0  88  96  102  106  112  114  118  124  126  132  138  142  144  148  154  156  162  166  168  172  174  178  180  182  183  184  186  187  188  190  192  196  198  202  204  208  214  216  222  226  228  232  238  244  246  252  256  258  264  268  274  282  3002 






1.  考生将自己的姓名、准考证号及所有答案均填写在答题卡上;

2.  答题要求,见答题卡上的“填涂样例”和“注意事项”.






第I卷(选择题  共60分)





                地理试题         命题人、审题人:金武斌





命题人:胡家强     审题人:王志敏

(总分:110分     考试时间:100分钟)


     (2)可能用到的相对原子质量:C―12    H―1     O―16








A、DNA            B、DNA和RNA

C、RNA            D、DNA或RNA


A.细菌的DNA和氨基酸           B.噬菌体的DNA和氨基酸

C.细菌的DNA和噬菌体的氨基酸   D.噬菌体的DNA和细菌的氨基酸


①同种个体之间的DNA是完全相同的  ② DNA是一切生物的遗传物质  

③一个DNA分子可以控制多个性状  ④转录时是以DNA分子的一条链为模板

A、③④      B、②④      C、②③     D、①④




A.28.6%          B.57.2%             C.50%           D.63.4%


A.4次                B.5次                

C.6次                D.7次

7.在 14N的培养基上生长的大肠杆菌 (亲代) ,转移到 15N的培养基上培养,连续繁殖两代,用某种离心方法分离得到的结果应该是:                        














A、8种       B、4种        C、12种       D、2种


A.DNA相同,RNA也相同                 B.DNA相同,RNA不相同     

C.DNA不相同,RNA相同                 D.DNA不相同,RNA也不相同


  A.191个            B.95个         C.32个         D.31个







①脱氧核苷酸     ②核糖核苷酸       ③氨基酸      ④细胞核

⑤细胞膜         ⑥核糖体           ⑦A与T配对、G与C配对 

⑧A与U配对、T与A配对、G与C配对    ⑨A与U配对、G与C配对

A、①②③、④④⑥、⑦⑧⑨     B、②①③、④⑤⑥、⑦⑧⑨

C、③②①、④⑤⑥、⑦⑨⑨     D、①②③、④⑤⑥、⑦⑧⑨


A.番茄的红果和圆果      B.水稻的早熟和晚熟

C.绵羊的长毛和细毛      D.棉花的短绒和粗绒


 ①噬菌体    ②乳酸菌    ③水稻    ④蓝藻      ⑤大熊猫

A.①②③             B. ②③⑤         

C.②③④             D. ①②④







A.白花高茎    B.白花矮茎    C.红花高茎    D.红花矮茎

A、与纯种抗锈病小麦杂交         B、与纯种易染锈病小麦进行测交
C、与杂种抗锈病小麦杂交         D、自交


A、25%    B、12.5%     C、75%     D、0


A.  1        B.       C.4       D.8

21.香豌豆中,只有两个显性基因CR同时存在时,花为红色。这两对基因是独立分配的。某一红花植株与另二植株杂交,所得结果如下:①与ccRR杂交,子代中的50%为红花     ②与CCrr杂交,子代中100%为红花。该红花植株的基因型为: 

A.CcRR           B.CCRr          C.CCRR         D.CcRr

22.假定基因A是视网膜正常所必需的,基因B是视神经正常所必需的,现有基因型都是AaBb的一对夫妇,生育出视觉不正常后代的可能性是(  )

A.9/16          B.7/16           C.3/16           D.1/16

23.基因型为AABb的玉米(不连锁)作母本,去雄后,授基因型为aabb 玉米花粉,其胚乳核的基因型为:

A.aBb或Aabb                      B.AAaBBb或AAabbb  

C.AaaBbb或Aaabbb               D.AAaBBb或AAaBbb


A.3条常染色体,1条X染色体                   B.4种脱氧核糖核酸分子

C.2条常染色体,1条X染色体,1条Y染色体     D.4条染色体


A.XbY,XBXB    B.XBY,XBXb     C.XBY,XbXb    D.XbY,XBXb  







A.9/16   B. 3/4     C.3/16   D.1/4


A.X染色体显性遗传   B.常染色体显性遗传

C.X染色体隐性遗传   D.常染色体隐性遗传



A.卵细胞;XAB、XaB           B.卵细胞;AB、aB  

C.精子;AXB、AY、aXB、aY    D.精子;AB、aB







A.男孩   男孩                           B.女孩   女孩      

C.男孩   女孩                           D.女孩   男孩  












A.基因重组   B.环境影响    C.基因突变   D.染色体变异


①唐氏综合症患者细胞中的第21对染色体有3条  ②同源染色体的染色单体之间发生了相应部分的交叉互换    ③染色体数目增加或减少  ④花药离体培养后长成的植株  ⑤非同源染色体之间自由组合  ⑥DNA中个别碱基对的增添、缺失

A. ②④⑤       B. ①③④⑥          C. ②③④⑥     D. ①③④







A.茎尖细胞          B.根尖细胞   

C.发育着的胚芽细胞  D.发育着的胚乳细胞







①果蝇的白眼    ②豌豆的黄色皱粒   ③八倍体小黑麦的出现  ④人类的色盲     ⑤玉米的高茎皱缩叶  ⑥人类镰刀型贫血症 

  A. ①②③            B. ④⑤⑥         C.①④⑥        D.②③⑤





































(1)图中所示属于蛋白质合成过程中的       步骤,该过程的模板是[  ]         

(2)假设3中尿嘧啶占28%,腺嘌呤占18%,则对应的DNA片段中胸腺嘧啶占          和鸟嘌呤占                 。

(3)根据图并参考右表分析:[1]________上携带的氨基酸是______,氨基酸与氨基酸是通过______反应连接在一起的,该反应发生在           (场所)。



