0  14  22  28  32  38  40  44  50  52  58  64  68  70  74  80  82  88  92  94  98  100  104  106  108  109  110  112  113  114  116  118  122  124  128  130  134  140  142  148  152  154  158  164  170  172  178  182  184  190  194  200  208  3002 





题  号

总  分

得  分


















文本框: 坐位号可能用到的相对原子质量:C-12  H-1  O-16  N-14  S-32  Cu-64  K-39  Ca-40

Mg-24  Zn-65  Fe-56









1.  英国通过《南京条约》强迫清政府开放通商口岸的目的是( )

A 在中国销售商品和掠夺原料

B 增进中英友好往来

C 在中国建立资本主义制度

D 帮助中国发展经济

2.  太平天国运动留给人们深刻的教训是( )

A 没有建立农民阶级的政权

B 没有提出反封建的纲领

C 领导集团的分裂使革命受挫

D 没有建立农民阶级的武装

3.“东沟海战天如墨,炮震烟迷船掀侧。致远鼓楫冲重围,万火丛中呼杀贼。”根据所学历史知识,下列选项中与此诗相关的历史事件是            ( )

A鸦片战争        B第二次鸦片战争

C中法战争        D甲午中日战争

4.戊戌变法突出的历史功绩在于( )

A废除科举制度      B建立了君主立宪制

C建立了北洋海军     D促进了思想启蒙

5.孙中山和洪秀全思想的共同点是( )

A建立民主共和国     B按人口平均分配土地

C武装推翻清政府     D主张人人平等

6.五四运动是一次彻底的反帝反封建的爱国运动,其“彻底性”是指( )

A指斗争的坚决性     B指无产阶级参与斗争而言

C五四运动        D指斗争的结果而言

7.假如今年的5月3日济南市鸣响防空警报,这是为了让人们记住1928年发生的( )

A济南惨案        B五卅惨案

C济南解放        D下关惨案

8.中国共产党找到了一条由农村包围城市的革命道路始于( )

A南昌起义        B秋收起义

C“八七”会议      D遵义会议

9.中共“七大”政治路线提出党的任务是建立( )

A中人民共和国      B社会主义国家

C工农民主专制国家    D新民主主义国家

10. “一国两制”伟大构想所适用的范围是(  )

A 经济特区                B 沿海开发城市

C 少数民族地区            D 台湾 香港 澳门地区

11.英国资产阶级革命之所以是英国历史的转折点,主要是因为  (  )

A 确立了君主立宪制        B 创立了议会民主制

C 处死了封建君主          D 改变了社会制度

12. 2003年3月20日,美国及其盟国发动了对伊拉克的战争,这次战争又称第二次海湾战争.这一事实表明              (  )

A 两极格局结束后世界形式走向缓和

B 当今世界出现和平与动荡并存的局面

C 美国推行霸权主义和强权政治

D 冷战掩盖下的民族矛盾已成为严重问题



13.这个"和平"指的是(  )

A 普法战争结束

B 二战结束

C 一战结束

D 伊拉克战争结束

14.这个"和平"是由以下哪个组织来保证的(  )

A 国际联盟

B 安理会

C 联合国

D 欧盟

15.这个"休战"是被以下哪个事件破坏的(  )

A 日本偷袭珍珠港

B 日本发动"七七事变"

C 德国突袭苏联

D 德国突袭波兰


16.材料一:国民党败退台湾以后,以台湾为依托,把海南岛和金门.马祖作为两翼……准备 “反攻大陆”.蒋介石提出国民党的 政治目标是 “反共抗战,复国建国”.他们的如意算盘是一准备,二年反攻,三年扫荡,五年成功.
                                         ___ _<<国共关系七十年>>




(1)    比较材料一 材料二,两者所体现出的解决国家统一问题的方法有何不同?为什么会有这种不同?



(2)    从材料三可以看出,邓小平提出的解决台湾问题的构想是什么?其前提是什么?



(3)    材料三中邓小平提出的构想在祖国统一的问题上得到了怎样的成功运用?



三 问答题




18 中共 “十六大”在通过<<中国共产党章程>>中指出: “中国共产党以马克思列宁主义,毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想作为自己的行动指南.”


(1)    毛泽东思想,邓小平理论和三个代表重要思想,分别在哪一历史时期形成的?形成的历史背景分别是什么?这些理论的创新成果反映了怎样的共同特点?










