0  718  726  732  736  742  744  748  754  756  762  768  772  774  778  784  786  792  796  798  802  804  808  810  812  813  814  816  817  818  820  822  826  828  832  834  838  844  846  852  856  858  862  868  874  876  882  886  888  894  898  904  912  3002 




第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 30分)




(总分:150分     考试时间:120分钟)

第一卷(三部分 115分)





1.           1.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife.        B. Mother and son.               C. Father and daughter.

2.           2.When did the man last see Mary?

A. This Friday.                  B. Today.                             C. Last Friday.

3.           3.When does the post office close?

A. At 5:20.                       B. At 5:45.                           C. At 4:55.

4.           4.How many students passed the college-entrance examination last year?

A. About 800.                   B. About 240.                       C. About 560.

5.           5.Where are the two speakers?

A. On a bus.                     B. On a train.                       C. On Bus No.21.




6.           6.What is the man?

A. A doctor.                      B. A nurse.                           C. A worker.

7.           7.How many people work in the hospital?

A. 50.                              B. 60.                                  C. 110.

8.           8.Which department does the man work in?

A. In the X-ray department.       B. In the skin department.             C. In the hospital office.


9.           9.What is the woman’s problem?

A. She can’t visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

B. She can’t decide which place to visit.

C. She can’t think of a topic for her composition.

10.              10.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Take pictures.               B. Visit the Great Wall.         C. Write about her trip.

11.              11.Why does the man have to leave?

A. He wants to go on a trip.                                         

B. He has to write his own composition.

C. He is not feeling well.


12.              12.What happened to the man?

A. He was badly injured.   B. He broke his leg.             C. He had a small accident.

13.              13.What’s the season now?

A. Summer.                      B. Autumn.                          C. Winter.

14.              14.How is the man feeling now?

A. Bad.                            B. Fine.                               C. Worse.


15.              15.Why does John make the call?

A. He hasn’t received the computers.

B. He wants to send the computer to Mary.

C. He wants to buy a new computer.

16.              16.What’s the phone number mentioned in the passage?

A. 563816.                       B. 653816.                           C. 563861.

17.              17.Who will the woman call at the ABC Company?

A. John.                           B. Mr. Peterson.                   C. Mary.



Chinese diet

Chinese diet contains a lot of fruit and vegetable.

It is   18   in fiber and low in sugar and fat.

Western diet

People in the west take in too much fat and sugar and don’t get enough

  19  . They eat too many cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on. That’s why so many westerners are fat and have bad   20  .





21.              21.We have every reason to believe that __________ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games were __________ great success.

A. /; a                       B. the; /                   C. the; a                     D. a; a

22.              22.As soon as the __________ candle was brought in the little room was __________ up.

A. lighting; lighted                                    B. lighted; lit             

C. lit; lighted                                            D. lit; lit

23.              23.―What do you think we can do for our aged parents?

―You __________ do anything except to be with them and be yourself.

A. don’t have to         B. oughtn’t to           C. mustn’t                  D. can’t

24.              24.__________ I get into trouble, I’ll turn to my English teacher and she will do everything she can __________ me out.

A. For each time; help                                                                B. In each time; that helps

C. Each time; to help                                 D. Each time which; helping

25.              25.Why are you so upset? It isn’t your problem __________.

A. on purpose            B. in all                   C. on time                  D. after all

26.              26.Can you tell me the way you’ve thought of __________ the problem?

A. solving                  B. to solve                C. solve                      D. solved

27.              27.If the dictionary is not yours, __________ can it be?

A. what else               B. who else              C. which else              D. who else’s

28.              28.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly __________ my friend.

A. turn out                 B. bring out              C. call out                  D. pick out

29.              29.The number of people present at the meeting __________ than we had expected.

A. is much more                                       B. are much more       

C. is much larger                                       D. are much larger

30.              30.The teacher made us understand the use we should __________ our limited time.

A. get of                    B. make of               C. watch out               D. look out

31.              31.It was really funny that I saw a __________ chicken running near the __________ factory.

A. three-leg; paper-made                            B. three-legged; paper-made

C. three-legs; paper-making                        D. three-legged; paper-making

32.              32__________ that he’ll come.

A. He’s possible                                        B. That’s possible       

C. There’s some possibility                         D. It’s possibly

33.              33.Although he didn’t know Beijing well, he made his way __________ to the Bird Nest.

A. easily enough                                       B. easy enough

C. enough easy                                          D. enough easily

34.              34.__________ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead.