(1)甲是        倍体生物,乙是      倍体生物。

(2)甲的一个染色体组含有         条染色体,由该生物的卵细胞单独培养成的生物叫        ,含有         个染色体组。

(3)图乙所示的个体含       对等位基因,与基因型为aabbcc的个体交配,后代最多有          种表现型,遵循                  定律。












(1)丙遗传病是                  (填“显性”或“隐性)遗传病,致病基因位于           染色体上;丁遗传病是            (填“显性”或“隐性)遗传病,致病基因位于                 染色体上。

(2)写出下列两个个体的基因型: III-8                ;III-9                

(3)若III-8与III-9婚配,子女中只患一种遗传病的概率为       ;同时患两种遗传病的概率为                

44.有两个纯种小麦,一个是高秆抗锈病(DDTT),另一个是矮秆易染锈病(ddtt),现进行三组实验。第一组:DDTT×ddtt→F1(自 交)→F2 ;第二组:DDTT×ddtt→F1,并将F1的花药进行离体培养,再用某药品处理;第三组:对DDTT进行X射线、紫外线综合处理。


(1)第一组F2出现矮秆抗锈病的几率是         ,在矮秆抗锈病中能稳定遗传的占           。

(2)第二组使用的方法,在育种上称为           ,常常采用           的方法获得              植株;然后用            (填化学药品名称)处理使其染色体加倍。

(3)第三组方法出现ddTT后代是偶然的、个别的,它是DDTT经         来实现的,这种方法的缺点是                   



数   学(理科)






高 考 试 题 汇 编


一  单词辩音


1. special          A. shallow     B. officer      C. choke      D. trousers
2. mathematics  A. recycle    B. respect     C. message     D. package
3. shoulder       A. louder      B. pronounce    C. lonely     D. Europe
4. increase        A. desert       B. design       C. wise       D. promise
5. parent           A. spear      B. wear      C. carry      D. patient

1. library            A. language    B. material     C. operate      D. labour
2. courage           A. cousin     B. count            C. youth      D. cough
3. refer                      A. research     B. fisherman   C. disappear      D. recorder
4. pleasure          A. expression    B. musician    C. ocean      D. conclusion
5. snatch             A. stomach     B. technical      C. charge      D. character

1. longer          A. London     B. prove        C. lock                 D. lonely
2. admire          A. quiet        B. stare          C. spear           D. figure
3. Christmas          A. speech       B. stomach       C. charge          D. church
4. advanced         A. task        B. fortunate         C. entrance          D. salute
5. third            A. southern       B. weather        C. thus           D. theory

1. motor                      A. opposite           B. ocean                C. oppress             D. object
2. theory               A. diary                B. pioneer             C. therefore          D. really
3. oxygen             A. geography               B. degree               C. recognise          D. sugar
4. canal                A. important         B. liberation          C. majority           D. national
5. medicine           A. except              B. record              C. increase            D. physics

1. prove               A. stone               B. route          C. stove                                     D. hook

2. anxious           A. branch              B. conclusion      C. dangerous                                 D. tongue

3. breathe            A. health              B. deaf           C. increase                                   D. pleasure

4. achieve           A. research             B. chemist        C. technique       D. stomach

5. silver             A. silent               B. pretty           C. tiny            D. reject


1.spare      A. fear           B. earn        C. pear                 D. beard
2.navy            A. neighhor         B. nationality               C. relative            D. valley
3.unit       A. fierce           B. nephew       C. juice           D. sure
4.gentle      A. organise         B. bargain        C. regular           D. charge
5.journey     A. merchant               B. courtyard       C. energy                D. serious

1. music             A. production     B. persuade      C. sugar        D. stupid

2. regret                      A. cigarette        B. vegetable       C. message         D. passenger

3. front                       A. hospital       B. comfort       C. fond         D. introduce

4. through          A. rough     B. pillow       C. roof          D pause

5. stomach          A. cushion      B. excellent      C. delicious           D chimney


1. comb              A. doubt               B. trouble             C. club                        D. lab

3. worthy             A. health              B. further             C. cloth                D. through

4. curtain             A. fruit                 B. order                C. firm                        D. nervous

5. height              A. eight                B. ceiling              C. fight                D. lift


1.         stop               A. lose                  B. woman              C. shock                D. rose

2.         breathe           A. thick                 B. southern            C. mathematics      D. method

3.         ground           A. house                B. country             C. group                D. cough

4.         center             A. ocean                B. decide               C. cause                D. socialist

5.         animal            A. ache                 B. anything            C. advance             D. anxious


二  补全对话



―Hello. Gerry speaking.

―Hello, Gerry. It's me John here. 71

―Well, I'm terribly sorry, but I'm not feeling very well.

―Is that all? 72

―No, I'm sorry. I was sick all night. I think it must be the fish I ate last night.

―Well, I think you should have at least phoned Kate and told her you weren't coming to the meeting.

73 I'm sorry about that. Anyway, I think I'll be able to get in to work tomorrow.


―I won't. Thanks for calling.


A. Why didn't you phone?

B. OK. Take care and don't eat any more fish.

C. Why aren't you here at the meeting?

D. That's all right.

E. We thought you might have had an accident or forgotten the day or something.

F. I'll be glad to see you again.

G. Yes, I suppose I should have done so.


Policeman: Now, Jimmy, did you get a good view(看清)of the accident?

Jimmy: Oh, yes. I was standing outside the bank building and I saw it all quite clearly.

Policeman: Do you know what time it was?

Jimmy: Yes. 71  It was 2:45 exactly.

Policeman: Good. 72  

Jimmy: Well, quite slowly-about 10 miles an hour. It was coming up York Road. 73  But they were still red when he went over them.

Policemen: I see. 74  Was it also driving slowly?

Jimmy: It was coming along Union Street about 30 miles per hour. It was a blue Toyota. 75 .

