10. What position do you play?



▲构词:effective adj. 有效的.被实施的,给人深刻印象



① be of no effect 无效,没有作用。不中用

② bring / carry / put into effect实行,实施,使生效,实


③ come / go into effect 开始生效,开始实施

④ have (an) effect on / upon 对……有影响;对……起


⑤ have / take effect 见效,生效;开始发生作用;实施,


⑥ in effect 实际上;(规律,法律等)生效,有效,在实行


[考例2][2004辽宁] Deciding on the amount of water

that will be used in any particular period requires care-

ful planning, so that people can manage and use water

more ____.

   A. effectively   B. easily

   C. conveniently   D. actively


[答案与解析]A  effectively是effect的副词形式.




① escape from / out of 从……漏出/逸出;从……逃脱

② escape doing sth 避免做某事

[考例5]The fire was too strong that nobody could

____ from the building.

  A. rescue   B. escape

  C. set free   D. let out

[考查目标] 本题考查escape的词义。

[答案与解析]B  escape意思是“逃脱,逃跑”,常和




① feed...on / with sth 以某物喂(养)……

② feed sth to... 把某物喂给……

③ feed on sth 以某物为食

[考例6]The news came that the baby ____ very

 well, so the parents stopped worrying.

   A. was fed   B. was fed on

   C. fed   D. fed on

[考查目标] 本题考查feed以及feed on的用法。

[答案与解析]A  on的后面接表示“食品”的名词或代




①freedom n. 自由,自主,无拘束,率直,随便

②freely adv.


① be free to do sth 可以自由/随便做某事

② for free = free of charge 免费地,无偿地

③ set sb. free 释放某人,使某人获得自由

[考例3][2000京皖春招] The new ones always went

wild at first,but this never lasted long. The ____

took some getting used to.

   A. freedom   B. habit

   C. time   D. people


[答案与解析]A freedom是free的名词形式,意思是




① get / take / catch / lay / keep / seize hold of 抓住

② lose hold of松手放开.放弃

③ hold back 踌躇,阻止.抑制(情感、情绪),隐而不宣

④ hold down 保有(一份T作);压迫;压低;控制

⑤ hold in 抑制,压抑

⑥ hold oneself in 压抑自己的情感

⑦ hold off (使)保持距离

⑧ hold on 坚持,保持坚定;(打电话时)等一下。别挂断

⑨ hold on to 不丢掉;保持

[考例4][NMET 2002] We thought of selling this old

furniture, but we've decided to ____ it. It might be


   A. hold 0n to   B. keep uD with

   C. turn to   D. look after

[考查目标] hold构成的词组的意义。

[答案与解析] A  hold on to意思是“保存.不丢弃”。

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