的统一

13.2008年2月16日,昆明市通过媒体向社会公布了各部门党政领导班子成员的联系电话,同时详细刊登了各领导的职务分工情况。此举引起了社会和媒体的高度关注。 回答13题。电话号码公开,让想办事的人少走弯路,能大大提高政府和企业的办事效率。当然电话公布后可能会有负面影响,会有个别骚扰电话,也给正常工作带来一定麻烦,但是这一措施更多传递出一种诚信、服务型政府的政务公开信号。这反映的哲学道理是

A.具体问题具体分析               B.发展的观点看问题

C.两点论和重点论的统一           D.一切从实际出发


①一事物和他事物总是无条件地联系着  ②事物的发展总是量变与质变的统一

③事物的发展是前进性和曲折性的统一  ④看问题既要全面,又要分清主流和支流

A. ①②            B. ②④           C. ①③          D. ③④






①辩证看问题的观点            ②一分为二看问题的观点

③分清主次矛盾看问题的方法    ④两点论看问题的方法

A.①②④    B.①③④      C. ②③④      D.①②③


①一切从实际出发的原则               ②一切以时间地点需要为转移

③用发展的观点看问题                 ④实事求是的原则

A.①②③       B.①③④         C. ②③④         D.①②④



①事物之间是相互影响、相互制约的   ②事物处于因果联系的链条之中

③外因是事物发展变化的根据         ④国际贸易的矛盾是不可调和的

A.①②③       B. ②③④         C.①②            D.①④



A.量变到一定程度会引起质变             B.用发展的观点看问题

C. 运动是绝对的静止是相对的             D.矛盾的主次方面可以相互转化


20. 近几年我国相继与俄罗斯、法国、意大利等国互办文化年,使东西方文化得以相互交流。在处理中西文化关系上,我们必须立足国情,以我为主,中西结合,扬长避短。这体现了

 ①矛盾主要方面和次要方面辩证关系原理    ②联系是客观的有条件的原理

 ③矛盾普遍性和特殊性辩证关系原理        ④内外因辩证关系原则

A.①②③      B.①②④      C.①③④      D.②③④

山西省河津市,2002年就成为“三晋首富”, 2006年名列全国“百强”县第72位。然而,在2007年进行的山西省119个县、区、市综合考核中,河津市却因环保不达标,被取消了评优资格。回答21题。


A.既重视量变,更重视质变     B.实事求是的工作作风

C.善于抓中心抓重点     D.正确处理整体和部分的关系



























 ①要善于在对立中把握统一 ②事物之间的联系会导致事物的运动变化发展
  A.①②      B.①③       C.①④      D.②④
  A.事物的主次矛盾的关系     B.矛盾的主次方面的关系
  C.事物的整体与部分的关系    D.事物的质变与量变的关系
  ①一切从实际出发       ②事物是变化发展的
  ③任何两个事物都联系着    ④矛盾具有同一性
  A.①②   B.③④   C.①③   D.②④

  ①敢于寻找新思路,开拓新境界    ②解放思想,实事求是
  ③敢于怀疑推翻传统         ④具有批判性思维
  A.①②④  B.①②③  C.①③④  D.②③④



A.①②   B.②④   C.②③   D.③④

第II卷 (共40分)

31、 全面推进社会主义新农村建设,是当今深化改革,促进发展的重要步骤。


请结合农民工全国人大代表从无到有的变化 ,说一说我们怎样才能做到一切从实际出发?(10分)







32 、2007年是中日邦交正常化35周年。在两千多年的交往中,中华民族和日本民族相互学习、相互借鉴,促进了各自的发展和进步,但中日两国也有一段惨痛不幸的历史。为了加深友谊与合作,2007年4月,温家宝总理完成了访问日本的“融冰之旅”。历史反复证明,中日和则两利,斗则俱伤,实现两国人民世代友好完全符合历史潮流和两国人民愿望,也是亚洲和国际社会的殷切期盼。




























































时间:120 分钟    满分:150 分     




听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A 、B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试题的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What did the man do?

  A. Checked on something. 

B. Stopped at a traffic light.  

C. Got some money.

2. Who was at the door?

  A. A delivery boy.         

B. A postman.         

C. A neighbour’s daughter.

3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A. At a bookstore.      B. At an art gallery.    C. In a department store.

4. What does the woman think about George?

  A. He spends too much money on a TV.

  B. He actually likes television.

  C. He seldom watches television.

5. What will the woman probably do?

  A. Wash clothes.       B. Do her homework.   C. Enjoy the beautiful day.




6. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. Wedding ceremony.      B. Wedding preparations.   C. Ordering flowers.

7. What do we know about the woman?

  A. Her wedding is to take in two weeks.      

B. She’s helping the man prepare for the coming wedding.     

C. Her would-be husband is too busy to help her.

8. What do we know about the man?

  A. He’s a very warm-hearted man.

  B. He’s going to marry the woman in about two weeks.

  C. He’s already booked a lot of flowers for his girlfriend.


9. Where are the two speakers?

  A. In an office.        B. In a hospital.      C. At home.

10.Why doesn’t the man sleep well?

