0  1395  1403  1409  1413  1419  1421  1425  1431  1433  1439  1445  1449  1451  1455  1461  1463  1469  1473  1475  1479  1481  1485  1487  1489  1490  1491  1493  1494  1495  1497  1499  1503  1505  1509  1511  1515  1521  1523  1529  1533  1535  1539  1545  1551  1553  1559  1563  1565  1571  1575  1581  1589  3002 







































































































































答   案



1、错。熔点递减2.错。低级有机酸易溶于水3.对。浓硫酸吸水性4.错。Na2O2+H2O→O2↑ 5.错。先制得氮气余下液氧6.错,降C%  7.错。自然界钾元素含量不低,但以复杂硅酸盐形式存在不溶于水8.对。9.错。溶于HF溶液10.错。碘水生成FeI2 11.错。钝化是化学性质12.错。Ca(ClO)2中继续通入CO2至过量,白色沉淀消失13.对。14.对。NH4Cl+AgNO3+NaOH→Ag(NH3)2Cl,+HNO3:NH4NO3+AgCl↓2H2O 17.错Na2S+H2S=2NaHS 18.对。Fe3++SCN(络合反应)、S2-/I-(氧化还原反应)、AlO2-/CO32-/HCO3-(双水解反应)19.对。活性炭(吸附,物理变化)、二氧化硫(可逆、不稳定、化学反应)、氯水(氧化还原、不可逆) 20.错。重晶石不反 21.错。还原性:Fe2+>Br-,FeCl2+Br2不共存  22.错。Ca(ClO)2、溶液中通入CO2气体,白色沉淀,继续通入CO2气体,白色沉淀,继续通入CO2至过量,白色沉淀消失 23.错。NaClO+SO2+H2O=H2SO4+NaCl 24.错。1molFe+HNO3等氧化性酸失去3mole-;1molFe+HCl等非氧化性酸失去2mole- 25.对。如:HCLO4、稀硫酸不具有强氧化性 26.错。稀有气体单质不符合 27.错。水+过氧化钠→O2:助燃,不可燃 28.错。(4)非金属和金属不可能 29.错。浓H2SO4不发生氧化还原反应 30.错。浓硫酸在常温和铜不发生反应。


1.错。NO2 2.对。如N2、HF等 3.错。金属活动性顺序表中排在氢前面的金属,金属性弱的反应不明显。氧化性酸也不能 4.错。如SiO2+NaOH/HF都能反应。 5.错。原子核外最外层e-≤2的可以是He、H等非金属元素原子;目前金属原子核外最外层电子数可为1/2/3/4/5/6。最外层7e-的117好金属元素明确没分析6.对。7.错。这几组不行。(4)原子和离子;(5)分子和离子;(6)阴离子和阳离子;(7)阳离子和阳离子;8.错。NaHSO4+NaHCO3=NaSO4+CO2↑+H2O;10HNO3+3Fe(OH)2=3Fe(NO3)3+NO↑+8H2O 9.错。2H2S+H2SO3=3S↓+3H2O;HClO+H2SO3=HCl+H2SO4 10.错。不溶于水的强电解质、浓H2SO4等不写成离子的形式 11.错。H2O 12.错。可逆电离、甲酸根离子HCOO- 13.错。分子晶体许多是单质 14.对。15.对。注意n不是周期序数 16.错。强电解质溶解度小的饱和溶液、与弱电解质的浓溶液由于电离不完全导电性都较弱 17.对。 18.错。V=m?ρ同温同压,同质量的两种气体体积之比等于两种气体密度的正比 19.对。 20.对。4OH--4e-=2H2O+O2↑ 21.对。从电荷守恒角度理解较好 22.对。注意对象:“碳-12” 23.错。电解、电泳需在通电条件下才能进行,电泳为物理变化;电离不需通电、物理变化;电化腐蚀产生电流 24.错。乙烯不水解 25.错。过氧化钠中Na+与O22-为2∶1,在石英中存在Si、O原子还有杂质元素 26.错。降温,NO2向N2O4方向移动 27.错。SiO2中没有分子 28.错。稀有气体晶体中的微粒没有共价建 29.错。胶粒带有电荷 30.错。体积不知。31.错。电解质水溶液中也有 32.对。 33.错。液氯不是非电解质 34.对。如金属汞熔点很低 35.错。氢化物的熔沸点也一定升高,考虑氢键 36.错。以铜作阳极,溶液的酸性要减弱 37.错。12个 38.错。生成胶体微料大大小于NA个 39.错。HF、SF6中,所有原子不都满足最外层8e-结构 40.错。过渡金属元素原子最外层都是1-2e-


