0  63  71  77  81  87  89  93  99  101  107  113  117  119  123  129  131  137  141  143  147  149  153  155  157  158  159  161  162  163  165  167  171  173  177  179  183  189  191  197  201  203  207  213  219  221  227  231  233  239  243  249  257  3002 


数 学 试 题





3. 答卷时允许使用科学计算器.









英 语 试 题


1.       本试题共四部分,六道大题,满分120分。考试时间120分钟。

2.       答题前,先把学校、考号和姓名填在密封线内的矩形框内。

3.       请将选择题的答案填在每小题前的括号内,非选择题的答案直接写在试题相应的横线上。

4.       本试题第一部分为听力理解部分。共25道小题,约用25分钟。

5.       请用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠笔答题。

题 号

总  分



得 分











第一部分  听力理解部分(一道大题,共25分)






Ⅰ 听力测试(本题四节,每小题1分,共25分)



(    )1. A           B           C        (    )2.  A            B           C

. 天气图标矢量     天气图标矢量       天气图标矢量                交通工具矢量      交通工具矢量    卡通轿车矢量                                                              

(    )3. A           B           C        (    )4.  A            B           C

厨师矢量大厨矢量       大兵军人漫画矢量       炊事员矢量厨师矢量              时钟钟表时间矢量         时钟钟表时间矢量         时钟钟表时间矢量                           

(    )5. A           B           C    

交通指示牌矢量       交通指示牌矢量       交通指示牌矢量




(    ) 6. What are they talking about?

A. About traveling.               B. About spoken English.             C. About the holiday.

(    ) 7. Is the boy going to travel?

A. No, he isn’t.                    B. Yes, he is.                               C. He didn’t tell us.


(    ) 8. What are they going to have tomorrow evening?

A. To have a meeting.                B. To have a birthday party.   C. To have a big dinner.

(    ) 9. Why won’t Ben go to see the flower show with the girl?

        A. Because he has a lot of homework to do. 

B. Because he doesn’t like the flower show.

C. Because his mother doesn’t ask him to go there.


(    ) 10. What time does the boy get up every morning?

A. Very early.                      B. At 6 p.m.                               C. At 6 a.m.

(    ) 11. Who cooks breakfast for Da Ming every day?

A. Da Ming’s mother.           B. Da Ming himself.                    C. Da Ming’s father.

(    ) 12. What’s the woman probably?

A. A teacher.                        B. A reporter.                              C. A student.


(    ) 13. What time will the concert begin?

A. At 8:00 p.m.               B. At 7:30 p.m.                      C. At 6:00 p.m.

(    ) 14. How many tickets has the girl got?

A. One.                          B. Two.                              C. Three.

(    ) 15. When may the dialogue happen?

A. In the morning.        B. At noon.                         C. In the evening.


(    ) 16. What festival is this Sunday?

A. Father’s Day.                  B. Mother’s Day.                         C. Mother’s birthday.

(    ) 17. Why aren’t Li Hong and Li Ping happy on Father’s Day?

A. Because they don’t like their father.                           B. Because their father died.

C. Because they like their mother more than their father.

(    ) 18. What does Mrs. Li do?

A. Mrs. Li is a teacher.         B. Mrs. Li is a student in a night school.

C. Mrs. Li doesn’t have a job.

(    ) 19. What does Li Ping think is the best present for his mother?

A. Glasses.                          B. Shoes.                                    C. Books.

(    ) 20. What do you think of Mrs. Li as a mother?

A. She is an excellent mother.                                      B. She is a lazy mother.

C. She is a sad mother.


School Gate

Main Road















第二部分  语言知识运用(两道大题,共30分)

Ⅱ 单项选择 (本题一节,每小题1分,共15分)


(    ) 26. ______ book on the desk is ______ useful one.

A. The, an                    B. A, a                  C. The, a               D. The, 不填

(    ) 27.―Do you remember ______ Professor Li came to our school?

    ―Yes, of course. He came here by air.

A. how                      B. when              C. that                D. if

(    ) 28.―I hear Tom is working at history very hard.

―I’m ______ he will pass the history exam this time.

A. afraid                    B. surprised         C. sure                D. sorry

(    ) 29.If anybody calls, tell them I’m out, and ask them to ______ their name and address.

A. pass                 B. write           C. take            D. leave

(    ) 30.―______ will the dinner be ready? I’m hungry.