   A. He has a headache.           B. He has to work late into the night.       

C. His cough is particularly bad at night.

11. Why doesn’t the man go to the clinic?

   A. He is having a meeting.  B. He is too busy to do it.

C. He can take care of himself.


12. How many people are there altogether in the woman’s family?

   A. Three .            B. Five.           C. Seven.

13. When did the man have his own room?

   A. 15.               B. 16.             C. 17.

14. How do the two speakers think of the idea of letting a baby sleep in a room of its own?

   A. It is astonishing.    B. It is practical.     C. It makes one feel independent.


15. What’s the most important reason that the man is against traveling abroad?

   A. It’s more expensive.

   B. It needs careful planning.

   C. He can’t speak any foreign languages.

16. What do we know from the woman?

   A. She has been to many interesting places in Europe.    

   B. Her job involves the use of foreign languages.      

  C. She has a well-paid job in Britain.

17. What’s the man’s difficulty staying abroad?

   A. He is not used to the climate.     

 B. He is not familiar with the situations.   

C. He can’t speak foreign languages.


18. What’s the main idea of the passage?

   A. What is air pollution.     

B. Air pollution has to be stopped.     

C. Man can’t live without air.

19. What are all the countries trying to do?

   A. To spend less money in stopping pollution.    

B. To prevent and control air pollution.   

 C. To burn less fuel in factories.

20. According to the passage, where does air pollution exist?

   A. In most cities.       B. In the countryside.   C. Everywhere in the world.



21. I hope my teacher will take my bad illness into ____ when judging my examination.

   A. statement        B. conclusion   C. account        D. story

22. Some people can never go above 4,000 meters because their body is unable to ____ to these extreme conditions.

   A. adopt          B. adjust         C. addict        D. access

23. Many factories and banks in some countries have closed down as a direct ____ of

   the financial crisis going on in the USA.

   A. matter         B. consequence    C. whole        D. total

24. The study showed a deep fear among the elderly of being ____ to the care of strangers.

   A. dismissed      B. abandoned      C. stood         D. quit

25. Dr. Frank failed many times but he finally ___ to find a successful way to solve the problem.

   A. broke off       B. broke through   C. broke down    D. broke up

26. --- Why do you suggest we buy a new machine?

   --- Because the old one has been damaged _____.

   A. beyond reach    B. beyond repair  C. beyond control D. beyond description

27. Dickens made a call upon the rich to have mercy on the people who were ____.

   A. less badly off   B. less well off     C. more badly off   D. more well off

28. The village was badly struck by the rare flood last night. The villagers were badly ___ food and shelter.

   A. in time of       B. in charge of      C. in want of    D. in possession of

29. ____ exchange students can learn many useful things, it is also possible that some of them may fall behind in their studies.t

   A. Since          B. While           C. If           D. When

30. The allowance is only enough to ____ the most fundamental needs such as food and clothing.

   A. convey        B. cover           C. consist       D. confirm

31. Animals suffered at the hands of man _____ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.

   A. in which        B. for which        C. so that       D. in that

32. Having checked the doors were closed, and ____ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

   A. why           B. that             C. when        D. where

33. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true ____ it comes to classroom tests.

   A. before         B. since            C. when        D. after

34. ____ is known to us all that Obama has been elected President of the USA.

   A. As            B. Which           C. It           D. What

35. I’m certain David’s told you his business troubles. ____ , it’s no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

   A. However      B. Anyway           C. Therefore      D. Though

第二节:  完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. She was too  36   to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going to a fancy dress party with her husband. She intended to  37   as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before, she was impatient to  38  .Though the costume consisted only of a sheet, it was very  39  .After putting it on, Mrs Richards went   40  .She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to  41  .Just as Mrs Richards was  42  the dining room, there was a knock on the front door. She knew it  43  be the baker. She had told him to come   44   in if ever she failed to open the door and leave the bread on the  45   table. Not wanting to  46  the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly   47  in the small store room under the stairs. She heard the front door  48  and heavy footsteps in the hall.  49  the door of the store room was opened and a man entered. Mrs Richards  50  that it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to   51   the meter. She tried to explain the  52 ,saying "It's only me", but it was too late. The man  53   a cry and jumped back several paces.  54  Mrs Richards walked towards him, he fled, slamming the door  55   him.

36. A. worried           B. excited      C. satisfied          D. surprised

37. A. dress up          B. face up      C. take up       D. put up

38. A. try it out           B. try it on      C. try it up           D. try it down

39. A. efficient           B. different     C. effective       D. effortful

40. A. upstairs    B. downstairs   C. insides          D. outsides

41. A. show             B. wear              C. put on           D. try on

42. A. entering          B. coming           C. walking          D. going

43. A. might        B. could          C. would      D. must

44. A. right       B. direct      C. straight      D. straightly

45. A. kitchen            B. sitting-room  C. bed-room      D. store-room

46. A. amuse            B. inspire       C. annoy      D. frighten

47. A. sat                B. stood         C. hid               D. lay

48. A. close             B. crash      C. break             D. open

49. A. Slowly               B. Surely       C. Quickly          D. Suddenly

50. A. knew             B. noticed    C. realised           D. recognised

51. A. read             B. write         C. say              D. call

52. A. position           B. situation     C. question    D. suggestion

53. A. let out           B. went out     C. set out   D. came out

54. A. Where            B. When       C. Since            D. Once

55. A. before            B. under       C. behind        D. above

第三部分:(共两节 满分50分)

第一节: 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)



Let us say there is something you don’t know how to do. In the past if you were determined to learn, you might have called friends or relatives, taken a night class or walked down to the local library for a research term. But now a host of websites are springing up to provide free practical advice on these subjects and actually anything else you can think of. In one sense, these“ how ? to” sites represent a part of the growing world of online learning. These FAQs(Frequent Answers and Questions), many of which still circulate(go round continuously), took a special subject and explained it to complete novices. But, “how - to” sites take the FAQ idea in a somewhat different direction by addressing subjects that aren't necessarily associated with discussion forums(论坛).These sites take the style of a written tutorial and a tone of friendly advice. Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is learn 2.com(www. learn2. com)It offers nearly 1, 000 free tutorials and adds new ones frequently for a job interview. At ehow. com(www. ehow.)you can learn how to train for your first marathon, how to buy a vacation home, or how to make a movie in eight steps.
56.The purpose of the passage is to________.
  A. introduce new websites to netizens(网民)
  B. say how to learn new courses by Internet
  C. bring new means to learn something new
  D. help you to solve any difficulty you meet with
57.The underlined word“ novices” probably means________.
  A. people with rich experience
  B. people without experience
  C. beginners of “ how - to” sites
  D. hosts of “how - to” sites
58.From the passage we may guess that________.
  A. a deaf person can teach himself at home by visiting “how-to” sites
  B. “how - to” sites are specially designed for the disabled
  C. you can just click your mouse at home to question anything
  D. it is pleasant to listen to the advice on “how-to” sites
59.If you have no tent when you decide to go camping, you may________ .
  A. visit www.learn2. com     B. visit www. ehow. com
  C. visit some site else       D. go to the tourist company


