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化 学 试 题(理科普通班)

本试卷满分:100分   考试时间:90分钟    命题人:王建俊

本试卷可能用到的相对原子质量: H:1  C:12  O:16   Br:80  Ag:108  

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 54 分)



化 学 试 题(理科普通班)

本试卷满分:100分   考试时间:90分钟    命题人:王建俊

本试卷可能用到的相对原子质量: H:1  C:12  O:16   Br:80  Ag:108  

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 54 分)


科目:语  文













      姓    名                      










语      文







I卷(选择题 95分)


第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. soft       A. political                   B. common                 C. woman               D. brother

2. precious    A. police                      B. certainly                 C. condition            D. official

3. trouble       A. house                       B. proud                     C. soup                  D. enough

4. business   A. custom            B. minute           C. summer        D. butcher

5. developed   A. pronounced              B. mentioned              C. excited         D. demanded

第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)


6.------Oh, I’ll go for the job interview now.

------______. I hope you’ll do well.

 A. Well done                     B. Good luck

 A. Good chance                   D. Hopefully

7.The teacher asked the two students to discuss the question in a low voice______ they should bother the others.

  A. so that                          B. in case

 C. in order that                      D. now that

8. We had ________nice dinner after the meeting with _______dishes of fish, meat , vegetables and dessert.

A. a; /           B. the; the         C. a; the           D. /;the

9. All the people present at the conference agreed that the plan ____ by the old professor was well worth considering.

A. put away            B. put off      C. put forward       C. put up

10. -----Do you remember to go to see a doctor tomorrow?


A. Got it         B. Heard it     C. Make it       D. Taken it

11. Although many measures _____, the world’s economy is still going down.

A. are taken                             B. were taken                                

C. will be taken                       D. have been taken

12. It is reported that women_____ only 30% of the work force.

A. fill up        B. bring up      C. make up       D. set up

13. ------Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most?

------      .They are expensive and of little use.

     A. None       B. Neither                 C. All       D. Both

14. -----Did you meet Jack at the airport yesterday afternoon?

-----No. When I got there,  he _______.

A. went away      B. goes away     C. was going away     D. had gone away

15. Most people are _____ bringing down the price of housing because it’s too high for them.

     A. in favor of                                    B. in honor of                   

C. in search of                                   D. in charge of

16. _______was expected, only five people turned up at the party, _____disappointed the hostess very much.

A. As; which       B. As; that      C. It ; that        D. It ; which

17. According to the school regulation, whoever cheats in examinations ______be severely punished.

   A. can             B. would       C. shall         D. need

18. The concert by Lang Lang was so well _______ that all the tickets had been sold out on the first three days last month.

A. received                     B. recognized     C. admitted            D. taken

19. The win in the 100-meter butterfly gave the American swimmer Michael Phelps eight gold medals in Beijing, ________ the record set by American legend Mark Spitz at the 1972 Munich Games.

A. broken          B. to break        C. breaking        D. being broken

20.  -----He should have been warned of the danger.

------_______, but he wouldn’t listen to me .

A. So he had        B. So had he   C. So was he       D. So he was



I’ve always had strong opinions of how love should be expressed, but others have their own ways of showing care.

What I   21  most about visiting my boyfriend’s parents is the loud tick(滴答声)of the clock in the dinning room as we   22  ate our meal. With so little conversation I was quick to   23   his family as cold. When we got into the   24 to go home, his father suddenly appeared.  25 , he began to wash his son’s windscreen(挡风玻璃). I could feel he was a caring man through the glass.

I learned another lesson about love a few years later. My father often   26  me early in the morning. “Buy Xerox. It is a good share price(股价),” he might say when I answered the phone. No pleasant    27   or inquiry about my life, just a financial directive(指示). This manner of his   28   me and we often quarreled.   29  one day, I thought about my father’s success in business and realized that his concern for my financial security(安全)lay behind his short   30   calls. The next time he called and told me to buy a stock(股票), I thanked him.

When my social style has conflicted with   31   of my friends, I’ve often felt   32  . For example, I always return phonecalls without delay and regularly contact with my friends. I expect the same from them.

I had one friend who rarely called, answering my message with short e-mails. I rushed to the   33  ― she wasn’t a good friend! My anger   34   as the holidays approached. But then she came to a party I   35   and handed me a present, a beautiful dress that I had fallen in love with when we did some window-shopping last month. I was   36   at her thoughtfulness, and regretful for how I’d considered her to be   37 . Clearly I needed to change my expectation of friends.

Far too often, I ignored their   38   expression, eagerly expecting them to do things in my   39  .This left me feeling unloved. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to  40  individual’s love signs and it has helped me to get on well with others.

