2. 含go的短语

① go around 到处走/跑.(疾病)流传,(谣言)传开;go after 追求;go ahead 说吧,请吧,做吧;go away 离开,出去

② go back 走网头路,翻悔改变;go bad 变坏;go boating 去划船

③ go fishing 去钓鱼;go for a walk去 散步

④ go hiking 去徒步旅行;go home 回家

⑤ go in for 喜爱,从事于;go into 进入,加入

⑥ go mad 发疯

⑦ go off 离去,去世;go on 继续,进展,依据;go on doing 继续做;go out 出去,发出去,熄灭,不时兴;go over 研究,检查,搜查

⑧ go shopping 去商店;go skating 去滑冰;go straight along 沿着;go swimming 去游泳

⑨ go through 通过,经受,仔细检查;go to bed 上床

⑩ go up 上升

⑪ go wrong 走错路,误入歧途

[例句] We'll go through the items one by one. 我们要逐条研究。She has gone back to her old habits. 她又回到了已往的习惯。Come on Sunday by yourself - we can go over the house together. 星期天你要过来.我们一起检查一下房子。His speech went on for so long that people began to fall asleep. 他的演讲持续很长时间,结果人们开始想睡。That expression has gone out. Nobody Uses it today. 那个短语已经过时了,现在没有人在用它。The young fellow hasn't realized that he has gone wrong. 这个年轻人还没有意识到他已经误入歧途。Tired of going shopping with his wife,Mr. Liu pretended to have something important to do. 厌烦与妻子一起去购物,刘先生假装有重要的事情要做。

[考例2](2004北京) I don't ____ rock' n' roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.

   A. go after     B. go away with

   C. go into     D. go in for

[考查目标] 此题主要考查四个动词短语的意思。

[答案与解析]D  go after 追求;go away with 带走;go into进入,加入;go in for 喜爱,爱好。根据句子意思“摇滚音乐太嘈杂。不合乎我的口味.所以我不喜欢”。

[考例](NMET 1998) Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ____.

   A. be put up   B. give in

   C. be turned on   D. go out


[答案与解析] D  put up 挂起;give in 屈服;turn on 打开;go out 熄灭。本句话意思是“没有人注意到贼溜进了屋子,因为灯碰巧熄灭了”。

6. take off, take down, take in, take on, take up

  (1) take off

  ① (飞机)起飞 A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down.

  ② 脱下(衣裳等);取下 He took off his wet shoes. / Who took the knob off the door?

  ③ 休假;请假;歇工 When his wife was sick he took off from work.

  ④ (指观念、产品) 大受欢迎;(事业)突然发达,成功The new type of cell phones has really taken off. / His business began to take off when he was in his forties.

  (2) take down

  ① 拿下来;取下来 He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary.

  ② 记下来 He read out the names and his secretary took them down.

  (3) take in

  ① 接受 (房客,客人等);收留 The farmers took in the lost travelers for the night.

  ② 理解;领会;明白 The boys could not take in his meaning.

 ③包括;涉及 The study of physics takes in many different subjects.

  ④使上当;欺骗We were completely taken in by her story.

  (4) take on

  ① 接受;从事(某工作) After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory.

  ② 雇用Is the supermarket taking on any more assis- tant?

  ③ 具有(新面貌、意思等) The city has taken on a new look.

  (5) take up

  ① 从事某项活动;发展某种爱好 So many young men want to take up writing.

  ② 开始做(某项工作);开始学习(某个课程) Then she took up the task of getting the breakfast. / He dropped medicine and took up physics.

  ③ 占去 (时间或空间) The meeting took up the whole morning. / The table takes up too much room.

  ④ 接受I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.

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