0  1226  1234  1240  1244  1250  1252  1256  1262  1264  1270  1276  1280  1282  1286  1292  1294  1300  1304  1306  1310  1312  1316  1318  1320  1321  1322  1324  1325  1326  1328  1330  1334  1336  1340  1342  1346  1352  1354  1360  1364  1366  1370  1376  1382  1384  1390  1394  1396  1402  1406  1412  1420  3002 




6ec8aac122bd4f6e1,下面关于2006年城市化水平的叙述正确的是(  )

A 全国平均城市化水平低于40%

B 东西部地带城市化水平均低于全国平均值

C 中部地带城市化水平最接近全国平均值

D 东部地带城市化水平比中部地带高20%

2 ,1992―2000年期间各地带城市化水平的描述

    不正确的是(  )

A 各地带城市化水平不断升高

B 东部地带城市化水平变幅最大

C 中部地带城市化水平大部分年份低于全国


D 全国城市化水平达到中等发达国家水平

3,关于图1中信息的描述可信的是(  )

A 1978―2006年期间,中西部地带城市化增长幅度基本相当

B 中部地带与全国城市化水平相等是在1998年

C 2000年西部城市化水平为35%

D 东部地带在2000―2006年期间城市化水平增长最快



4,关于图中我国重要铁路线,下列说法正确的是(   )

A   2号铁路经过商丘市

B   2号铁路经过我国中部两大城市群

C   3号铁路的修建主要是发展旅游的需要

D   3号铁路经过的湖北省是我国人口最多的省

5,关于图中A 、D所在的东西向的铁路的说法不正确的是(  )

A  向西经过陕西省南部

B  经过秦岭南麓

C  D城市为武汉市

D  D点以西铁路为襄愈线

6,图中B、C所在两个省成为我国重酸雨危害区之一的主要原因是(  )

   A  人口众多,生活耗能较大

   B  地形不利于污染气体扩散

   C  有色金属冶炼工业发达

   D  人为植被破坏严重

7,下列有关图中河流的描述正确的是(  )

   A  河流航运万吨船舶只能到达宜昌

   B  梅雨期为7 、8月份

   C  湖泊终年补给河流

   D  依靠便利的水路交通,河流沿岸形成我国三大城市带之一


8,下列说法不正确的是(   )

  A  A点纬度为66°34′N     B  C点地方时可能为12:00

  C  B的昼长可达24小时      D  A点自转速度为0

9,若晨昏线的最北点位于C点时,下列月份和D点日出时间可能的是(  )

  A  10月  5:00     B  12月   3:00

  C   6月  7:00     D   1月   9:00

10,6月22日这天,下列说法可信的是(   )

  A  A点比C点日出早      

B  图中各点观察者看到太阳从东北升起,西北降落

  C  若C点纬度数为78°17′,此日其太阳高度变幅为23°26′

  D  B点日出比D点早30分钟

11,若晨昏线最北点从B向C移动,且D点日出时间越来越早,可信的是(   )

  A  正是到南极科考的最佳时节                B 北京香山枫叶正红

  C  北半球苔原带驯鹿大量向北迁移            D 澳大利亚大陆北部吹东南季风









(1).图中国家南部的大洋洋流成因与__________有关,洋流运动方向的特点为___    ______,影响我国的台风大多出现在         季节。(6分)

(2)分别描述A 、B两区域等值线分布规律,并说明原因?(10分)

(3)说出D区域和 E岛屿分别面临的环境问题,并解释D区域环境问题产生的原因?(10分)





        水 立 方                                  鸟  巢

(1)奥林匹克精神传到中国属于文化扩散中的         扩散,奥运会期间一些外国游客将奥运福娃作为纪念品带回祖国,并以福娃为例向周围的人介绍北京奥运会文化,这属于文化扩散中的           扩散。(4分)

(2)材料二中的奥运场馆成为北京新的旅游景点、旅游热点,游客络绎不绝,这体现出旅游资源的                         等特性。(6分)

(3)为主办奥运会而修建的京津城际铁路的主导因素是              (2分),奥运会为京津地区旅游业的发展带来哪些影响?(8分)

















2.可能用到的相对原子质量:  H―1 C―12   N―14  O―16   Al―27












(考试时间:150分钟  满分:150分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)