A. Fail                      B. Failed                  C. To fail                    D. Having failed

35.              35.We had thought that his advice was unnecessary, but finally it __________ to be very useful.

A. proved                  B. proves                 C. was proved             D. is proving

第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She   36   the driver, using her hands to feel the    37   of the seats, walked down and found the   38   which the driver had told her was empty. Then she settled in.

It had been a year since Susan, 34,   39   a medical misdiagnosis(误诊), was suddenly thrown into a world of   40  . Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loved Susan with all his heart. He   41   her how to rely on her other   42  , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and   43   to adapt herself to the new environment. He helped her befriend the bus drivers who could   44   for her, and save her a seat.

  45  , Susan decided that she was ready to try the   46   on her own. Monday morning, she said goodbye and for the first time, they went their   47   ways.

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was   48   the bus, the driver said, “Girl, I   49   envy you.” Susan had no   50   what the driver was talking about, and asked, “What do you   51  ?”

The driver answered, “You know, every morning for the   52   week, a fine-looking gentleman   53   a military uniform has been standing across the corner   54   you as you get off the bus. He   55   you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. You are a lucky lady.”

Tears of gratitude poured down Susan’s cheeks.

36.  A. thanked                 B. asked                   C. discovered              D. paid

37.  A. location                 B. shape                   C. size                        D. cost

38.  A. ticket                    B. bus                      C. seat                        D. bag

39.  A. according to          B. instead of             C. thanks to                D. due to

40.  A. anger                    B. darkness               C. happiness               D. light

41.  A. asked                    B. encouraged           C. taught                    D. praised

42.  A. feelings                 B. sights                   C. senses                    D. abilities

43.  A. how                      B. when                   C. where                    D. who

44.  A. make out               B. watch out             C. find out                  D. work out

45.  A. Finally                  B. Luckily                C. However                D. Besides

46.  A. visit                      B. trip                      C. bus                        D. work

47.  A. opposite                B. separate               C. difficult                 D. usual

48.  A. getting on              B. getting in             C. getting off              D. getting up

49.  A. must                     B. may                     C. will                       D. do

50.  A. idea                      B. opinion                C. way                       D. thought

51.  A. want                     B. mean                   C. say                        D. suggest

52.  A. next                      B. old                      C. past                       D. following

53.  A. by                        B. on                       C. with                       D. in

54.  A. searching               B. watching              C. calling                   D. noticing

55.  A. looks out               B. takes up               C. believes in              D. makes sure




Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours every day, so they cannot go to a regular school. How do they get an education?

In Hollywood, where many TV shows are made, about forty teachers are working. The teacher’s job is very important. She is responsible(负责) for making sure that the children work only the permitted hours each week. She is also responsible for making sure that children learn the required subjects. She makes sure too, that the children get enough rest and play, gives lessons to the children in the shows. She teaches wherever the children are working.

Children actors are required to attend classes twenty hours each week. California law says that they must be taught from September to the middle of June. If they do not get good marks in school, they are not permitted to continue working in TV shows.

TV children are usually good pupils, and most of their teachers like this special kind of work. Their classes are held in many interesting places. Sometimes the “classroom” is a Mississippi riverboat. Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become famous stars.

56.  TV children have classes ________.

A. at a regular school                                 B. wherever they are working

C. wherever the teacher likes                      D. at the school in Hollywood

57.  What else does the teacher do besides teaching?

A. Making sure that the children don’t overwork.

B. Acting in some important shows.

C. Making sure that the children have enough rest and play.

D. Both A and C.

58.  If they fail in the required subjects, TV children ________.

A. are allowed to study for another year     

B. must go to a good school

C. must be taught from September to the middle of June

D. are not allowed to work in TV shows any longer

59.  What is this talk mainly about?

A. The education of TV children.               

B. Child actors in TV.

C. How good pupils become TV children.   

D. A special kind of school in TV.


I had been working for a company in Australia for more than ten years. I had just found a better position and I knew that the manager would be disappointed that I was leaving.

I recently became friends with a young man who had just migrated(移民) to Australia. He was unskilled and was finding life difficult as he was unemployed.

The manager asked me to introduce someone to him who I thought could do the job just as well as I could to replace me, so I took this opportunity to arrange(安排) an interview for my new friend. However, in the end, he was not offered the job after the interview.

