4. v. +it + prep. + that…

    owe it to sb. that…把…归功于…

    leave it to sb that…把…留给某人去做

    take it for granted that …想当然

    keep it in mind that…

    例  Don't bother to arrange anything. Just leave it to me to sort out.

 [同类预测] 综上所述it做形式宾语的结构灵活多变,这为出题人,考查该知识点提供了广阔的空间,这也使该知识点成为命题的一个热点。

---- Will you see to _____ that all the papers should be handed in after class?   ---- All right.

  A. this  B. it  C. me  D. them



例2:(2007 浙江卷) -He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.

  -When was _____?

  -_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college.

  A. that; This      B. this; It          C. it; This         D. that; It

[答案]B 。

[题源探究]  这是一道综合性的考题,考查this/that指代句子的用法,及it在强调句型中的运用。

[广角思维]  第一空用that 指代上文。第二空是it引出的强调句型。

[易误警示]   对this/that的指代规律不清楚,第一空可能会选this;如果分不清第二空的真正结构可能会选this

[悟彻高考]  It is/was+被强调部分+ that(who)… 强调句型用来强调谓语动词以外的任何句子成分。当被强调部分是人时也可以用who。


2. It替代作主语的从句常见句型

    (1) It is + noun +从句

     例  It is no secret that the president wants to have a second term at office.

    (2) It is adj. +clause

    It's surprising that… (should)………竟然……

    It's a pity/shame that…(should)………竟然……   

    例  It's important that you should apologize to her for your rudeness.(=It's of much importance that you should apologize to her for your rudeness.)

    (3) It verb sb. + clause= It is v-ing + clause


     /bother/concern/frighten/please/anger sb. that…

    例  It worried me that she drove so fast.(= It was worrying that she drove so fast.)

    (4) It verb (to sb.) that…= sb/sth verb to do

    (verb = appear, seem, come about, emerge, follow, chance, happen, occur, transpire, turn out , work out)

     例  It (so) happened/chanced that they were out.(= They happened/chanced to be out.)

     (5) It is v-ed that…=sb/sth is to do

     (verb=say, report, think, believe, hope, expect, agree, accept, decide, determine, intend, plan, understand, know)

    例  It is said that the couple have gotten divorced.(=The couple are said to have gotten divorced.)

    (6) It is v-ed that … (should)…

    (verb=demand, request, require, order, suggest, advise, recommend

    例  It is suggested that they should begin with the third question.

[同类预测] it作形式主语的用法在命题时变化多端,设计灵活应该引起我们的重视。

(1).    is no need to make a decision today. We can do it at the meeting tomorrow.

    A.It   B.This    C.That   D.There


解析:考查固定句型there is no need to do sth.

例2:(2007 湖南卷)To save class time, our teacher has ________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework.

  A. us         B. we           C. our          D. ours

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  本题考查在具体语言环境中代词的应用。

[广角思维]  为了节省时间,我们老师让我们(学生)在课堂上做完一般练习,另一半作为家庭作业。 根据句意可知题干中的has 为使役动词,后面需要代词宾格与students  一起做宾语,us 与students 为同位关系。 

[易误警示]  has 为使役动词,后面需要代词宾格与students  一起做宾语,这是学生选错的主要原因,这要求考生做题时要能够分清句子结构,然后再对试题作出正确的判断。 

[悟彻高考]  代词作同位语时应用什么形式取决于做什么成分的同位语,如果做宾语的同位语要用宾格,如果做主语的同位语要用主格形式,另外如果名词做了同位语来确定代词的形式这是就要注意分析该代词在整个句子中充当的语法作用了。

We students should work hard and respect our teachers.

[同类预测]  代词做同位语以及同位语的位置将是这一知识点中命题的重点。如:they are both students. Are they both students? Yes ,they both are.(规律是在陈述句及疑问句中要位于be动词后,在简短答语中要置于be前。)

 How silly you _____!

  A. all are  B. are all  C. all do  D. do all


解析:首先排除C、D,不符合句中系表结构的要求,其次因为本句是感叹句,谓语动词应该在句末重读,因此排除B。但代词all和both在句中的一般位置是在情态动词或be动词之后,行为动词之前,如We are all the students of English.或We can all speak a little Japanese.


例3:(2007 陕西卷)-There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and borrow _____?

-No, I’d rather buy____in the bookstore.

