0  91  99  105  109  115  117  121  127  129  135  141  145  147  151  157  159  165  169  171  175  177  181  183  185  186  187  189  190  191  193  195  199  201  205  207  211  217  219  225  229  231  235  241  247  249  255  259  261  267  271  277  285  3002 





第Ⅰ卷 (选择题30分)       









  A.unfortunate        B.uncertain              C.junior                   D.curriculum


  A.resign                  B.definite                C.innocent               D.cigar


  A.innocent             B.gold                            C.office                   D.commitment


  A.persuasion          B.division                C.revision                D.discussion


  A.double                B.roundabout          C.moustache           D.trouble



  6.They have a church built by themselves last year, and a school attended by 36pupils,

    they take great pride.

    A.who                           B.on which              C.which            D.in which

7.The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes     on the screen.

    A.to fix                         B.to be fixed           C.fixed             D.fixing

8.―How about joining us in the game?

   ―I’m sorry. I have an urgent matter to        .

    A.relate to                            B.appeal to              C.attend to              D.refer to

9.―You will be there tomorrow ― you won’t       me down, will you?

   ―Of course not.

    A.bring                          B.keep                     C.knock            D.let

10.I’m not sure whether I will have anything else to do tomorrow.        ,I will try every possible means to come to the party.

    A.Besides                      B.Anyhow                     C.Therefore      D.Instead

11.―Sunny day, isn’t it?

    ―Let’s hope the sunny weather           for Saturday’s tennis match.

    A.carries on                   B.breaks up             C.keeps up              D.gets on

12.Two hundred guests attended       evening reception, held in    honor of the Prime Minister’s visit.

    A.an;an                          B.不填;不填        C.an;不填         D.不填;an

13.Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn’t      him at all.

    A.suit                                   B.meet                     C.satisfy           D.serve

14.     ,the condition will eventually result in blindness.

A.If left untreated                             B.Unless left untreated        

C.If leaving untreated                      D.Unless leaving untreated

  15.The organization has made a       to plant 5,000 trees in San Francisco.

    A.wonder               B.duty                     C.task                      D.commitment

16.―I’m going to Appleby tomorrow.

    ―         I’m going up there, too.

A.What a surprise!                             B.What a chance!

C.What a coincidence!                       D.What a luck!

17.―What do you mean by saying that?

    ―When I said some students are lazy, I      to you.

A.don’t refer                                      B.wouldn’t refer

C.hadn’t referred                               D.wasn’t referring

18.Comrade Zhang, an old soldier, gave us a clear       of the Long March at Yesterday’s meeting.

    A.impression          B.information          C.account         D.contribution

19.―Will you meet Mr. Smith next month?

    ―Yes, I’ll meet him      I first met you.

    A.in that                 B.in which               C.the place where   D.where

20.―Is this school       some foreign friends visited the modern lab the other day?

    ―Yes, It is.

A.that                            B.in which               C.the one that         D.the one where



I’ve spent most of my career as a traveling salesman, so I know that battling homesickness is an occupational hazard(职业病).But one year, my little girl Jeanine gave me the cure 21 for my homesickness.

It was a toy 22 ,which stood about five inches tall. 23 to its left wing was a little sign saying “I Love My Day!”

On my next 24 ,I threw the penguin in my suitcase. That night when I  25 home, Jeanine was 26 that the penguin had disappeared. “Honey, I 27 him along.” I explained on the phone.

From then on, the penguin came with me ?as  28 as my shaving kit and we made friends 29  the way. Once a customs agent at New York’s Kennedy Airport dug the penguin out of my suitcase and, 30 it up, said, “That’s the most 31 thing that I have ever seen in all my years on the job. Thank God we don’t charge tax on 32 .”

One night, I discovered the penguin 33 ,and after several frantic(发疯的)phone calls, I learned I’d left it in my previous hotel room, 34 it had been 35 by a maid. I drove a hundred miles to get it, and when I arrived at midnight, the penguin was 36 at the front desk. In the lobby(大厅),tired business travelers looked on at the reunion, with a touch of (一点儿) 37 ,I think.

Jeanine is in college now, and I don’t travel as much. The penguin sits on my dresser, a 38 that love is a wonderful traveling 39 .All those years on the road, it was the one thing I 40 left home without.