Afterwards, I asked the manager why my friend was turned down. The manager thought that his English was not good enough for the position, but I suggested that it would be in the interests of the company to give my friend a chance for I could train him. I believed that once given the time to learn, he could do the job. After a week’s instruction, he was employed and was happy with his position, which made it a win-win outcome for the company and for my friend.

I knew how the horrors of war had forced him to leave his homeland and what price he had paid for doing so. I appreciate being able to live in Australia and believe that this appreciation is best proved by acts of kindness to those who seek shelter from the horrors of war. The smile of appreciation from this man continues to motivate(激励) me to be kind.

60.  The reason why the manager was disappointed when the author left may be that ________.

A. they were close friends and he didn’t want him to leave

B. the author was an excellent worker for the company

C. his leaving might cause more workers to leave

D. the author had never asked for a pay rise

61.  His new friend was refused at the interview because ________.

A. he was introduced by the writer who was about to leave the company

B. they were afraid he wouldn’t work there long

C. he was weak at English

D. he had just migrated from another country

62.  How did the man get the job in the end?

A. He insisted that he could do the job well.

B. The author helped train him for the job.

C. The manager knew him better and had sympathy on him.

D. He showed his confidence and patience during the interview.

63.  Which of the following statements might the author agree with?

A. People who live in other countries have difficulty getting good jobs.

B. If someone migrates to a foreign country, knowing English is important.

C. The appreciation from a person you’ve been kind to is the best gift you can get.

D. People should bear hardship and not give up when they can’t find a job.


Since I became a full-time freelancer(自由作家), I’ve found one of the hardest things to do is to get up early. Without the danger of being fired, there just hasn’t been a lot of motivation(动机) to get out of bed.

I’ve quickly learned that getting up is the key to success and, better yet: waking up early is really just a habit. You don’t need any skill to do it. You just need to wake up early repeatedly to condition your body to the habit.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must have strong reasons to get out of bed. Motivation is the only thing keeping us from lying in bed all day.

Writing down all the big, important things you’ll do the next day can give you an extra push in your goal to wake up early and quickly.

Don’t read in bed. Spending as little time as possible in bed will actually help your body realize that the bed is for sleeping, and not lying awake for hours. The goal is to fall asleep within 10 minutes after getting into bed.

Stress is one of the main causes of poor sleep. Relax yourself before getting into bed. Try controlled breathing exercises or yoga(瑜珈) to lower your stress level.

These are just a few ways you can use to improve your ability to wake up earlier. Finding the best way is most important, and needs a little work. The key thing to remember is that waking up should be a pleasant experience. If you can make waking up something you look forward to, you’re already halfway on your journey to becoming an early riser.

64.  What do we know about the author?

A. He has a full-time job outside.                B. He likes lying in bed all day.

C. He was once fired by a company.            D. He has difficulty getting up early.

65.  What does the underlined part “condition your body to the habit” mean?

A. Make your body get used to getting up early.

B. Make sure that your body is in good condition.

C. Deal with your body using special skills.

D. Keep your body comfortable in all beds.

66.  The author gives us some tips to ________.

A. help us find the key to success

B. help us become an early riser

C. helps us fall asleep within 10 minutes

D. help us relax after a day’s hard work

67.  Which of the following is NOT true about doing yoga according to the passage?

A. It is a good way to reduce stress.

B. It can help you sleep.

C. It can make you worried.

D. It can improve your ability to wake up earlier.


College is an investment(投资) for a lifetime ? the gift of a college education can open the door to a world of opportunity for your child or grandchild. Saving, even a little at a time, can make a big difference down the road.

With the cost of a college education continuing to increase, the key is to start saving early and regularly(规律地). By saving a set amount at set times, your money can grow as your child does. And before you know it, you’ll be just as ready for college as they are. According to the College Board, the average cost for four-year public colleges has increased nearly 51% over the last 10 years, and these costs will almost certainly continue to rise. Saving for college can help with the increasing cost of a college education and help you be well prepared when your children are ready for college.

Saving for your child’s college education is an investment in their future. The savings you make today pay off in increased earnings in the future. According to the US Census Bureau(人口调查局), college graduates earn an average of $ 1 million more than high school graduates during their careers. The value of your investment in a college education will continue to grow for a lifetime.

Set your college savings goals realistically(现实地). You may not be able to save enough for all four years of tuition, room and board, and other expenses ? but you could save enough to give your child the right start.

More and more families depend on student loans(贷款) to pay for college. By saving for college, families can depend on loans less and help their children leave college without debt.