           ―Just wait a moment.

A. How soon                B. How long          C. How much        D. How often

(    ) 31.―One week’s time has been wasted.

        ―I can’t believe we did all that work for ______.

A. something           B. nothing       C. everything       D. anything

(    ) 32.Supermarkets are necessary. People usually spend______ time finding things they want, but they usually spend______ money than they want.

A. less; less             B. less; more     C. fewer; less      D. fewer; more

(    ) 33.? Have you found Tom?

? No. Mr. Smith says he is out, but no one knows ______.

A. where he has been                                 B. where he has gone

C. where he goes                                       D. where he is from

(    ) 34.John shut everybody out of the kitchen______ he could prepare his wonderful surprise for the party.

A. which                B. when          C. so that          D. as if

(    ) 35.These books ______ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

A. can't take                  B. must be taken    C. can take            D. mustn't be taken

(    ) 36.―Shirley, I know you ______a book about China. Have you finished it?

           ―Not yet. Maybe next year.

A. wrote                       B. have written      C. are writing        D. will write

(    ) 37.Old McDonald gave up smoking for a while, but soon ______to his old ways.

A. returned                 B. returns         C. were returning D. has returned

(    ) 38.―Nothing can bring him to sell the house.

           ―Yeah, it is the house ______he has spent the happiest days of his life.

A. that                         B. which               C. for that             D. in which

(    ) 39.―I’m dead tired, I can’t walk any farther, Jenny.

        ―______, Tommy. You can do it.

A. No problem           B. No hurry                C. Come on         D. That’s ok

(    ) 40.―Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.

        ―______Have you got the first prize in the competition?

             A. What for?             B. Thanks a lot.    C. Yes, I’d like to.        D. Why not?







Ⅲ 完型填空 (本题一节,每小题1分,共15分)


Mary loved small animals. One morning while she was walking in the forest, she found ___41___weak birds in the grass. She took them home and put them in a small cage. She cared them with love and the birds both grew ___42___. They thanked her ___43___a wonderful song every morning.

   But something happened one day. Mary left the door of the ___44___open. The larger bird flew from the cage. She thought that it would ___45___. As it flew close, she grasped (紧抓) it. She was very ___46___ to catch it. ___47___ she felt strange. She opened her hand and looked sadly at the ___48___ bird. Her great love had killed the bird!

   The other bird was moving back and forth (来回) in the cage. Mary could ___49___ its great need for freedom (自由). It wanted to fly into the clear and blue___50___. At once, Mary took the bird ___51___the cage and let it fly away. The bird circled once, twice, three times…

  Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing ___52___. Suddenly the bird flew ___53___ and landed softly on her head. It sang the ___54___song that she had ever heard.

  The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tight. The best way to keep love is to ___55___it wings (翅膀).

(    ) 41. A. some                      B. several                            C. two                         D. three

(    ) 42. A. small                            B. strong                     C. thin                         D. tired

(    ) 43. A. with                       B. for                          C. about                       D. at

(    ) 44. A. house                 B. room                     C. cage                       D. garden

(    ) 45. A. return                        B. die                           C. fly back                   D. fly away

(    ) 46.A. sorry                B. afraid                       C. frightened                D. excited

(    ) 47. A. Suddenly                B. Usually                  C. Easily                    D. Hardly

(    ) 48. A. living                          B. interesting                C. lucky                       D. dead

(    ) 49. A. take                       B. feel                          C. say                          D. get

(    ) 50. A. river                      B. trees                        C. sky                          D. box

(    ) 51. A. out of                        B. out from                  C. out off                          D. away of

(    ) 52. A. sadly                      B. happily                    C. friendly                   D. angrily

(    ) 53. A. higher              B. farther                          C. closer                       D. later

(    ) 54. A. sweetest                 B. poorest                     C. worst                       D. loudest

(    ) 55. A. show                      B. give                         C. pass                       D. buy





第三部分  阅读理解部分(一道大题,共35分)

Ⅳ 综合阅读  (本题四节,共35分)

















(    ) 56. Who is writing the postcard?

          A. Fiona.                  B. Janet.          C. Terry.                    D. Jacqui.

(    ) 57. Where are they staying now?

          A. North of the Great Wall.                      B. In the south of England.

          C. In a big city.                          D. In a village.

(    ) 58. Where does Fiona live?

