3. make use of 利用;使用

  He made use of every secx)nd to learn his lessons every



  If better use is made of your spare time, you will make

  great progress in it.



[考点3]含“动词 + on”的短语

① carry on 坚持下去,继续下去

② come on 来吧,跟着来,赶快

③ call on 访问,号召,邀请

④ go on 继续

⑤ go on doing 继续做

⑥ get on 上(车)

⑦ hold on 等一等,不挂断

⑧ live on 继续存在,继续活着.以……为主食,以……


⑨ knock on 敲(门、窗)

⑩ pass on 传递,转移到

⑩ put on 穿上,上演

⑥ turn on 打开

⑩ try on 试穿,试戴

⑩ depend on 依赖,依靠,取决于

⑩ test on 在……(身上)做试验

⑩ be on good terms 关系好

⑩ play a trick on sb 开某人玩笑,欺骗某人

[例句]Though tired and hungry, we carried on until we

reached camp. 尽管又累又饿,我们还是坚持到了宿营


As the years go on, we grow both wiser and sadder. 随


He put on an air of innocence, but it didn't deceive us.


Several pairs of shoes were tried on, but none of them

were satisfactory. 试穿了几双鞋,但是没有令人满意


The southerners in China mainly live on rice. 中国南方


Don't play a trick on me - I want to know the truth. 不


I call on the people of the country to work hard for na-

tional unity. 我号召本国的人民为了国家的统一而努


[考例3](2005辽宁) Could you please tell me where

you bought the shoes you ____ yesterday?

   A. tried on   B. put on

   C. had on   D. pulled on

[考查目标] 此题主要考查“动词 + on”的短语用法。

[答案与解析]C  句子的意思明显是表达“穿”的意思

(表状态)。而try on 的意思是“试穿”,put on 的意思是

“穿”。但强调的是动作,pull on 也表穿戴的意思,表动



① come back 回来

② bring sb back 送回某人

③ bring...back to life 使苏醒,使生动,使活泼

④ bring back 拿回来,使恢复。使回想起

⑤ go back 回去

⑥ get...back 退还,送回去,取回

⑦ get back 回来,取回

⑧ date back to 回溯至,追溯到

⑨ take back 收回,取回

⑩ keep back 隐瞒不讲,扣留,阻止

⑩ hold bac k阻止

[例句] Her stay among the mountains brought her back

to health. 她在山中逗留使得她恢复了健康。

This custom dates back to the Tang Dynasty. 这种风俗


I apologize to you, now I will take back what I said. 我


He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something

back. 他也许在说实话,但是他在隐瞒什么。

His story brought back our happy childhood together.


[考例2](2004 全国卷I) You can take anything from

the shelf and read, but pleas ____ the books when

you've finished with them.

   A. put on   B. put down

   C. put back   D. put off

[考查目标] 此题主要考查put短语的用法。

[答案与解析]C  put on 穿戴,上演;put down 记下,放

下;put back 放回原处;put off 推迟。本句话的意思是“从



10. look on...as 把……看作

   They all look on him as a member of their family.


   Don't look on him as a child. He is old enough to look

   after himself.


   [词组] look after 照料

   look back (与on, to连用) 回想;记起;停滞不前

   took down on 轻视;看不起

   look forward to 盼望;期待

   look in 顺便看望;短暂访问

   look on (常与as连用)旁观;看作(=look upon)

   look out 注意;找出;挑选出

   look over 翻阅;浏览;检查

   look up 好转;在书中查到;寻访到;探访(某人)

   look up to 尊敬


① look the same 看起来一样

② look after 照料,照看

③ look at 看

④ look for 寻找

⑤ look over (仔细)检查

⑥ look up 向上看,查找,查寻,改善

⑦ look on...as... 把……看作

⑧ look out 留神,注意

⑨ look like 看起来像

⑩ look through 浏览,细看

⑩ look on 旁观

⑩ look into 调查

⑩ look (a) round 环顾四周

⑩ look down 俯视

[例句] He looked over the food in the refrigerator and

found that he had eaten up all the eggs and butter. 他查



The weather is looking up, so we may go out this

coming Sunday. 天气在好转,所以我们这周日也许能出


There were signs everywhere warning people to look

OUt for falling rocks. 到处都有牌子,提醒人们当心岩石


We look on Kong Fansen as a model for us to learn

from. 我们把孔繁森当作我们学习的楷模。

[考例1](NMET 1 990) ____ this book and tell me

what you think of it.

   A. Look through   B. Look on

   C. Look into   D. Look up


[答案与解析]A  look through 浏览,细看;look on 旁

观;look into 调查;look up 向上看,查找,查寻,改善。


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