68.  From the second paragraph we can learn that __________.

A. the College Board increased the public college costs

B. public college costs will increase by 51% in the next ten years

C. it’s not too late to save when your child is ready for college

D. saving can help deal with the rising cost of education

69.  Which of the following is TRUE about saving for college?

A. You should help children get scholarships more easily.

B. It’s better to increase the savings as the child grows.

C. It’s better to save early and regularly.

D. You should set further and bigger savings goals.

70.  Who are the expected readers of the passage?

A. Parents.                                               B. High school students.      

C. Educators.                                            D. Bankers.

71.  Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. How to Save Children’s College Costs

B. How to Make a Good Investment

C. Why Save for Children’s College Costs

D. How Much a Four-year College Costs


It was two years ago in winter when I went with my family to Engadine, a suburb(城郊) in southern Switzerland. It is protected by high mountains on all sides and is famous for its sunny climate, beautiful scenery and outdoor activities. The journey by car was pleasant until it began to snow.

The weather quickly turned very bad and soon we found ourselves in a snowstorm. It was terrible; the snow turned to ice and the windows were covered with ice even though the heating was set the highest. Several times I had to get out of the car in order to clear ice from the windshield(挡风玻璃).

Thankfully, the way down to Sylvaplana was less stressful and we knew that we would arrive in paradise(天堂). It kept on snowing during the first day of our holiday. Not being used to this kind of weather, we found it simply magical to watch the snow falling down on the mountains.

The following day, the snow stopped. While skiing in this large and amazing area, which was made up of frozen lakes and rivers. It was a ski paradise. And we discovered a small house without hosts next to a set of cross-country ski tracks, close to farm. There was a fridge in this heated wooden house that contained milk and cheese for self-service. There was a list of prices for each item. You took what you wanted, wrote down the total of what you had taken on a piece of paper, put money into an open box and took the change you needed.

Where else could you find such trust? As I’ve already told you, Engadine is really paradise.

72.  From the passage we can know that the author __________.

A. often goes skiing with his family           

B. didn’t expect a snowstorm

C. was fond of skiing most                       

D. felt everything went smoothly

73.  What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A. The author comes from a place where it doesn’t snow very much.

B. The author felt relaxed long before they were anywhere near Sylvaplana.

C. It often snows heavily in the mountainous area of paradise.

D. It stopped snowing as soon as the holiday began.

74.  Which of the following statements is NOT true about the wooden house?

A. It is not far from a set of cross-country ski tracks.

B. You will be served by the host in person there.

C. It makes visitors feel comfortable and trusted.

D. You can get something to eat and drink there.

75.  The author considers Engadine to be paradise, because __________.

①the snowfall there is magical

②you can find great trust there

③car windows are covered with ice there

④it is a good place for skiing

A. ①②③                 B. ②③④               C. ①③④                  D. ①②④






18.________________            19.________________                 20________________








Last summer I go to American and studied at a language           76.____________

school. I had many wonderful experience, but I also                     77.____________

had a sad one. One day, the school held party, where                       78.____________

I invited to talk about Chongqing. After that they asked me a lot of             79.____________

things about China. But I couldn’t explain to them with English       80.____________

clearly. I felt sadly. I learnt a lesson from this experience. I             81.____________

have already studied English for eight years, I can’t use it            82.____________

very good. I must work hard to improve my spoken English           83.____________

so that I will not be able to communicate freely with foreigners.               84.____________

I hope I can be a bridge between China and others countries           85.____________

in the future.



1.  非常荣幸能邀请John到你家过春节;

2.  春节是中国最重要的传统节日,一般在农历一月进行。(农历lunar)

3.  春节前人们要大扫除,给孩子们买新衣,是家人团聚、人们相互表达美好祝愿的日子;

4.  在中国过春节可以帮助John加深对中国传统文化的了解;

5.  希望John能提前到你家里,以避开交通高峰期。


(命题人:郁珍德      审题人:胡  笳)






















语 文 试 题

命题人:长安一中  赵慎行

审题人:西安中学  刘九诗



1.  本试题卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,总分150分,考试时间150分钟。

2.  答题前,考生须将自己的学校、班级、姓名、学号填写在本试题卷指定的位置上。

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4.  非选择题必须按照题号顺序在答题卡上各题目的答题区域内作答。超出答题区域或在其他题的答题区域内书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、本试题卷上答题无效。

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第Ⅰ卷(选择题    共30分)




(满分:150分    时间:150分钟)


第I卷 (选择题  共39分)