          A. On the farm.       B. In America.              C. On Park Street.               D. In Nykonos.

(    ) 59. Which one is NOT right?

A. John is reading a newspaper.                  B. The children are swimming in the river.

C. Terry is lying in the sun.                        D. Janet is in the house.

(    ) 60. How do they like the holiday?

           A. Enjoyable.             B. Terrible.       C. Boring.             D. Bad.

第二节:阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10分)

THE 'China Daily', a newspaper, reports that the average student goes to sleep at 00:30 am. Even if that's an exaggeration (夸张), it's too close to the truth. Scientists say teens should sleep nine hours each night. But that's hard to do.
    Some even "pull all-nighters". These are lazy students who have homework due (到期) the next day that they haven't done. In the morning they don't look healthy and you can tell who's been doing it.
    One reporter did a survey on the problem. She found that most kids pull all-nighters to finish homework, but some do it for other reasons, such as playing computer games!
    Maybe the students’ lack (缺乏) of sleep is because of laziness - But in fact, few of them are lazy- or maybe it's because they have too much to do in middle schools.

Zhang Jialiang, a student in a middle school, usually go to bed around midnight. He says, “If I stayed up past 00:30 am, I wouldn't get any work done. I'd be falling asleep at my desk. My classes begin at 6:50 am. I'm partly awake in my first class. By the second, I'm slightly drowsy(困倦的). By my third class, I'm sleepy. By midday I'm finally wide-awake. But by 3:00 pm, I'm slowing down again. Yet I get more sleep than the China Daily's 'average student'.”
    Most Chinese middle schools seem to have a similar problem with sleepy students.
    Middle school classes start at 6:50 am, so students have to wake up one and a half hours before that to get ready and catch the bus. It's believed that lack of sleep can damage (损害) both grades and health.
    Some schools are paying attention. Classes in those schools start at 7:30 am.
(    ) 61. What's the problem talked about in the passage?
           A. Many kids have too much homework to do.
        B. Many teenagers don't have enough sleep.
        C. Many children are crazy about playing computer games.
        D. Many kids are too lazy to finish their homework on time.
(    ) 62. The underlined(画线) sentence implies (暗示) that the report in the newspaper _____.

A. is quite true              B. is far from being true       C. is just a lie               D. is probably true
(    ) 63. Which of the following is NOT a reason mentioned in the passage?
        A. Laziness.           B. Homework.                     C. Housework.       D. Computer games.
(    ) 64. What's the solution(解决办法) suggested at the end of the passage?
       A. Later start of classes.                               B. Less homework.
       C. Going to bed early.                                 D. Eating healthy food.
(    ) 65.What’s Chinese meaning of the phrase "pull all-nighters" in the reading?

A. 开夜车                  B. 混时间                     C.太懒惰        D.熬通宵


Can we watch a video cassette on the camera? Yes, of course we can. But first, we have to put the cassette into the camera. Right, that’s easy, isn’t it? Now, open the LCD screen on the other side of the camera. It’s OK. Now what? Turn the power switch (开关) from OFF to VCR. It’s at the back, on the right. Yeah, it is this switch. OK. The LCD screen’s on. Next? Um, I am sure we should press the rewind button. It is this button at the top here. Wait until it rewinds to the beginning of the tape. OK! What do we do now? You see, press the PLAY button. It’s next to the rewind button. Hey! Great! We can see the picture, but there’s no sound. I nearly forgot it. We must turn up the volume (音量) then. Right, the knob (旋钮) is on the side of the LCD screen.

66. a ________    67. b ________   68. c ________     69.d ________ 70. e ________



I went on a camping trip(露营) in the mountains with my classmates. After hiking all day, we found a place to camp for the night. We made a campfire so that we could cook our dinner. We roasted some hot dogs and potatoes and drank lemonade. Then, when it got dark, we told ghost stories around the campfire.

Later when we lay down to go to sleep, we listened to the sound of crickets (蟋蟀) and small animals moving around in the grass. We thought there were some ghosts nearby. “What's that?” I asked. “I think I can hear someone walking in the woods,” Kathy said. Soon we all heard footsteps and we were all so scared that we couldn't get to sleep. Of course, there was no one there, but we had wild imagination.