Policeman: Did you see what colour his traffic (交通)light was?

Jimmy: Yes, it changed to yellow just before he crossed it.

A. What about the car?

B. I checked my watch.

C. Didn't you see the car?

D. Now, how fast was the truck moving? E. Was the car going beyond the speed limit?

F. I suppose the truck driver knew the lights were going to change.

G. The driver stopped his car when he saw the truck crossing the street.


 (Mike is picking up the phone when Alice enters.)

Alice: Are you phoning Linda?

Mike: Yes. But how do you know?

Alice:  71

Mike: What did they say?

Alice:  72

Mike: What happened?

Alice:   73  She had to go and take his place for three days.

Mike: That's too bad.

Alice:  74

Mike: You see, I had arranged(安排)for us to have dinner with a friend tonight.

Alice:  75

Mike: Sure, why not?

A. Isn't she your girlfriend?

B. They said she had left for London.

C. What's the problem?

D. Her office left you a message.

E. Why not invite me, then?

F. They said they had phoned Linda.

G. The manager at their office had suddenly fallen ill.


John: Oh. hi, Fred!   71   Why are you late?
Sled:   72  She always keeps us in class until ten past ten.
John: Doesn't she know that you're supposed to get out at ten.
Sled:   73  . But she never look at her watch. She just keeps talking.
John: Don't the students complain about it?  74
Sled: No,  75 
John: Well, you could try and talk to her.
Fred: Maybe.

A. They don't think so

B I didn't know whether to save you a place or not

C. Everybody is too polite

D I guess so

E. Mary had a talk with me.

F. It’s our maths teacher.

G. I would say something


Charley: Come on, Steve. 71  

Steve: Wait a minute. 72

Charley: O. K.

Steve: By the way, can we give any sister a ride home tonight?

Charley: Sure. 73

Steve: Yeah. She wants to take some pictures.

Charley:  74

Steve: Yeah. She'd like to work for a newspaper someday.

Charley: But I think it might be difficult for her to succeed. 75

A. Well, she always enjoys sports games, doesn't she?

B. I didn't know Eva was interested in photography.

C. There are a lot of photographers out there.

D. You mean she's coming to the game, too?  

E. I just have to close up the shop.

F. Eva's closing the door.  

G. It's time to go.


Mrs Jackson: Hello?

Richard: Mum, it's Richard. 71

M: Oh, Richard. 72

R: Yes, yes, fine, I was wondering. . . do you think you could lend me some money till the end of the month?

M: Oh, Richard. 73  You really must learn to plan your money properly.

R: Look, Mum, if you can just help me out this time,  74

M:  75  Listen, I'll do it this time. This is really the last time.

R: Oh, thanks, Mum.

M: Bye. . . and next time, you could phone just for chat !

A. Don't tell me you're buying another expensive computer.

B. How are you ?

C. I promise I'll be more careful in future.

D. Er. . . I Will help you save money.

E. Is everything all right with you?

F. Well, we'll see about that.

G. I'm so glad to get your call.


-Mary, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy?


-Ah, it was great! The food was great! The wine was great! But the traffic was terrible!


-Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don’t want to think about it!


-Yes, so here’s a picture of the Tower of Pisa.

-How nice!

-It was raining that day, but it was still wonderful. We climbed to the top!


-That’s a photo of the Arno River. That’s the “Ponte Vecchio”, the old bridge.


-It was very interesting. There were beautiful old buildings in the city, and lots of wonderful museums.

-That’s nice.

A.         And what’s this?

B.          Why was it so bad?

C.          Yes, it was wonderful.

D.         What was Florence like?

E.          Let’s return to the good parts.

F.          Sure, what was your holiday like?

G.         Well, did you like your hotel there?


三  单词拼写


76. Rice is grown in China, Japan and other (亚洲)countries.    76.           
77. We aim at (质量)rather than quantity.    77.           
78. The National Games were well (组织).     78.           
79. Does Radio Beijing (播送)the news every hour on the hour?      79.           
80. Several new railways are under (建设)in China.     80.           
81. The students were listening to the teacher (专心).   81.           
82. We finally (说服)the peasant to send his daughter to school. 82.           
83. Children are (好奇)about everything around them.    83.           
84. She's bought some (衣料)to make herself a dress.    84.           
85. The (政府)will build more houses for the people.    85.          


76. I am pleased that he gladly (接受) our invitation. 76.          

77. A soldier's duty is to (服从) orders. 77.          

78. Some people work better under (压力). 78.          

79. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more (舒服).          

80. The patient kept (咳嗽) all night. 80.          

81. We've got to be (实际) and buy only what we need. 81.          

82. The artist held an (展览) of his works last month. 82.          

83. We gave our classroom a (彻底)cleaning before the National Day. 83.          

84. Parents should help their children to form good (习惯). 84.          

85. All the boys were standing up (笔直). 85.          


76. I'll go and see you next_____(星期六). 76.          

77. Bill has a large collection of_____(外国)stamps. 77.          

78. Do you think_____(游泳)is allowed in the canal?  78.          

79. The book is_____(翻译)from Russian. 79.          

80. All countries, big or small, should be_____(平等). 80         

81. They're busy_____(准备)to go on holiday. 81.          

82. Don't be frightened by the television camera. Just speak_____(自然地). 82.          

83. What will the_____(天气)be like tomorrow?  83.          

84. Their office is on the_____(第九)floor. 84.          

85. A fence at the back of the garden_____(分开)us from the neighbours. 85.          



76. Don't _____(浪费) your money on silly things   76.      
77. The wind turned my_____(伞)inside out.      77.      
78. I_____(认出) Mike the moment I saw him .    78.      
79. Do you know the_____(平均) monthly rainfall in this area? 79.      
80. Sleep is_____(必要) to health          80.      
81 This bus can carry 60_____(乘客).         81.      
82. Fitty years ago, Chairman Mao_____(宣告) the founding of the People's Republic  of China.                       82.      
84. what is the best-known chain of fast-food(餐馆) in the world? 84.      
85. They lived in London until quite_____(最近) 85.      