   Rome---Doctors and medical groups around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is on the brink of cloning the first human baby.
  Dr. Severino Antinori, who is the head of a hospital in Rome, has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant(怀孕)with a cloned baby.
  Antinori refused to comment on the reports, but in March 2001 he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo(卵)for implantation within two years. So far seven different kinds of mammals have already successfully cloned, including sheep, cats and most recently rabbits.
  Doctors showed their doubt and were strongly opposed although they admit that human cloning would finally come true unless there was a world wide ban on the practice.
  Professor Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: “I find it astonishing that people do this where the result can be foretold that it will not be a normal baby. It is using humans as guinea pigs. It makes people feel sick. ”But Ronald Green, director of the Ethics institute at Darmouth College in the US, said it is unlikely that an eight - week - old pregnancy would lead to a birth.
  So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, many of them dying soon after their births .
  Doctors are opposed to human cloning because they are worried about the welfare of the cloned child if there is one.
  “There are no benefits of cloned human beings, just harm, ”said Dr. Michael Wilks of the UK.
60. What do the underlined words “on the brink of” in the first paragraph mean most    probably?
  A. on the side of
  B. on the point of
  C. in search of
  D. in favour of
61. What is the doctors’ general attitude to cloning of humans according to the passage?
  A. They are against it.
  B. They support it.
  C. They welcome it.
  D. They pay no attention to it.
62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
  A. Dcotor Severino Antinori is strongly opposed to cloning human beings.
  B. Up to now, seven kinds of animals have been cloned, including sheep, cats,           humans and rabbits.
  C. Professor Rudolf Jaenisch is carrying on an experiment on cloning an eight- week -old embryo.
  D. Ronald Green doubts about the future successful birth of the so -called cloned embryo.
63. Which is the best title for the passage?
  A. The Success of Cloning Humans
  B. The Anger at Cloning Humans
  C. Failure of Cloning Humans
  D. First Cloned Human


Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen. Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English.
  Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.
Global English Center
  *General English in all four skills:listening,speaking,reading,and writing.
  *3-month(700 yuan),6-month(1,200 yuan)and one-year(2,000 yuan)courses.
  *Choice of morning or evening classes,3 hours per day,Mon―Fri.
  *Experienced college English teachers.
  *Close to city center and bus stops.
  Tel:67705272  Add:105 Ahongshan Road,100082

Modern Language School
  *Special courses in English for business,travel,banking.hotel management and office skills.
  *Small classes(12-16 students)on Sat. & Sun. from 2┱00-5┱00 p. m.
  *Native English teachers from Canada and USA.
  *Language lab and computers supplied.
  *3-month course:1, 050 yuan;6-month course:1, 850 yuan.
  Write or phone;Modern Language School,675 Park Road.100056

The 21st Century English Training Centre
  *We specialize in effective teaching at all levels.
  *We offer morning or afternoon classes, both three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.
  *We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holidays.
  *Entrance exams:June 1 and Dec.1.
  *Only 15-minute walk from city center.
  Call 67801642 for more information.

The International House of English
  *Three/Six-month English courses for students of all levels at very low cost:60 yuan for 12 hours per week;convenient(方便的)class hours:9┱00-12┱00 a. m. and 2┱00-5┱00 p.m.
  *A four-month evening programmer for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes).
  *Free sightseeing and social activities(活动).
  *Very close to the Central Park.For further information call 67432308.
64. You work from 9┱00 a. m. to 4┱30 p. m. every day. Which school will you    choose?
  A. Global English Center and Modern  Language School.
  B. Global English Center and the International House.
  C. Modern Language School and the 21st Century.
  D. The 21st Century and the International House.
65. The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that________.
  A. its teaching quality is better
  B. it is nearest to the city center
  C. its courses are more advanced
  D. it requires an entrance examination
66. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it________.
  A. offers free sightseeing and social activities
  B. has a special course in spoken English
  C. costs less than the other schools
  D. has native English teachers
67. If you take the evening programmed at the International House, you will pay about________.
   A. 60 yuan  B. 240 yuan   C. 720 yuan    D. 960 yuan


  Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or diseases. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3, 000 feet away - straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’t have pest(害虫)problems.
  Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3, 000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running“fevers”. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.
  The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt that technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, ” says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson , who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.
68. Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are________.
  A. sprayed with pesticides
  B. facing an infrared scanner
  C. in poor physical condition
  D. exposed to excessive sun rays
69. In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning   to____.
  A. estimate the damage to the crops
  B. measure the size of the affected area
  C. draw a color -coded map
  D. locate the problem area
69. Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by________.
  A. resorting to spot - spraying
  B. consulting infrared scanning experts
  C. transforming poisoned rain
  D. detecting crop problems at an early stage
71. The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some     difficulties due to ________.,
  A. the lack of official support
  B. its high cost
  C. the lack of financial support
  D. its failure to help increase production


There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, the other becomes unhappy This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.

  People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things. The pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine, the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend (hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the ones to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation(仿效)It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.

  Although in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrong doings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.