71. 写出①②处单词或短语的汉语意思。

  ①_________ ②_________

72. 根据释义,写出文中所含有的英语单词。

  ① to cook over a fire: __________________

  ② the sound made each time your foot touches the ground when walking: _________


73. What did the students in the story do on their camping trip?


74. Why did they make a campfire?


75. Why were they scared?



第四部分  语言综合运用(二道大题,共30分)







Ⅴ 词句运用  (本题两节,每小题1分,共15分)





76. Parents always miss their children___________________(无论在哪里)they are.

77. Paper making is one of the greatest___________________(发明)in world history.

78. Mike often___________________(打排球)with his classmates after school.

79. If our school team wins the last two ___________________ (比赛  ) , we will be the top.

80. Time was over. The students stopped___________________(讨论)and rushed out of the classroom.



feel  give  turn  work  help  waiter  thing  nearly  he  only  else  one

A woman was eating in a restaurant. She asked the waiter to do many (81) ________for her. Now she was (82) ________the waiter a lot of trouble. (83) ________, she asked the waiter to turn on the air conditioner(空调)because she  (84) _________too hot. Then she asked him to

(85) ________it off because she was too cold. This went on and on for (86) ________half an hour.

But the waiter was very kind and (87) _________ .He did everything the woman asked    (88) ________ to do without getting angry. Finally, someone (89) ________ in the restaurant asked why the (90) ________ didn’t just throw the woman out. “Oh, I don’t care.” the waiter said, Smiling. “We don’t even have an air conditioner.”







Ⅵ 初级写作  (本题两节,共15分)



Dear Mr/Miss_________,


Li Ping

第二节:假如你要从City A前往City B,而且手中只有880元人民币。请对以下表格中的信息进行比较,选择你将乘坐的其中一种交通工具,并陈述理由。词数:70左右。(10分)

Means of transportation


Time spent




24 hours

260 yuan



3 hours

880 yuan


Not safe enough

20 hours

210 yuan









评 分 说 明

Ⅰ    1. A                      2.C                       3.B                       4.C                       5.A                6.C                       7.A                       8.B                       9.A                       10.C                  11.A                            12.B                            13.A                            14.B                            15.C          

16.B                            17.B                            18.B                            19.A                            20.A

21. Teaching building

22. Library (building)

23. Office building

24. Playground

25. Computer room                  

Ⅱ    26.C                            27.A                            28.C                            29.D                            30.A              31.B                            32.B                            33.B                            34.C                            35.D             36.C                            37.A                            38.D                            39.C                            40.A

Ⅲ    41.C                            42.B                            43.A                            44.C                            45.D            46.D                            47.A                            48.D                            49.B                            50.C            51.A                            52.B                            53.C                            54.A                            55.B

Ⅳ    56.B                            57.D                            58.C                            59.B                            60.A            61.B                            62.A                            63.C                            64.A                            65.A

66. a. Rewind (button)                           

67.b. Volume (button)                

68. c. LCD screen  

69.d. Power (button)                        

70.e. PLAY (button)

71.① 生篝火                                  ② 害怕的

72.① roast                                     ② footsteps

73. They went hiking, made a campfire and roasted some hot dogs.

74. Because they wanted to cook their dinner.

75. Because they told ghost stories\ Because they all heard footsteps\...

Ⅴ  76. wherever\no matter where             77. inventions                    78. plays volleyball 

79. games\matches  \competitions         80. discussing\the discussion\their discussion

81. things                                                82. giving                           83. First              

84. felt                                          85. turn                               86. nearly                   

87. helpful                                        88. him                             89. else        

90. waiter

Ⅵ  One possible version:



I prefer to take a coach for the reasons below.

First, taking a coach is the cheapest among three of them. It only costs me 210 yuan. Though taking a plane is the fastest as well as safe, it will cost all my 880 yuan.

Second, although by coach is not safe enough, it is 4 hours faster than by train. I can’t stand long hours on the train. I will get bored.











B档:(8~7  分)主题明确,语言错误较少,表达较清楚,行文比较连贯,书写较规范,少于或超过规定的词数10ㄇ以上。

C档:(6~5  分)主题较明确,语言错误较多,表达较清楚,书写不规范。

D档:(4~2  分)语言错误多,行文不连贯,主题不突出,书写不规范。

E档:(1~0  分)仅写出几个单词,无完整的句子可读。







No. 1

Woman:  What beautiful sunshine we have today!

