K―39 P―31 S―32 Cl―36.5
A.沿山脊延 B.沿山谷延伸
A.化工产品 B.建筑陶瓷 C.电子产品 D.服装鞋帽
说明:①1915年左右 ②1970年左右 ③1980年左右 ④1995年左右
A.原材料和燃料资源丰富 B.分布集中集聚效应显著
C.临近港口交通运输便利 D.重视科学与技术的投入
A.地形和气候条件适宜 B.劳动力资源丰富
C.四通八达的公路交通网 D.潜在巨大消费市场
13.据《白银资本》统计数据:美洲在17世纪和18 世纪分别生产了42,000吨和74,000吨,各有27,
A.中国的封建经济仍然在不断发展 B.新航路开辟推动了世界各地的经济交流
C.资本主义的发展使欧洲需要更多的资本 D.中国客观上成为世界贸易的中心
A.管制经济资源以达成真平等 B.致力劳资和谐以求社会安定
C.产业和平收归国有以厚民生 D.合理分配生产所得以求均富
15.民主人士张澜在一次发言中讲道: “这是新中国的一个人民大宪章,它确定了新中国的政治理论和政治制度。它有了革命到底的大方针,它有了稳步建设的大原则。”张澜在发言中所讲的“它”是指
A.《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》 B.《中华人民共和国宪法》
C.“长期共存,互相监督”的方针 D.人民代表大会制度
16.《世界文明史》指出:“《联邦宪法》(即 1787年宪法)的制定者们在热切希塑建立强有力的中央政府的同时,一刻也没有放松对于一切形式的专制政治的警惕”.为“警惕”专制政治,“制定者们”采取的措施有
①国家权力分为行政、立法、司法三部分 ②国会可以随时对总统提出弹劾
③总统任命的官员须经参议院的批准 ④联邦法院有权审查行政或立法行为
A.①② B.①③④ C.②③④ D.①②③④
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
A.必须承认供求关系影响商品的价格 B.必须实现资源的合理配置
C.必须承认按生产要素分配 D.必须抵制消费,树立理性的消费观
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.②③④ D.①③④
A.①②④ B.③④⑤ C.②③④ D.②④⑤
21.自西藏自治区成立以来,区人大主任、政府主席均有藏族公民担任。50年代以来,中央政府向西藏投入400多亿元;近10年以来,中央和其他省市克服种种困难,援助西藏建设了100多项工程。这表明我国政府的( )政策和( )原则在西藏得到了真正贯彻落实。
A.民族团结、各民族共同繁荣 B.民族区域自治、各民族共同繁荣
C.民族区域自治、各民族政治平等 D.民族团结、各民族经济平等
A.①③④ B.②④ C.③④ D.①②③
A.客观事物是文化创新的源泉 B.要尊重和理解文化的差异和个性
C.文化创新要继承传统,推陈出新 D.对传统文化的继承。可以促进文化的发展
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④
25.近年来。中国文化走出去的话题越来越热。从孔子学院到“中法文化年”。从动画片《中华小子 》在法国热播并获得动画大奖到《于丹(论语)心得》版权被韩国人抢购,事例不胜枚举。假如以此为话题,围绕中国文化走出去的意义写一篇政治小论文,你认为比较合适的理论视角是
A.①② B.②③ C.①③ D.②④
第Ⅱ卷(必做1 10分+选做30分,共140分)
(3)说出甲图中黄土高原生态系统脆弱的主要表现:指出黄土高原现代土壤侵蚀的主要形式,并简述其对本区及下游地区造成的危害。 (9分)
材料一 明清江南工业发展最主要的特点之一,是其重工业畸轻而轻工业畸重,从而形成一种“超轻结构”。规模庞大的轻工业加上规模同样庞大(甚至更为庞大)的农业,生活资料的生产占了社会生产的绝大比重,以重工业为主的生产资料生产在社会生产中所占比重十分微小. 一一 李伯重《英国模式:江南道路与资本主义萌芽》
材料二 由于英国煤的蕴藏量非常丰富,建立工厂十分方便。那些高耸入云的烟囱,喷出缕缕烟雾,庞大的厂房,发出隆隆的轰鸣,打破了原来中世纪田园生活的恬静一一历史已跨进了一个新的时代。
(试卷总分150分 考试时间120分钟)
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共115分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man want to do?