76. We have to get the job done __________(秘密).    

77. My train was 20 minutes late in the morning and there was a_________(相 似的)delay in the evening. ? ??? 

78. Miss Li speaks English with excellent ______(发音).

79. This company is one of the Post Office's biggest ______(顾客).                               

80. The drowning swimmer required the lifeguard's ___________(即刻)attention.                         

81. Our victory was __________(庆祝)with music and dancing.                               

82. I've never seen a Shakespeare's play __________ (表演)so wonderfully.                              

83. Nowadays most people use paper __________(手帕) .  

84. The boy spoke in a very low voice __________(承认) he had broken the glass.                             

85. The__________(大多数)of people in my neighborhood are Italian.                              



76. The game was a great success in the United States and it soon s__ to Australia and then to other English-speaking countries. 76 .          

77. The colleges and universities were only for men, and women were not p_ to attend.

77 .          

78. Train services are now back to n      after last week's strike in NEW York. 78 .          

79. There's no need to get angry, I m    suggested that you should do that again. 79 .          

80. Put on your c , it's very cold outside. 80 .          

81. Can I have a glass of t__ juice, please? 81 .          
82. The fish smells; I don’t think it’s quite f___. 82 .          

83. Tom is preparing for an exam. Don’t d____ him. 83 .          

84. Alice s____, if ever, reads a book. 84 .          

85. We were c_____ to know where she ’d gone 85 .          


66.     There’s a ____66____(留言)from Karen on the phone.

67.     They football game was ____67____(播出)live on TV across Europe.

68.     They’re going to ____68____(庆祝)their victory with music and dancing.

69.     The ____69____(大多数)of students find it quite hard to learn German.

70.     Very few people ____70____(成功)in losing weight these days.

71.     The book gives a short ____71____(描述)of the city.

72.     The doctor ____72____(表扬)our daughter for her courage this morning.

73.     There were piles of newspapers ____73____(到处)in the house.

74.     What is your ____74____(最喜欢的)color?

75.     The little girl is wearing a ____75____(粉红色的)dress.

高 考 试 题 汇 编 参 考 答 案


一  单词辩音

(一) A   D  C  D  B      (二)  B  A  A  D  C     (三)  C  A  B  A  D

(四)  B  D  A  D  A    (五)  B  D  C  A  B    (六)  C  A B  D A

(七)  D  A  B  C  A       (八)  A  D  B  C  C    (九)  C  B  A  B  D

二  补全对话

(一)  C   E  G  B  D    (二)  B  D  F  A  G    (三)  D  B  G  C  E

(四)  B  F  D  G  C    (五)  G  E  D  B  C       (六)  B  E  A  C  F

(七)  F  B  E  A  D

三  单词拼写

一 76. Asian 77. quality 78. organised/organized  79. broadcast 80. construction

81. attentively82. persuaded 83. curious 84. material(s)/cloth  85. government

二76. accepted(accepts, got, received等不可接受)77. obey(accept, follow, take等不可接受) 78. pressure 79. comfortably 80. coughing 81. practical / realistic 82. exhibition

83. thorough  84. habits (habit 不可接受)  85. straight

三 76.Saturday 77.foreign 78.swinmming 79.translated 80.equal

81.preparing 82.naturally 83.weather  84.ninth 85.separates/separated

四  76.waste(lose不可接受)77.umbrella 

78.recognised/recognized(realized.knew不可接受)79.average/mean (middle不可接受)

80.necessary/essential/indispensable ( important不可接受)81.Passengers

82.declared /announced 83.familiar 84.restaurants ( restaurant,inns , hotels,dining一halls:canteens,pubs,bars不可接受) 85. recently/late1y

五76. secretly 77. similar (same不可接受) 78. pronunciation 79.customers

80. immediate(sudden不可接受) 81. celebrated 82. performed (performance, acted不可接受)

83. handkerchiefs/handkerchieves  84. admitting/confessing 85. majority(most不可接受)

六  76 spread  77 permitted  78 normal  79 merely  80 coat

81 tomato  82 fresh     83 disturb    84 seldom   85 curious

七 66. message  67. broadcast/broadcasted  68. celebrate  69. majority 70. succeed   

71. description  72. praised  73. everywhere  74. favo(u)rite  75. pink


新 增 题 型 专 项 练 习



I. 语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. honest        A. develop             B. fond          C. formal                     D. notebook

2. brave       A. loyal            B. match        C. care                  D. hate

3. sugar          A. usual                B. once          C. conclusion         D. moustache

4. tough         A. through             B. though              C. thought             D. enough

5. coffee         A. post                  B. notice        C. belong                     D. movement

II. 单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1. Many people keep dogs as pets because dogs are regarded as l_____      ­friends to people.

2. If someone is quick in mind and action, we say he is s        .

3. I don’t like football and I think c          music is terrible.

4. Chuck survives the crash and lands on a d            island.

5. Chuck learns that we need friends to s        happiness and s           .

6. He has to learn how to collect water, h        for food, and make fire.

7. Perhaps the most difficult c             is how to survive without friends.

8. My friends is h          .He never tells lies.

9. Although Father and I often q          with each other, we are good friends.

10. She is a b        girl. She is never afraid of anything.

11. The reader have a good ________ (评价) of his latest novel.

12. He lit the m_________ and the whole room became bright.

13. She looked at herself in the m______ and found herself older.

14. The d_________ wife lived a hard life after her husband left her.

15. All the children listened to his ________ (冒险) with eager attention.

III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

――Hi. You look excited.   1  ?

――It is said that a singing contest will be held in our school soon. And I think it a good chance to exercise my singing talents.

――  2 

――A pocket radio will be given as a reward to the first prize winner.