Man:   Right. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Question:  What’s the weather like today?


Woman:  What beautiful sunshine we have today!

Man:   Right. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Question:  What’s the weather like today?



Woman:  Did you go to the countryside by bus, David?

Man:  No, Jim’s father drove.

Question:  How did David go to the countryside?


Woman:  Did you go to the countryside by bus, David?

Man:  No, Jim’s father drove.

Question:  How did David go to the countryside?


No. 3

Woman:  Do you work in a TV station, John?

Man:  No, I’m a policeman, but my parents expected me to be a cook.

Question:  What is the man?


Woman:  Do you work in a TV station, John?

Man:  No, I’m a policeman, but my parents expected me to be a cook.

Question:  What is the man?


No. 4

Man:  What time is it, Mum?

Woman:  It's eight. Is your sister at home?

Man:  No, she went out one hour ago.

Question:  When did the boy's sister go out?


Man:  What time is it, Mum?

Woman:  It's eight. Is your sister at home?

Man:  No, she went out one hour ago.

Question:  When did the boy's sister go out?


No. 5

Woman:  Excuse me, sir. You can’t stop your car here!

Man:  Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign.

Question:  Which one did the man see at last?


Woman:  Excuse me, sir. You can’t stop your car here!

Man:  Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign.

Question:  Which one did the man see at last?




Woman:  Hi, we’ll have a long holiday in several days.

Man:  Oh, yes. We all are expecting it.

Woman:  Where will you go during the holidays?

Man:  I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay home.

Woman:  Will you help do housework?

Man:  I’d love to. And I’ll take part in a summer school to improve my spoken English.

Woman:  Why will you do that?

Man:  It’s very interesting and I’ll meet a lot of new friends. Don’t you want to join us?

Woman:  Yes, I’ll try. Then we’ll be very busy together.


Woman:  Hi, we’ll have a long holiday in several days.

Man:  Oh, yes. We all are expecting it.

Woman:  Where will you go during the holidays?

Man:  I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay home.

Woman:  Will you help do housework?

Man:  I’d love to. And I’ll take part in a summer school to improve my spoken English.

Woman:  Why will you do that?

Man:  It’s very interesting and I’ll meet a lot of new friends. Don’t you want to join us?

Woman:  Yes, I’ll try. Then we’ll be very busy together.



Woman:  Ben, tomorrow is your birthday? Am I right?

Man:  Yes. But how do you know it, Wang Lin?

Woman:  Mr Chen told us and we’ll have a birthday party for you tomorrow evening.

Man:  It’s very kind of you.

Woman:  This is the present for you. It’s from Li Ming and me.

Man:  What is it? Can I open it and have a look?

Woman:  Sure. It’s a Chinese dictionary.

Man:  How nice! Thank you.

Woman:  By the way, would you like to see the flower show with me this afternoon?

Man:  I’d love to, but I can’t. I have so much homework to do. Thank you just the same!


Woman:  Ben, tomorrow is your birthday? Am I right?

Man:  Yes. But how do you know it, Wang Lin?

Woman:  Mr Chen told us and we’ll have a birthday party for you tomorrow evening.

Man:  It’s very kind of you.

Woman:  This is the present for you. It’s from Li Ming and me.

Man:  What is it? Can I open it and have a look?

Woman:  Sure. It’s a Chinese dictionary.

Man:  How nice! Thank you.

Woman:  By the way, would you like to see the flower show with me this afternoon?

Man:  I’d love to, but I can’t. I have so much homework to do. Thank you just the same!



Woman:  Excuse me, Da Ming. It must be hard work as a middle school student now.

Man:  It certainly is. I’m going to have the most important examination and I must get ready for every subject for it.

Woman:  I guess you can’t have enough sleep.

Man:  Yes. I have to get up at six o’clock every morning and go to bed very late.

Woman:  Why do you get up so early then?

Man:  Because I want to remember and review something at that time.

Woman:  Does your mother get up at the same time as you?

Man:  Yes, she cooks breakfast for me. She wants me to keep healthy.

Woman:  Your mother is so kind. Well, how do you spend your free time?

Man:  Free time? I have no free time. I have lessons all the time.

Woman:  I really hope it goes well after your hard working.

Man:  Thank you.


Woman:  Excuse me, Da Ming. It must be hard work as a middle school student now.