1.对。取代(醇、酚、羧酸)、消去(醇)、酯化(醇、羧酸)、氧化(醇、酚)缩聚(醇、酚、羧酸)、中和反应(羧酸、酚)2.错。麦芽糖、纤维素不符合 3.对。4.错。10-4  5.错。四中有机物+HCl共五种产物 6.错。醇类在一定条件下不一定能氧化生成醛,醛类在一定条件下均能氧化生成羧酸 7.对。六种醛一种烯 8.对。9.对。注意-CH3和-OOCH六元碳环上取代有4种 10.对。N(H)/n(O)比值决定耗氧量 11.对。棉花、人造丝、人造棉、玻璃纸都是纤维素 12.错。单体是不饱和卤代烃 13.错。酯的水解产物也可能是酸和酚。 14.错。甲酸酐(HCO)2O 15.对。水解、取代(酯、卤代烃到醇)、加成、还原(醛到醇)、氧化(醛到酸) 16.对。1,2;1,4;3;4三种加成 17.错。苯溶剂溶解二溴代己烷 18.错。2-溴丙烷 19.对。取代反应 20.错。分馏 21.错。只有丙烯酸与油酸为同系物 22.对。裂化汽油、裂解气、焦炉气(加成)活性炭(吸附)、粗氨水(碱反应)、石炭酸(取代)、CCl4(萃取) 23.对。24.错。苯酚常温不溶于水 25.错。酯化反应制得硝代甘油、硝酸纤维26.对。酸+醇的碳数等于酯的碳数 27.错。没有苯炔 28.错乙二醇取代生成环氧以醚,甲基丙烯酸甲脂加聚生成有机玻璃 29.错。蔗糖不能反应 30.错。聚乙烯、乙酸不能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色。


  1.对。2.对。3.错。pH试纸事先不润湿。 4.对。5.错。漂白粉不会挥发,但要密封保存 6.错。先干燥布拭去再用水冲洗 7.对。8.错。酸式滴定管9.对。10.对。测定溶解度(试管水)、制乙烯(反应液)、硝基苯(水浴)、苯磺酸(水浴)、酚醛树脂(沸水浴)、乙酸乙酯制备(直接加热)、水解(水浴)、糖水解(水浴)11.错。眼睛注视锥形瓶中指示颜色变化 12.错。左物右码 13.SO2+品红溶液 14.对。浓溴水 15.错。酚酞16.错。渗析17.对。18.错。锥形瓶隔石棉网微热 19.错。硅胶:nSiO2?Mh2O硅胶变色化学变化。 20.错。盐析







抚州一中    赣州一中

吉安一中    九江一中

萍乡中学    新余一中

宜春中学    上饶县中



命题学校:萍乡中学                 审题学校:宜春中学



1.本试卷分第一卷和第二卷两部分,共150分。考试时问1 20分钟。



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15              B. £9.15                      C. £9.18


1. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Classmates                    B. Teachers and students                  C. Mother and son

