摘要: custom, habit (1) custom 指传统风俗.习俗.也可指生活习惯.后接不定式.They broke some of the old customs. / It is the custom in China to eat dumplings during the spring Festival. (2) habit 指个人生活习惯.“(有)养成--习惯 常 用be in / fall into / get into / form / have the habit of doing sth. 句型,“戒掉--习惯 常用 give up / kick / break away from / get out of the habit of doing sth. 句型.It's easy to get into a bad habit but its hard to give it up. / The drug easily get one into the habit of smoking.


I was 14 when Mr. Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacred Heart. Okla. The old farmer   36  about a mile away and needed an assistant to help out grass. It was the first time I had been actually   37  for work.
Mr. Ingram was   38  with the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potatoes. I even   39  when a   40  cow was being born.
One day he found an old truck that was   41  in the   42 , sandy soil of the melon field. Was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck.
Mr. Ingram explained that the truck's owner would be returning soon, and he wanted me to   43   the truck and lean(倚靠) against it. Soon a man from a nearby village, who had a terrible   44  for fighting and stealing,   45   with his two full – grown sons. They looked   46  .
While   47   Mr. Ingram said, “Well, I see you want to buy some   48  .”
There was a long silence   49   the man answered, “Yeah, I guess so. What are you getting for them?”
“Three dollars each,”   50  said immediately. “Well, I guess that would be   51   enough if you help me get my truck out of here,” the man bargained.
It   52  out to be our biggest sale of the summer, and an unpleasant, perhaps unfortunate incident had been   53  . After they left, Mr. Ingram smiled and said to me, “Son, if you don’t   54   your enemies, you’re going to run out of friends.” Mr. Ingram died a few years later, but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me   55   my first job.
36.A.covered    B.went  C.lived D.ran
37.A.charged    B.paid  C.inquired    D.blamed
38.A.strict B.disappointed     C.unsatisfied       D.content
39.A.assisted     B.disturbed  C.included   D.existed
40.A.father       B.mother     C.baby  D.brother
41.A.struck       B.dropped    C.fallen       D.stuck
42.A.soft   B.hard  C.smooth     D.tough
43.A.glare at     B.watch       C.spot   D.stare at
44.A.honor       B.custom     C.reputation D.habit
45.A.took down       B.showed up       C.set out      D.broke up
46.A.sad   B.angry       C.happy       D.pleased
47.A.hardly      B.anxiously  C.calmly      D.noisily
48.A.truck B.watermelons     C.tomatoes   D.grass
49.A.before      B.after  C.since D.unless
50.A.they  B.the sons    C.I      D.the farmed
51.A.expensive B.sure   C.friendly    D.fair
52.A.turned      B.came C.broke       D.stood
53.A.caused      B.postponed C.prevented  D.cancelled
54.A.hate  B.forgive     C.admire      D.abandon
55.A.under       B.below       C.off    D.on


“Have a nice day!” may be a pleasant gesture or a meaningless expression. When my friend Maxie says “have a nice day” with a smile, I know she sincerely cares about what happens to me. I feel loved and secure since another person cares about me and wishes me well.

“Have a nice day. Next!” this version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out of the door. The words come out in the same tone (腔调)with a fixed procedure. They are spoken at me, not to me. Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone else’s is the management’s attempt to increase business.

The expression is one of those behaviors that help people get along with each other. Sometimes it indicates the end of a meeting. As soon as you hear it, you know the meeting is at an end. Sometimes the expression saves us when we don’t know what to say. “oh, you just had a tooth out? I’m terribly sorry, but have a nice day.”

The expression can be pleasant. If a stranger says “Have a nice day!” to you, you may find it heart-warming because someone you don’t know has tried to be nice to you.

Although the use of the expression is an insincere, meaningless social custom at times, there is nothing wrong with the sentence except that it is a little uninteresting. The salesgirl, the waitress, the teacher, and all the countless others who speak it without thinking may not really care about my day. But in a strange and comfortable way, it’s nice to know they care enough to pretend they care when they really don’t care all that much. While the expression may not often be sincere, it is always spoken. The point is that people say it all the time when they like.

1.How does the author understand Maxie’s word?

A. Maxie shows her anxiety to the author.

B. Maxie really wishes the author a good day.

C. Maxie encourages the author to stay happy.

D. Maxie really worries about the author’s security.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. The salesgirl is rude.  B. The salesgirl is bored.

C. The salesgirl cares about me.  D. The salesgirl says the words as a routine.

3.By saying “Have a nice day,” a stranger may______.

A. try to be polite to you          B. express respects to you

C. give his blessing to you         D. share his pleasure with you.

4.According to the last paragraph, people say “Have a good day” __________

A. sincerely    B. as thanks     C. as a habit    D. encouragingly

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. Have a Nice Day---- a Social Custom

B. Have a Nice Day----- a pleasant Gesture

C. Have a Nice Day----- a heart-warming Greeting

D. Have a Nice Day----- a polite ending of a Conversation



There have been great changes in the lives of women. During the twentieth century ,there was an unusual shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have about eight children, of whom about five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by household appliances(家用电器) and convenience(方便) foods.

This important change in women’s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards, return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home, according to the abilities and interest of each them.

1.Women marrying at the end of the 19th century ________.

A. would have fewer children than those today.

B. would have more children than those today.

C. lived as hard as those in the 20th century

D. lived more comfortably than those in the 20th century

2. According to the passage, a woman in the 19th century would likely to have about eight children and _______.

A. only about three of them could live more than five years old.

B. only about three of them could live for five years.

C. about eight children lived to be more than five years.

D. about eight children lived to be less than five years.

3. From the second paragraph, we know _______.

A. women today are not willing to run their home together with their husbands.

B. women today wouldn’t like to do any housework.

C. women today will return to work after they have their babies.

D. were unlikely to find jobs like the mothers before .

4.According to the passage, which of the following is right ?

A. in the past most women often stay at home after leaving school

B. women today like to marry men younger than themselves

C. women today are playing important parts in work and family life.

D. husbands today needn’t do any work at home.



II 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
As you move through life, you meet problems of all shapes and sizes. Some are hardly __21__ mentioning; while others are life-threatening or earth-shattering. Yet, they all have one thing in __22__. Each problem is merely the __23__ that hides a gift which has been custom designed to your specifications.
If you choose to __24__ yourself in your life with the wrapping paper, the bow, and the box, that's perfectly all right. You can cuss them and discuss them. You can admire all the subtleties(精妙) of their __25__. But, if you are worried by the problem — that is, the wrappings — you will never be able to receive the __26__that was prepared __27__ for you.
No matter what the problem is, the gift it __28__ has a peculiar quality. It cannot be delivered __29__ into your consciousness or your awareness. You must actively choose to __30__ it and to accept it as your own. Only you can remove the wrapping, and only you can remove the gift from the box.
21. A. busy                   B. worth            C. valuable                  D. worthy
22. A. common             B. general              C. ordinary                   D. brief
23. A. box                    B. tiger                 C. wrapping                  D. opportunity
24. A. teach                  B. enjoy                C. entertain                   D. hurt
25. A. appearance      B. wrapping           C. problem                   D. design
26. A. gift                    B. box                   C. bow                         D. paper
27. A. especially            B. perfectly           C. politely                    D. previously
28. A. gets                   B. carries              C. takes                        D. includes
29. A. happily           B. easily                  C. freely                         D. directly
30. A. understand      B. realize              C. acknowledge             D. approach


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