Man:  It certainly is. I’m



物 理 试 题




得  分









可能用到的相对原子质量:H―1  C―12  O―16  Ca―40  Mg―24  Cl―35.5

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生 物 试 题








A、生物圈             B、水圈                      C、岩石圈                   D、大气圈


A、生物生存依赖一定的环境                    B、生物的生存影响环境

C、生物与环境相适应                               D、上面三项都对


A、农田生态系统   B、城市生态系统        C 、森林生态系统       D、草原生态系统


  A、生物圈               B、生态系统               C、生态平衡               D、生物因素



A、目镜              B、物镜

C、反光镜           D、遮光器


A、①②          B、③④

C、①③               D、⑥⑦


A、10x           B、15x                C 、40x                      D、5x


A、口腔上皮细胞   B、血液               C、洋菜表皮细胞        D、心脏


A、细菌               B、植物病毒        C、动物病毒        D、细菌病毒





A、不变               B、高低不稳定     C、升高               D、降低


①种子裸露;    ②种子不裸露; ③有花、果实和种子;

④有果皮;      ⑤无果皮

A、①②③       B、③④⑤       C、①⑤         D、②③④


A、干旱疏松的土壤                      B、潮湿疏松的土壤

C、潮湿板结的土壤                       D、北极冻土


A、把植物体固定在土壤里              B、从土壤里吸收水分

C、吸收土壤中的无机盐                 D、在土壤中制造有机物


A、种子                   B、果实               C、胚                   D、胚乳


A、黄白色、蓝色                   B、黄白色、黄白色

C、蓝色、蓝色                     D、蓝色、黄白色


A、细胞核内     B、叶绿体内     C、染色体内      D、线粒体内


A、光合作用     B、合成有机物    C、呼吸作用     D、蒸腾作用


A、土壤中氧气不足                           B、土壤中养料不足

C、土壤中的温度太低                        D、植物蒸腾作用过于旺盛


  A、动物                  B、人类               C、微生物            D、绿色植物

20、光合作用可以用下列公式表示?(     上、下分别有光能和叶绿体)

A、二氧化碳+有机物      水+二氧化碳

B、氧+水        有机物(储存着能量)+二氧化碳   

C、二氧化碳+水      有机物(储存着能量)+氧气

D、有机物+氧     二氧化碳+水+能量

21、女性月经来潮与                  的周期性变化有关。

A、睾丸、附睾                        B、卵巢、输卵管  

C、卵巢、子宫内膜                     D、睾丸、子宫内膜





A、维生素D      B、维生素A    C、维生素B           D、蛋白质


A、口腔               B、胃                   C、小肠               D、大肠


A、蛋白质            B、淀粉               C、脂肪               D、蛋白质和脂肪


A、均增加                                 B、尿素、尿酸增加,二氧化碳减少

C、均减少                                  D、尿素、尿酸减少,二氧化碳增加


A、100次                B、25次               C、75次               D、16次

27、由于森林减少及排放的二氧化碳增多,现在全球环境出现了(  )现象。

A赤潮                            B、沙尘暴            C、温室效应        D、酸雨

28、当人受伤(轻伤)流血时,能自动止血,这是由于(    )的作用?

A、白细胞        B、血红蛋白     C、血小板     D、白细胞


A、动脉血变成静脉血                          B、静脉血变成动脉血

C、养料变成废物                                 D、废物变成养料


A、左心房、右心房                         B、右心房、左心室      

C、左心室、右心室                         D、左心房、右心室


A、葡萄糖和无机盐                    B、血细胞和葡萄糖

C、血细胞和大分子蛋白质              D、大分子蛋白质和葡萄糖


A、角膜        B、晶状体      C、脉络膜     D、视网膜

33、在耳内,接受振动刺激的感受器位于(    )内。

A、耳蜗        B、听觉神经          C、鼓膜               D、听小骨


A、排便反射    B、眨眼反射          C、排尿反射     D、谈虎色变


A、感觉和反射  B、感觉和传导      C、反射和传导     D、反射和运动


A、低血糖症    B、糖尿病             C、侏儒症            D、贫血


A.蜘蛛结网                                B.马戏团的动物表演节目          

C.大公鸡会绕道取食                  D.大山雀偷喝牛奶

38、乌贼遇到敌害时,喷出墨汁,并乘机逃走,这种行为是(    )