21. A. admire         B. enjoy           C. value                D. remember

22. A. excitedly       B. nervously        C. silently              D. instantly

23. A. regard         B. expect           C. take                D. believe

24. A. bus           B. train             C. car                 D. plane

25. A. Carelessly      B. Carefully        C. Proudly              D. Coldly

26. A. visited         B. interrupted       C. warned              D. telephoned

27. A. greeting        B. meeting         C. complaint            D. explanation

28. A. interested       B. angered         C. encouraged           D. surprised

29. A. But            B. Besides         C. Therefore             D. So

30. A. afternoon       B. morning         C. evening              D. night

31. A. one              B. it               C. that                 D. this

32. A. content         B. excited          C. curious              D. disappointed

33. A. feeling         B. suggestion       C. judgment             D. belief

34. A. disappeared     B. grew            C. helped               D. declined

35. A. opened         B. refused          C. hosted               D. invited

36. A. pleased         B. doubtful         C. upset                D. shocked

37. A. uncaring        B. dishonest        C. unhappy             D. dissatisfied

38. A. unique         B. common         C. pleasant              D. familiar

39. A. opinion         B. way            C. mind                D. life

40. A. send           B. express          C. give                 D. read


第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


In 1988 , Mary Andersen was at the Miami airport checking in for a flight to Norway to be with her husband when she was told she wouldn’t be able to check her luggage without paying a $100 surcharge(超载).

    Mary had no money as her new husband had left for Norway and she had no one else to call.

   “I was completely desperate and tried to think which of my things I could manage without.” Says Mary.

   As tears ran down her face, a voice behind her said, “That’s okay, I’ll pay for her.”

   Rather surprised,Mary turned around to see a tall man whom she had never seen before. He had a gentle and kind voice that was firm and decisive.

Although this happened twenty years ago, Mary still remembers the authority that radiated(发出)from the man.

Mary was pleased to bring her luggage to Norway and told the stranger she would give his money back. The man wrote his name and address on a piece of paper he gave to Mary. She thanked him repeatedly. When she finally walked off towards the boarding gate, he waved goodbye to her.

That man turned out to be Barack Obama.

Mary paid the money back to Obama the day she joined her husband. At that time he had just finished his job as a poorly paid community worker in Chicago, and had started his law studies at Harvard University.

In the spring of 2006 Mary’s parents heard Obama was considering a run for president. They wrote a letter saying that they would support him. At the same time, they thanked Obama for helping their daughter 18 years earlier.

And Obama replied, “ I want to thank you for the lovely things you wrote about me and for reminding me of what happened at Miami airport. I’m happy I could help her then, and I’m delighted to hear that your daughter is happy in Norway. Please send her my best wishes. Sincerely, Barack Obama, United States Senator.”

41. Why did Mary feel completely desperate?

42. How did Mary feel when someone offered to help her?

A. Amazed.      B. Puzzled.     C. Delighted.     D. Annoyed.

43. Mary asked the stranger to leave his name and address______.

A. in order to contact him later           B. so that she could repay him

C. because he impressed her deeply       D. because she fell in love with him

44. What’s the passage mainly about?

A. A letter from Barack Obama.           B. Mary’s parents support Obama.

C. Obama helped a stranger 20 years ago.   D. Mary was lucky to get help at the airport.


Positive thinkers admit when they feel frustrated(受挫折的) or depressed, they don't ignore it. But they don't blame themselves either. Instead, they try to understand the negative thoughts and feelings and counter(反击) them with more positive ones.

So how do you stay positive, maintain motivated and sustain healthy behaviors? Here are some tips:   

Look for a good role model. There is always someone who seems to be doing just what you want to be doing. Maybe they've scheduled exercise into their workday and switched from coffee to green tea. Learn from a successful friend, family member or colleague. Ask them how they keep healthy and follow in their footsteps.

Try some positive self-talk and avoid negative-talk. Take a minute to give yourself an ego boost. Repeat some motivational words out loud to yourself. Negative talk such as "I can't do it," "I'm fat," is dangerous for your well-being and healthy goals. Try to avoid the negative self-talk before it harms you. Remind yourself that you deserve happiness and can make positive changes.

Get support. Tell your friends and family about your healthy habits. It helps to have an encouraging network.

Reward yourself. Treat yourself to something for your healthy efforts. Take a nice bath, get a massage, and enjoy a new DVD or CD.

Have a plan. Making a plan to exercise or eat healthy lunches with a friend can mean the difference of sticking with your goals or falling off track. If you've planned for an activity, you'll likely stick with it. You may even find that writing down your goals and steps to achieve them can help you stay on track. Take it day by day or week by week. The process of writing down your personal action plan is a good way to keep you honest and watch your progress or failures.