――Are you going to take part in it?

――Sure.  3 

――Really? But I don’t think you’ve practiced enough.

――I’m going to. I bet I can get the first prize.

――   4  . I think you need to have a music teacher to help you.

――I don’t think it necessary.   5 

A.   By the way, are they giving prizes?

B.    People say I have a good voice.

C.    I don’t know what others say about it.

D.   You can do a lot better next time.

E.    It’ll turn out fine if I practise a lot.

F.    What’s happening 

G.   Don’t be so sure.


I. 语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. normal              A. forbid               B. score          C. forward             D. dollar

2. peace          A. breast               B. theatre              C. repeat               D. ocean

3. recycle              A. monkey            B. reduce        C. scene                D. closet

4. screen         A. scene                B. physicist     C. ocean                D. select

5. tidy            A. tourism             B. climb         C. straight             D. neighbor

II. 单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母,在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       It’s said that Australia became i_______ of Britain on the 1st of January 1901.

2.       Joe and Nancy are not visitors here. They are both n_____ of the city .

3.       Can you think of a s_________ where “doing it alone” might be more important than teamwork.

4.       Greece is a E_______ country with a very long history.

5.       At least 30 unknown diseases have appeared ___________ (在全世界范围内)since 1970.

6.  Would you please _______ (发音)the words clearly and pay attention to the _______ (发音) of each word you learn.

7.  The _________ (大多数)of the students did it right.

8.  Chinese is our mother t_________.

9.  A red light is a _________ (信号) of danger.

10. The _______ (服务) in this shop is always slow.; the girls are very lazy.

11 You can use English to c________ with people from different places through the Internet.

12. The landlady asked Mr. Brown to put his coat in the c         .

13. English is the working language of most international o               .

14. With so many people c                  in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

15. In 1828 Noah Webster p              the first American dictionary.

III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

――Well, Mr. Sun. Do you have a pain in your stomach?

――   1  

――Let me see your X-ray result. Mm… I thought so    2  

――Is it so serious?

――   3  

――Operation! ┉ What about my heart?

――Let me feel your pulse.   4 

――Yes, I get tired rather easily.

――   5  

――I suppose so. The mirror tells me that.

A.     I’m afraid you need an operation right now.

B.      Have you taken an X-ray photo of your stomach?

C.      I’m afraid so.

D.     Have you been losing any weight?

E.      Yes, particularly after meals.

F.      Have you been weak lately?

G.     You heart is in a rather bad state.


I. 语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. experience        A. deserted          B. museum   C. equal            D. adventure

2. means             A. health           B. great      C. repeat    D. theater

3. basic             A. trade             B. total             C. majority  D. hammer

4. nature                   A. failure            B. endure           C. cure             D. adventure

5. protect            A. holiday           B. tongue           C. European   D. movie

II. 单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.         What do you have to c____ before you decide which means of transportation you will use?   

2.       People also travel to meet new friends, to try new kinds of food, to e____ life in other parts of the world or simply to get away from cold weather.  

3.       Instead of spending your v____ on bus, in a hotel or sitting on the beach, you may want to try hiking.  

4.       You will get close to n___ and take exercise at the same time.

5.       Here are some b___ tips for successful hiking.

6.       The basic e____ you need for hiking is simple: good shoes, clothes and a backpack.

7.       Wear a hat to p___ yourself from the sun.

8.       If you are looking for more e____ ,you may want to try white-water rafting.

9.       White water rafting is more adventurous and difficult than n___ rafting.

10.   Eco‑travel is a form of travel that c____ normal tourism with learning.

11.   I don’t like driving. I do it s_________ because I have to get to work every day.

12.   A few minutes later, they heard the b_______ calls for Flight 11, and hurried to their gate.

13.   After the accident, the factory is running n________ again.

14.   Write to us as soon as you get to the d_________

15.   ________ (交通)to and from work is ten yuan per day.

III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

------Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the man’s room is?

------___1____Perhaps it’s on the right hand side.


------___2___How can I get in?

------Put a dime in the box and go down the hall.

------Ten cents? ____3____.

------Yes, it is. But in some places, such as restaurants, the man’s and woman’s rooms are free for their customers.

------__4___The door will open.


A.   Sorry, I am new here.

B.    It’s expensive to use the toilet.

C.    Where is the door, sir?

D.   Sounds good

E.    Wonderful!

F.    I hope so.

G.   Sir, the toilet is locked.

(dime: a coin of ten cents.)


I. 语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. store        A. fire             B. care              C. more            D. tire

2. cure          A. prepare          B. before           C. share            D. pure

3. hear         A. stair              B. here             C. earth            D. hair

4. wear        A. board           B. near             C. repair                D. cheer

5. heart       A. sword           B. starve           C. blood                   D. spare

II. 单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.         Have you ever experienced a natural d____?

2.         There she saw a wall of water that was quickly a____ towards her.

3.         However, before she could think twice, the water was u__ her.

4.         She f___ for her life, and finally pulled herself up.

5.         As they got to the steps, they heard another great roar, and the wall of the house s___.

6.         The garden that was once so beautiful was completely d____, swept away by the wild water.

7.         The child's small body shook with f__.

8.         You should seize this o____, it may never come again.

9.         Another wave s___ the house, and a strange cracking noise began.

10.     They are afraid they can’t finish the task on time because the _______ (最后期限) is drawing near.

11.     The party was _________ (主办)by Mrs. Smith.

12.     He went there for f_______ , not on business.

13.     An earthquake is a natural d_________.

14.     I didn’t begin to learn a________ maths until I went to college.

15.     We have kept in t_________ by letter for many years.

16.     March is the d_______ for the novel, that is, you must finish the novel by March.

17.     The old man s________  to his feet and got home at last.

18.     The wild storm ________ (毁坏) lots of building and trees when it hit this area.

III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

--- What’s wrong?


