

There lies a river behind the house.屋后有一条河。 

Then there came a knock at the door.然后听到敲门声。 

At a later stage there arose new problem swhich seemed insoluble.在后期出现了似乎无法解决的新问题。 

There followed an uncomfortable silence.接着是一阵令人难受的沉默。

[同类预测]  it句型和there be 句型在某些时候极易混淆性这一特征,使它们在命题是经常同时出现,对与这样的试题一定要加强分析,找准突破口。

(1)He is getting better. _____ is no need to send for a doctor.

  A. There  B. It  C. This  D. That


解析:本题考查it和there be句型易混淆的情况。本题是个there be结构,There is no need to do … = It is not necessary to do…,没有it is no need句型,但有It is no good/use doing…句型,相当于there is no good/use doing…句型。

(2)---- Did everyone pass the examination?

  ---- No, _____ only three of them who passed it.

  A. there was      B. it was 

  C. these were     D. that was


解析:先排除A,因此主谓不一致,在排除C,表示“这是三个通过考试的”应该用表示特指these are the three of them,D中用that就更不对了。所以本题只能选B,是个强调句,“通过考试的就他们中的三个人”


① 反身代词和某些动词或介词连用构成的短语。

② 某些代词在句型结构中的固定使用。

③ it, that, one作替代词的用法区别。

④ 限定词的顺序,此类考题出现不多,是考生较难把握的一个知识点。


例1. (08山东卷)Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ______ before you leave.

A. something      B. anything        C. everything  D. nothing

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  考查 something   、anything、everything  和 nothing的区别,尤其是anything和everything的区别。

[广角思维]  该句的意思是“在你离开前务必确定你得到了通行证、票和所必须的一切东西。” 所需要的东西在该题中提供了一个隐含的范围,而指代范围内的一切用everything.

[易误警示]   该题容易排除D。但是A/B/C该怎么选择就很难了。有的学生一看该题是肯定句就不加思考选择可答案A。

[悟彻高考]  something是指某些,可以用在肯定句和疑问句中。

Anything是指没有一个固定范围的任何东西,可以用在肯定句和疑问句中以及否定句中。You can take anything you like.


[同类预测] 对该组词的考查会集中在对anything和everything的考查,与这一用法类似的结构有anyone和everyone。

He cares so little about his meals that _____ will do so long as it fills his stomach.

  A. anything      B. everything 

  C. nothing       D. something



例2:(08福建卷)21. –How do you find your new classmates?

– Most of them are kind, but ____ is so good to me as Bruce.

A. none      B. no one      C. every one      D. some one

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  考查none和no one的区别以及在具体语境中的运用。

[广角思维]  在该对话中你的新同学提供了一个固定范围,答语中“没有任何一个人像布鲁斯那样对我好。”可以知道要用A. 

[易误警示]  忽略了新同学的暗示作用,选择了no one。对none和no one的区别关键在于确定有无范围。

[悟彻高考]no one 只用于指人,而none 既可指人也可指物。如果说“若干人(物)之中一个也不”,用“none of”,后接复数名词时,谓语可以用复数,也可用单数;后接不可数名词时,谓语用单数。如:

No one told me that he had gone to Shanghai.

None of them have(或has)arrived yet.(不用no one)

None of the money is mine.

另外none可以简略回答以How many或How much开头的疑问句。  例如:

    None of them have/has failed.

    -- How many books are there on the desk ? -- None.

  注意:no one (=nobody)不同于none ,作主语时只能跟单数谓语,不可跟of短语连用,

  回答以who开头的问句,不能回答How many/much …开头的问句。例如:

    -- Who is in the room ? -- no one(=Nobody).

    --Is there any oil in the glass ? -- None.  

[同类预测]none和no one;everyone和 every one的区别是一样的,都是非常重要的知识点和易考点。

(1)Some people would rather ride bikes as bike ridding has     of the trouble of taking buses.