72. People who are unhappy       

A. always consider things differently from others

B. usually are affected by the results of certain things

C. usually misunderstand what others think or say

D. always discover the unpleasant side of certain things

73. The underlined phrase “sour the pleasure of society” most nearly means “     

A. have a good taste with social life        B. make others unhappy

C. tend to scold others openly             D. enjoy the pleasure of life

74. If such unhappy persons insist on keeping the habit, the author suggests that people should      

A. prevent any communication with them

B. show no respect and politeness to them

C. persuade them to recognize the bad effects

D. quarrel with them until they realize the mistakes

75. In this passage, the writer mainly     

A. describes two types of people        B. laughs at the unhappy people

C. suggests ways to help the unhappy    D. tells people how to be happy in



76. Weather p________, I will go.

77. She was able to give the police an a_______ description.

78. They r_______ each other in shape but not in colour.

79. She b_______ him for the failure of their marriage.

80. Under no c_______ will I let my daughter marry a such a person.

81. In the library books and magazines are usually _______(分类) by different subjects.

82. The Chinese language is a________ in idioms and proverbs.

83. Reading ________(占据) most of my free time.

84. I _______(咨询) a doctor about my pains yesterday.

85. The room is partly ________(用家具布置) with a few old armchairs.



   I think the friendship is extremely important to me.

It like brothers and sisters and even more than

that. To make friends, I must first choose one

which has a lot in common with me and we

can share joys or sorrows. I will do nearly

nothing for my friend and I will expect him to do

the same. Unless he doesn’t help me when I am in

trouble, I won’t consider him to be being a good friend.

As it is well-known, a friend in need is a friend

indeed. That was the most important in friendship.















第II卷及答题卡  2008、11

第四部分:写  (共两节,满分35)

第一节:短文改错:(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)







   I think the friendship is extremely important to me.

It like brothers and sisters and even more than

that. To make friends, I must first choose one

which has a lot in common with me and we

can share joys or sorrows. I will do nearly

nothing for my friend and I will expect him to do

the same. Unless he doesn’t help me when I am in

trouble, I won’t consider him to be being a good friend.

As it is well-known, a friend in need is a friend

indeed. That was the most important in friendship.














76. Weather p________, I will go.

77. She was able to give the police an a_______ description.

78. They r_______ each other in shape but not in colour.

79. She b_______ him for the failure of their marriage.

80. Under no c_______ will I let my daughter marry such a person.

81. In the library books and magazines are usually _______(分类) by different subjects

82. The Chinese language is a________ in idioms and proverbs.

83. Reading ________(占据) most of my free time.

84. I _______(咨询) a doctor about my pains yesterday.

85. The room is partly ________(用家具布置) with a few old armchairs.


进入21世纪这个互联网时代,网络语言(the Internet language)向我们扑面而来。然而,究竟应该接受还是排斥网络语言仍然是当前的一个颇有争议的话题。请根据下面的表格,写一篇短文来阐明其中的两种观点。



参考词汇:现象phenomenon 不适当的inappropriate



1、  简洁幽默;

2、  使用范围较小,对汉语影响不会很大;

3、  是语言发展中的正常现象

1、  过多使用对汉语发展有坏的影响;

2、  给青少年的语言学习造成障碍












































                  Keys to the test papers





阅读理解:A:CBAB    B:BADD    C:BDBD

      D:CDAC    E:DBAC

69.C 提示:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了将原用于军事和卫星的红外线扫描技术运用于农业的前景,人们为此所做出的努力及遇到的困难。依据文章第2段第2行“...an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops.The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running ‘fevers’”,说明植物在发“高烧”,也就是说,“身体状况”不佳时才会散发热。所以选项C符合题意。
70.D 提示:本题要求判断使用红外线扫描技术的目的。依据文章第2段第4行“...showing where plants were running ‘fevers’.Farmers could then spot spray,...”说明目的是确定有问题的区域,以使农民有针对性地喷杀虫剂。显然,选项D(确定有问题的地域)为最佳选项。
73.B 提示:“sour”是“变酸”的意思;当然可以从短语所在那句话中轻易得出。
74.A 提示:最后一段中有这样一句“If they don't,it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them”,由此可知。
75.C 提示:通读全文可知,作者在描述了这类人后,提出了大量建议,从而最终归结到写作目的去。

单词填空:76. permitting;     77. accurate;     78. resemble     79. blamed;

80. circumstances; 81. classified 82. abundant 83. occupies

84. consulted    85. furnished


86. 去掉the  87. like前加is     88. 正确   89. which --- who

90. or ---and  91. nothing --- anything  92. Unless --- If 

93. being --- be 94.去掉it  95. was --- is


With the development of online communication, a new language, the Internet language, is becoming more and more popular in online chat rooms, even in teenagers’ daily life. It consists of some symbols, such as :-) ( a smiling face), and abbreviations such “PLAMM”( a beautiful girl).

   Though the Internet language is so popular, the public holds two different kinds of attitudes towards it. Some think it is simple and humorous, and because it is used in a very limited area, it has bad effects. In their opinion, it is a normal phenomenon and a necessary stage in the development of the Chinese language.

   The others, however, think that the Internet language is “inappropriate”. They stress that too much use of it will damage Chinese. Besides, young people, especially primary and middle school students, may have difficulty in learning Chinese because of it.







满分100分  考试时间90分    2008、11、17






本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共 12页,满分100分。以考生实际得分的60%计入总分。考试用时120分钟。答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置,并认真核准条形码上的信息。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。





















A.①②④      B.②③④     C.①③④      D.①②③






A.①②    B.①④    C.①③④     D.①②③④


A.巴黎圣母院      B.埃及金字塔     C.印度泰姬陵     D.希腊雅典卫城









①             ②           ③            ④

A.④①②③     B.④③①②     C.④②①③       D.①②③④


















A.爆竹飞上天    B.运动员跳高     C.地球运动     D.箭离弦


A.热能     B.核能     C.光能     D.电磁能




    本试卷分第1卷(选择题30分)和第1I卷(非选择题120分)两部分,全卷满分1 50分’考试时间150分钟。


















  第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7 5分)


 1.What’s the man doing?