  21.A.suggestion             B.medicine       C.operation             D.action

22.A.cat                         B.dog               C.penguin                D.dolphin

23.A.Attached              B.Added          C.Contributed         D.Dolphin

24.A.programme            B.conference    C.interview             D.trip

25.A.called                     B.left                C.traveled               D.flew

26.A.pleased                  B.upset             C.frightened            D.proud

27.A.drove                            B.sent               C.brought                D.lost

28.A.interesting             B.important      C.heavy                   D.troublesome

29.A.along                            B.behind          C.at                         D.in

  30.A.holding                  B.keeping         C.wiping                 D.breaking

31.A.attractive               B.harmful         C.famous                 D.valuable

32.A.friendship              B.love               C.toys                      D.animals

33.A.following               B.missing         C.sticking                D.hurting

34.A.which                    B.why                     C.where                   D.when

35.A.thrown                   B.sold               C.rescued                D.cleaned

36.A.waiting                  B.escaping        C.dropping              D.cheering

37.A.appreciation           B.envy              C.responsibility       D.dislike

38.A.warning                 B.threat            C.responsibility       D.dislike

  39.A.cost                        B.picture          C.companion           D.tool

40.A.usually                   B.always          C.ever                      D.never




Lions are more animals called prides. Prides can be as small as 3 or family animals and truly social in their own communities. They usually live in groups of 15 or as big as 40 animals. In a pride, lions hunt prey, raise cubs(幼兽),and defend their territory together.

In prides the females do most of the hunting and raising of the cubs. Usually all of the females in the pride are related-mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters.

Each pride will generally have no more than two adult males. While the females usually live with the pride for life, the males often stay for only two to four years. After that they go off on their own or are evicted(逐出)by other males who take over the pride.

When a new male becomes part of the pride, it is not unusual for him to kill all the cubs, ensuring that all future lions born in the pride will have his genes.

The main job of males in the pride is defending the pride’s territory. A male’s loud roar, usually heard after sunset, can carry as far as eight kilometers. The roar warns off intruders(入侵者)and help round up lost members of the pride.

Hunting is generally done in the dark by the females. They often hunt in groups of two or three. After the kill the males usually eat first, females next,and young lions get what’s left.

  41.What is a pride?

A.a group of lions.                                    B.A territory of lions.

C.A wildlife park.                                     D.A large zoo.

42.Usually the number of lions in a pride varies       .

  A.form 15       to 40                                         B.form 3 to 40

C.form 3 to 15                                                 D.from 15 to 50

43.Which of the following provide most of the labor?

  A.The males.                                             B.only the mothers.

C.The young lions.                                    D.The females.

44.A male lion roars loudly to       .

  A.frighten its enemies                               B.help hunt prey

C.attract the females                                 D.call for help



Wendy Gallegos writes  "concer" on the board. One of her students raises her hand.

"Ms. Gallegos, you should have written 'conocer' instead,"  she said,  referring to the Spanish verb for "to know".

Gallegos looks at the board,   smiles and quickly erases her mistake.

"You see, I have taught you so well, you pick up on my mistakes," she said with a laugh.

To Gallegos, the scene in her classroom is typical of the children she teaches.   Gallegos teaches high school Spanish.  She became part of their lives and families for three years.  She is willing to help her children succeed. After a couple of years,  Gallegos'  class becomes like home. Gallegos' Spanish class is taught mostly in English in sixth grade. By the time the students are eighth-graders, they are speaking fewer words of English and more of Spanish during the 50-minute classes.

"My goal is to get my kids to say something in Spanish every day." she said. "I want them to be able to talk to me. That's why I help them.  I praise them.  I recognize them when they do good work. And we have fun. The day I stop having fun is the day I am going to consider a different job. "

If a student needs help, Gallegos offers the student a "lifesaver", which is help from a classmate. The lifesaver gets a piece of candy as a reward.  As the students said. "Gallegos' class is anything but boring." It is because of Gallegos'  efforts and determination that she is the teacher who they think is most deserving of one of Collier County's Golden Apple Awards.

"I don't teach a subject. I teach kids. This is what I was born to do." Gallegos said.