A. nothing   B. none    C. some    D. neither


解析:nothing是不定代词,不能放在介词of的前面:neither(两者)都不;some与句子的意思不符,都不能作为答案。None of the trouble of taking buses没有乘公共汽车的麻烦。

(2)It’s raining outside. I just need an umbrella, so _____ will do.

  A. one  B. anyone  C. it  D. any one


解析:本题考查不定代词的用法。one是非特指,相当于an umbrella,而it是特指就是上文提到过的那个事物,本题中没有任何特定所指事物,故也不合适。anyone = anybody只代人,也因排除。any one = any umbrella,“任何一把伞”。

例3:(08全国I卷)30. -Which of the two computer games did you prefer?

-Actually I didn’t like ______.

A. both of them       B. either of them      C. none of them       D. neither of them

[题源探究] 考查全否定和半否定的用法

[广角思维]  通过语境我们可以知道是说两个都不喜欢,因为有否定词don’t 所以用either of them    来表示两者都不。

[易误警示]  不知道部分否定与全部否定结果选择了A. 忽略了否定词don’t结果选择了D。 


当all, both, each和every(body, thing)等表示整体意义的代词与否定词连用时,一般只表示部分否定,如果表示全部否定,应该用none, no one, neither, nobody, nothing等.

All of the students were not late for the class. 不是所有学生上课都迟到的。

(现代英语中常写成:Not all the students were late for the class.)

None of the students were late for the class.没有一个学生上课迟到的。 


- Which of the two books do you want?

- I want_____. Please show me _____.

A. none; another  B. all; the other   C. neither; the other   D. neither; another



例4.(云南省2008届高三英语第二次统测试题34) He is so addicted to smoking that ____ seems to be no chance of talking him into quitting.

A. this         B. what        C. it          D. there


[题源探究] 考查there be 句型的用法。

[广角思维]  句子意思是“她如此沉溺于吸烟以至于似乎没有可能性去说服他戒烟。” 用there be 句型来表示有无。 

[易误警示]  受选项设计的影响有的学生认为是考查it用法的结果选择C;还有部分学生不能准确分析句子结构,选择了B. 

[悟彻高考]   it句型和there be 句型在某些时候极易混淆,下面介绍there be 句型的具体用法:

There be句型是英语中常见的特殊句型,用以表示某物某事存在或不存在。句中的there只起引导作用,并无实际意义,句子的真正主语是谓语动词be后面的名词。There be句型有多种表现形式,可以用来表达多种复杂的含义。 

1.There be与情态动词连用 

There be句型中的谓语动词be可与各种情态动词连用,表示"一定有"、"可能有"、"应该有"等含义。例如: 

He felt that there must be something wrong.他感到一定是出了错儿。 

There might be drinks if you wait a bit.如果你等一会儿,可能会有酒。 

There can’t have been much traffic so late at night.这么晚了,街上的车辆不会太多。 

There oughtn’t to be too great discrepancy in our views.我们的看法不应该有太大的分歧。 

3. 在强调not … until结构时必须把not与until一起放到被强调的位置上

    例  It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was my brother. 


 ---- He was nearly drowned once.

  ---- When was _____?

  ---- _____ was 1998 when he was in middle school.

  A. that; It  B. this; This  C. this; It  D. that; This



What I want you to remember is this: English is of great use.

They can’t not afford it. That is their problem.

例3:(太原市2008年高三年级模拟试题一)The doctors said that few patients,_____ ,could come back to normal after getting this disease.

   A.if some     B.if any   C.if have       D.if has

[答案]A 。

[题源探究] 考查some和 any的区别以及含有代词的一些固定短语。

[广角思维]  句意是“如果有一些病人能恢复正常的话也很少。” If any符合语境。 

[易误警示]  很多考生收固定思维的影响,认定some用在肯定句中,这样就选择了if some.

[悟彻高考]  some 常用在肯定句中,而any 则常用在否定和疑问句中和条件状语从句。在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。

[同类预测]  some和 any的区别是最简单也最容易出错的用法,对它们的测试在命题中频繁出现。

- Your coffee smells great!

- It’s from Mexico. Would you like _____?

A. it    B. some    C. this    D. little



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