    A,He’s working in a hotel.    B.He’s visiting a young couple.

    C He’s  travelling around.

  2.What time does the train leave?

    A,At 6:15.    B.At 6:25.    C At 6:50.

 3.What does then man mean?

     A He needs some change.    B.He seldom counts his money

     C He doesn’t have that much cash.

  4.What’s the weather like now?

     A.Raining.    B.Cloudy.    C.Sunny

  5.What can we learn from the conversation?

     A.The man is going to Chicago by Airlines Flight 514.

     B.Lucy is seeing the man off at the airport.

     C.Luck is going to fly to Chicago




 6 .Where does the conversation take place?

    A In the woman’s house      B.In the man’s house.    C In a restaurant

 7.What has the woman offered the man?

    A.A drink       B.A Foeal       C A house.


 8 Who are they talking about?

    A.A handsome man       B Mary’s boyfriend   .C.Jane’s new boyfriend

 9.How does Bill look like?

   A He wears glasses and has short hair     B.He is handsome      C.He has dark hair


 10.What is the mall going to do?

   A.Take a flight for Japan.          B.Drive the woman to the hotel.

 C.Meet a guest at the airport.

 11 Where will Mr Black stay after his arrival?

    A.At a hotel.       B At the man’s house .   C.At the woman’s house.

 12.What will take place that evening?

    A.Mr.Black’s arrival.    B.A hotel reception    C.A business meeting

 13.What does the man want to make a good impression?

     A.To repay Mr .Black’s kindness.    B .To get invited back toTokyo.

     C.To increase the hotel’s business


 14 What did the doctor do first?

     A.Gave the patient some medicine   B.Took the patient’s temperature.

 C.Let the patient go home

 15.How long had it been bothering the patient?

 A For along time.       B About 2 days.   C  More than one week.

 16.Wbat was the trouble with the patient?

      A.Had a fever,felt thirsty and couldn’t sleep well.

      B. Had a bad cough and couldn’t sleep well.       C Had a tooth ache

 17.What should the patient do then?

     A.Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.        B.Have the blood examined.

     C.Take the medicine and go to the doctor’s in three days.


 18.How many American workers are farmers?

     A.More than 3%ofAmeriean workers    B.Less than 3% of American workers

     C.Just 3%of American workers.

 19 Why can they produce more?

     A.Beeause they work hard.    B.Because they use modern farming and business methods

     C.Because they use modern farming methods

 20 .Which is the biggest industry in America?

     A Businesss        B .A Ggriculture       C. Computer industry




 21 In the reading room,you should walk on        tiptoe so that you wouldn’t disturb other  readers,

    A the;the           B,the;/         C./;the            D,/,/

 22.一This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

     ―Yes,I know him very well ,He      in Africa with animals for ten years.

     A has worked        B、had worked      C.has been working     D.worked

 23.She has a          of playing with her hair when she’s nervous.

     A.sense           B practice       C.custom        D habit

  24-How’s your work?

    一        isn’t getting along well.We meet with big difficulties sometimes

   A Everthing       B.Anything       C Nothing       D。Something

 25           is known to everybody is that Taiwan is part of China

     A.As         B What        C.That        D It

 26.Mary called me this morning and said that she had to        from school for two days to look after her mother in hospital.

     A keep away       B,stay away        C leare alway        D take away

 27一Mary looks sad and disappointed

   ―So         you if you had failed the NMET.

  A.do           B did            C will         D would

 28.Hearing the news,he rushed out,     the book    on the table and disappeared into the distance

     A left;lying open                B 1eaving;lying open

     C.leaving;lie opened             D left;lay opened

 29         I got over my low spirits.From then on,I began smilling to my classmates.

     A.Consistently      B Roughly       C Eventually     D Constantly

 30.一You went late the stadium yesterday evening,didn’t you?

    一Yes,my wife was a little late the supper

     A,to;with       B.for;with       C for;for      D at:for

 31.When the post fell        ,Dennis Bass was appointed to fill it ,

  A empty         B.blank        C vacant        D bare

 32.Forceful measures have been taken for the reconstruction,but it maybe sometime        ,we see an entirely new Wenchuan

 A before        B when        C,since      D.until

 33.If you         go to day,at least wait till the storm is over

     A can          B most         C may        D will

 34 The chief engineer hopes they     everything ready before we     the project next month

 A .will have got ; start              B are getting ; start  

 C will be getting ;will start          D have got ; shall start

 35.-Tom ,we’re in great need of your help here and …‘

   -           .I’m not coming and that’s that

 A.Go ahead        B Don’t mention it     C Take it easy     D Just forget it

   第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1 5分,满分30分)


     More than l realized.Dad has helped me keep my balance.

 When 1 was growing up,1 was embarrassed to be seen with my lather He was severely disabled and very  36   ,and when we would walk together , his hand on my arm for   37      , people would stare . I would inwardly (内心地)feel uncomfortable at the unwanted  38    . If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never    39    that he knew.

      It was   40    to coordinate (cooperate) our steps??his hesitant, mine impatient??and because of that, we didn’t  41   much as we went along, But as we started out ,he always said,”You set the    42  , I will try to follow you ,”

      Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was   43   he got to work, He went to work despite illness and bad weather, He almost never missd a day and would  44    it to the office even if others could not , A matter of   45  

 He never talked about himself as an object of pity ,nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or   46   . What he looked for   47   others was a “good heart”, and if he found one ,the      48    was good enough for him.