1 选择题用答题卡的考生,答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、试题科目用2B铅笔涂写在答题卡上学科网(Zxxk.Com)

2 选择题用答题卡的考生,在答卷时,每小时选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷和答题卷的选择题栏中;不用答题卡的考生,在答卷时,每小题选出答案后,填在答题卷相应的选择题栏上。学科网(Zxxk.Com)

3 答卷时,考生务必将自己的学校、姓名、考点、准考证号填在答题卷相应的位置;答题时,请用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔直接答在答题卷上,不要在试题卷上答题。学科网(Zxxk.Com)


第I卷  阅读题(66分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)




第I卷(三部分 ,共115分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)




1.           Where does the conversation most likely take place?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, In a bank              B. In a bakery,            C In a post office,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

2.What seems to be the man’s problem?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, He’s tired              B. He ‘s ill,              C. He’s thirsty学科网(Zxxk.Com)

3.What would most probably happen after this conversation?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A. The woman would leave with her friend.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B. The man would refuse the woman’s request,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C. The woman would sit together with her friend,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

4. What day of the week will the magazine probably arrive?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A. Tuesday,               B, Wednesday,             C Thursday学科网(Zxxk.Com)

5.How does the woman find the way to lose weight through operation?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, Acceptable             B, Frightening,            C. Ridiculous学科网(Zxxk.Com)



6.How many rooms does the flat have?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, Two               B。 Three                C, Four学科网(Zxxk.Com)

7.According to the conversation, what else should the woman pay for besides the rent?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A , Heat and gas,        B, Electricity and phone          C. Heat and electricity学科网(Zxxk.Com)

8.What can we learn from the conversation?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A , The woman is interested in the flat学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B .The woman is going to buy the flat,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C . The woman can’t afford the rent,’学科网(Zxxk.Com)


9.What does the woman think the weather will be like in the afternoon?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A ,Foggy,               B, Clear,                C Windy学科网(Zxxk.Com)

10.How will the man get the weather informantion?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, He will make a telephone call,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B ,He will ask the weatherman学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C .He will listen to the radio学科网(Zxxk.Com)

11.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, Teacher and student            B Classmates,           C, Parent and son学科网(Zxxk.Com)


12.Who is the woman speaking to ?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, A policeman,                  B, A bank clerk         C A manager学科网(Zxxk.Com)

13.What was the woman doing when the robbery happened?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A She was walking by the bank学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B She was collecting her money 学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C She was running past the old man.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

14.Which of the following statements is TRUE?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A The old man fell down and lost his bag.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B The polic came in time to stop the robbery,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C The young man was caught and sent to the police.学科网(Zxxk.Com)


15.Where is the man calling?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A  At the airport             B, At the bus stop        C, On the highway学科网(Zxxk.Com)

16.What does the operator tell the man to do ?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A , To stay there and do nothing ,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B To take care of the lady,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C To take the lady to a hospital.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

17.What can we learn from the coversation?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A The man doesn’t know the lady in his car,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B The lady is unwilling to tell her name.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C The man is too nervous to help the lady.学科网(Zxxk.Com)


18.What is NOT the reason to explain why cars are popular in the United States?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A The U.S is very large and Americans like to travel around.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B The US has a good and cheap system of public transprotation学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C Americans like to be independent and arrange their own time,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

19.What would be the solution to the problem of gas shortage?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A , A new kind of gas-saving car.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B A good system of air ?service学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C A bigger system of public transprotation学科网(Zxxk.Com)

20.What can be concluded from the passage?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A It’s common for Americans to take long-distance trains学科网(Zxxk.Com)

B Americans like to travel freely and comfortably in their cars学科网(Zxxk.Com)

C Most Americans choose to move around the country by plane学科网(Zxxk.Com)


第一节  语法和词汇知识 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)学科网(Zxxk.Com)


21.If I were in       position of the mayor .,I wouldn’t allow        factory like this standing in the center of the town学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A a; the               B, the ;\           C  the ; a       D. \ ; the 学科网(Zxxk.Com)

22.Many people can not learn any lessons from the mistakes          they get hurt somehow.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A  whether           B unless            C if           D when学科网(Zxxk.Com)

23. Peter didn’t do his homework and then he           a silly excuse to his teacher.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A ,made              B had              C found          D took学科网(Zxxk.Com)