2. What does the man want the woman to do?

  A. Take a picture of the mountains                         B. Take a picture of him

  C. Buy a roll of film

3. Why does the woman refuse the man?

  A. She has lent it to others                                  B. She has not got a dictionary

  C. She will need it this weekend

4. When did the man see Jim?

  A. At 3 o’clock                  B. At 4 o’clock         C. At 5 o’clock

5. Who was at the door?

  A. The speakers’ neighbor                                 B. A delivery boy

  C. The speakers’ neighbor’s daughter





6. Why is the man unhappy?

  A. The composition is too long                   B. He can’t find his pictures taken in Xi’an

  C. He can’t think of a topic for his composition

7. What does the woman suggest to the man?

  A. Write about his trip                                   B. Show her some pictures

  C. Take a course in writing

8. Why does the woman have to leave?

  A. She is not feeling well                              B. She is writing her own composition

  C. She doesn’t want to help


9. Whom is the woman buying the gift for?

  A. Her son                           B. Her nephew               C. Her sister

10. How much does the woman want to spend on the gift?

  A. About 20 dollars           B. About 30 dollars         C. About 40 dollars

11. What is the first gift the clerk suggest to the woman?

  A. A chess set                    B. A pencil-box               C. A handball set


12. Who made a phone call to Mr. Banks?

  A. Miss Grey                B. Mr. David                           C. Mr. Brown

13. What’s the man’s phone number?

  A. 633201                      B. 322301                          C. 622101

14. Where is the phone number?

  A. On the woman’s desk                                    B. On the man’s desk

  C. On Mr. Brown’s desk


15. What colour are the spoonbills’ feathers?

  A. Black                        B. White                                   C. Brown

16. What did the spoonbills die of in Chiku in 2002?

  A. Bad water               B. Bad weather                     C. Man’s killing

17. Who did the hard work to protect the spoonbills?

  A. The local people          B. The volunteers                   C. The scientists


18. How long does the English language have a history of?

  A. About 400 years           B. About 1600 years              C. About 2000 years

19. Who first used Old English?

  A. People from England                       B. People from Northwest England

  C. People from Northwest Europe

20. What is the biggest difference between Old English and Modern English?

  A. Endings                           B. Grammar                           C. Spelling





21. _____Premier Wen Jiabao delivered _____ Annual Report at the opening meeting of ____ National People’s Congress on March 5th , 2009.

    A. /; the; the                   B. The; the; the                C. The; /; the                   D. /; /; the

22. ---The final exam is just at hand .Have you got prepared for it ?

       --- Not yet, but_____.

    A. It’s out of the question                      B. that’s right    

C. I have to hit the books tonight                  D. Don’t mention it

23. He enjoys a cup of coffee sometimes, but _____ he drinks tea.

    A. mostly                   B. almost            C. most                            D. nearly

24. Excuse me, I have to _____; I must have eaten too much.

    A. express myself                                B. behave myself

    C. help myself                                      D. relieve myself

25. Near the table _____ a poor dog, who desired to satisfy his hunger with _____ fell down the table.

    A. laid; something          B. lay; what                     C.laid; that        D. lay; that

26. --- My friend looks bow-legged, doesn’t he?

       --- What do you mean _____ that?

       --- When he walks, he _____ looks like he’s riding a horse.

    A. by; kind of           B. with; exactly C. by; much                    D. in; very

27. It _____ great that I have moved back into the fifth position _____ I need to win the

World Championship.

    A. sounds; what             B. proves; where            C. is; which        D. feels; that

28. ______ what would happen, none of them could find a way out.

    A. Having left wondering                  B. Leaving to wonder                       

C. Having left to wonder                  D. Left wondering

29. ---Do you know her, Dad?

       ---I did once.______ has she changed?

    A. What             B. Never             C. How        D. Seldom

30. _____ is expected, according to the online survey, is that prices of the houses will not

go up any more.

    A. As                          B. It                      C. What                            D. Which

31. The price of any product is linked to a complicated system of price _____ everything

depends on everything else.

    A. where                  B. which                    C. that                       D. of which

32. It is clear that the whole world is passing through a social revolution in which a

central _____ must be taken by scientists and technologists.

    A. process                B. attention              C. measure                     D. part

33. --- Will you go to Mary’s wedding next Sunday?

       --- No, I won’t _____ I’m invited to.

    A. if                            B. since                     C. even though              D. although

34. At the evening party, Jenny wore a dress that was more attractive than _____.

    A. other girl’s                                       B. those of the other girls           

    C. the other girls                                  D. that of the other girls

35. I _____ in a chemical works for fourteen years, but now I am a librarian.

    A. have worked             B. had worked         C. have been working        D. worked



 As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious on the outside,   36  on the inside I wanted people to  37  me.

Once I left home to hitchhike (搭便车旅行) to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn’t  38  , and there were many times I didn’t feel safe. One situation in particular  39  me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was different―not so outwardly sure of myself.

I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was  40  with us, was wearing my clothes. And my  41  seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be  42  if I weren’t there. I told my mom, and she explained that  43  Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could  44  me. I pointed out. “She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful  45  , but I was the only person who could fill my  46  . She made me realize that even with my  47  and they were many―I was a loved member of the family who couldn’t be replaced.

I became a searcher,  48  who I was and what made me unique. My  49  of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist pressure to  50  in ways that I didn’t like any more, and I  51  who I really was. I came to feel much more  52  that no one can ever take my place.

Each of us  53  a unique place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So  54  about being replaced. You  55  be.