A. To buy a music CD. B. To collect his prize. C. To buy a dictionary.
2. What will probably happen?
A. It’s going to rain.
B. They’ll stop shopping at once.
C. They will go shopping soon.
3. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. Boss and employee. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.
4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?
A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. In a cinema.
5. When do the speakers meet?
A. On Monday. B. On Sunday. C. On Saturday.
Text 1
M: Excuse me. Can I get a copy of Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary here?
W: Sure, we have the seventh edition with a CD and it sells well.
M: That’s great. What’s the price? I’d like to get one.
Text 2
M: Look at the sky. The dark clouds are gathering.
W: I think we’d better not go shopping at the moment.
M. I couldn't agree more.
Text 3
W: Mr. Miller, could you spare a few minutes? I have a question to ask about my homework.
M: Sure, come to my office between 11 to 11:30. I am in Room 508.
W: Thank you so much.
Text 4
M: What do you think of the film, Ruth?
W: Well, the plot is too fantastic.
M: What about the music?
W: The music is just so-so. Anyway, the dialogue is humorous.
Text 5
W: Good morning Peter, you look smart in your new jacket.
M: Thank you, Grace. A really good bargain. You can get one for your husband. It was on sale yesterday.
W: Where did you get it?
M: It was a FIRS downtown. You know, my wife and I always go shopping on Sunday.
6. What are the speakers talking about?
A. Getting a driving license. B. The new
traffic rules in
7. Why do some people have to drive to work?
A. They live too far away.
B. Other means of transport is not available.
C. The traffic is terrible.
8. What is the man’s
attitude towards new traffic rule in
A. He doesn’t care. B. He is in favor of it. C. He is against it.
Text 6
M: I hear
W: It is a good idea. Traffic jam
has always been a headache in
M: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there. Reducing traffic is really necessary. If we stop some
people from driving on certain days, maybe they could use other ways to get around.
W: I see your point, but I still think it is not legal to stop people from driving.
M: But if effective measures are not taken, drivers will have to waste too much time on the road.
W: I understand what you mean. But…
M: Anyway, we hope the traffic will improve with the new traffic rules going into effect.
9. What has the man been doing?
A. He has been surfing the Internet.
B. He has been playing computer games.
C. He has been talking with some Australians.
10. Why did he chat with those people in the chat room?
A. To get information for his essay.
B. To know about Australian culture.
C. To learn about how to work on the farm.
11. What did the man learn from them?
A. Modern lifestyle.
B. Religious holidays.
C. The Aboriginal customs.
Text 7
W: You look tired. What is up?
M: I am worn out now. I’ve been working on the computer.
W: Were you doing school work or just playing games?
Well, I wanted to get some information about
W: Did you get the information you needed?
M: Yes, but we spent a lot of time chatting about other subjects.
W: What do know about the country?
M: Some customs and religious holidays and the farmers.
12. What do we know about the woman?
A. She lives close to the office.
B. She is new to the company.
C. She likes the big kitchen.
13. How does the man go to work?
A. On foot. B. By car. C. By bus.
14. What will the man do the next day?
A. Go to work on foot. B. Set out a little earlier. C. Visit Cindy in her flat.
Text 8
M: Hi, Cindy! I hear you’ve moved into your new flat?
W: Yes. I moved last week.
M: How do you like?
W: It’s great! I really like it.
M: How big is it?
W: It’s one big room, but it has a bathroom and a small kitchen too.
M: How far is it from the office?
M: 10 minutes by bus or by car?
W: On foot. I walked to work this morning. I was 10 minutes early.
M: You were lucky. But I wasn’t.
M: What do you mean?
W: Well, I was 10 minutes late because of the rush hour. There is too much traffic on the street. And the buses are always slow. So you were really lucky after all.
M: Oh, it was a shame. So what are you going to do tomorrow?
M: I’ll start out 15 minutes earlier.
15. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
A. A new way of travel. B. Popular entertainments. C. Some popular destinations.
16. Which activity in the
A. River-rafting. B. Mountain-climbing. C. Bird-watching.
17. How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
Text 9
M: Welcome to our program “Eco-tourism”. Today, we are honored to invite Mr. Johnson to be our special guest. Welcome, Mr. Johnson.
W: Thanks. Today I'm going to suggest some eco-tourism to you.
M: That’s great. First, can you tell us what countries are well-known for eco-tourism?
W: Actually there are lots of countries. For example,
M: Well, what can tourists do when they travel there?
W: Quite a lot of activities. For example, we can go river rafting
M: River rafting, terrific!
W: Yes, we can also go bird-watching in the
M: Wow, it sounds great. Mr. Johnson, thanks for your introduction.
W: You’re welcome.
听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题。
18. Why do Americans get together on the fourth Thursday in November ?
A. To make new friends. B. To meet their relatives. C. To express their thanks.
19. What should we focus when we look for things to be thankful for?
A. What we can’t get. B. What we have. C. What we want to have.
20. What is the speaker’s attitude towards the festival?
A. Positive. B. Negative. C. Indifferent.
Text 10
Americans celebrate Thanksgiving each year on the fourth Thursday in November. On that day, families get together, eat a big meal and express their thanks for their good things they own.
Since American Thanksgiving is on a Thursday,
many people have joined the "Thankful Thursday" movement. On every
Thursday throughout the year, they think about what they should be thankful
for. These things aren't always necessarily "big" and usually can be
called "small”. They can be as simple as talking with friends or getting a
seat on a crowded bus.
When we look for things to
be thankful for, we focus on what we have. We don't think about what we don't
have. We feel happier and more satisfied and may realize how truly blessed we
are. Usually, we want more and don't realize how much we already have.
Would you like to join the
movement and have a Thankful Thursday every week for the month of November? You
may surprise yourself with how much you have to be grateful for!
21. Although Zhang Ziyi is _____ international film star, she manages to achieve _____ balance between her career and family.
A. the; a; B. an; a C. 不填;a D. an; 不填
22. The Olympic _____ remind us of where the Olympics are held and the characteristics of the host country.
A. symbols B. signals C. marks D. signs
23. Experts say that the rate at which one ages ______ from person to person and is usually influenced by a number of factors.
A. is varying B. varied C. has varied D. varies
24. _____ Ashley made her first public performance on Broadway, her whole family went to see it.
A. Though B.Once C. When D. As long as
25. Recent scientific studies indicate that eating healthy food and exercising regularly ____ help prevent many diseases.
A. might B. can C. shall D. will
26. In 1888, the world's
first beauty contest was held in
A. everything B. nothing C. much D. little
27. Since the baby milk powder was found to be polluted, there has been universal doubt _____ other food products are safe to eat.
A. whether B. that C. what D. how
After seven successful flights,
A. expects B. is expecting C. is expected D. will be expected
29. Some companies are thinking of ways to save natural _____ by making better use of the water used in the bathroom.
A. resources B. sources C. power D. energy
30. The remains of adventurer’s private airplane were reported ______, but the adventurer remained missing.
A. being found B. to be found C. having found D. to have been found
31. It was shortly after that serious accident happened ______ all the people involved were caught and questioned.
A. since B. that C. before D. when
32. Before _____ on our camping trip, we made sure that we have plenty of food and water in store.
A. running out B. making out C. setting out D. working out
A. almost as large as ten times B. more than ten times the size as
C. larger than ten times D. more than ten times the size of
34. Since graduating from university, Andrew ______ what career he wants to pursue in the future. But he has not decided so far.
A. has been wondering B. is wondering C. wonders D. wondered
35. -- Shall we meet at 9.am this Sunday?
-- __________. I will be available the whole morning.
A. You are right. B. It doesn’t matter. C. That suits me fine. D. Go ahead.
第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Many people thought 41-year-old Dara Torres couldn't complete in another Olympic games, but at the 2008 Olympic Games, she showed what persistence and experience can do for an athlete.