---You probably have had a  cold._2____ Yes , you do have a cold . Take this medicine every four hours.

---Do I have to go on a diet?

---It is not necessary. _3______ Avoid greasy food.

---Can I take a hot bath before going to bad?

---Of course you can._4____




A.  I don’t know the way to the No. 1 People Hospital.

B.    Drink plenty of water.

C.    Let me check your pulse and listen to your lungs.

D.    Shall I pay you at once right now?

E.    But do be careful.

F.    I have a headache and a high fever.

G.. How much is the fee?


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. adult       A. busy            B. upon           C. public           D. opportunity

2. drama      A. agent            B. national              C. adventure         D. disaster

3. peace       A. deadline         B. breath         C. feeling          D. European

4. owe        A. sorrow          B. towel          C. allow                   D. howl

5. academy    A. degree          B. cruelty               C. director         D. hero

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1. Meryl went to study at a famous d________ school.

2.       He left high school without a d___________ when he was seventeen.

3.       Spielberg has made two films about c___________ that come to the earth from outer space.

4.       In his war films , he has shown that love and p_________ will win over war in the end.

5.       Steven Spielberg said that he o________ much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

6.       She becomes very worried and d_____________ to bring Huike back safely.

7.       After studying English, he got a small job at a film s____________.

8.       She tries to keep the students in the classroom by l_________ them up in the classroom..

9.       If you think h________ of the film you may encourage other people to go and see it.

10.   When Spielberg was young, his dream was to go to the Film A____________.

III.  补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

------May I speak to Mr. Wang, please?

------Speak, please? ____1___

------Li Xing.

------Oh, Mr. Li. How are you?

------I’m fine, thank you. And you?

------I’m all right. ___2____

------Could you have lunch with me at restaurant at1 o’clock.? __3_____

------Ok. ___4_____

------I’m afraid not.



A.       I’ll see at your restaurant at 1 o’clock.

B.        Sorry, he is not in.

C.        Can you leave a message?

D.       I’ve an important business matter to discuss with you.

E.        Who is calling?

F.        Can you tell me now?

G.       What on your mind?


I. 语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. interrupt                 A. introduce          B. culture            C. opportunity       D. situation

2. apologize         A. forgive            B. toast              C. studio            D. cloth

3. fault             A. course            B. bone              C. childhood        D. tourism

4. napkin           A. behave            B. damp              C. prey                    D. breast

5. impolite          A. mix             B. disabled            C. deadline          D. equipment

II. 单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母,在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       Excuse me .May I i________________ you for a moment?

2.       What does Bill say to a____________ for taking the bike without telling Cliff

3.       People who go to a formal Western dinner party for the first time may be surprised by table m______________ in Western culture.

4.       When you sit down at the table, you can take your napkin, u__________ it and put it on your lap.

5.       When drinking to someone’s health, you r_________  your glasses.

6.       I want to go with you to visit Grandma. I promise I will b______________ myself.

7.       It is a Spanish c___________ to stand very close and look into the eyes when talking to somebody.

8.       It is not polite to s__________ at people like that.

9.       Take care of yourself. You have had a lot of e____________________ work since last month.

10.   It is bad m_______ to speak with your mouth full.


------How would you like to come Seattle with me over the weekend?

------__1_____ But where can we stay?

------At a friend’s house.

------Ok .He won’t mind?

------Of course not.____2_____


------No, in the suburbs. ____4____

------Will we drive to Seattle?

------Yes, it takes about six hours. __5____

------Oh, let me pay for gas.

A.         I’d love to.

B.          We can leave about noon and get there by supper time.

C.          Does he live in the city center?

D.         He’s looking forward to meeting you.

E.          But we can go into the city in a car.

F.          He is waiting for me now.

G.         Where does our friend live?


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. restore      A. recreate           B. extra              C. scene          D. independent

2. ruin         A. rebuild           B. pollution       C. opportunity     D. rescue

3. carbon      A. poison            B. photograph      C. roll          D. hero

4. ancient           A. movie             B. experience            C. friendship        D. seize

5. period     A. portrait            B. peanut        C. European        D. destroy

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       The city attracts thousands of tourists because of its rich c___________ relics.

2.       It is reported that nine people were killed in the fire, two children i_______.

3.       We chose Jack to r_______ us.

4.       After the earthquake many old buildings were in r__________

5.       The river f_____ form north to south.

6.       They have chosen a s________ for the new school.

7.       The s_____   of Liberty lies in New York.

8.       We can’t accept any more students. The class is l________ to 20 students.

9.       Of course, we couldn’t possibly visit Cairo without visiting the P_________, so that was our next step.

10.   We all s________ (衷心的) hope your father will be well again soon.

11.   The whole nation was making rapid progress, with all its people _________ (团结) around the leader.

III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

The doctor =D examines the Patient =P.

D:  Well, there’s nothing very much wrong with you, I’m glad to say. ___1____Do you take much exercise?

P:  No, doctor. I never have enough time for exercise. I start work very early in the morning and finish late in the evening. Then I can’t get to sleep. Can you give me some medicine to help me to sleep?

D:  __2____ You don’t need medicine. You need advice. Don’t work so hard. Too much work is bad for you. Don’t worry about your work. It’s silly to worry. Take regular exercise.

P:  ____3___It’s hard to get a job like mine.

D:  Then get an easier one, even if you earn less money. Which would you rather have, health or wealth?

P:  ___4_____ It’s more important to be healthy than wealthy. I’ll change my job. I’m grateful for your advice.

D:  Come and see me again in a month’s time. ___5. ____

A.     You’re right, doctor

B.      But I may lose my job, doctor!

C.      Both, doctor.

D.     You’ve working too hard and worrying too much.

E.      I think you’ll be a different man!

F.      Oh, it all depends.

G.     I can, but I’m not going to.


I.   语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. heard     A. return            B. tear              C. crowd           D. hair

2. research   A. surface            B. dear                    C. surprise         D. disappear

3. pour       A. shirt              B. serve              C. floor            D. sharp

4. fairly     A. grey              B. learn              C. glare           D. clear

5. grow       A. forget             B. town              C. broad           D. float

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       More and more countries are taking part in O_______ Games now.

