摘要: take off, take down, take in, take on, take up (1) take off ① 起飞 A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up or down. ② 脱下,取下 He took off his wet shoes. / Who took the knob off the door? ③ 休假,请假,歇工 When his wife was sick he took off from work. ④ 大受欢迎,突然发达.成功The new type of cell phones has really taken off. / His business began to take off when he was in his forties. (2) take down ① 拿下来,取下来 He reached up to the third shelf of the bookcase and took down a dictionary. ② 记下来 He read out the names and his secretary took them down. (3) take in ① 接受 ,收留 The farmers took in the lost travelers for the night. ② 理解,领会,明白 The boys could not take in his meaning. ③包括,涉及 The study of physics takes in many different subjects. ④使上当,欺骗We were completely taken in by her story. (4) take on ① 接受,从事 After his father died, Bill took on the management of the factory. ② 雇用Is the supermarket taking on any more assis- tant? ③ 具有 The city has taken on a new look. (5) take up ① 从事某项活动,发展某种爱好 So many young men want to take up writing. ② 开始做,开始学习 Then she took up the task of getting the breakfast. / He dropped medicine and took up physics. ③ 占去 The meeting took up the whole morning. / The table takes up too much room. ④ 接受I'd like to take up your offer of a ride into town.



Su Hua is studying at Cambridge,UK.She has bought a bicycle and is worried about security(安全).Her friend,Kate,found this article and sent it to her.


A lot of crime is against bicycles.About 150 000 bicycles are stolen every year and most are never found.You can prevent this happening by following a few careful steps.

Basic Security

Do not leave your bicycle in out-of-the-way places.Always lock your bicycle when you leave.Secure it to lampposts or trees.Take off smaller parts and take them with you,for example lights and saddles(车座).


Get a good lock.There are many different types in the shops.Buy one that has been tested against attack.Ask for a recommendation from a bike shop.


Security making your bike can act as a deterrent to a thief.It can also help the police find your bicycle.It should be clearly written and include your postcode and your house or flat number.This will provide a simple way to identify your bicycle.


There are a number of companies who will security mark your bicycle for you.They will then put your registration number and personal details on their computer database.Then if your bicycle is found it will be easy to contact you.


Keep a record of the bicycle yourself:its make,model and registration number.You can even take a photograph of it.This will prove the bicycle belongs to you.


1.Which part of the text gives you information on how to lock up your bicycle when you leave it?

A.Locks.                                B.Marking.

C.Registration.                     D.Basic Security.

2.The underlined phrase “act as a deterrent to a thief”means_______.

A.help you recognize your bike

B.help the police find your bicycle

C.stop someone stealing your bicycle

D.stop you worrying about your bike

3.The article advises you to keep a record of your bicycle_______.

A.in the bike shop and your computer

B.in a police station and a security company

C.in a security company and your university

D.by yourself and in a security company

4.The main purpose of this article is_______.

A.to tell you what to do if your bicycle is stolen

B.to suggest ways of keeping your bicycle safe

C.to give you advice on where to buy a good lock

D.to say why you shouldn’t keep your bicycle in a quiet place



阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36 - 55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并填写到答题纸表格。
One Saturday afternoon, my daughter Alice asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain,   41  you can just wait until we make a quick   42  at the grocery store. I have something   43  to show you. ”
At the grocery store, we    44   some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Alice, “It’s time to   45  your question.” I put one apple of each   46   on the table. Then I looked at Alice, who had a   47  look on her face.  
“People are like apples. They come in all   48 colors, shapes and sizes. On the    49 , some of the apples may not  50  look as the others. ” As I was talking, Alice was    51  each one carefully.  
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,  52  them back on the table, but   53  a different place.  
“Okay, Alice, tell me which is which.”
She said, “I   54  tell. They all look the same now. ” “Take a bite of   55 . See if that helps you   56  which one is which. ”
She took   57 , and then a huge smile came across her face. “People are   58  like apples! They are all different, but once you _ 59  the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”
She totally   60  it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.  

A.each oneB.each otherC.the otherD.one another
A.big bitesB.deep breathsC.a firm holdD.close look
A.put awayB.get downC.hand outD.take off



The publication of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pleases booksellers across China.The British and American editions were No.1 and No.3 separately on the sales chart of the Beijing Xidan Book Building last week. The book’s poster is highlighted and news about the book can often be heard on the radio.   

Why is the book so attractive to children? With curiosity, I got a copy of “Harry Potter”.At first,I wanted to glance over it and made some criticisms(批评).But,out of expectation,I have been deeply attracted by the magic world. On the other hand,one can’t help asking:Where is our own “Harry Potter”?

    The Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years.With a vast market of youngsters, China did publish many books popular among children. However, why are the present works not as good as those imported(进口的)?

There come two major reasons:Firstly,quite a number of children’s books are of strong sense of teaching, and lack interest and entertainment. Children often have a feeling of being “educated”.No wonder they don’t like them.Secondly, children’s reading materials involving “idiom stories” and “Chinese talents’ stories”,though always in different covers,are usually much the same.Some books are plagiarized.The authors take words,ideas from someone else’s work.One knows the ending as early as in the beginning.In final analysis,the authors of the books seldom take children’s requirements into consideration.