 A. it; one          B. one; one    

   C. one; it           D. it; it

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  本题考查的是代词one和it的代替用法。

[广角思维]  句意; --这本书在图书馆还用一本,你去借吗?--不,我宁愿去书店买一本。因为图书馆里只有一本同样的书,用it 表示同类事物。在第二个空中,用one表示某一本书,因为书店中应不只有一本同样的书。 

[易误警示]  考试应注意文中的隐藏含义,特指还是泛指是解决这类试题的关键。 

[悟彻高考]  代词one和it的代替用法时的区别是,one是表示泛指,是指同类的某一个,it是特指并且是同一个。 

[同类预测]  对代词one和it的代替用法的考查是代词方面的一个热点和难点把握的关键是确定特指和泛指。

(1)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ___I will always treasure.

A. that     B. one      C. it      D. what



(2)- Excuse me, I want to have my watch fixed, but I can’t find a repair shop.

- I know      nearby. Come on, I’ll show you.

A. one    B. it    C. some    D. that



答:① 人称代词主格和宾格的基本用法。

② 名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的用法。

③ 疑问代词的用法、不定代词的用法。

④ 反身代词以及由反身代词构成的短语的用法。

⑤ it, that, one和those作替代词的用法。

例1:(2007 山东卷)_____________ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A.This        B.That          C.What         D.It

[答案]B 。

[题源探究]  这是一道综合性的考题,考查it 充当形式主语这一知识点。

[广角思维]  句意:他总是改变主意,这一做法很令我担忧。句中It充当形式主语,真正的主语是the way,其后又有定语从句 he keeps changing his mind 修饰。

[易误警示]  了解it 在主语从句中的应用,充当形式主语。 

[悟彻高考]  It用作形式主语 替代作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词,而把真正作主语的从句、动词不定式、动名词置于句尾。

  It 作形式主语的常见句型:

1. 代作主语的动词不定式,其句型为

    (1) It be adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

    此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词:easy, difficult, hard, necessary, unnecessary, possible, impossible, likely, unlikely, right, wrong, important, unimportant, legal, illegal, well-mannered, ill-mannered, polite, impolite, clear, obvious, certain, suitable, proper, fit, useful, useless, dangerous…

    例  It is illegal (for a teenager) to drive a car without a license.

    (2) It be adj. of sb. to do sth.

    此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词:kind, unkind, nice, rude, cruel, considerate, thoughtful, thoughtless, careful, careless, silly, foolish, stupid, clever, wise, crazy.

    例  It's kind of you to help me with the problem.

    (3) It替代作主语的动名词的常见句型

    It's no good/use doing…         

    It's (well)worth doing… 

    It's (well)worth one's while doing/to do…

    It's (well)worth while doing/ to do   

    例  It's no use crying over spilt milk.

4.that,those 常用来指代前面提到过的某个名词。e.g. The oil output in 1998 was higher than that of 1995.( that 代替oil output) / The cars made in Japan are better than those in Germany. 

[同类预测] 指示代词的用法在试题设计中常和其他的代替词同时出现,这样就增加了试题的难度。

 ---- How about the price of these refrigerators?

  ---- They are equal in price to, if not cheaper than, _____ at the other stores.

  A. others  B. it  C. that  D. the ones


解析: one可指代指代前面的同类事物中的一个,表示泛指,one前面如有形容词修饰,之前还可以加上不定冠词a,也表示泛指,但one前面加上the可以表示特指, the one复数形式是the ones,相当于those,本题中就是这种现象,本句意思是“在价格上,它们就算不比别的商店里的冰箱便宜,也不会更贵”。

例3:(08四川卷)The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _____ four percent.

  A. any other    B. the other    C. another   D. other

[答案]C 。

[题源探究]  这是一道单一性试题,考查另外几个人或事物的表示方法。

[广角思维]  该题表示“另外的4个百分点”,正确的表示方法是another four percent。 

[易误警示]  对other,another,more 等相关的用法不清楚,是这种题出错的主要原因。

[悟彻高考]  另外几个人或事物的表示方法有以下几种:

Another + 数词+ n  如another five desks

数词+other+ n   如:five other desks

数词+more+ n   如:five more desks

[同类预测]  另外几个人或事物的表示方法是高考考查代词用法时的一个命题重点。

If you want to change for a double room you\'ll have to pay_______$15.

 A.another B.other C.more D.each


解析:考查另外几个人或事物的表示方法。另外15美元可以表示为:another 15 dollars=15 other/more dollars

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