36. A. and                 B. but                         C. as                               D. for

37. A. leave               B. replace                  C. receive                      D. like

38. A. easy                B. hard                       C. fun                         D. long

39. A. made                     B. kept                       C. left                         D. forced

40. A. playing                  B. eating                           C. staying                      D. traveling

41. A. family                     B. friends                           C. relatives                D. neighbors

42. A. loved               B. mentioned                   C. cared                           D. missed

43. A. since                B. as                               C. while                            D. unless

44. A. scold               B. compare               C. replace                 D. match

45. A. qualities              B. girls                         C. people                         D. times

46. A. character              B. role                         C. task                        D. form

47. A. faults               B. advantages                 C. manners                D. pities

48. A. looking for              B. looking back         C. seeking out                  D. giving up

49. A. picture                   B. view                       C. sense                            D. idea

50. A. think                B. learn                      C. change                        D. act

51. A. hated                     B. celebrated                   C. wished                      D. expected

52. A. sure                  B. doubtful                C. happy                          D. lonely

53. A. takes               B. catches                 C. seizes                            D. holds

54. A. takes               B. forget                            C. care                      D. argue

55. A. mustn’t                   B. shouldn’t               C. can’t                            D. needn’t




It has been half a century since NASA, the US space agency, was created at the height of the Cold War. Then it sought to prove its superiority by winning the race to the moon. Now in the 21st century it had a new rival in the space race-China.

NASA remains a leader in space exploration. It hopes its latest Constellation (星座)program will maintain its dominance by putting Americans back on the moon by 2020. NASA intends to use this as a base to travel to Mars and beyond.

This new wave of space exploration envisages(想象) manned colonies of astronauts living and working on the moon. It was drawn up in the wake of the Columbia tragedy in 2003, which killed seven when the shuttle disintegrated upon re- entry.

That tragedy stunned the whole world, with a US official investigation blaming the aging space shuttle. Six months after the Columbia accident, President George W. Bush outlined a new vision for space exploration, paving the way for the Constellation program. The program plans on carrying four astronauts to the moon at a time.

A new spacecraft, Orion, will be used for these missions. It will also fly to the International Space Station (ISS), but will not be operational until 2015.

Once the ISS is complete, the flights of the three aging space shuttles will be stopped. However, this is scheduled for 2010, leaving a five-year gap until Orion’s launch.

During those five years, the US will depend on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft to transport astronauts to the ISS.

Cooperation between Washington and Moscow could be troublesome, especially in the wake of the recent crisis in Georgia.

In comments intended for Congress in March, NASA administrator Michael Griffin, expressed concern at the future.

“A Chinese landing on the moon prior to our own return will create a perception that the US lags behind not only Russia but also China in space,” he wrote in an internal e-mail leaked recently to the media.

To the question of whether China could be a partner with NASA in a future moon mission, Griffin remained optimistic: “Yes, it’s absolutely possible to see China as part of a return to the moon, a joint effort to return to the moon.”

56. The underlined word “stunned” in paragraph 4 can be replaced by “_____”.

  A. stopped                   B. shocked                 C. seized                    D. saved

57. Spaceship Columbia was destroyed _____.

  A. when it returned to earth

  B. because spacemen conducted wrong orders

  C. because it was old and not kept well by the engineers

  D. as it was sent up into space

58. From this passage, it is inferred that _____.

  A. The International space station is under way

  B. Columbia tradedy was blamed on its old space shuttle

  C. There’re no rivals against NASA

  D. Through all the constellation’ program, NASA is only scheduled to use their own space shuttles

59. Which is the best title for this passage?

  A. NASA’s space Exploration is grounded because of Columbia tragedy

  B. China is the biggest rival (对手) to the USA

  C. China, a new rival in space race

  D. NASA’s Constellation’ program to reach beyond the moon


Why did humans evolve to walk upright? Perhaps because it’s a just plain easier. Make that “energetically less costly”, in science-speak.

Bipedalism―walking on two feet―is one of the defining characteristics of being human, and scientists have debated for years how it came about. In the latest attempt to find an explanation, researchers trained five chimpanzees (黑猩猩) to walk on a treadmill (跑步机) while wearing masks that allowed measurement of their oxygen consumption. The chimps were measured both while walking upright and while moving on their legs and knuckles (肘). That measurement of the energy needed to move around was compared with similar tests on humans and the results are published in this week’s on-line edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

It turns out that humans walking on two legs use only one-quarter of the energy that chimpanzees use while knuckle-walking on four limbs. And the chimps, on average, use as much energy using two legs as they did when they used all four limbs.

However, there were differences among chimpanzees in how much energy they used, and these differences corresponded to their different gaits (步法) and anatomy (解剖学特征). One of the chimps used less energy on two legs, one used about the same and the others used more, said David Raichlen, assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona.