45.The scene in Gallegos' class is mentioned at the beginning of the passage to                 .

A. show Gallegos, as a teacher, makes a mistake

B. show her good teaching method in daily class

C. tell the relation between Gallegos and her students

D. point out the students' impolite behavior

46.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 implies that

A. Gallegos likes her job very much         B. having fun is Gallgeos’ goal

C. Gallegos is considering changing her job D. teaching Spanish will not last long

47.What made Gallegos get Golden Apple Award?

A. Her interesting class                    B. Her determination in study.

C. Rewarding her students with prizes.      D. Her efforts made to teach kids.

48.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Spanish classes with fun                 B. Golden Apple Awards

C. This is what I was born to do            D. How to get along with kids



      As a young ice skater, I had flown pretty high, pretty quickly.  My partner and I won the Canadian junior pairs championship when I was 14. Later I was thrilled to  be  picked  to  skate  in  the  1994  Olympics  in lillehammer, Norway. But then everything came crashing down.

      We finished 12th at the Games.  I soon quit doubles skating and tried to continue in singles. But I wasn't good enough;  I didn't even compete in the next two national championships.  I felt like I was a somebody who had become  a nobody.

      I was 18 and had just graduated from high school, when my mum told me, "You can't just depend on skating to make a living. You' d better find a job." I knew she was right. So I found a job at a restaurant where I waited tables and did anything else that needed to be done.   In fact,  I worked so hard that I had never got the chance to have a break. No one cared that I had been an Olympic skater; I was judged only by how hard I worked.

      That job taught me so many things.  I learned,  for example, how to deal with people. As an athlete, this was new to me.  One day a man loudly called me over to his table and complained,    "This milk is sour.  I am not drinking this junk!  I want my money back! "  It was near the end of my shift (班) and I wanted to tell him how rude I thought he was. But I had learned that "the customer is always right" and a smile can go a long way. "I'm really sorry,  sir.  I'll get you a free cup."  I said with a smile. When I brought him his coffee, his attitude changed. And he left me a tip!

      My first job taught me that it is important to do your best at anything you try.  I knew nothing about being a waitress when 1 started my job but by the time I left when 1 decided to return to skating -- I had earned a raise and my boss's praise. They meant so much to me.

49.How did the author feel after she picked up singles skating?

A. Thrilled.                         B. Confident.

C. Disappointed.                     D. Proud.

50.What did the author do about the man's complaint?

A. She told him how rude he was.     B. She gave his money back.

C. She asked her boss for help.      D. She apologized with a smile.

51.We can learn from the passage that       .

A. the author did very well at the 1994 Olympics

B. the author was successful as a young ice skater

C. the author didn't follow her mother's advice

D. the author gave up her skating career

52.The passage is mainly about            .

A. the author's skating life            B. a lesson from skating

C. the author's first job               D. how to be a good waitress



Florence City Tour

    Admire beautiful panoramic views(全景)of Florence and the surrounding area,as well as some of the most famous monuments of F1orence on one of two city tours.

Morning tour:

    Travel along the romantic Viale dei Colli(科利林荫道)up to Piazzale Michelangelo(米开朗基罗广场)for a wonderful panorama of Florence―one of the most beautiful cities in the world.Then visit Academy Gallery and the famous Palatine Gallery,which contains some of the most important Italian artwork in the world. Complete your morning With a panoramic view of the Boboli Gardens and a guided tour of the Unique cathedral complex.


    Adults f9&older)    From$49.92 each

    Children f2 to 8)    From$24.95 each

Afternoon tour:

  Start with a short journey to Fiesole,a delightful town of Etruscan origin positioned on the hills overlooking Florence and the into Valley.Venture into the Historic centre

of Florence for a guided tour of the Franciscan Church of Santa Croce where you Can see the tombs of Michelangelo,Machiavelli,Galileo,Rossini,and other famous Italian citizens.End your afternoon with a stop at the Uffizi Gallery.


Adults f9&older)    From$49.92 each

Children(2 to 8)    From$24.95 each


3 hours

 Departure time:

Morning tour:9:30 AM

 Afternoon tour:2:30 PM

 Return time:

Morning tour:12:30 PM

 Afternoon tour:5:30 PM


    The Cathedral cannot be visited on Sundays or National Holidays.  Should Academy Gallery be closed outside of its scheduled closing(other than Monday),the tourists will visit the archaeological site of the Roman Theatre of Fiesole and Piazza Signoria.