    A.繁殖行为           B.防御行为           C.逃跑行为           D.躲避行为

39、下列说法正确的是(    )





40、下列有关食物链的表示中,正确的是(    )

    A.绿色植物→野兔       →小鸟→昆虫       B.阳光→绿色植物→猫头鹰→小鸟

    C.绿色植物→昆虫→小鸟→猫头鹰    D.昆虫→小鸟→蛇→猫头鹰→绿色植物

41、多数细菌的营养方式是(    )

    A.含叶绿素,自己制造有机物           B.不含叶绿素,自己制造有机物

    C.含叶绿素,只能利用现成有机物    D.不含叶绿素,只能利用现成有机物

42、真菌和腐生细菌在生态系统中占有重要地位,这主要是因为它们能(    )

    A.释放氧气,吸收代谢废物                     B.为其它生物提供食物来源

       C.净化环境                                       D.将有机物分解为无机物,归还到无机环境中

43、同(    )生物的亲缘关系是最密切的

    A.界                            B.种                            C.科                            D.属

44、我国是(    )植物最丰富的国家。

    A.被子                  B.裸子                  C.蕨类                  D.苔藓


A、繁殖速度快                                B、保持亲代的优良性状

C、成本低                                  D、可以大量繁殖


A、每条染色体上只有一对基因         B、每个DNA分子上有许多基因

C、在卵细胞中基因是成对的            D、每个DNA分子上只有一个基因


A、一半大拇指不弯曲,一半大拇指弯曲            B、大拇指都不弯曲

C、男孩大拇指弯曲,女孩大拇指不弯曲            D、大拇指都会弯曲


A、越简单、越低等                       B、越简单、越高等   

C、越复杂、越低等                       D、越复杂、越高等


A、病原体       B、传播途径        C、传染源         D、易感人群


A、皮肤和肌肉                             B、肌肉和骨骼

C、皮肤和黏膜                             D、淋巴结和脾脏



(考试形式:开卷     卷面分数:50分    考试时间:50分钟) 

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地  理  试  题








A 北极点              B 南极点              C 赤道                 D北回归线


A 1.179亿平方千米                           B 1.279亿平方千米     

C 1.379亿平方千米                           D 1.479亿平方千米



A 甲地                 B 乙地                

C 丙地                 D 丁地


A 高原和盆地       B 盆地和高原      

C 山顶和盆地       D 高原和山谷


A 风化作用          B 侵蚀作用         

C 搬运作用          D 堆积作用


A 亚洲和大洋洲   B 非洲和欧洲       C 非洲和北美洲   D 欧洲和非洲


A 形成隔热层保护头部                     B 散热凉快  

C 为了美观而烫                               D 防紫外线灼伤


A 英语、俄语       B 汉语、英语       C 法语、汉语       D 汉语、俄语


A 寒冷                 B 湿热                 C 干燥                 D 潮湿


A                         B                         C                         D          



A 锋面雨              B 地形雨              C 对流雨              D 迎风雨


A 春季                 B 夏季                 C 秋季                 D 冬季


A 地球的公转       B 地球的自转       C 地球是一个球体       D 地球上有五带


①东非高原  ②亚马孙平原    ③马来群岛  ④刚果盆地  ⑤长江中下游平原

A ①②③        B ②③④        C ③④⑤        D ①③④


A 领土面积大小   B 政治体制差异   C 国家人口多少   D 经济发展差异


A 更高更快更强   B 和平友谊进步   C 重在参与       D 和平自由公平


A 湄公河              B 印度河              C 恒河                 D 黑龙江


A 从本初子午线往西跨15°             B 从本初子午线往东跨15°

C 从日界线往东往西各跨7.5°        D 从0°往东往西各跨7.5°


A 黑龙江省的漠河                            B 漠河以北黑龙江      

C 漠河以北黑龙江主航道的中心线   D 曾母暗沙


A 闽、粤、云、藏                            B 台、琼、云、赣      

C 台、粤、桂、云                            D 台、闽、赣、桂


A 黑河―腾冲线   B 漠河―腾冲线   C 漠河―昆明线   D 黑河―昆明线


A 藏族                 B 壮族                 C 维吾尔族          D 布衣族









A ①②③④      B ②③④⑥     

C ③④⑥        D ②③④⑤



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