    Now that I am older, I believe that his idea is a proper  49   by which to judge people ,even though I  50  don’t know exactly what a “good heart”is   51    I know the times I don’t have one myself.

 He has been gone many years now ,but I think of him often, I wonder if he   52   I was unwilling to be seen with him during our   53   , Now that I am older, I’m sorry that I never told him how sorry I was for my feeling   54   to be with him in public and how unworthy I felt to be his daughter. I think of him when I complain about trifles (somehting unimportant),when I am envious of another’s good fortune , and when I don’t possess a “good heart”.

 At such times I put my hand on his arm to   55   my balance , and say ,”You set the pace , I will try to follow you ,.”

 36.A.strong         B. energetic          C. short       D. foolish

 37 A.balance         B trength            C  comfort     D  courage

 38 A.care            B attention           C situation     D  friendship

 39.A.pretended      B found             C liked         D showed

 40 A.easy            B difficult           C possible       D necessary

 41.A see            B pay               C say            D give

 42 A rule             B time              C step          D pace

 43 A.how           B why              C when          D where

 44 A get             B make              C take           D offer

 45.A joy           B faith               C  belief        D   pride

 46.A rich             B  successful        C optimistic      D  hardworking

 47.A on              B in               C for             D  with

  48.A owner           B keeper           C  winner        D  other

 49.A method          B value             C standard        D level

 50.  yet            B also                C ever          D still

 51.And            B But                C Now           D Then

 52. sensed          B foresaw            C approved         D  recognized

 53.walks           B talks               C stays            D visits

 54.afraid            B proud             Cashamed           D disappointed

 55. compensate        B keep              C refill            D regain

  第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)













     Do you want to watch a hot movie while chatting with your friend on the phone,or shop with your mobile while on a train?The ongoing construction of a new telecommunication service will make these things reality,very soon

     It is reported that China is to issue its first licence for the commercial use of third generation

 telecommunication technology early next year .The so―called 3G technology will enable mobile phone users to enjoy high-speed Internet-based services, It will help increase mobility in many areas of our life.

     Nowadays,many mobile phones also allow you to send e―mails or read the latest stories on the Internet but their services are limited by their transporting speed,which is only 10 kilobytes per second But 3G will enable you to connect to the Internet with a speed of up to 2 megabytes per second,a thousand times faster than what you use now

    If recent mobile technology is like riding a bike on a country road.then 3G will make you fly on the information highway For example,a mobile phone with 3G technology will enable you to download a three minutes’MP3 song within two minutes.But at the moment,it will take you up to an hour to do this with your mobilephone.

   In the near future,we’ll expect high―speed access to the Internet.entertainment.information and electronic commerce serviceswhereverwe are――not just at our computer sort elevision sets.In the UK and many other European countries where 3G services have been around since 2003.3G has aIready become a part of modem business life Nowadays,employees are able to spend some of their working hours at home ,The new technology allows the emergency swevices to provide a video link with a hospital or doctor for patients who need special care

 56.What are the strength of the so―called 3G tchnology?

     A. It enables mobile phone users to enjoy Internet-based services

     B. It can enable you to download MP3songs

     C.A 3G mobilephone can transport information much faster than what we use now.

     D.3G technology will offer you high-speed access to the Internet wherever there is a computer.

57 Which is NOT true according to the passage?

    A  It is impossible for us t listen to MP3music with our current mobile phone.

    B  Thanks to 3G phones,Eumpean employees needn’t always travel to work.

    C.3G mobile phone enables you to watch a hot movie while chatting

    D,The new technology allows a doctor to examine a patient through a video link

58 Which sentence can best describe the picture?

    A 3G will make you fly on the information highway

    B.3G will help increase mobility in many areas of our lives

    C 3G has already become a part of modern business

    D.3G wil enable you connect to the internet with a speed of 2 megabytes per second



After the Summer Olympics are over, when all the athletse and viewers have gone home and the television audience has switched off , another group of athletes and fans well arrive at the host city,an another compertition will begin, These are the Paralympics , the games for athletes with a disability, But in Bdijng in 2008,for the first time, one of the greatest paralympians will not be taking part.

She is a British athlete by the name of Tanni Grey-Thompson 。Born with spine bifida(脊椎裂) which left her paralysed form the waist down, Tanni used a wheel chair from the age of 7.At first ,she was not keen on sport,apart from hourse-riding, which gave her a seence of freedom.But in her teens, she started taking sports more seriously, She tried swimming, basketball and tennis, Eventually she found athletics,and never looked back.

Indeed Tanni’s athletic career took off , In 1984, when she was 15.she pulled off a surprise victor. In the 100 metres at the Junior National Wheelchair Games.

In 1988,Tanni went to her first Paralympic Games in Seoul, She won bronze in the 400 metres, Even greater success followed at the 1992 Barelona Paralympics, Tanni won gold in the 100.200.400.and 800 metres relay, setting two world records in the process, In the same year she achieved the first of he six London Wheelchair Marathon victories,

Tanni’s enduring success had been part motivation, part preparation,”The training I do enables me to be a good sprinter(短跑运动员), enables me to be good at a marathon too, I train 50 weeks of the years and that keeps me prepared for whatever distance I want to race…I am still competing at a very high level, but as I get older things get harder and I want to retire before I fall apart.”

59 Which of the following sports did Tanni like before thirteen?

    A Basketball    B.Swimming    C.Tennis D Horse-riding.

60 When did Tannl win her first Olympic gold medal?

    A.In l984    B In l988    C In l992.   D.In 2007.

