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命题:麻尚忠   审核:张来胜

















第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In an office.           B. In a library.            C. In a bookstore.

2. Where did the speakers plan to go?

A shopping center.       B. An opera house. C. The parking lot.

3. Which aspect of the film does the woman like?

A. The plot.               B. The music.          C. The dialogue.

4. What do we know about the woman’s jacket?

A. It is sold at a lower price.        B. Its color is her favorite.    C. It is her sister’s size.

5. What does the woman imply?

A. The man is so forgetful.           B. The man is too careless.    C.Theman is over confident.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What makes the man so tired?

A. Playing games.         B. Surfing the Internet.         C. Searching for interesting people.

7. Whom did the man chat with?

A. People from Canada. B. People in need of his help.       C. People on the same project.


8. What does the law forbid people to do?

A. To take dogs to parks.     B. To walk dogs in the streets.  C. To treat dogs cruelly.

9. What do we know from what the woman said?

A. Dogs should be kept at home.                 B. Building a dog park is necessary.          C. People would remove the dog waste.


10. According to the man, what did he do before he watched TV?

A. He washed his hands.             B. He had his supper.            C. He took a path.

11. What place had the man been to the night before?

A. James Street.          B. A restaurant.             C. A friend’s home.

12. What does the man try to do in the conversation?

A. To prove the truth.  B. To find the truth.      C. To hide the truth.


13. Why did the son come back late?

A. He hurt his hands and knees.         B. He went to a pub with Linda.         

C. He waited a long time for the bus.

14. What was the old lady doing in the middle of the road?

A. Looking for something.           B. Struggling to sand up.        C. Trying to seek help.

15. What happened to Linda?

A. She was fired.             B. She got injured.         C. She had an accident.

16. Where was the witness?

A. Outside the pub.             B. At a bus stop.            C. In his car.


17. What’s the problem of some of the university students?

A. They don’t spend all their time on studies.          

B. They don’t know what to do with their free time.       

C. They don’t have choices for outside class activities.

18. How is the students’ high school life?

A. Controlled and busy.             B. Regular and colorful.        C. Active and independent.

19. According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university?

A. To make students healthier.    B. To improve students’ test scores.     

C. To enrich students’ experience.

20. What does the speaker advise his students to do?

A. Learn to enjoy themselves.            B. Learn to be their own masters.        

C. Learn to develop their potential.




21.―Could you do me a favor and take the box up to the sixth floor?

― _______.No problem at all.

A. With pleasure                B. My pleasure

C. For pleasure                 D. At your pleasure

22.He failed to come on time ,because his car ______ stuck in the heavy snow.

A. came        B. became       C. got         D.turned

23. He had already walked three or four miles ______he saw a cart ,half -full of grass,by the side of the road.

A. when        B. while         C. until        D.unless

24. A photo _____on Aug.23,2008 shows a bird’s eye view of the Bird’s Nest ,shining with colors and lights during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

A. taking       B. taken          C. was taken     D. is taking

25. ―Mr. Johnson, what are teachers supposed to do for the students?

―As teachers, we feel ____ our duty that we teach our children to be good wherever we are.

A. this         B. that            C. it           D. there is

26. I wonder what will become of my son.  _____ endless homework, he also bears other leading loads such as revision and recitation(复习和背诵).

A. With        B. Instead of       C. As well as     D. Rather than

27. ---Tommy, take the money and buy whatever you want.

 ---You ______ our child, Kate!

 A. ruin        B. are ruining      C. have ruined     D. have been ruined

28. My brother saw his friend off at the airport yesterday afternoon, so he ___ your lecture.

       A. mustn’t have attended                            B. needn’t have attended

       C. couldn’t have attended                           D. shouldn’t have attended

29.Only in this way ______progress in English.

A. you make                  B. can you make 

C. you are able to make         D.will you able to make

30.Now many companies across the globe are laying_______their employees because of the serious finacial crisis(经济危机).

A. off           B. down          C. out           D.aside

31.The boy was late. He tried to enter the classroom without being noticed by the teacher, but luck ______ him.

   A. went for         B. went with      C. went against    D. went along 

32.The Red Cross would have another thousand dollars ______to buy bandages and medicines.

 A. which        B. with that       C. that           D.with which

33.――I’m not quite sure how to get to the airport

――Y’d better ______the map.

A. draw          B refer to          C. watch        D. .ask   

34. The government promised that by _______year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of ______compulsory education.

