2.. 在简单的答语中多用宾格形式替代主格形式。

Who will go out for a walk with me?


---Who is it ?  ---It’s me .

[同类预测] 高考对人称代词和反身代词的考查集中在它们在句中作用的考查,特别是独特用法份的考查。

(1)---I love you more than her,child .

--You mean more than ___love her or more than she loves____?  

A. you;me  B.I;you   C.you;you  D.I;me


解析:I love you more than her有两种理解

I love you more than her= I love you more than you love her

I love you more than her= I love you more than she loves you.

(2)Who can you turn to in time of danger, if not      .

A. any    B. us    C. we     D. ours


解析:turn to sb. 表示“向……请求帮助”。从句是个省略句。If not us即if you don’t turn to us.

例2:(08辽宁卷) -Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?

-Victoria Street? ______ is where the Grand Theatre is.

A. Such               B. There                 C. That            D. This

[答案]C 。

[题源探究]  考查指示代词的指代用法。 

[广角思维]  通过对话语境我们可以知道Victoria Street是距离对话人比较远的事物,所以用that来表示远指。 

[易误警示]  受选项的设置的迷惑作用不能明白该题的设计目的,有的学生以为该题是考查there be 句型的。 

[悟彻高考]  this,that,these those 均是指示代词有以下的使用规律:


例1:(08湖南卷)Our nerghbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.

  A. us, it  B. us, itself  C. ourselves, itself  D. ourselves, it


[题源探究]  这是一道综合性的考题,考查人称代词和反身代词的用法。

[广角思维]  第一空为人称代词的宾格形式做宾语;第二空的意思是说伤了自己的那只小鸟用反身代词做宾语。 

[易误警示]  对是用人称代词的宾格形式做宾语还是用反身代词做宾语这一区别分不清是这类试题出错的主要原因。 

[悟彻高考]  人称代词作主语一般用主格形式,做宾语用宾格形式,作表语用主格形式,做定语用所有格形式。反身代词一般做表语、同位语和宾语,作宾语的前提是宾语和主语一致。如:

I\'m not quite myself today.我今天不大舒服。/ Make yourself at home.不要拘礼;请随便吧。 / Don\'t get nervous,help yourself to what you like.别紧张,喜欢吃什么就吃什么。/ Have you enjoyed yourself today? 你今天玩得愉快吗?



If I were she, I would take your advice.  

I would share the room with you if you were him.

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