53.In which of the following places would you expect to  see Works of famous Italian artists?

  A.Academy Gallery.                    B.The Uffizi Gallery.

  C.Palatine Gallery.                   D.The Boboli Gardens.

54.What will tourists do at the end of the morning tour?

  A.Visit Piazzale Michelangelo.        B.Visit Academy Gallery.

  C.Visit Palatine Gallery.             D.Visit a cathedral complex.

55.HOW much would they pay if a couple and their nine-year-old son have a morning tour?

  A.At least$149.92.                   B.At least$149.76.

  C.At most$99.85.                     D.At most $149.76.

56.How many places will tourists visit during the afternoon tour?

A.TWO.                             B.Three.

C.Four.                            D.Five.



    In the past I found myself under the impression that if I reached certain goals,  or succeeded in doing certain things then happiness would follow―in the short term I'll admit that it often did.

     The problem was that over time I realized that I wanted more-I wanted to feel joy on a more constant basis.   I didn't want it to be something I. had to continuously chase after. In other words I wanted a kind of happiness that didn't require me to achieve something in order to be happy.

    Fortunately I've come to the realization that for the most part I can choose to be happy on a daily basis.  In order to do this at times it may even mean faking it-better yet,  forcing the feelings Until the genuine happiness and gratefulness sets in.

    I've found that something as simple as smiling, can do wonders to help me see that I have in me the ability to choose to be happy.

     I'd strongly encourage you to take breaks during the day to think about those happy memories that you've collected in your life.

     Deciding to move forward and choosing happiness over sorrow is a tough choice. Sometimes you may feel as though you are fighting an uphill battle.  At other times it will seem that the dark clouds may never give way to the sunshine,  It is at those very moments that we have to remind ourselves that somewhere among whatever chaos (混乱)  may surround us -- we still have the choice to decide on happiness.

57. What would be the best title for the passage?

    A. Goals and happiness         B. Choose to be happy

    C. What is happiness           D. Success and happiness

58. In Paragraph 2, the author intends to           .

    A. describe his experience of achieving success

    B. tell that you can't be happy unless you succeed

    C. seek happiness on a more regular basis

    D.explain success doesn't mean true happiness

59. What does the underlined word "genuine" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

    A. True.                                  B. Permanent.

    C. Simple.                                D. Unexpected.

60.The author suggests all of the following ways of creating feelings of happiness EXCEPT               .

    A. trying to be happy every day         B. actively choosing happiness

    C. setting goals that one can achieve    D. thinking about happy memories


--I heard that you were a mountain climber before    61    .

--Sure. When mountain climbing in New Hampshire in 1982 we got lost for four days on the mountain  without any equipment or food. The temperature was  20 degrees below zero.

--So what happened?    62

--Yes, but we were very sick. I couldn't move my legs because of the cold. I spent two months in the hospital.   63__

--Right.  So you lost your legs, but you wanted to try your best to stay alive.

--That's right.  In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself.  64 We could use modern technology to help us.

--And you built these great new legs.  65

--Yes, I can. In fact, these are better than climb shoes. The spring design means they are much more powerful.

A. Can you go mountain climbing again?

B. Sometimes I also had the idea to be a mountain climber again.

C. I guess someone found you, right?

D. The doctors removed my legs.

E. What' s the reason that you gave up this sport?

F. I realized that no one has to be physically disabled.

G. Are you fond of this sport?






66.The businessman has     (捐赠)a lot of money to the hospital.

67.I often go to dinner with my       (同事)after work.

68.What the teacher said made the children        (使兴奋).

69.During the first few moths everything went     (顺利地).

70.His classmates      (祝贺)him on winning the race.

71.        (不幸地),she didn’t pass the driving test yesterday afternoon.

72.We spent hours on the phone to tell people the party was    (取消).

73.Children must learn to be    (体贴的)to others.

74.The house we bought just yesterday is well    (用家具布置).

75.The offer only    (应用)to flights from London to Manchester.