 A. the;the        B. / ;/            C. the;/         D./;the

35._______agriculture plays an important role ,people do not pay attention to education.

A. Where         B. That           C. In which     D.In that


第二节  完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It was Friday, Andy Barton was in a bad mood. At six o’clock his __36__ program, “Travel with Us” was on TV. Andy liked to get home_ 37_ for that. But then, just as he was leaving his office a little  38  , a customer rang up with a few complaints(抱怨) for the next fifteen minutes. “I can  39  get home in time if I hurry.” Andy told himself as he  40  out of the office. As he drove off in his car, he  41 that he was almost out of petrol. “I’ll have to stop at Fenten’s”. Andy thought. He  42  Fenten’s because it was a self service petrol station. “You do all the work yourself, but you pay  43  for the petrol.” He used to complain. At Fenten’s, the pump(泵) was not working properly and it  44  ages to get petrol. So when Andy got  45  ,it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. “Shall I answer it?” Andy thought. He tried to  46  his attention on the programme and forget the phone. But it  47  ringing and finally he picked it up, “Mr. Barten?” 48  said. “ Fenten”s garage here.” “Fenten’s?” Andy said, “Why, I was at your  49  only a few minutes ago, getting some petrol. Did I  50 something behind or what?” “No, you didn’t, Mr. Barton. That’s just the  51  ! You went off without paying for your petrol , you  52 ! Now normally, when that happens, we ring up the police. But  53  I recognized you and I know it was a  54 .” “I’m really very sorry,” Andy said. “Oh, that’s all right, Mr. Barton. But could you  55  round now  and pay for your petrol? And please hurry! We close at half past six!

36. A. favorite                 B. funny                   C. popular                 D. lovely

37. A. at time                   B. on time                 C. at a time               D. in a time

38. A .later                     B. happier                 C. earlier                  D. busier

39. A. surely                    B. obviously              C. normally               D. still

40. A. stepped                  B. climbed                C. looked                  D. rushed

41. A. observed                B. noticed                 C. thought                 D. suggested

42. A. hated                     B. liked                    C. meant                   D. promised

43. A. a little                   B. the same               C. a lot                     D. the bill

44. A. cost                       B. spent                    C. took                     D. spared

45. A. programmes           B. home                    C. drinks                   D. rest

46. A. draw                     B. pay                      C. fix                       D. force

47.A. kept                       B. stopped                 C. required               D. missed

48. A. a woman                B. a man                   C. a recorder             D. a voice

49. A. address                  B. number                 C. place                    D. service

50. A. lose                       B. leave                    C. forget                   D. destroy

51. A. trouble                  B. worry                   C. excuse                  D. reason

52. A. remember              B. see                       C. do                        D. drive

53. A. suddenly                B. certainly               C. carefully               D. luckily

54. A. mistake                  B. joke                     C. trick                     D. truth

55. A. look                      B. come                    C. show                    D. turn




I don't think there is anything wrong with your blood .The key to your problem is that long nap after dinner .If you didn't sleep for hours during the early part of the evening ,you would be more ready to sleep at bedtime .If you didn't nap after dinner ,you would not want to stay up so late ,and you would not feel the need to take a sleeping pill .The pill is still working in your system when you get up in the morning .This helps account for the fact that you feel tired all day .You should get out of the habit of sleeping during .Right after your evening meal ,engage in some sort of physical activity ---a sport such as bowling ,perhaps or get together with friends for an evening of cards and conversation .Then go to bed at your usual time or a little earlier ,and you should be able to get a good night’s rest without taking a pill .

If you can get into the habit of spending your evenings this way ,I am sure you will feel less tired during the day .At first it may be hard for you to go sleep without taking a pill .If so ,get up and watch television or do some jobs around your house until you feel sleepy.If you fall asleep and then wake up a few hours later ,get up but do not take a sleeping pill .Read a while or listen to the radio ,and make yourself a few hours’ sleep that night, you will feel better in the morning than you usually feel afterv taking a pill.The next night you will be ready to sleep at an earlier hour .

The most important thing is to avoid taking that nap right after dinner and avoid taking pills .

 56. This passage is written to someone who ____________.

A. has a terrible disease in his blood      B.suffers from sleepless night and tired day

C.can not fall asleep in the evening        D.has no interest in playing with with friends

57.According to the writer ,it is difficult for the person to go to sleep because he ________.