As a five-time
Olympian and the oldest American 36 ever, Dara got three silver medals in
Dara has 41 that she is far from a(n) 42 athlete since her first international
race in 1981, While 43 the
54 swimming, Dara is famous as a TV
commentator(评论员) and
a print model. She is the first athlete to
36. A. coach B. swimmer C. player D. professional
37. A. outstanding B. attractive C. worthwhile D. rewarding
38. A. fame B. quality C. age D. success
39. A. senior B. elder C. junior D. younger
40. A. achieving B. winning C. acquiring D. accepting
41. A. predicted B. exhibited C. proven D. represented
42. A. normal B. usual C. simple D. average
43. A. attending B. representing C. graduating D. studying
44. A.make B. compete C. engage D. involve
45. A. awards B. honors C. medals D. prizes
46. A. fierce B. tough C. extreme D. competitive
47. A. which B. this C. that D. what
48. A. company B. career C. family D. marriage
49. A. broke B. set C. kept D. made
50. A. return B. graduation C. death D. birth
51. A. more B. other C. another D. extra
52. A. once again B. for once C. in turn D. in a row
53. A. ensured B. seized C. secured D. grasped
54. A. Except for B. Other than C. But for D. Apart from
55. A. survive B. appear C. broadcast D. host
第三部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
I was watching Sportscenter last night when one of those “human interest” stories came on and really caught my attention.
The story was about a 27-year-old professional Bass Fisherman named Clay Dyer. At first, they played it off as another guy trying to make the cut on the Bassmaster tour until they showed a picture of him. No legs, no arm, or rather, he has only 1/3 of his right arm. That’s all that he has.
It was such an amazing story that I was wondering what this guy could do. Growing up, he learned to play baseball and basketball, but found that fishing was his true calling. And he does it all on his own. He holds the fishing pole under his chin and uses that and his stub (残端) arm to cast and reel in(收进) the fish. He uses his teeth to help him unhook fish. He ties his own hooks or lures on with his mouth, never really asking anyone else to help. Clay Dyer even knows how to swim. Since his body can’t produce enough sweat on its own, he has to take a dip in the lake every few hours to keep cool. He dives in just like anyone else, then somehow treads water(踩水) with his stub arm, then, with a little help, pulls himself back up into the boat and goes on fishing.
Clay Dyer has never looked for others’ pity, nor has he allowed his physical disabilities to prevent him from becoming a professional fisherman. His motto for life is "If I can, you can." He refuses to use special equipment, saying, "I want to do it with one hand the way they do it with two."
56. Why did the author become interested in Clay Dyer?
A. He assumed Dyer was living happily.
B. He took great pity on this disabled man.
C. He wanted to know what Dyer could do.
D. He thought that Dyer could do nothing.
57. While fishing, Dyer dives into the lake from time to time _________.
A. to change the lures(鱼饵) B. to do some exercise
C. to cast a fishing line D. to cool himself down
58. We learn from the last paragraph that _________.
A. Dyer aims to behave like a normal person
B. physical disabilities fail to destroy his faith
C. special equipment is allowed when fishing
D. it seems easy for Clay Dyer to go fishing
59. Which word best describes Clay Dyer’s personality?
A. Diligent. B. Inspiring. C. Faithful. D. Stubborn.
October 15th 2008 is the first Global Handwashing Day, whose goal is to create a culture of hand washing with soap. Activities are planned in more than twenty countries to get millions of people in the developing world to wash their hands with soap.
150,000 bars of soap were given to schools in
Experts say people around the world wash their hands but very few use soap at critical moments such as after using the toilet, after cleaning a baby and before touching food.
The organizers say all soaps are equally effective at removing disease-causing germs(细菌). They say the correct way to wash is to wet your hands with a small amount of water and cover them with soap. Rub it into all areas, including under the fingernails. Rub for at least 20 seconds.
Then, wash your hands well under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean cloth or wave them in the air.
They say soap is important because it increases the time that people spend washing. Soap also helps to break up the grease(油脂) and dirt that hold most of the germs. And it usually leaves a pleasant smell, which encourages people to wash again.