“What we were surprised at was the variation (变异),” he said in a telephone interview. “That was pretty exciting, because when you talk about how evolution works, variation is the bottom line, without variation there is no evolution.”

“Walking on two legs freed our arms, opening the door to manipulating (主宰) the world,” Raichlen said. “We think about the evolution of bepedalism as one of the first events that led hominids (原始人) down the path to being human.”

The research was supported the National Science Foundation and L. S. B. Leakey Foundation.

60. The underlined word “Bipedalism” means _____.

  A. moving sideways                                 B. walking upright

  C. walking on four legs                            D. running fast

61. We can infer that _____.

  A. scientists have no idea on how human walking on two legs came about

  B. scientists have had different views on why chimpanzees walk on four legs

  C. scientists have had different views on how human walking on two legs came about

  D. scientists have had similar views on how human walking on two legs came about

62. What does the fourth paragraph mainly deal with?

  A. How did chimpanzees save energy              

B. Why didn’t chimpanzees walk on two legs

C. David Raichlen researched into chimpanzees

D. Different chimpanzees consume different energy

63. According to the passage, humans walk upright in order to _____.

  A. conserve energy                                 B. differ from other animals

  C. free their brains                             D. strengthen their legs


The people below are at an airport and looking for somewhere to eat. Read the description and help them find a right place.

Ken is in a hurry as he is late for his flight. He needs a quick cold drink.

Jamila is meeting her uncle whose flight arrives at 12:30. She left home early and wants to have a hot meal before he comes, where is able to see the exit door in odrer not to miss him.

Danie’s middy flight has been delayed. The airline has offered to pay for a complete lunch if she sends them her receipt. So she has decided to accept the offer and have a three-course meal.

Jorge and his children want a place where they can serve themselves as they each like different things to eat. They don’t mind whether they have hot or cold food.

Carolyn and her friend had arrived too soon for their morning flight. They got up very early and now they want a hot drink and something sweet to eat with it.

You Guide to Restaurants and Bars

Real Cool

Have you got a sweet tooth? Then this is the place for you. Enjoy one of our special ice-creams served with a chocolate cookie. Lots of different fruit flavors including lemon, banana, strawberry, coconut and orange.

Open 14:00―20:00


This is colorful kiosk serving a wide variety of drinks. Choose your drink from our fresh fruit and we’ll mix it with yogurt or ice-cream if you want. Or just have a glass of pure, iced juice!

Open 06:30―21:00

The Restaurant

The restaurant is the best place to enjoy a full meal. We offer an international menu with plenty of choice. Choose a starter, followed by a main meal, cheese and dessert all for the price of 17.50.

Open 08:00―15:00

Cafe bar

Just the place for the younger members of the family! We serve hot dogs, pizzas and hamburgers all cooked on the spot. Try our hot chocolate drinks or have a cup of fresh coffee while you wait.

Open 11:30―23:00

Seafood & Salad Bar

Recently opened and already a favorite with all our passengers. Help yourself to our delicious cold fish and salads. There’s always something different on the menu. Close to the departure gates to save your time. Our friendly staff will make sure you don’t miss your flight!

Open 10:00―21:00

Sandwich Side

In a hurry? Then enjoy one of our freshly-made sandwiches. Choose from five different kinds of bread and we’ll put whatever you like on top! A complete meal in itself and great value for money!

Opens all day

Cafe Rapid

This cafe is near the Arrival point. It offers quick freshly prepared hot dishes. Ideal for people waiting for family or friends or just those who enjoy watching the world go by.

Open 06:00―22:00

Tea & Coffee House

We serve six different kinds of tea and coffee along with various cakes, biscuits and cookies. You will find us near the entrance to the shopping galleries.

Open 24 hours.

64. It is the best choice for Jamila to go to _____.

A. Real Cool          B. Cafe Rapid           C. Seafood & Salad Bar         D. Sandwich Side

65.Jorge and his children should go to _____.

  A. Healthworks             B. Cafe Bar         C. Seafood & Salad Bar         D. Cafe Rapid

66. Carolyn and her friend are most likely to go to _____.

  A. Real Cool          B. Cafe Bar         C. Tea & Coffee House          D. Cafe Rapid

67. Danie seemed to _____.

  A. have a free lunch if she showed her receipt

  B. have three meals at the airport

  C. pay for her cool drink extra because she missed her midday flight

  D. have a three-course meal but not to accept the offer


“It’s my morning at the zoo,”said Maurice, “would you like to come? We’ll have a look at that lion cub and see how he’s getting on in his new surroundings.”