A. gets the habit of staying up late        B. hasn’t taken sleeping pills       

C.sleeps for hours after dinner            D.fails to do some exercises

58. The author thinks the logical order of the following events should be________.

   a. feeling bad in the day                  b.taking sleeping pills

c.unable to fall asleep at bedtime           d. napping after dinner    

A.abcd               B.cbda             C.dcba                D.dbac

59. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

   A.Sleeping pills cannot help you get a good night’s sleep.

   B. You should stay up if you want to sleep peacefully.

   C. Food is necessary at night if you fail to go to sleep.

   D. Going to bed too early does not help you sleep well.

60. We may infer that the author is most probably a ________.

  A.  doctor        B. scitentist        C.reporter        D.professor 


If you do not know what to wear to attend a Chinese celebration, something red is always the right choice on such occasions. The red color is always associated with "happiness and good fortune" . The Chinese people enjoy decorating their houses with something red. The bride wears a traditional Chinese wedding dress in red on her wedding day (though probably influenced by the western customs she would wear white wedding dress at the beginning of the celebration). Unlike the implication of red to anger, danger and the unreasonable outburst of emotions in the West, such as the expressions like: be a red rag to a bull; to see red; to see the red light; to paint the town red; red in tooth and claw etc. the red always carries positive meanings in China.

The next color used to be very special is yellow, which is similar to the color of earth and soil since earth and soil were very important to people. Yellow used to be the fashionable color used by the Emperors in China.

Another favorite color is green, which represents life and energy, while black and white are associated with death. Don't wear a black dress to attend the wedding or a birthday party. Wearing white headdress (头饰) indicates that someone in your home recently dies.

Probably black is also associated with darkness. The Chinese like to refer to things illegally done "black", for example, "black money" and "black market". And "black heart" refers to someone really bad.

The indirect meanings of colors are obvious in the costumes of traditional Chinese operas. Red indicates loyalty and courage; black represents honesty and fairness; yellow clothing signifies royalty and white to purity.

Don't wear a green hat on any occasion in your daily life. "Wearing a green hat" is a Chinese idiom referring to one's wife has committed adultery. A husband wearing a green hat seems to claim that his wife is an adulteress. Therefore don't make yourself a standing joke.

61. Compared with that in the West, red color in China usually indicates____.

 A. anger     B. danger        C. justice        D. luck

62. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. White has a positive meaning in Chinese opera.

B. Yellow used to be fashionable among working people.

C. Red was a major color usually used by the Emperor.

D. Green is a color always carrying a negative meaning.

63.People wearing ____ are welcomed in a birthday party.

A. a black suit    B. a white headdress      C. a. red dress     D. a green hat

64. The article is written to tell us mainly about____.

A. the different categories of colors       B. the cultural meanings of colors

C. the historical development of colors    D. the history of color concepts


“Keep your eyes on the ball.” That is good advice when you are on the playing field, and good advice for everyday life. “Keep your mind on what’s important,” is the way I’d put it. But people are funny.They think too much about the details.

I had a secretary once. She was very hardworking. I ran a school and people used to call up to enroll for courses. Berry used to get angry at the phone. “If they keep on ringing, I’ll never get my typing done!” she’d shout.

People just don’t see the big picture. One evening, after leaving work, I was sitting next to a man on the train. I was feeling tired. My eyes fell on the paper spread out in front of him. You know how you feel to read over someone’s shoulder?

I read the page and leaned back. I guessed I was waiting for him to turn it. After a while, I realized―he wasn’t turning the page. He just kept on reading.

Now if you knew the rag he was reading, you’d know that there weren’t many words on the page to read anyway. The layout was mostly pictures. So I turned to the man and said,” You know, you really read very slowly.”

“What do you mean ?” he asked. “Well,” I told him, “I read the page in about a minute, and you have taken about ten. And you are still reading. You know,” I went on “If you learned to read faster, you could get more reading done.” He remained silent for a minute or two. “If I read too fast, my paper wouldn’t last me to my station.”

65. What did the secretary think of the students calling up to enroll?

       A.She thought they needed her help.

       B.She thought getting more students enrolled was more important.

       C.She thought her work was more important.

       D.She thought her boss needed her typing finished soon.