They say washing with soap before eating and after using the toilet could save more lives than any vaccine or medicine. It could help reduce cases of diarrhea(腹泻) by almost half. And it could reduce deaths from pneumonia(肺炎) and other breathing infections by one-fourth.
Diarrhea is the second leading cause of child deaths, killing more than 1,500,000 children a year. Pneumonia is the leading cause, killing about 2,000,000 children under five each year. Hand washing can also prevent the spread of other diseases.
When people get germs on their hands, they can infect themselves by touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Then they can infect others.
60. What does the underlined word “the event” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A. 150,000 bars of soap were given to students.
B. Over twenty countries organized different activities.
C. October 15th 2008 becomes the Global Handwashing Day
D. Millions of people in the developing world wash their hands.
61. Which of the following situation doesn’t belong to a critical moment?
A. Before having dinner.
B. When cleaning a baby.
C. After using the toilet.
D. While washing the dishes
62. Why is it necessary for people to wash their hands with soap?
A. To prevent the spread of disease.
B. To remove disease-causing germs
C. To get rid of the dirt the hands hold.
D. To make their hands smell pleasant.
63. What can we learn from the text?
A. 1,500,000 children die of Pneumonia each year.
B. Soap plays an important role in removing germs.
C. Washing hands saves 1,00,000 children from Diarrhea.
D. Breathing infections cause the largest number of child death.
New software is able to analyze exactly how many hairs there are in a patch of skin and could help in testing the effectiveness of baldness(秃头) treatments and depilatory(脱毛的) creams, say Australian researchers.
Researchers from CSIRO Mathematical and
Information Sciences in
The software, developed with a
"Up to now they were counting the number of hairs that survived after treatment by hand. That's hard work and it's difficult because you may count a hair twice or you may miss it." he said.
The software relies on images captured by a small flatbed scanner(扫描仪) pressed onto the skin. Using a mathematical algorithm(算法), the software then identifies and traces each individual hair based on an understanding of a hair's unique features, such as its relative straightness.
The software is able to distinguish between hairs and other features on the skin such as wounds or moles(痣).
"Our skin irregularities(不规则) make it difficult to say this is a hair or this is a mole," Dr Vallotton said.
Comparison between earlier and later images can also determine if hair is growing quickly or slowly, he says.
Unfortunately, to check the accuracy of the software, the researchers still had to adopt the old-fashioned method of counting hairs, helped by volunteers from neighboring labs who put their skins on the line for science.
"We had 12 volunteers, mostly from neighboring labs, and we acquired images of hair before and after treatment," Dr Vallotton said.
To ensure an accurate count, the individual hairs had to be marked off as they were counted, but after such a laborious process, the researchers were pleased to discover the software results were comparable to the manual(手工的) count.
Dr Vallotton says the software could also be useful in testing the effectiveness of balding(秃头的) treatments and counting or tracing substances other than hairs, that are long and thin and otherwise difficult to image.
64. What do we know about the new software?
A. It has replaced human labor completely. B. It is mainly used to detect hair problems.
C. It can be used for develop new medicine. D. It can be used to test medical treatments.
65. What plays a key role in counting the number of hairs with the software?
A. A scanner. B. A calculator.
C. A hair's unique feature. D. A mathematical algorithm.
66. What did the 12 volunteers do in the experiment?
A. They counted the hairs by hand. B. They divided the hairs into parts.
C. They controlled laborious process. D. They offered their hair for experiment.
67. Which is the best title of the text?
A. Do you think it is possible to count hairs?
B. New software makes counting hairs easy.
C. Australians find new treatments for baldness.
D. New software is found in
How to Make the Most of Your Time
Time management is important in our daily
life. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all you
need to do. Here are some tips that might be of some help to you.
1. Set up a plan. Go for a week at a time, and prioritize the most important ones. Include things you want
to accomplish. Focus mostly on the things that are important to you.
2. Control your stress. No matter what kind of pressure mounts on you, try to keep cool. Stressing out can lead to an early breakdown, which is definitely counter-productive when you have a list of things to do. It's easier to take a 10-minute break and cool off than work all week with built up stress.