“You mean the one that was brought into the surgery a few weeks ago?”


I settled myself in the car and, as we drove away, I thought back to a morning when a man had come in with a lion cub pulling on a heavy chain. Smiling proudly at our astonished faces, he said, “Grand little chap, isn’t he? Only twelve weeks old and tough as they come. I got him through an advertisement in the newspaper. My little girl is delighted and simply loves him but he’s a bit rough when he gets excited. He’ll be safer for her to play with when you’ve dealt with him.”

I looked up in surprise and Maurice asked, ‘What do you mean by “dealt with him”?’

“Well, when you’ve filed down his teeth and taken out his claws.”Picking up the cub, the man held him out to Maurice. “The people I bought him from said this was the thing to do.”

“They did, did they?’”Maurice’s face was solemn as he rubbed the little animal under the chin. “And how long will you keep him? Nine months? A year?”

“Oh, when he gets too big for us he’ll have to go into a zoo. But we’ll give him a good time while he’s little and then, of course, he’ll want to be with his own kind. We’ll visit him regularly, though. We’re great animal lovers, you understand.”

Maurice nodded, put the cub on the floor, pulled up a chair for the man and sat down himself. “I think,”he said, “that you have been misled. I wouldn’t dream of hurting a wild animal like that and I don’t know any other vet who would do it either. You say you will give him to a zoo when he get too big but with no claws he couldn’t be put in with other lions--he’d have no means of self-defence and he’d be killed. So he would have to be kept on his own. So he wouldn’t have much of a life, would he? In fact, it would be very difficult to find a zoo--a good one anyway--that would take him.”

The man shook his head. “I never thought of it like that.” He paused, then, bending down, he pushed the cub away from his chair.

There was a tiny roar, the cub’s lips curled back and he stared up with angry eyes. His owner lifted him and held him tightly in his arms. Then he said helplessly, ‘But what on earth am I to do with him? What do you advise?’

“He obviously can’t play with your little daughter,”said Maurice. “He’s quite fierce already. And it won’t be easy to get a zoo to take him. Most of them have enough cubs as it is. They’re almost two a penny, but, if you like…”

“Two a penny? Good God! I paid a hundred pounds for him!”

There was a long silence. “So I’ve been “done”, have I?” The man stared down at his cub.

Maurice nodded. “I’m afraid so. Unfortunately there are lots of dishonest people about who are profiting from this fashion for exotic pets.”

The man frowned. “Exotic pets? Well, yes, I suppose you’re right. It’s rather nice to cause a bit of a sensation with something out of the ordinary.”

“If you like,” said Maurice slowly, “I’ll ask the manager of our local zoo if he can fit this little one in with some cubs who are being raised on the bottle. They’re roughly the same age and he would probably be accepted.”

And so it turned out.

68. Why did Maurice go to the zoo?

  A. to see the lion cub                              B. he wanted to take his friend

  C. to see the new surroundings                     D. he had work to do there

69. Why did Maurice refuse to take out the cub’s claws?

  A. The man wanted to give it to a zoo

  B. It could not protect itself against other lions

  C. He didn’t know how to do it

  D. It was too small to have its claws removed

70. Why did Maurice think it would be hard to find a zoo that would take the cub?

  A. The cub was too aggressive                      B. Most zoos are overcrowded

  C. Most zoos don’t need more lion cubs             D. The cub was not worth very much

71. The man was shocked and said “Good God!” because_____.

  A. he had thought he would easily be able to find a zoo

  B. Maurice had discovered his real reasons for buying the lion

  C. he realised he had been tricked into paying too much for the lion

  D. Maurice had explained that his daughter wouldn’t be able to play with the lion


One of India’s top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its boarding houses,

saying addiction to surfing, gaming and blogging was affecting students’performance, making

them lonely and even suicidal.

Authorities at the best Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)in Mumbai said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them.”Now,a student doesn’t even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet,”said Prakash Gopalan,dean of Student Affairs.”The old dormitory culture of companionship and socializing among students is gone .This is not healthy in our opinion.”

IIT--Mumbai,with about 5,000 students, is one of seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world. They are also a talent pool for global technology giants.But their hard courses , tough competition and lonely campus lifestyle have taken an effect on students.Depressive and dysfunctional(不正常的) lifestyles are known to be commom among IIT students,and at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years .Students have unlimited free Internet access in their boarding houses to help them in their studies, but many also use it to surf, chat, download movies and music, blog and for gaming.