61.The underlined word‘‘that”in the 5th paragraph refers to           

    A.fifty weeks’training    B being a good sprinter

    C.training almost everyday D.part motivation and part preparation

62 What’s the right order of the events related to Tanni?

    a She works as a coach

    b She took up athletics.

    e.She won four gold medals in Barcelona

    d.She competed in her first Paralympic Games

    e.She achieved a victory in her first London Wheel chair Marathon

    A.b,d,c,e,a    B.a.d,b,c,e    C.a,d,c,e,b D b,d,a, e,c

 63 What can we learn fromTrami’s success?

    A Unionis strength.    B.Everyone should spare no efforts

    C Well begun is half done D No pains,no gains.



The home service industry in Beijing is expected to become more attractive both as a job and as an industry.

Sources at the Beijing People’s Political Consultative Conference said resistance to home service work is melting away from minds of the city’s laid-off workers, The Conference suggested the establishment of municipal centers  which supervise (监督)property mangement ,household mending and installation, and house keeping services .Modern city life is creating a need for industrialization home services. This will create job opportunities for  laid-off workers, said vice director of the Social Judicial Committee of the Conference.

Beijing residents have long desired a home service industry , The demand is expected to drive new economic growth, There are few high quality home hel services in Beijing and customers and always complaining .

In the past, few laid-off workers in Beijing desired to work as home helpers, jobs largely taken by young women from the countryside,.At the same time, some city residents haave not felt safe trusting rural girls with modern household machines or with their small children, Many people would pay more for reliable house keepers who are more familiar with city life, but they

have had no way of getting one ,even though the city is home ot thousands of laid-off workers.

By the end of June this year ,there were 30.600 jobless workers in the city . Most of them are women in their 40’s who are not blessed with particular skills and who have had their work ethics(准则) shaped by the planned economy , Many of them were at a loss when they first realized they had lost their jobs and a way of life they had got used ot for decades . They never imagined being laid off by satte owned enterprises, they never considered other kinds of employment. For them, the private sector(部门)meant taking risks; house-keeping implied lower social status, Gao Yunfang ,44,is a pioneer who is breaking the ice. She sells the Beijing Morning Post in the morning, and works at two households in the afternoon..She earns 1.000yuan per month, So she no longer worries about her daughter’s tuition at a university in Shanghai.

64.What is talked about in the passage?

    A.Home service  B Modern city life.  C Laid-off workers  D.Social status

65.Why didn’t the laid-off workers lide to do home services in the past?

     A , Low salary,      B Lower social status

C Dirty working condition     D Too much extra work

66 Why were many laid―off workers at a loss?

    A Because they didn’t get used to the new way of life.

    B Because they are too old to find a new job

    C Because they dislike being laid off.

D Because they think they lost their social stands



July 16th was a bad day for Mr.Arthur Johnson, In the  morning,he set off from his home in Santa Barbara, California, It was the start of his summer holidays and he decided to visit friends at Las Vegas, and he hoped to go fishing in Lake Mead , 40km from Las Vegas.

Johnson’s truobles started while he was driving happily across the Mojave Desert, His car went wrong and he tried to  repair it ,Them , to make matters worse, his attempts to start the car used up the battery and left it useless, After Johnsoon had waited an hour in the hot sun , a Canadian driver, john Williams, stopped and tried to help him. When both men failed, Williams promised to telephone a workshop to ask it to send a truck to pull the car away and repair its fuel pump.

Johnson left the keys in his car and sat in the shade of a large tree, Soon he fell asleep。 While he was sleeping, a repair truck arrived from San Pedro(the nearest town) and pulled his car away, Later on, Johnson woke up and thought that somebody had stolen his car.  He started to walk back toward San Pedro but a police car stopped him to find out why he was walking in the desert.

Johnsoon looked like a man wanted in Los Angeles for robbery ,so the polce detained him at San Pedro for the night , The next day, Johnson telephoned his friends in Los Angeles, They drove


to San Pedro and made the police believe tht Johnson was a harmless salesman,so they set him free,

67.Johnson’s car went wrong           

A when he was near the Mojave Desen    B.after he had passed San Pedro

C.before he left Santa Barhara          D ?not far from Los Angeles

68.What does the word“detained”mean?

A.Caught    B controlled.  C kept   D hurt

69 How did Williams help Jobnson?

A  He persuaded the police to set him free    B He went to ask the police for help

   C He drove Johnson into SanPedro           D He arranged to have his car repaired

70. Which is the best titIe of this passage?

A,A Bad Day for Arthur Johnson     ¨B.A Terrible Trip in the Desert

C A Poorly―planned Journey        D An Interesting Car Trip



Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21 st century, but regardless of whether it is or not , we won't do much about it ,We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding commitments to avoid it , But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem,the less likely they are to be observed.

A I Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution., But the real truth is that we don't know enough to relieve golbal warming ,and without major technological breakthroughs, we can’t do much about it.

From 2003to 2050, the world’s population is projected to grow from 6.4 billon to 9.1 billion a 42% increase, If energy use per peroson and technology remain the same total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions(排放) (mainly, CO2)will be 42% higher in 2050. But that’s too low, because societise that grow richer use more energy, We need economic growth unless we condemn (使注定) the world’s poor to their present.

Poverty can freeze everyone else’s living standards. With modest growth, energy use and greenhouse emissions more than double by 2050.

No government will adopt strict restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom(limits on electrictiy usage, driving and travel ) that might cut back global warming , Still , politicians want to show they’re “doing something “, Consier the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书). It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t But it hasn’t reduced CO2 emissions (up about 25% since 1990),and many singnatories(签字国)didn’t adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2012 targets.

The practical conclusin is that if global warming is a potential disaster, the only solution is new techonlogy, Only an aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it .

The trouble with th global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really an engineering one. The inconvenient truth is that if we don't’t slove the engineering problem. we’re helpless.

71 What is said about global warming in the first paragraph?

    A,It may not prove an environraental crisis at all.

    B.It is an issue requiting world wide commitments.

    C.Serious steps have been taken to avoid or stop it

    D,Very little will be done to bring it under control.