3. Shut your door. When working under a schedule, perform your important tasks with your door shut to get them done. This will ensure a better quality time to get what needs to be done, done.
4. Focus on one thing at
a time. Forget trying to multi-task! You will lose concentration, and it
will take you longer to accomplish what you set out to do.
5. Just say "no." If you are constantly interrupted, and you
really don't have the time to help out, just say "no." You're only
one person, and you can't save the world by yourself!
6. Stop wasting time on the phone. While talking on the phone, keep your
conversations short, and to the point and you'll waste much less time.
7. Be realistic. You can only do what you can do. Don't set out to
accomplish the impossible. Do your best, but keep realistic expectations of
8. Relax. The most important thing is remember to take time to relax, and
regroup. You need a break every now and then to keep working efficiently. Even
if it's a 10-minute walk, get away from your list and get refreshed.
As families today get busier
and busier, it's important to your own mental health to keep things on track.
Don't delay; get your life in order now.
68. What does the underlined word “prioritize” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A. choose something by thinking carefully
B. recognize the difference between things
C. put many things in order of importance
D. get rid of something that is unwanted
69. We should avoid stressing out because ____________.
A. it may cause us to fail to work normally
B. it may limit the speed to get things done
C. we don’t have enough energy to keep working
D. we are supposed to have a break while working
70. Which statement would the author agree to?
A. Try multi-tasks, and we can get more done.
B. It is impolite to refuse to help others at work.
C. Having breaks regularly may delay our tasks.
D. It is wise to be aware of what we can achieve.
71. By writing the text, the author would like to ___________.
A. ask readers to share their time management skills
B. offer some advice on how to make full use of time
C. invite readers to discuss how to improve life quality
D. persuade readers to spend less time on daily routine
Top Eco Destinations in the World for 2008
Have you spent hours searching the web for an eco-friendly holiday that suits your budget or ideals? Then look no further because online travel planning resource, Professional Travel Guide, recently revealed(透露) their top choices for eco-travelers this year. Here are just some of their recommendations:
1. Africa:
Home to a variety of animals found nowhere else on the planet,
Though it’s the smallest of the US Virgin Islands,
3. Europe:Iceland
As one might expect from a country whose name is “ice”, Iceland’s
landscape is rugged(崎岖不平的)and harsh(粗糙的). Take a hike past lava
fields, glaciers and waterfalls and marvel at the wildlife (puffins) and
natural wonders (
72. We learn from the text that Professional Travel Guide is ____________.
A. a website offering travel information
B. an organization that administrates travel
C. a travel agent that offers free information
D. a place where tourists present their opinion
73. The US Virgin Islands are well worth a visit because _________.
it belongs to a
B. National Park covers most islands
C. the landscape is very impressive
D. visitors can have a view of ravines
Why are readers advised to visit
A. They can watch the wildlife such as puffins.
B. They can take a hike through the lava fields.
They can experience waterfalls and
D. They can enjoy the beauty of the Northern Lights.
75. What is the main purpose of the text?
A. To inform how to save money on travel.
B. To recommend some eco-travel destinations.
C. To provide some advice on economical travel.
D. To introduce the benefit of traveling at weekends.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
第一节 短文改错(满分10分)
Recently some citizens advised that schools and universities kept 76.______
their gyms and playgrounds open at weekends for citizens to play sport. 77. _____
The common people welcome the idea warmly when some principals 78. _____
and presidents were against the proposal strongly. Here are their reasons: 79. _____
Citizens entering schools or universities will make that harder to keep 80. _____
the campus safely. Besides, the sports facilities might also be damaged. 81. _____
Therefore, the supporters think it important for citizens to take part in 82. _____
physical exercise. In addition to, the local government and institutes should 83. ______
offer more space and facilities for exercise. In this way, we can enjoy good 84. ______
health and live happy life. Meanwhile, it helps save the money spent on 85. ______
medical care and treatment.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
阅读下面的文字,用英语写一篇 120词的短文。
语 文 试 题
第Ⅰ卷 阅读题
甲 必考题