“Starting Monday,Interent access will be banned between 11 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. at IIT-Mumbai’s 13 boarding buildings to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their shells,” Gopalan said. But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated. “Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby (摇篮曲) to go to sleep ,”said Rajiv, an electronics student.

72.which of the following is not the possible effect of free Internet access on students ?

A.There has been a decline in students’lessons.

B.Participation in social activities has gone down.

C.Some students feel lonely and even suicidal.

D.Students don’t even know his classmates.

73.What measures have been taken in IIT ?Mumbai?

A.Students have unlimited free Internet access in their dorm otproes.S

B.Students are forbidden to surf the Internet

C.Internet access is unavailable in deep night .

D.Students must go to bed before 11 pm.

74.In the passage the students are told to______.

A.sleep through their lessons                  B.break away from the Internet

C.go to sleep along with music                    D.stop surfing and make friends

75.We may infer from the last paragraph that ______.

A.the banning order causes some complaints among the students

B.all electronics students hate the banning order

C.more students prefer listening to music to surfing the Internet

D.there is no Internet access on the IIT campus even since.




第一节    对话填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


H: Harry   L: Lisa

(Harry met Lisa for the first time at their friend, Jean’s birthday party. Harry is a diplomat.)

L: Have you been to Arab countries?

H: Well, yes, I have been to different countries (76)q______ a lot.

L: And what have you noticed there in (77)p______?

H: You must never embarrass the other person or put him in a situation which (78)m______ him lose honor. They must respect and trust you before they will do business with you.

L: Where do you travel to in (79)E______?

H: I go to the UK a lot, and to France, Germany and Spain. In the UK you shouldn’t (80)e______ people to shake hands with you when they see you regularly. But in France in the (81)s______ situation, you must shake hands.

L: Do you work much with North Americans?

H: Well, I occasionally go to the States. It’s (82)s______that the first time you go there your host may use your first name right from the start. You should use his or her first name in (83)r______.

L: What differences do you see (84)b______ the States and Europe?

H: In the States people can ask personal questions about your family, for example, even if they don’t particularly know you. You shouldn’t do that in Europe in particular. Well, Lisa, Jean told me you’ve been to China, did you have any sort of culture shock after  you first came to China?

L: Yes, actually, although at the beginning. I was (85)d______ with the bicycles and the bustle(喧闹), the long history and the wonderful tradition.



























第二节    书面表达(满分25分)

北师大教授顾明远对“三好学生”评比叫停,引起了很大反响。请根据下表给 “Teens”写一篇120字左右的文章并表明你对三好学生评比的看法。标题和首句已给出。







参考单词:merit students

Should the System be changed?

In response to the proposal of cancelling the merit students selection,


















(Text 1)

W: I heard you got full marks in math exam. Congrtatulations!

M: Thanks! I’m sure you also did a good job indeed.


(Text 2)

M: The view is fantastic! Can you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?

W: I’m afraid I just ran out of film.


(Text 3)

M: Do you think I could borrow your dictionary this weekend?

W: Sorry, normally I’d say yes, but I’m going to use it myself.


(Text 4)

M: Two hours ago, I saw Jim in his office. Is he home yet?

W: No, he said he would be back at 4, but it’s already 5 o’clock.


(Text 5)

W: I thought I heard someone at the door.

M: Just the delivery boy with a parcel from our neighbor. She and her husband are visiting their daughter in Canada, so I’ll keep it until they get back.


(Text 6)

W: You don’t look happy. What seems to be the problem?

M: I’ve got to write a long composition for my English class and I just can’t come up with any idea, and it’s due tomorrow.

W: That shouldn’t be too difficult. Remember those pictures you were showing me last week?

M: Sure.

W: Why don’t you write about your impression of the Great Wall of China?

M: That sounds like a good idea. I can also write about our visit to Xi’an.

W: Well, now that you’re feeling better about this, I think I’ll be on my way. I’ve got to finish my composition, too.


(Text 7)

M: May I help you?

W: Yes, my nephew is graduating from college next week and I’d like to get him a nice gift.

M: What price range are you interested in? we’ll need to know that before we begin looking.

W: Well, I usually spend about twenty dollars for a gift. Do you have anything nice for that price?

M: How about a pencil-box?

W: No, my sister gave him that for his birthday last year.

M: Well, then, would he enjoy a chess set?

W: No, he doesn’t go in much for chess but he is quite athletic.

M: Then you can give him a hand ball set.