24.          and guilty , Maggie put the book bock on the shelf she had secretly placed in her schoolbag.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A Frightened        B Frightening        C Being frightened     D To be frightening学科网(Zxxk.Com)

25.The boy keeps coughing. And the doctor tells the parents it still needs more time to       the reason,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A put off            B, figure out          C make up          D, look through学科网(Zxxk.Com)

26.The victims fo the domestic violence,          were often silent in the past, now choose to call for various helps.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A ones             B those             C who             D that学科网(Zxxk.Com)

27.Each time invited to a dinner, she always refuses          she has to take care of hre baby.学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A to say           B saying             C says           D having said学科网(Zxxk.Com)

28.I cought a bad cold the other day and my weekend         学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A has ruined        B had runied        C has been ruined     D had been ruined学科网(Zxxk.Com)

29.I tried more than once jto persuade the taxi driver to slow down, but he just          listen学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A should’t         B mustn’t           C couldn’t             D wouldn’t学科网(Zxxk.Com)

30.          the climate changes so much has caused many discussions among the scientists学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A What            B Which            C When           D That学科网(Zxxk.Com)

31.I have been fortunate to find a career that I love and          ,I can walk to work wihtin 10minutes .学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A what is more     B  in other words     C as a result     D, on the contrary学科网(Zxxk.Com)

32          house in this district has heating in winter seasons,学科网(Zxxk.Com)

A, No any          B, Not every           C, Not all         D, All not学科网(Zxxk.Com)

33.-Oh, you haven’t read my e-mail?学科网(Zxxk.Com)

-Sorry, I haven’t had any         to the computer these days.

A , aids             B, basis             C, access        D beliefs

34.Having failed in many attempts ,the bird         managed to escape from the cage.

A suddenly          B, naturally          C immediately       D eventually

35.-          you got to know I traveled to USA

-Through one of your colleagues

A Where it was that                B when it was that  

C How was it that                  D,Why was it that




From behind a small kitchen door , I watched grandma’s hands, which seem never to be tiring of the repetition. The bony but   36   fingers took strange, different vegetables and     what   37  seemed to be a mess on the kitchen table.

Standing in front of an ancient stove, with her   38   to me ,she mumbled,”Ni you chang yi dian mah? “ then she turned.   39    my reply, My eyes focused on the gray vegetable soup cooked in a(n)   40  that she held out to me.

“Bu yao, Xie,xie.”i responded, along with asking  41    the nearest restroom was , I knew how to   42   an offer,

That vegetable soup showed up at dinner that night   43  a bit spicy smell, When everyone settled down to eat, Grandma, a shy woman of   44   words , started serving that dish that I had 45   suspiciously(怀疑的) a few hours earlier, My parents and Grandpa, whose eyes shining behind outdated square   46    ,happily accepted it , Then she stopped  47    me.

I moved  48   in my chair, feeling the unease of the moment , Grandma held out the serving spoon and smiled   49   by her small gesture of love, I looked up and found that she has black  50   like mine and a slightly upturned nose with a strong   51    , much like the one my dad  52  make fun at during my childhood, Her earnest eyes stared into my own as I slowly   53  my head.

 “Xie xie “ I said , She   54  a smile.. I tried the dish she had lovingly and painstakingly prepared in the bamboo, surprisingly discovering Grandma’s soup unbelievably   55   !

37.A, mixed           B, created             C, threw         D cleaned

38. A back            B face                C  front         D hand

39.A waiting          B considering          C expecting       D ignoring

40.A stove            B pan                 C bamboo        D oven

41.A what            B which              C how             D where

42. A refuse           B recognize           C accept          D appreciate

43.A giving of         B giving back          C giving out       D giving away

44A .little            B many                C few            D much

45.A tested           B tried                C objected          D witnessed

46.A table            B glasses             C chair              D  curtain

47.A to              B at                   C in               D for

48A .cheerfully       B confidently            C constantly       D uncomfortably

49A .Excited         B Shocked             C Encouraged      Disppointed

50.A shoes          B pants                C skirts           D  eyes,

51.A bridge         B mouth               C edge             D teeth

52.A should        B would                C  could           D  might

53. Araised        B lowered               Cnodded            D turned

54.Acame to       B broke into              C turned out         D showed off

55.Abitter         B smelly                C spicy              D  tasty


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。用答题卡的考生,先把选出的最佳选项标在试卷的相应位置,再转涂到答题看上。