72.Greenhouse emissions will more thall double by 2050 because of              

A  economic growth      B wasteful use of energy

C  the widening gap between the rich and poor

D  the rapid advances of science and technology

73. The author believes that , since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol,         

A  politicians have started to do something to better the situation

B few nations have adopted real tough measures to limit energy use

C  reductions in energy consumption have greatly cut back global warming

D  international cooperation have greatly cut back global warming

74.What is the message the author intends to convey?

A Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B The final solution to global warming lies in new technology

C The debate over golbal warming will lead to technological breakthroughs

D People have to give up centain material comforts to stop golbal warming

75According to the author’s uderstanding,what is AlGore’s view on global warming?

    A It is a reallty both people and politicians are unaware of.

    B.It is a phenomenon that causes us many inconveniences

    C It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized.

    D It is an area we actually have little knowledge about.




    此题要求改正所给短文中的错误对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾 (√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误)则按下列情况改正:

    此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线 (\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉




It is really a good chance to have all ofyou here                         76.                

We have spent several precious weekend in learning                     77.                

in the English Club.Because we have been members                    78.                

for a short period of time.We have made agreat progress.               79.                

That is because We are all very much active and the                      80.                

activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful Besides,                81.                

the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make                82.                

the activities lively and interested I am very pleased to say                 83.                 

that all of us greatly improved our spoken English so far.I                84.                

am looking forward to seeing all of them again in the near future            85.                


    近几年来,越来越多的人们在网上购买实物、信息,甚至预定机票或酒店等服务。请根据图示及自己的观点,以“Shopping on the Intemet”为题,用英语写一篇短文。总字数120字左右。






















样本数据     如果时间A、B互斥,








    本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第1I卷(非选择题)两部分;满分1 00分,考试时间90分钟。






















    A.手中的五星红旗迎风招展    B.阳光灿烂,天空蔚蓝

C.太阳照射下船体明亮        D.众多流星划过天幕


     A.157.5o W    B.157.5o E    C.22.5o E    D.22.5o W



     A.45o N,110oE   B.48o 21'N.115o E    C.48o 21'N,135oE   D.45o N,145o E


     A..地球公转速度逐渐加快          B.安徽省各地昼长夜短

www.ks5u.com     C.正午太阳高度由赤道向南北两侧递减   D.晨昏线与极圈相切




     A.20℃16℃      B.23℃14℃

     C.17℃18℃      D.19℃15℃


 A北半球的1月    B.北半球的7月    C.南半球的2月    D扁半球的8月


 A.M地:气候温和湿润     B.M地:夏季晴天多,日照充足

 C.N地:气候温和湿润   D.N地:夏季晴天多,日照充足


 A加那利寒流    B本格拉寒流    c加利福尼亚寒流    D.秘鲁寒流









   A闹叶林→森林草原→荒漠    B.硬叶林→稀树草原→荒漠

   c.落叶林→草原→荒漠       D.雨林→稀树草原→荒漠



 ①大量燃烧煤和石油   ②夏季风的势力增强   ③城市规模不断膨胀   ④植被覆盖良好

 A.①②    B.②③    C.①③    D.③④


 A.扩大城市的面积和规模   B.发展洁净煤技术和清洁燃烧技术  

 C.大力发展城市私家轿车   D.集中布局有污染的工业企业










 A.自然条件的改变     B.综合治理了环境,进行了产业结构的调整

 C.劳动力素质的提高    D.冶理了环境污染,加大了招商引资的力度


 A.湿润的气候、平坦的地形    B.山区面积广大,有丰富的矿产资源

 C.丰富的经验、发达的科技    D广阔的水域,附近有较大的消费市场









 A.向斜构造    B.断层构造    C.沼皱构造    D.背斜构造



 A.①――山地、高原垂直气候特征    B.②――温带季风气候特征

C.③――卜地形雨           D.④――黑龙江和内蒙古的区域景色

 l 8.③句中描述的降水类型是下图中的









 A.55o30'S      B.55o30'N

  C_34o30'S      D.34o30'N


 A.该河段有凌汛现象        B.此时该河流处于汛期

 C.该河流流经亚寒带针叶林带    D.该河段水流自东向西流



www.ks5u.com A.黄土高原    B.山东丘陵

 C.江南丘陵    D.长江中下游平原


 A.矿物质含量低      B.有机质含量高

 C.土质疏松          D.酸性较强








 A.市场优势   B.历史悠久的文化优势

 C.科技优势     D.地理环境优势


 A.具有一定的区位特征    B.有一定的面积和形状

 C.有一定明确的界线     D.地理环境对区域发展有深刻的影响







www.ks5u.com (3).如何做好地质灾害的防御?(3分)






www.ks5u.com 和以北地区自然条件与农业生产的差异。(6分)


















www.ks5u.com 28.左图表示鞭组团城市空间布局与地形,右图为该市1980-2007年产业结构变化,下表是该市1980-2007年人均GDP增长情况。结合所学知识,回答下列问题:(12分)








(1)   述该地区地形的基本特征。(4分)

(2)   说出该地区的区域发展阶段及其区域发展特征。(4分)

(3)   该地区传统的劳动密集型企业较多,现已出现“民工荒”等问题。你认为该地区劳动密集弄企业的出路在哪里?(4分)


   材料一:一般认为,当一国石油对外依存度达到20%一30%N‘,就面临较高风险。我国将在未来5~10年遭遇 “石油安全”问题.10一20年这一问题会变得越来越严重。国外经验表明,战略石油储备是石油安全战略的核l心内容,建立必要的战略石油储备可以防止石油供应中断对国民经济造成的损失。目前.国家发改委已固定浙江镇海、舟山、山东黄岛、辽宁大连4个石油储备基地。



