2.       The car is w_______ at least 100.000 yuan.

3.       Beijing will h_________ the 2008 Olympic Games.

4.       He sent his warm c_________ to the winner on her success.

5.       He ______ (重)150 pounds.

6.       Your answers are r_______while his are wrong..

7.       You can get championship only if you beat the other ______ (竞争者).

8.       The Los Angles Lakers and New Jersey meet in the NBA f______ for the first time.

9.       It’s a w_______ fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.

10.   Janet Jackson, Becks and Yao Ming are all s______  in many young students’ eyes.

11.   Last year, China’s tourism earned 17.8 billon US dollars, _________ (排名) fifth in the world.

III.  补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

--- Well, Mrs Bickford, I’ve completed my examination and I’m happy to say it’s nothing serious.

--- ___1___

--- I don’t think X-ray will be necessary for this illness.

--- It’s an unusual disease, isn’t it?

--- __2______

--- Shouldn’t I stay in bed for the rest of the week?

--- No. __3______

--- Can I be well soon?

--- You listen to my advice and I’m certain you’ll be fine soon.

--- ___4____

--- Put this medicine on your arms every four hours. __5___ There’s nothing to worry about.

A.         By tomorrow it will be all gone.

B.          You should get outdoors more and plenty of exercise.

C.          You’d better take it to heart.

D.         I don’t believe so.

E.          Don’t you think you should take X-ray?

F.          Can I take the medicine twice a day?

G.         What should I do, doctor?


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. refuse         A. increase            B. pulse                 C. raise                 D. mouse

2. musician     A. suggestion         B. discussion          C. conclusion         D. television

3. expert         A. exhibition         B. examination       C. excuse               D. expect

4. reward        A. toward                     B. forward             C. dollar                D. guard

5. watched      A. helped                     B. guided                     C. operated            D. destroyed

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       I don’t know what to do. I need your a_________.

2.       You must have been in a hurry. Look! You are wearing your sweaters i_____ out.

3.       Can you d_______ to me how the accident happened.

4.       Using p________ bags is a kind of pollution.

5.       Don’t worry. I will give you some s_______ on how to do it.

6.       The masses have great c______ power. They can produce a lot of new things.

7.       I had to p________ myself against the wall to let them pass.

8.       How d________ you speak to your mother like that? It’s bad manners.

9.       You should only use this door in case of an e_______.

10.   Students are expected to o________ their officer’s orders without questions.

11.   People want to buy the l_______ newspaper; nobody wants to bur yesterday’s.

12.   As soon as they found their car stolen, they d________ 110.

 III. 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

--- May I help you, sir?

--- Yes, please. I want to buy a personal gift for my brother. He’s taking a trip to South America.

--- ___1____

--- He’s flying. ____2_____ what can you suggest?

--- What about this wallet? _____3____

--- My sister already gave him one. ____4______

--- ____5_____

--- Oh, a folding toothbrush. That’s a wonderful idea. I’ll take it.

A: I’d like something unusual.

B: Here is a gift for a man who has everything.

C: But something usual is better.

D. Is he going by ship or by plane?

E: Who is he going with?

F: It’s made of very fine leather.

G: My gift will have to be something light in weight.


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. half         A. almost         B. allow             C. answer         D. hall

2. quantity    A. watch        B. act               C. plant         D. ant

3. carriage     A. character             B. camel          C. maths         D. engage

4. separate     A. affectionate           B. age              C. name         D. engage

5. France      A. franc         B. gasp             C. gaze                 D. catch

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       Scientists are searching for the s________  to the water pollution.

2.       Before being offered a job, an _________ (面试)is necessary.

3.       Can you explain the causes and e_______ of all these?

4.       We all think that it is i________ to interrupt others when they are talking.

5.       You will be c______ with the best athletes in the world in the Olympics.

6.       The band played many songs, i ______ some of my favorites.

7.       Reading in the sun will do h ________to your eyes.

8.       Our school o_________ trips to different places of interest every summer.

9.       They are taking some m________ to prevent water from being polluted.

10.   We should make it next Monday to talk about the e_________ protecting problems.

11.   Your suggestion sounds very ________ (吸引人的)

III.  补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

--- Paul , we haven’t gone out for over a month.____1_____

--- Fine. Where would you like to go?_____2__

--- I see that a new play opened this week.

--- The newspaper story said it was the worst play of the year. You don’t want to go there. _____3_______

--- I’d enjoy a good concert.__4_____

--- Aren’t there any good movies in town?

--- How about “Dancing in the Dark?”_____5____

--- It started fifteen minutes ago. We just missed it.

--- Well, I guess all we can do is to stay at home and watch TV.

A: That should be interesting.

B: Let’s go somewhere this evening .

C: I don’t care if it is a movie or a play.

D. But according to the paper, there aren’t any tonight.

E: Look in the newspaper to get information about the movies or the theatre.

F: What else can we do?

G: Shall we stay at home?  


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. fame       A. advice               B. rapid                 C. slave                D. grasp

2. perform      A. original             B. actor                 C. opportunity              D. according

3. magic         A. foreign             B. receive              C. spread               D. politics

4. bury           A. lucky                B. full                   C. busy                 D. guess

5. character     A. coffee               B. centigrade         C. graduation         D. please

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       We chose an outstanding boy to  r_________ me.