福清市蒜岭侨兴中学   郭礼文    2005,04,19



(时间:90分钟    总分:120分)

班级:         姓名:                得分:           

. 语音。(每小题1分,共5分)


A 一种 B 两种 C 三种 D 四种

(    ) 1. post    phone    across            welcome

(    ) 2. bank    turn      fun                hungry

(    ) 3. mail    pay       neighborhood    say

(    ) 4. heat     bread     great            tea

(    ) 5. bench   teach      school           reach 

II. 词汇。(每小题1分,共10分)


1. left (反义词) ___________ 2. must  (同义词组)___________

3. begin (名词)__________  4. your (名词性物主代词)___________

5.  heat (形容词)___________    .


6. 邮局  __________________________            

7. 电子游戏中心 _____________________________

8. 过得愉快 _______________________        

9. 乘出租车 ____________________________

10. 祝旅游愉快 ______________________       

III. 选择填空。(每小题1分,共15分)

(    ) 1. Is there a river over there?   ___________.

      A. Yes, there’s         B. No, there aren’t  

      C. Yes, there is        D. No, it isn’t

(    ) 2. Is this a library?   ___________.

      A. Yes, this is    B. Yes, it is   C. this isn’t    D. it isn’t

(    ) 3. I have a house ___________ a small beautiful garden.

 A. on      B. to      C. of      D. with

(    ) 4. I arrive ___________ Beijing at 8 am.

      A. to     B. at     C. in       D. about

(    ) 5. I don’t know ___________ shop is.

       A. where    B. when   C. how   D. what 

(    ) 6. Look! They ______ games over there.

A. play    B. is play  C. is playing   D. are playing

(    ) 7. We are doing ______.

A. our homework      B. our homeworks

C. her homework      D. his homework

(    ) 8. Jim and his teacher ______ over there.

A. is talk   B. are talk  C. is talking   D. are talking

(    ) 9. How many ______ are there in the picture?

A. policemans  B. policemen  C. policemens  D. policeman

(    ) 10. ______ are the children doing now?

A. What    B. Where   C. When   D. How

(    ) 11. -What ______ your family doing next to the lake?

-They're planting trees.

A. is     B. does    C. are    D. can

(    ) 12. Do you want to play ______ basketball after class?

A. /        B. a     C. an     D. the

(    ) 13. Emma, come here. Here ______ some new pens for you.

A. is      B. are     C. has     D. have

(    ) 14. -Is the boy opening the door?    -No, he ______.

A. can't     B. is      C. doesn't   D. isn't

(    ) 15. -What is the boy doing?    -He's ______ a book.  

A. seeing     B. reading   C. looking at   D. watching

IV. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

It s a fine Sunday morning. There ______(1) many children in the park. They are ______(2) happily. Some are playing ______(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and ______(4). Some boys ______(5) running up the hill. Li Lei's ______(6) by the lake. He's reading a story. ______(7) is Wang Lin? He's standing over there. ______(8)is he doing? He's looking ______(9) a nice butterfly(蝴蝶). He ______(10) to catch it.

(    ) 1. A. is          B. are          C. am

(    ) 2. A. playing     B. sing          C. dance

(    ) 3. A. the tennis   B. the football    C. games

(    ) 4. A. danceing    B. to dance      C. dancing

(    ) 5. A. are         B. is           C. am

(    ) 6. A. sitting       B. sit          C. siting

(    ) 7. A. What       B. Who         C. Where

(    ) 8. A. Where      B. What         C. Who

(    ) 9. A. down       B. after         C. for

(    ) 10. A. want     B. is wanting     C. wants


V. 阅读理解。(30分)

                    ( A )

Mr and Mrs Zimmer are in a van with their three children. They are driving from California to Oregon. It is late at night. Mr Zimmer is in the front seat. He is driving the van. Mrs Zimmer and the children are on the back seats. They are sleeping.

    Mr Zimmer is hungry. He stops at a fast-food restaurant. He goes into the restaurant. At this time Mrs Zimmer wakes up. She is hungry, too. She goes into the restaurant. But when Mrs Zimmer walks into the restaurant, Mr Zimmer walks out. He doesn’t see his wife.

    Mr Zimmer drives away in the van. He drives all night. In the morning, Mr Zimmer and the children are in Oregon. They get out of the van. “Where’s your Mom?” Mr Zimmer asks the children. “We don’t know,” the children say.

    Where is Mrs Zimmer? She is in the restaurant in California!


(    ) 1. Mr Zimmer is driving a van.

(    ) 2. The children are in the front seat.

(    ) 3. They are going to Oregon.

(    ) 4. Mr Zimmer stops at a restaurant.

(    ) 5. He stops because he is tired.