66. The writer wasn’t satisfied with his secretary because ___.

       A.she didn’t put first thing first                B.she was too busy

       C.she was easy to get angry                      D.she couldn’t finish her work on time

67. The train rider read newspaper ___.

       A.to absorb information  B. to enjoy pictures   C. to save time      D. to kill time

68. The writer thinks that people seem to need a sense of ___.

       A.what to read first     B. how to read fast    C. what is important   D. what is funny


    In the U.S.,the public has tended to believe that all motorcycles are ridden by wild,irresponsible lawless young men.

  There are several things about motorcycling that the average citizen dislikes.A cyclist’s appearance has something to do with this dislike.Motorcyclists frequently look dirty;in fact,they are dirty.On the road there is little to protect them from mud,crushed insects and bird droppings.For practical reasons they often dress in old clothing which looks much less respectable than the clothing of people who ride in cars.For the same reason motorcyclists usually wear dark colors.Perhaps this helps to explain why they are sometimes suspected of having evil natures.In old plays of long ago,evil characters usually wore black.In cowboy movies the“bad guys”usually wear black hats while the“good guys”wear lighter colors.Something else about their appearance makes an unfavorable impression.In their practical,protective clothing they look very much like the men on military motorcycles in the movies of World War II―cruel enemies who roared into peaceful villages filling people’s hearts with fear.

    Probably the machine itself also produces anger and fear.Motorcycles are noisy,though some big trucks are even noisier.But trucks are big and carry heavy loads;they are accepted(if not really welcomed)because they perform a needed service,making America move.Motorcycles,on the other hand,make all unpleasant noise just to give their riders pleasure.That is what is commonly thought.In the woods motorcycles frighten animals.Roaring along quiet streets,they wake sleeping families and make babies cry.

    Of course the danger of motorcycling also helps account for many people’s low opinion of the sport.Its defenders,however,claim that careful cyclists are in less danger than commonly believed.

A cyclist must drive as if everybody around him wanted to kill him.He must pay careful attention to his driving.From that point of view.a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car.

69.According to the passage.the average Americans believe that ___________.

    A.motorcyclists are all blue―collar workers

    B.motorcycling has become one of America’s most popular sports

    C.only wild,irresponsible,lawless young men enjoy motorcycling

    D.motorcyclists can’t afford to buy cars

70.From the passage we know that good characters of old American movies_______________.

    A.usually wore lighter colors        B.had no difference from evil characters

    C.1ooked gracious                D.often rode horses

71.It can be inferred that ________.

    A.there existed different opinions towards motorcycling sport

    B.all good guys in cowboy movies wear white

    C.animals in the woods like motorcycles because motorcyclists usually feed crushed insects to hem

    D.motorcycles will make noise as soon as people go to sleep

72.Some people claim that a man on a motorcycle is safer than a man in a car because _____________.

    A.car race is a sport with several disadvantages

    B.motorcyclists must drive very carefully

    C.most people want to keep a distance from the dirty motorcycles for fear that they should lose dignity

    D.motorcycles tend to be accepted by more and more people


SHANGHAI―The Chinese Shenzhou VII spacecraft lifted off at 9:07 p.m. Thursday, carrying three Chinese astronauts into space on this country's third manned space mission in five years.

The Chinese government has spent billions of dollars in recent years building up a space program, hoping to help China establish a space station by 2020 and eventually put a man onto the moon, and the accomplishments would certainly promote the country's international status.

China sent into space three experienced fighter pilots, all of them 42-year-old men. One is expected to walk in space for 30 minutes on Friday or Saturday, according to the state media. The three astronauts are carrying traditional Chinese medicine on board, in case of sickness, and their diet includes pork and beef made in a certain way.

The suit is the most complex, advanced and expensive in the world, a $4.4 million space suit designed and produced in China. The spacecraft was launched by the Long March II-F carrier rocket, which took the spacecraft into a low orbit, about 210 miles above Earth. The mission, which is being reported widely in the Chinese media, is another milestone for a country that got a late start in space exploration but is now actively launching commercial satellites, putting humans in space and even shooting down aging satellites.

" It's a great start, even though it's nowhere near what the Russians and the U.S. have accomplished with space flight," said Roger D. Launius, referring generally to China's space program.

Russia and the United States conducted their first spacewalks in 1965, and in 1969 the United States became the first country to put a person on the moon. But Michael D. Griffin, the administrator of NASA, has repeatedly warned that despite the head start by other nations, the Chinese program is moving swiftly and could overtake American efforts to return to the moon by 2020. Mr. Griffin said, "It was likely that China will be able to put people on the Moon before we will be able to get back." He added, "I admire what they have done. but I am concerned that it will leave the United States in the wake of China."