W: That’s a good idea. I’ll take it.


(Text 8)

M: Any messages, Miss Grey?

W: Just one, Mr. Banks. You had a telephone call from someone called Brown…David Brown.

M: Brown? I don’t know anyone called Brown. What did he want?

W: He didn’t say. But it sounded important. I told him you’d phone him as soon as you got back.

M: Well, I’d better do it then, I suppose. Er…you’ve got his telephone number, haven’t you?

W: Yes, it’s 633201

M: 622301.

W: No, 633201

M: Oh, you’d better write it down, Miss Grey. I’ll probably forget it.

W: I’ve already done it, Mr. Banks. It’s on your desk.

(Text 9)

W: Did you read the article about the spoonbills in the newspaper?

M: Yes. The picture was interesting as well.

W: I know. They looked splendid in their white feathers.

M: Our teacher showed us a VCD about them. They use the “spoon” on the end of their bills to search for food.

W: I heard that in 2002 seventy-three spoonbills died because of bad water in Chiku! The poor birds are really at our mercy!

M: I agree! But 223 spoonbills returned to Chiku last October. That’s 45 more than the year before!

W: That’s because the water around Chiku is clean now.

M: Thanks to all the hard work of our bird scientists, the spoonbills have a healthy place to spend the winter.


(Text 10)

W: The story of the English language is a story of change. The old English language is different from Modern English. If We do not study Old English, we cannot understand it. Some of the words are the same, but many are not used now. the story of English language began some time after the year 400 A. D. At that time people came to England from Northwest Europe. There are many groups of people. They were called Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Their language, old English, is like some of the Modern language of Northwest Europe. In old English the endings had many meanings. They showed past time and present time and many other things.

In Modern English most of these endings are gone. This is the biggest difference between Old English and Modern English.





听力:1―5:A B C A B           6―10:C A B B A

      11―15:B C A B B        16―20:A C B C A

单项选择:21―25:A C A D B              26―30:A D D C C          31―35:A D C B D

完形填空:36―40:B D A C C              41―45:A D C C A         

46―50:B A C B D        51―55:B A D B C

阅读理解:56―60:B D A D B        61―65:C D A B C

          66―70:C A D B C              71―75:C D C D A

对话填空:76: quite          77: particular            78: makes           79: Europe

          80: expect             81: same                    82: surprising              83: return

          84: between          85: delighted


Should the system be changed?

In response to the proposal of cancelling the merit students selection, people’s opinions differ.

Some people think that with the increasingly fierce competition, more and more talented youths are needed. Only one single standard for judging good students may discourage the students from growing in different ways. It is also against the advocation of pioneering spirit. Others, however, say adolencents can’t grow up without models, and merit students represent diligence and adolescents excellence. To the students academic excellence comes first.

In my view, times are different and the criteria should be changed to a degree because the job market demands large numbers of personnel with practical ability and skills. As a standard, it will encourage students to explore their potentials and develep their ability to think and solve problems independently, which is the basis of education.







抚州一中    赣州一中

2009年江西省 吉安一中    九江一中     联 合 考 试

萍乡一中    新余一中

宜春中学    上饶县中



命题学校:赣州一中   吉安一中     审题学校:吉安一中   赣州一中


第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共140分)


            抚州一中    赣州一中

2009年江西省      吉安一中    九江一中  联 合 考 试

            萍乡一中    新余一中

            宜春中学    上饶县中


命题学校:抚州一中                 审题学校:萍乡中学

总分:150分                        时间:150分钟






(1)       已知全集集合,则等于

A                 B

C                   D

(2)       复数的共折轭数是

A                    B

C                  D

(3)       A、B两名同学载5次数学考试中的成绩统计如下面的茎叶图所示,若A、B两人的平均成绩分别是XA,XB,则下列结论正确的是

A XA<XB,B比A成绩稳定            B XA>XB,B比A成绩稳定

C XA<XB,A比B成绩稳定            C XA>XB,A比B成绩稳定


A 1                               B

C                             D 3


A       B有无穷多个,使得

C       C 中不存在使得

(6)一致 D为的边BC上的重点,所在平面内有一点P,满足,则等于

   A           B         C1          D 2


   A 向左平行移动个单位长度         B 向右平行移动个单位长度

   C向右平行移动个单位长度         D 向左平行移动个单位长度


   A 2       B        C 3         D 4



A         B 2          C3         D


   A         B

   C         D

第II卷(非选择题  共100分)












第I卷(选择题  共50分)


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