Dear Editor,

    My name is called Zhang Hong.I am a middle school          76.            

student.When I go to school every day,I can see a lot         77.            

sellers outside our school walls sell vegetables,fruits,fish,78.            

meat and SO on.Some even make dishes in the opening air.      79.            

They often shout at the top of their voices in order draw       80.            

people’s attention.We could hear the noises in the classroom  81.            

and cannot concentrate On our lessons.Beside.they             82.            

make the streets dirt.smelly and crowded.What a shame!        83.            

How we want to get the situation improved and have our          84.             

1essons in a quiet place! That’s how I write to you for help!  85.            

    Best wishes,


                                                                 Zhang Hong





Dear Editor,

I am a high school student who will graduate nest year.                


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua























66.                (捐赠)           67.                (同事)

68.                (使兴奋)         69.                (顺利地)

70.                (祝贺)           71.                (不幸地)

72.                (取消)           73.                (体贴的)

74.                (用家具布置)     75.                (应用)


Dear Editor,

    My name is called Zhang Hong.I am a middle school            76.            

student.When I go to school every day,I can see a lot           77.            

sellers outside our school walls sell vegetables,fruits,fish,  78.            

meat and SO on.Some even make dishes in the opening air.        79.             

They often shout at the top of their voices in order draw         80.            

people’s attention.We could hear the noises in the classroom    81.            

and cannot concentrate On our lessons.Beside.they               82.            

make the streets dirt.smelly and crowded.What a shame!          83.            

How we want to get the situation improved and have our            84.            

1essons in a quiet place! That’s how I write to you for help!    85.            

    Best wishes,


                                                                 Zhang Hong



Dear Editor,

I am a high school student who will graduate nest year.                























Yours faithfully,

Li Hua











命题人:冯文信     2007/10/25





命题人:靳立昌    2007/10/25






 命题人:王逸玲     2007/10/25





汉寿一中     刘桃红                  编辑整理于2008.6.1







一. 选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1. 已知i是虚数单位,则(    )

A.              B.               C.           D.

2. 设变量满足约束条件,则目标函数的最大值为(    )

A. 11            B. 12             C. 13            D. 14

3. 在△ABC中,“”是“”的(    )

A. 充分而不必要条件               B. 必要而不充分条件

C. 充要条件                             D. 既不充分也不必要条件

4. 设椭圆上的点到焦点距离的最大值为3,离心率为,则此椭圆的标准方程为(    )

A.          B.

C.          D.

5. 函数的反函数是(    )

A.                  B.

C.                   D.

6. 若是互不相同的空间直线,是不重合的平面,则下列命题中是真命题的是(    )

A. 若,则

B. 若,则

C. 若,则

D. 若,则

7. 若是定义在R上的偶函数,在上是减函数,且,则使得的x的取值范围是(    )

A.           B.            C.               D.

8. 设是公比大于1的等比数列,构成等差数列,且前三项的和,那么公比q的值等于(    )

A.            B. 2        C.             D. 3

9. 已知函数,则的值为(    )

A.             B.             C.           D.

10. 已知是定义在R上的单调函数,实数,若,则(    )

A.              B.              C.               D.



二. 填空题:本大题共6个小题,每小题4分,共24分。请把答案填在题中横线上。

11. 在的二项展开式中常数项的值等于        (用数字作答)。

12. 过球面上A、B、C三点的截面与球心的距离等于球半径的一半,且AB=BC=CA=2,那么球的表面积等于        

13. 数列中,,则等于    

14. 两圆交于点A(1,3)和B(m,1),两圆的圆心都在直线上,则m+c的值等于        

15. 设是平面直角坐标系内x轴,y轴正方向上的单位向量,且,则△ABC面积的值等于        

16. 如图,在一个田字形区域A、B、C、D中栽种观赏植物,要求同一区域中种同一种植物,相邻区域中种不同植物(A与D、B与C不为相邻)。现有4种不同植物可供选择,则不同的种植方案有       种。(用数字作答)


三. 解答题:本大题共6个小题,共76分。解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤。

17. (本小题满分12分)




18. (本小题满分12分)





19. (本小题满分12分)





20. (本小题满分12分)




21. (本小题满分14分)




22. (本小题满分14分)










(命题单位:通州中学  满分160分,答卷时间120分钟)