The Chinese government also hopes the national space program will aid the nation economically by helping to create technological breakthroughs that may someday be applied to computers or other digital equipment.

73. According to the passage, which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. China sent three skilled astronauts into space who are expected to walk in space.

B. Chinese scientists designed the suits and produced them on their own for astronauts.

C. The accomplishments we reach now are greater than those of the U.S and the Russians.

D. The carrier rocket flew about 210 miles to send the spacecraft into a low orbit.

74. The underlined word “milestone “in Paragraph 4 refers to _____.

A. a stone that shows the distance in miles        B. a stone that is as long as a mile

C. a length or distance unit in English            D. a historic event in the development

75. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 implies that____.

A. China will be able to put people on the Moon before, American astronauts get back

B. Americans can't sleep well because China has left them behind in space program

C. China's great achievements in national space program will leave Americans behind

D. American astronauts will leave the moon as soon as Chinese people arrive there

第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)


改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√);如有错(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。 此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。 此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。






















I was eagerly to be a volunteer and I had two interviews                                       

early in this year.Then I waited for the results.By mid―July,                                 

I still hadn’t received an answer.There are only two weeks                                      

left,but I gave up.Then,on August l,they called and said I                                   

had been chosen.1 was shocked.“Please give her a few minutes                                 

to think about it,”I said.Then I called my mom to help me buy                                  

a plane ticket.I was so exciting.I would be in Beijing the next day !                              

My task was to stand at the gate of a stadium and offered help                                           

to tourist.While working,I couldn’t watch the Games.But it was all                                 

worth it.Besides,I also got free ticket to one of the football matches.                                  



    目前,学校存在少数学生考试作弊的现象。某英文杂志社拟对此现象向中学生征文,标题为 "My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations"。














Nowadays more and more students are found to cheat in the exams._________________





1-5 CBCAC     6-10 BABCA    11-15 ACBAC   16-20 BBACB


21-25 ACABC   26-30 CBCBA    31-35 CDBCA


36-40ABCDD   41-45 BABCB   46-50 CADCB   51-55 ABDAB 


56-60BCCDA    61-65 DACBC    66-70 ADCCA   71-75ABBDC


76.eagerly----eager    77.去掉in    78. are----were  79. but -----so/and         80. her----me         81. Right     82. exciting----excited

83. offered----offer    84. tourist----tourists   85. free 前加a


One possible version:

Nowadays more and more students are found to cheat in the exams. Reasons may vary from person to person; anyway, they can be generalized as follows:

  To begin with, with endless examinations flooding in, some students may have difficulty working them out. Also, some students are too lazy to focus their attention on their study. Besides, others cheat for high scores to please their parents and teachers.

  Personally, I think it wrong to cheat in the exams in that for one thing, it goes against / breaks the rules of schools; for another, it’ll result in the crisis of one’s honesty. Therefore, we should devote ourselves to study and try to make progress with our own efforts.



1、本次书面表达是表格作文,要求学生根据表格里所提供的信息写一篇题为“My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations”的100-110字短故事,短文开头已给出。要求短文语意连贯、故事情节可适当发挥想象(但要符合逻辑、能完整表格意思),书写工整、卷面整洁。



1、  内容要点和语言20分。


2、  要点:

① 考试多而且难;  4)

② 部分学生平常不用功、懒惰,未掌握该学的;(4)

③考试时想有好的成绩来取悦父母老师 ; (4)







  另注:每个学生的写作得分按下面算式给出: 要点分(20分)+行文分(3分)+书写卷面分(1分)+词数分(1分)=总分










    第Ⅰ卷  (选择题共60分)