A few days ago, Daniel bought six packages of ink for his printer, Then he found a deal on better ink at the local computer store, So Daniel went back to the $1 Store to exchange the ink for some other items

He put the ink into a plastic bag and tied it up, When he entered the store, he immediately showed the bag to a clerk and told her that he was returning some items, but she was obviously very busy, Then without thinking much, Daniel put the bag into a cart and started shopping,’

He was making his way through the crowed when a female employee suddenly yelled to stop him. He was told not to be allowed to carry a plastic bag of items around in the store and his bag should be checked.

Daniel was astonished, There was no need for her to yell, He opened the bag and showed her receipt.”I ‘m returning these to exchange for some other items,”Daniel said,

You should learn how to follow store regulations, Leave this bag here with the clerk. You can have it back when you check out.”

学科网(Zxxk.Com)Daniel was embarrassed and did as told to. He felt like a shoplifter, By the time Daniel had finished shopping and exchanged the items, he was angrym He went looking for her. He wanted an apology, He found her finally and asked what her name was, She yelled at him again, “Ursula!”

and stormed away,

     When Daniel got home, he called the store’s headquater, He described his unpleasant experience, A customer service representative responded,”We will not tolerate such behavior, Give me your phone number and I will call you back.”

     Two days later, Daniel received a phone call from the representative, “I ‘m sorry.” She said, “but there’s no one at that store named Ursula, Can you describe her?” I ‘ll find out who she is . We do no tolerate rude behavior, nor do we tolerate lying to customers,”

     By this time, Daniel had calmed down , so he told the representative to forget about it,

56.Daniel wanted to exchange the ink for some other items because he found      

   A , the ink was much expensive     B. he didn’t need so many packages

   C it could not match his printer    D, there was better ink in another store

57.It can be inferred that                 

A the $ 1 Store had a very good business,    B, the clerks in the $ 1 store were impolite

C the $ 1 Store sold items of poor quality    D, check-out items couldn’t be exchanged

58.Which of the following is the right order according to the story?

a. Daniel found he was cheated

b,He left this bag with the clerk

c. Daniel finished shopping and exchanged the items

d.A female employee stopped him and yelled at him

e. Daniel called the store’s headquarter,

A.a d c b e        B d b c e a            C  b c d e a        D  c b d a e

59.At the end of the story,           

A Ursula was found out and lost her jot,    B no one at that store did that to Daniel

C The representative forgot the matter,     D, Daniel forgave the female employee



Children become more generous as they get older, learning the principles of equality by the age of eight, That may no tbe too surprising to anyone who has kids.

Humans are born with a sense of faimess that most other animals seem not to share, but it ‘s not been clear exactly when this concept starts to develop.

Dr.Alva Zhao and her colleagues conducted a series fo tests to measure just how much children care about equality at different ages, In three different versions of a game , children were asked to choose between two ways of sharing a number fo sweets with themselves and an unfamiliar partner, They could choose, for example, between one for and one for you , or just having one for themselves.

At the age of three, children were”almost completely selfish”, says Zhao, They refused to give sweets away even if it made no difference to themselves, But by the age of eight, children generally preferred the fair option, sharing a prize equally rather than keeping it all to themselves,

Several other factors influenced how fair the children were, The team found that children without brothers or sisters were 28% more likely to share than children with brothers or sisters, On the other hand, the youngest children in a family were 17% less willing to share than children who had only younger brother or sister,

In addition, if children knew that their partner was from the same palygroup or school, they were more conerned about being fair, This suggests that being nice to people you know is something that develops a sense of equality.