( B )

Some children are flying kites near the river. They are very high and Peter can see them in the classroom. After lunch his aunt comes to see his mother and brings a kite to him. It looks like a bird. He wants to fly it but his mother doesn't let him do so.

"It's time to go to school," says his mother, "You can play it after dinner."

The boy is unhappy, and says goodbye to his aunt and leaves. Now he is in the classroom but he doesn't listen to Miss Black, She writes something on the blackboard and then turns to the class and finds this.

"Name nine things with milk in them, Peter." she says.

The boy doesn't hear her and still sits there. A boy in Row 4 taps his back and he understands it. He stands up and Miss Black asks him the question again. He thinks for some time and then says, "Yes, madam, tea, coffee, cake and... er... six cows."


(    ) 6. There is ______ near Peter's school.

A. some water    B. a river   C. a lake   D. a park

(    ) 7. In the classroom Peter can see ______.

A. some children playing in the park  B. his aunt buy a kite for him

C. some students reading beside the lake

D. some children flying kites near the river

(    ) 8. Peter's aunt comes to see his mother ____.

A. in the morning     B. after dinner

C. in the evening      D. after lunch

(    ) 9. Peter's mother tells him to play the kite______.

A. at breakfast    B. quickly   C. after dinner   D. in school

(    ) 10. In class Peter only thinks ______.

A. his teacher's words   B. what the kite looks like

C. how to fly the kite  D. how to answer the teacher's question

( 3 )





Li Lei


some porridge, two eggs

at home


some rice, fish and some vegetables

at school


some dumplings

at home



a cake, a cup of milk and an apple

at school


two hamburgers with some meat

at home


some fish and some noodles

at home

Li Lei: Hi, Katty! Where do you have breakfast?

Katty: (11)             . What do you have breakfast?

Li Lei: I have some porridge and two eggs. What about you?

Katty: (12)                                    .

Li Lei: Do you have lunch at school, too?

Katty: (13)                       .

Li Lei: And what do you have for lunch at home?

Katty: (14)                  . And you?

Li Lei: (15)                                         .

Katty: Don’t you eat some meat?

Li Lei: No, I don’t. I don’t like it.

Katty: Do you have supper at home or at school?

Li Lei: At home. What about you?

Katty: Me, too.

VI. 完成句子(每小题1分,共10分)


1. What’s the matter? My bike is           . ( break )

2. Where did you go on vacation? I            to New York. ( fly )

3. Thank you for              with us. ( be )

4. I found a little girl           in the street on my way home. ( cry )

5. What he said made me              very happy. ( feel )

6. Tom            from England. ( come )

7. Anna’s brother                   playing football. ( not like )

8. It’s very             today! ( sun )

9. A                  is playing the piano in the concert. ( music )

10. What’s the               between the two days? ( different )

VII. 翻译 (每小题2分,共10分)


My name is Jenny and I am 15 years old. (1)I am the only girl out of four children in my family. I have three brothers―their names are Peter, Michael and James.

I live(居住) at home with my parents and three brothers. (2)It's a big house near the lake on a hill. We all have our own rooms. (3)Look, the room with a big window is mine. I can see trees, birds and clouds from the window! Peter, Michael and James also like the house very much. They can play football on the hill. (4)And it’s one of their favourite things to do. My parents like the house, too.(5)There aren't many people living on the hill. My parents like quiet places and fresh air(新鲜的空气).

We all like our house. We are enjoying the life here.







VIII. 智力测试 把答案写在相对应的横线上(每小题1分共5分)

1. A big American and a little American are in a car. The little American is the big American’s son, but the big American is not the little American’s father. Who is the big American?


2. There are two fathers and two sons. How many people at least(至少) are there?                             

3. My uncle has a brother, but he isn’t my uncle, who is he?


4. Look at the numbers blow. What’s the number after 48?

   9,  12,  21,  48,   ? , …                   

5. Li Ming is the only boy in his family. He is  the apple of their eye. 

What’s meaning  (意义) of  “the apple of their eye” in the sentence?                             

IX. 写作 (本题10分)

上次五一长假你和你的家人去哪里游玩了?和大家一起分享你的快乐吧!  要求:1. 写出游玩的时间,地点

                2. 写出在游玩期间你的所见所闻

                3. 写出在游玩期间你的活动

                4. 写出你对这次游玩的感受

                5. 字数在6080之间





















2005年浙江省台州市初中毕业、升学考试-数  学








相对原子质量:C-12  H-1  O-16  N-14  S-32  Cl-35.5  Na-23