   物理试卷    2009.02.06













(物理)试题  2009.1










    B.用油膜法测出油分子的直径后,只要再知道油滴的摩尔质量,就能计算出阿伏加     德罗常数





A.减小        B.增大        C.先增大后减小        D.先减小后增大


16. 质量为2kg的物体在x―y平面内做曲线运动,在x方向的速度图象如图甲和y方向的位移图象如图乙所示,下列说法正确的是 






A.I1增大,I2不变,U增大    B.I1减小,I2增大,U减小

C.I1增大,I2减小,U增大    D.I1减小,I2不变,U减小








19.一列沿x轴传播的简谐横波,某一时刻的波形图象如图所示,此时图中质点P位于平衡位置下方,速度大小为v,方向沿y轴正方向,经过0.2 s质点P的速度大小和方

向第一次跟v相同,再经过1.0 s,质点P的速度大小和方向第二次跟v相同,则有  

  A.波沿ox轴负方向传播,波速为7.5 m/s

  B.波沿ox轴正方向传播,波速为5 m/s

  C.经过0.1 s,离P点水平距离为3 m的质点都达到平衡位置

  D.经过0.5 s,离P点水平距离为3 m的质点都达到平衡位置








21. 如图所示,一轻弹簧左端固定在长木板M的左端,右端与小木块m连接,且mMM与地面间接触光滑.开始时,mM均静止,现同时对mM施加等大反向的水平恒力F1F2,从两物体开始运动以后的整个过程中,弹簧形变不超过弹弹性限度.对于mM和弹簧组成的系统

A. 由于F1F2等大反向,故系统机械能守恒

B. 当弹簧弹力大小与F1F2大小相等时,Mm的动能都为零

C. 由于F1F2大小不变,所以mM各自一直做匀加速运动

D. 由于F1F2等大反向,故系统的动量始终为零













(2)在“测定金属的电阻率”的实验中,被测金属丝的电阻大约为6 Ω。现先用刻度尺测出金属丝的长度l;接着用螺旋测微器测量金属丝直径d,其刻度位置如图甲所示;再用伏安法测出金属丝两端的电压U和通过金属丝的电流I,计算出它的电阻;最后根据电阻定律计算出该金属材料的电阻率。

①从图甲中读出金属丝的直径d为                 mm。


直流电源E:电动势约4.5 V,内阻很小;

电流表A1:量程0~0.6 A,内阻为0.125 Ω;

电流表A2:量程0~3.0 A,内阻为0.025 Ω;

电压表V1:量程0~3 V,内阻为3 kΩ;

电压表V2:量程0~15 V,内阻为15 kΩ;

滑动变阻器R1:最大阻值10 Ω,允许通过的最大电流为0.2 A;

滑动变阻器R2:最大阻值20 Ω,允许通过的最大电流为1.0 A;


   要求有较高的测量精度,并能测得多组数据。在可供选择的器材中,应该选用的电流表是          ,应选用的电压表是              ,应该选用的滑动变阻器是         


④写出用测得的物理量表示的计算电阻率的表达式(用字母表示): ρ=     


23. (16分)中国首个月球探测计划“嫦娥工程”预计在2017年送机器人上月球,实地采样送回地球,为载人登月及月球基地选址做准备.设想我国宇航员随“嫦娥”号登月飞船绕月球飞行,飞船上备有以下实验仪器:A.计时表一只,B.弹簧秤一把,C.已知质量为m的物体一个,D.天平一台(附砝码一盒).在飞船贴近月球表面时可近似看成绕月球做匀速圆周运动,宇航员测量出飞船在靠近月球表面的圆形轨道绕行N圈所用的时间为t.飞船的登月舱在月球上着陆后,遥控机器人利用所携带的仪器又进行了第二次测量,利用上述两次测量所得的物理量可出推导出月球的半径和质量.(已知万有引力常量为G),要求:




24.(19分)在直角坐标系的第Ⅱ象限和第Ⅳ象限中的直角三角形区域内,分布着磁感应强度均为B的匀强磁场,方向分别垂直纸面向外和向里。某一带正电粒子A1,由静止开始经加速电压为U的电场(图中未画出)加速后,从纵坐标为a的M处平行于x轴向右运动,通过第Ⅱ象限的匀强磁场区域后,在坐标原点O处与静止在该点的粒子A 2发生了对心正碰,碰后它们结合在一起进入第Ⅳ象限,碰撞前后它们的运动轨迹如图所示。若两个粒子的质量相等且均可视为质点、重力不计、碰撞过程中无电荷量损失。










25.(20分) 如图所示,光滑水平地面上放有一长木板,其质量为M,长度3.0 m 的右端紧靠台阶,上表面与台阶平齐。上放有一质量为的滑块。现有一质量也为的滑块A从1.0 m高的斜面顶端由静止滑下,然后冲上木板,(转角处速度大小不变,只改变方向;转角的大小可忽略)但最终A恰好未能撞上C。设A与其接触面间的动摩擦因数均为μ=0.25,滑块A的起始位置与木板右端的水平距离0.8 m,此过程中C与B恰好不发生相对滑动,不计滑块A、C的大小。已知,取g=10m/s2


