45. By writing the text the author intends to _______.

A .offer some advice on how to stay positive

B. persuade readers to learn from a role model

C. provide some solutions to personal problems

D .inform readers of some tips on physical health

46. What does the phrase “to give yourself an ego boost” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. to get lost in deep thought.           B. to think about the hardships.

C. to check what mistake you made.      D. to make you feel better about yourself.

47. Which of the following would the author Not agree to?

A. Saying some positive words to yourself helps you to feel good.

B. By staying with your companion you can avoid the negative-talk.

C. A successful friend, relative or colleague can be your role model.

D. Creating a helpful network is a good way to keep you motivated.

48. To make sure that you always stay on track, what should you do?

    A. Eat out with your best friends.         B. Relax yourself after a hard day.

    C. Write down what you want to achieve   D. Modify your plans as often as you can.


A device that stops drivers from falling asleep at the wheel is about to go through testing at Department of Transport laboratories and could go on sale within 12 months.

       The system, called Driver Alert, aims to reduce deadly road accidents by 20% - 40% that are caused by tiredness. Airline pilots can also use it to reduce the 30% of all pilot-error accidents that are related to tiredness.

       Driver Alert is based on a computerized wristband(手表带). The device, worn by drivers or pilots, gives out a sound about every four minutes during a car journey. After each sound the driver must respond by squeezing(挤压) the steering wheel (方向盘). A sensor in the wristband detects this pressing action and measures the time between the sound and the driver’s response.

       Tiredness is directly related to a driver’s response time. Usually, a watchful driver would take about 400 milliseconds to respond, but once that falls to more than 500 milliseconds, it suggests that the driver is getting sleepy.

       In such cases the device gives out more regular and louder sounds, showing that the driver should open a window or stop for a rest. If the driver’s response continues to slow down, the sounds become more frequent until a nonstop alarm warns that the driver must stop as soon as possible.

       The device has been delivered to the department’s laboratories for testing. If these tests, scheduled for six months’ time, are successful, the makers will bring the product to market within about a year.

49. According to the text, Driver Alert ______.

A. aims to reduce tiredness-related accidents

B. has gone through testing at laboratories

C. aims to prevent drivers form sleeping

D. has been on sale for 12 months

50. How should a driver respond to the sounds from Driver Alert?

       A. By sounding a warning.                         B. By touching the wristband.

C. By checking the driving time.                 D. By pressing the steering wheel.

51. We can learn form the text that the driver needs to stop for a break when his response time is ______.

       A. about 400 milliseconds                          B. below 500 milliseconds

       C. over 500 milliseconds                                   D. about 4 minutes

52. When the driver gets sleepy while driving, Driver Alert ______.

       A. moves more regularly                                   B. stops working properly

       C. opens the window for the driver                    D. sounds more frequently and loudly


Hotel Reservations

Welcome to the Kampala Beach Hotel Reservations(预定)System. You can reserve a room or package one of three ways: (a) online, (b) by phone, and(c)by email.

Did you know? You can take advantage of special savings by booking direct with us online.

A.Online Reservations            

Enter your travel dates and the number of guests below to book your room online now.

Click here to check on an existing online reservation.

If you are searching for a specific package, please make sure your check-in and check-out dates allowing for the minimum number of nights in the package.

You may make reservations for a maximum of 4 guests per room. For requests of 10 rooms or more, please refer to Group Accommodations.

B.Reservations By Phone

If you prefer to reserve by phone, please call:

Toll Free from the USA, Canada, and Hawaii: +1-800-262-8450

Worldwide Direct: +1-808-661-0011

Hours (Hawaii Standard Time):

Monday to Friday: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

C. Reservations By E-mail

If you prefer to submit(提交) an e-mail reservations request, click here.

Submitting an e-mail request does not guarantee a reservation. For immediate confirmation and booking, please use online reservations engine above.

53. What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To show the importance of science.

B. To introduce a new hotel.

C. To attract more tourists to the hotel.

D. To make the trip for tourists.

54. If you want an immediate booking, you’d better use“            ”.

A. Online Reservations           B. Reservations By Phone

C. Reservations By E-mail      D. Reservations By Letter

55. From the passage we may infer the hotel is in __________ .          

A.Canada   B. mainland America     C. French      D. Hawaii

56. If you want to book a package you have to __________ .            .

A. submit an e-mail reservations request

B. make sure of your check-in and check-out dates

C. refer to Group Accommodations

D. wait for further notice


To get an extra 14 years of life, don’t smoke, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and drink alcohol in a proper amount. That is according to a study published this Monday in the Public Library of Science Medicine Journal.

After tracking more than 20,000 people aged 45-79 years in the United Kingdom from about 1993-2007, Kay-Tee, Khaw of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues found that people who adopted these four healthy habits lived an average of 14 years longer than those who didn’t.