60.The main idea of the first paragraph is             

A. parents know clearly when their kids are more willing to share

B the kid’s willingness of sharing si learned from their family

C the older the kids are, the more selfish they will become

D kids become more generous when they reach a certain age

61. The tests conducted by Dr,Alva Zhao and her colleagues were aimed at            

A how kids develop a quality of fairness in games

B children’s awarness of equality at different ages

C the reasons why children care about equality

D children’s attiudes towards other partners

62.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A Children under three know little about being fair

B Children above eight years old become less selfish

C Children with brothers or sisters tend to be more generous

D The youngest child in a family tends to be less generous

63.We can learn that children care more about equality while with             

A . unknown people    B, nice people     C,familiar people    D, fair people



Concerns about unhealthy eating at school and evidence of rising obesity (肥胖) as well as illness in America’s young people have led to a new kind of food fight in U.S schools

The efforts to turn schools into healthy eating spots have been encouraged by reports from the medical community that America’s children are growing fatter and sicker, According to the Centers for Disease Control,the number of overweight children aged form 6 ot 10 has more than doubled in the last 20 years while the number of overweight teenagers aged 11―19 has more than 3 times, Equally troubling, related health problems. Are increasingly being seen in children and adults,

The front line has been a battle against sweet soda drinks in school vending machines(自动售货机).but now a growing army that includes parents, physicians and government officials is working to wipe out such lunchroom foods as cheese pizza ,corn-dogs and French fries, They also want to stop teachers from handing out candy in classroom.

Opposition to the change is strong, Many school leaders say kids reject unfamiliar foods and demand familiar ones like hamburgers ,French fries and hotdogs, Schools say they need the money that vending machine contracts provide, Teachers clairn that children are more cager to learn if offered candy and pizza parites. Such opposition killed a bill proposed in Kansas this year that would have required healthy foods and drinks in school vending machines and would have banned teachers from handing out candy as a reward for good schoolwork.

64.The passage is mainly about          

A the conern about unhealthy food and obesity

B a fight against unhealthy food in US schools

C how ot turn schools into healthy eating spots.

D a fierce battle agianst vending machines

65.The data given in the 2nd paragraph show that             

A children gain weight faster than adults

B adults gain weight faster than children

C teenager’s obesity rate is growing faster than that of small children

D small children ‘ obesity rate is growing faster than that of teenagers

66.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A Teachers hand out candy to please their studnets

B Students like to eat candy during a class break

C Students find candy very refreshing and enjoyable

D Teachers offer candy as a reward for good schoolwork

67.One of the reasons that many school leaders give for opposing is that          

A fast food is as healthy as other foods

B schools cannot introduce unfamiliar foods to kids

C schools need part of the profits retuned by contracts

D fast food is more familiar to kids than any other food



    Two thirds of teenagers in the US and Australia intend to work abroad in Europe or Asia when they leave school even though most of them speak no foreign language

Most young people think they can get by in a foreign country by speaking English, However, just weeks ago data from official GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education) showed the number of children taking formal exams in foreign languages had fellen yet again.

Although there is no intention among minsters to make foreign languages compulsory again at GCSE they are trying to encourage more language taching in primary schools , in the hope that it will make children want ot continue to GCSE level.

Nine out of ten youngsters intend to work abroad, 66% saying they want to go to countries where another language is spoken, Italy, France and China were the most popular destinations with teenagers saying they were attracted to the warmer climate and lower cost of living .,

The government will launch a new campaign to try and persuade more school pupils to take languages to GCSE, It hopes they will have been inspired by their summer holidays in Europe on beyond.

Living or workig abroad is a great way to broden your horizons, make new friends and have experiences that will benefit you throughout your life,But to really make the most of being in new and exciting places, it’s important to adapt youself to the culture ,so learning the language is really a key. Having language skills will be a huge advantage when fingding your feet in another coutry.

68. From the first two paragraphs, teenagers in the US and Australia have low interest in           

A working abroad     B,taking formal examinations

C speaking English     D, learning foreign languages

69.We can infer that youngsters intend to work in coutries like China to             

A live more comfortably      B take languages to GCSE

C learn another language     D keep themselves warm

70.Acccording to the author, to live well in another country, it is necessary to         

A broaden your horizons     B, make more new friends there

C hve more experiences    D, get familiar with its culture

71.In the passage, the author tries to          

A advice youngsters to learn foreign languages for future needs

B explain why most of yong people have intentions to work abroad

C suggest government should inspire pupils to take formal exams

D show that language skills are necessary when we work abroad



 Computer still can’t translate as accurately and artfully as people do .Many experts doubt they ever will. But some researchers have found what could be a powerful new tool for tanslations ?the World Wide Web.