As a matter of fact,each child has his own wonderful imagination.They hope to understand the world and nature.Similarly they have their own choices.They dislike similar stories.even if the stories are excellent.First-class reading for children should be very interesting,which contains knowledge and the essence(精髓)of national culture,which are presented in children’s language.

Market is a touchstone for products.The theory also holds true for cultural products.It is hoped that the authors of children’s books can learn something from the good market of “Harry Potter” and write out more and better books loved by children.

Our books have the following disadvantages EXCEPT that_______.

A.they have little sense of interest and entertainment

B.many of our books are of the same

C.our authors know what our children need     

D.the authors didn’t pay much attention to the children’s tastes

What does the underlined word “plagiarized” mean in Chinese?

A.改编      B.杜撰      C.印刷      D. 剽窃

The reason why Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is so popular is that____.

A.it opens a magic world for children

B.it has little sense of teaching

C.it is only written in children’s language

D.it is advertised more on TV or poster

What does the writer mean by writing “Where is our own Harry Potter”?

A.We Chinese produce more books than other countries.

B.We are short of books for children and adults.

C.Our authors are expected to make the market of children’s books take off.

D.Authors should write books named “Harry Potter”.


Iceland is a popular European tourist destination. Before you go there, it is good to learn some of the basic Iceland customs first.

Just like other countries in Europe, it is one of the customs in Iceland to shake hands and say “Hello”. Kissing each other’s cheeks is acceptable along with wishing each other a happy day.

Another custom is to take off your shoes in the hallway(走廊) when you enter someone’s home. Also, don’t be surprised if someone invites you to their house, since Icelanders love to have guests. Just make sure you take flowers or a similar token of thanks to give them.

If you have been invited to eat, keep in mind that you don’t need to express thanks before meals like the French or the Japanese. Rather, eat heartily and then thank your host afterwards by shaking his hand.

Keep in mind that believing in mysterious beings is part of the tradition in Iceland. Indeed, most of the unique and sometimes strange rock formations in Iceland are due to elves(小精灵), according to the people of Iceland.

Are you planning to spend Christmas in Iceland? If so, make sure you practice saying “Gleileg jol got tog fars!” first, which is the local Christmas greeting. It is part of the tradition in Iceland to have long Christmas holidays—26 days—longer than in any other European country. There are 13 Santa Clauses in Iceland, too!

There may not be a law requiring you to follow the customs, but there is no harm in doing so. Following them, you might be rewarded with a rich cultural experience and a more meaningful trip.

1. When you are invited to someone’s home in Iceland, you'd better do all of the following EXCEPT ______.

A. eating heartily and enjoying your time there

B. expressing your thanks to the host before you eat

C. taking some flowers or something else to the host

D. taking off shoes in the hallway before you enter the home

2.Which of the following is one of the differences in customs between Iceland and France?

A. Shaking hands when greeting.

B. A 26-day-long Christmas holiday.

C. Saying hello when meeting each other.

D. Kissing each other’s cheeks when greeting.

3.The text is mainly about ______.

A. what some of the customs in Iceland are like

B. why some of the customs in Iceland are special

C. how some of the customs in Iceland were formed

D. what some of the customs are like in Europe

4. In the text, the author aims to tell us that ______.

A. happiness is a form of courage

B. when in Rome, do as the Romans do

C. practice is the only path to knowledge

D. everyone has good and bad times in life




One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”

I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain, 21 you can just wait until we make a quick 22 at the grocery store. I have something 23 to show you. ”

At grocery store, we 24 some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 25 your question.” I put one apple of each 26 on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 27 look on his face. 

 “People are like apples. They come in all 28 colors, shapes and sizes. On the 29,  some of the apples may not 30 look as delicious as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was 31 each one carefully. 

Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, 32 them back on the table, but 33 a different place. 

 “Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”

He said, “I 34 tell. They all look the same now. ” “Take a bite of 35. See if that helps you 36 which one is which. ”

He took 37,  and then a huge smile came cross his face.”People are 38 like apples! They are all different, but once you 39 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”

He totally 40 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else. 

1.A. although       B. so                 C. because       D. if        

2.A. stop          B. start            C. turn          D. stay        

3.A. expressive         B. encouraging         C. informative D. interesting     

4.A. bought          B. counted            C. saw          D. collected       

5.A. check             B. mention           C. answer      D. improve       

6.A. size           B. type             C. shape      D. class        

7.A. worried         B. satisfied           C. proud       D. curious       

8.A. ordinary        B. normal        C. different       D. regular       

9.A. outside         B. whole          C. table        D. inside        

10.A. still         B. even             C. only          D. ever        

11.A. examining       B. measuring       C. drawing        D. packing       

12.A. keeping      B. placing              C. pulling D. giving        

13.A. on           B. toward                 C. for            D. in         

14.A. mustn’t      B. can’t            C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t       

15.A. each one             B. each other       C. the other     D. one another    

16.A. admit          B. consider           C. decide     D. believe

17.A. big bites     B. deep breaths       C. a firm hold   D. close look 

18.A. just             B. always         C. merely     D. seldom

19.A. put away         B. get down         C. hand out      D. take off 

20.A. made          B. took             C. got           D. did 



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