2.       He is in high s_______

3.       He is from Europe, so he is a E_______.

4.       There are a v_____ of magazines here. You can take whatever you like.

5.       What is the t_______ population of China?

6.       We should hand down the Chinese t________ from generation to generation.

7.       Her eyes were f________ on the plate and in a short time, she was busy eating.

8.       My heart broke when I saw her in  t________

9.       I guess that this bottle can  c________ at least 2 kilos of water.

10.   In the early nineteenth country, millions of Africans were sold in America to work as s_______

11.   The government did all they could to stop that unknown disease from s________ to other places.

12.   People can develop their children’s i________  in many good  ways.

13.   Most of the old people in China prefer t_________ Chinese medicine to the Western medicine.

14.   If you are blind or dumb, how can you e________ feeling or emotions?

15.   Though English is widely used all over the world, it isn’t yet a u________ language .

III.  补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

---Hello, Karen? This is Dave Kent.


---Fine, thanks. I’ve made a reservation for Monday night.

---Oh? Which nightclub?

---Hal’s Place.


---May we come on Saturday, the Fourth of July?___3_____

---What time are you going to come?





A: May we take a friend?

B: May we bring a friend?

C: When are you going to visit us?

D. Oh, hello, Dave. How do you do?

E: I’m going to rent a car and we’re going to drive there.

F: Is ten thirsty in the morning O.K.?

G.: Oh, hello, Dave. How are you?


I.     语音:从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

1. fond        A. long             B. among         C. found            D. can’t

2. many       A. Germany        B. balance         C. great            D. sweat

3. quality      A. absent          B. favorite       C. shone           D. cousin

4. blind        A. spit             B. wine         C. sting            D. skin

5. bank        A. grand          B. grant           C. plant         D. balance

II.    单词拼写: 根据句意及汉语提示或首字母, 在横线上写出空缺处单词的正确形式.

1.       Every year many natural d___________ , such as fires, floods, happen in the world.

2.       A woman was a _______ and robbed by a group of young men.

3.       ―How do you like the new employee?

―His loyalty to the company has made a good i_______ on me.

4.       These easy English reading are very p_________ with middle school students.

5.       My son i ______ me while I was talking with the guests, although I had told him to keep silent.

6.       You should s________ this opportunity. It may never come again.

7.       A v______ is a person who lives in a village.

8.       In the afternoon all the students went to an e_______ of modern art.

9.       Some animals have the p________ to see in the dark.

10.   The engineer felt that he hadn’t been t______ fairly.

III.  补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项

Pat and her neighbor, Joan, are looking for some plain curtain materials at a shopping centre.

Girl:  Can I help you? Or are you just looking?

Joan:  Well, yes, actually, ___1____Dark blue, I think.

Girl:  Well, the plain materials are over there. ___2______.I’ll be back in a minute.

Joan:  Thank you. ___3_____

Pat:  Mm. It’s all right. But it isn’t dark blue.

Joan:  ____4___

Girl:  Have you found anything you like?

Joan:  Er …. I’m not sure. May I take a sample of this material?

Girl:  _____5__

Joan:  Thank you very much.

Girl:  You’re welcome.

A: Yes, of course. Here you are.

B: Yes, certainly. This is it.

C: I’m looking for some plain curtain materials.

D. No, and it’s rather expensive.

E: What do you think of this, Pat?

F: Yes, and it’s rather expensive.

G: Why don’t you have a look?


(一) 1-5 BDDDC     1. loyal  2. smart  3. classical  4. deserted  5. share, sorrow

6. hunt  7. challenge    8. honest 9. quarrel 10. brave 11. opinion 12. match 13. mirror

14. deserted 15. adventure    1-5 FABCE

(二)1-5 BCCDB  1.independent  2.natives  3.situation  4.European 5. globally

6. pronounce, pronunciation 7.majority8 tongue  9. signal 10. service  11. communicate

12. closet  13. organization 14. communicating 15. published      EACFD

(三)1-5 BCADC   1. consider  2. experience 3. vacation 4. nature 5. basic 6. equipment

7. protect 8. excitement 9. normal 10. combines 11. simply 12. boarding 13. normally

14. destination 15. Transportation          AGBDF

(四)1-5 CDBCB    1.disaster  2. advancing 3. upon 4. fought 5. shook6. destroyed 7. fear

8. opportunity 9. struck  10. deadline 11. hosted  12. fun  13. disaster  14. advanced 

15. touch   16. deadline  17. struggled  18. destroyed    FCBEG

(五)CDCAB    1.drama  2. degree  3. creatures  4. peace  5. owes  6. determines

 7. studio  8. locking  9. highly10. Academy   EGDFA

(六)1---5  BDABC   1. interrupt   2. apologize   3. manners   4. unfold   5. raise

6. behave  7. custom  8. stare  9. extra 10. manners    ADCEB

(七)1-5  DBABC   1. cultural  2. included  3. represent  4. ruins  5. flows   6. site   . statue  8. limited  9. Pyramids  10. sincerely  11. united    DGBAE

(八)  1-5 AACCD   1. Olympic  2. worth  3. host  4. congratulations  5. weighs  . right  7. competitors  8. finals  9. well-known  10. superstars  11. ranking     EDBGA

(九)1-5  CBAAA  1. advice  2. inside  3. describe  4. plastic 5. suggestions  6. creative  7. press 8. dare   9. emergency  10. Obey  11. latest  12. dialed   DGFAB

(十)1-5 CAAAB   1. solution(s)  2. interview  3. effects  4. impolite5. competing  . including  7. harm  8. organizes9. measures  10. environmental  11. attractive   BEFDA

(十一)1-5  CDADA  1. represent  2. spirits  3. European  4. variety 5. total  6. traditions  7. fixed  8. tears 9. contain10. slaves 11. spreading 12. intelligence 13. traditional 14. express 15. universal    GCEFB

(十二)1-5  ADCBA  1. disasters  2. attacked  3. impression  4. popular  5. interrupted  6. seize  7. villager  8. exhibition9. power  10. treated   CGEDA







         数学理科   2008.4






第Ⅰ卷(选择题  共60分)


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