“Possibly everything I ‘ve ever wanted to say is no the Web, and probably already translated on the Web,” said Edwards , a researcher at the University of Southern California.

The Web is flooded with translations of everything from novels to company documents t personal pages. Some have been translated by people ,some by translation software ,some by a combination.

Collecting the lessons suggested in Web pages may some day prove more effective at creating new translations than the current method, For now,. programmers generally collect dictionaries fo words and phrases likely to occur in the documents to be translated , along with rules to help understand an unfamiliar phrase.

This method works well enough for texts with recurring vocabularies and style , for example. Words used in weather forecasts, Dates. Stories, laws and proper nouns-a perosn named “Mike” came out as “microphone” on one Web site-are too complex.

In short .computers have little common sense, Even a child can tell from the context of a sentence whether the “bank” is a place to borrow money or to fish, but that still makes machines difficult to tell.

By surveying millions of translated pages, however, a computer could deduce(推论)that “bank”usually means a financial place when the word’accout”also is used,Every rule a computer deduces is one that doesn’t have to be programmed. To deduce those rules, a computer needs millions of examples,

This new idea faces many big problems, but the reseachers believe that the Web will help create efficient translation software sooner or later,

72.Which of the following statements about the Web in TRUE?

A The Web offers efficient translation lessons.

B Web texts are not translated by machine only

C The Web has become a powerful tool for translation

D The Web had been equipped with accurate translation software.

73.The underlined word in the ed word in the 5 th paragraph probably mesns            

A reappearing frequently   B, quite short and simple

C frequently changeable    D, similar in different language

74.The comparison made between a child and a computer indicates that            

A creating accurate translation tools is almost impossible

B translation tools are still in their early stage fo development

C the power of a computer is slightly higher than that of a child

D talented children are usually cleverer than computers

75. We may conclude from the article that usage rules              

A should be used by millions of people

B are too abundant to be programmed

C could be deduced automatically by computers

D should be programmed by language specialists





Like dogs, birds breathe in air and get oxygen to supply body tissues, while fish breathing dipends on getting oxygen from water through parts of its body.

However, bird respiration(呼吸),is different from dogs and is much more dfficient than that of other animals, The lungs take up just 2 percent of a bird ‘s body volume, yet the bird quickly takes in large amouts of oxygen and quickly removes waste and excess heat,

There are actually two respiration systems, internal and external

The external respiration system uses the lungs and a series of air saces(袋囊)distributed throughout the body so that the oxygen supply is in direct communication with body parts, Oxygen si taken in and exchanged for carbon dioxide wasted in the blood; then the carbon dioxide is moved out, So far, much like dogs.

However, in an important difference, the air flow in a bird is one way, through a series of tubes and cells,rather than two ways, in and out of the lungs, as it is in dogs. A constant stream of air goes through lungs and then is channeled through the complex system of air sacs, which also help remove excess heat, as well as through hollow bones, The gases are then channeled forward through the lungs again, then through more air sacs. Finally ending up in the windpipe , and are expelled from the body.

The air sac system is bigger than the lungs and takes up 15 percent of the chest and belly area,

Meanwhile. The bird’s great oxygen needs are also handled by the internal breathing system.The oxygen ,stored primarily in body fat tissue, is burned through the process of cell respiration, This process producs both muscular energy and heat.

How does a bird breathe?

Ways to get oxygen

For birds and dogs, by breathing in air

For fish, from(76)      through its body

Two (77)        systems

Internal and external

External respirantion system

Using the lungs and a series of air sacs

To communicate with body parts(78)      

(79)        sac system

Bigger than the lungs

Taking up a (80)       part of the chest and belly area

(81)          of bird breating

A stream of air

n         Going through lungs without (82)     

n         Being channeled through the complex system of air sacs and through(83)       


n         Being (84)       forward through the lungs again, then through more air sacs

n         (85)        in the windpipe and are expelled from the body






1.       每月按时收到资助款,非常感谢;

2.       在学校一定会努力学习,争取取得优异成绩;

3.       立志大学毕业后回川建设家乡;

4.       今后定会尽自己的力量回报社会,帮助那些需要帮助的人。


Dear MR.Wang.

I have received your letter and the living expense for this month.                    






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      A.4 s            B.5 s

      C.9 s            D.16 s

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