“We’ve known for a long time that these behaviors are good things to do, but we’ve not seen this benefit before, ” said Susan Jebb, head of Nutrition and Health at Britain’s Medical Research Council. “The benefit was also seen regardless of whether or not people were fat and what social class they came from.”

Study participants(参与者)scored a point each for not smoking, regular physical activity, eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and moderate alcohol intake.

Public health experts said they hoped the study would inspire governments introduce policies helping people to adopt these changes. But because the study only observed people rather than testing specific changes, it would be impossible to conclude that people who suddenly adopted these healthy behaviours would surely gain 14 years.

“We can’t say that any person could gain 14 years by doing these things,” said Doctor Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization. ”The 14 years is an average across the population of what’s theoretically(理论上)possible.”

“Most people know that things like a good diet matter and that smoking is not good for them”, Susan Jebb said, ”We need to work on providing people with much more practical support to help them change.”

57. Which of the following doesn’t belong to the four healthy habits?

A. Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

B. Doing proper exercise in the morning every day.

C. Having a cigarette before going to bed every day.

D. Drinking alcohol in the proper amount every day.

58. We can learn from the passage that_____.

A. the study observed people as well as tested specific changes

B. Susan Jebb did not take part in the study

C. there is no need for people under 45 adopt these good habits

D. only those from first class can benefit from these healthy behaviours

59. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Governments should take measures to help people change their bad habits.

B. People aged 45-79 have bad habits in the United Kingdom.

C. All the people are well aware of the harm of their bad habits.

D. People have adopted the four healthy habits after knowing they’re good.

60. What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Smoking and Drinking Cuts You 14 Years

B. Healthy Habits Could Gain You Extra 14 years

C. A New Way of Keeping Healthy

D. Smoking and Drinking Harms Your Health



A: Good afternoon. Customer Service.

B: Good afternoon. May I speak to the manager, please?

A: ____61_____

B: I’ve bought one of your tape recorder, but it’s stopped working

A: _____62____.

B: Last Sunday. But it stopped the day before yesterday.

A: ______63_____

B: From your main department

A: How much did you pay for it?

B: ______64_____

A: Did you call the store where you bought it?

B: Yes , I did____65_____

A:I see. I’ll call the manager myself and tell him to change it for you.

B: Thank you. Bye.

A: Bye.


A. Originally, it was ?50, but I bought it in a sale ?40

B. Hold on a minute, please.

C. And , where did you buy it?

D. But the manager said that I couldn’t change it.

E. Speaking.

F. When did it break down?

G. When did you buy it?




第一节   :单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 在句子右边的横线上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式. (每空只写一词)

66. If you knock into somebody, you should __________(道歉)to him.          66______

67. While Mary worked in the ________(厨房) , she talked to Henry, but he was not listening.                                                 


68. Stick stamps on the ________(信封) and post the letters.                     68_______

69. When I came to the riverside, I found a boy __________(挣扎) in the water.     69________

70. Do you know how many countries belong to _________(欧洲)Union?       70________

71. I’m afraid I can’t sing the song, for it’s ____ (超出) the range of my voice.      71_______

72.The applicants waited _______(耐心) for the final decision of the company.      72______

73. People are _______(禁止) to help those who have broken the law.             73________

74.The doctor said his _______(体温) was normal, and that he just lacked a good rest.74________

75.Is it _________(方便) for you if I come to see you tomorrow afternoon?         75_______







    Dear editor,

        I am a high school student. A few days before,              76_______

one of my very good friend told me that he was going            77_______

to stop the school. He said that he wanted to start his             78_______

 own business. I tried best to get him to change his mind,          79_______

 but I failed.

     I know it is difficult of him to change his mind.             80_______

 He is not doing so good in his studies, yet I want to              81_______

    insist that I give it a try. The process is more                    82_______

    important than the results. Now there are only 60 days            83_______

    left before that test. I am not sure that his decision is             84_______

    right or wrong . I needed your advice.                         85_______


Li Hua




假设你是李华,你的一位美国笔友Robert写E-mail问及你高考后暑假的安排,请根据以下要点,写一封E-mail回复他, 可以适当增加细节。

内容要求:1. 学开车                 2. 读名著,开拓视野

3. 强身健体               4. 帮父母做家务




3. 词数:120个左右。开头已给出,不计词数。

Dear Robert:

  How time flies!____________________________________________________________


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Looking forward to hearing from you, telling me about your arrangements of vacation.

Best wishes!

                                                                 Yours,                                                                    Li Hua












理 科 综 合 试 卷



相对原子质量:H 1  C 12  N 14  O 16  S 32








第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)
