52. 注意:there be 之后如有几个并列主语时,用is 或are取决于第一个主语是单数还是复数,单数用is,复数用are.

  There is a pen, a pencil and two books on the desk.

  There are several students playing on the playground.

  There will be an important conference named The Earth Summit to be held here.

  There have been great changes in my hometown ever since 1978.

  There must be something wrong with the cell phone.

  注意:there be句型也可以有其它形式变化,常见的有seem to be, happen to be, appear to be, used to be, is likely to be

  There seems / appears to be much hope of our team winning the match.

  There is likely to be more difficulties than expected while carrying out the experiment.

  The thief broke in, to his delight, there happened to be nobody in the room.

 注意 there be句型中的be动词,也可以替换成其它词,常见的有live, remain, come, stand, lie, occur, exist, follow等动词.

  Once there lived many dinosaurs here millions and millions of years ago.

  There stands a skyscraper in front our teaching building.

  There came a time when most of people had no freedom to speak.

  There occurred/ existed human beings about 5000 years ago.

  There followed a dead silence after a strange noise.

  There exist serious problems in the world and we should take action to solve them before it is too late.

 注意:there be句型的独立主格形式作状语:

  There being no buses, we had to walk home.

  =because there were no buses, we had to walk home.

  There having been no rain for a long time, the crops in the field died.

  =because there had been no rain for a long time, the crops in the field died.

  (有连词用句子,没有连词用there be独立主格形式作状语)

  There be句型的非谓语形式:

  I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings between us.

  What’s the chance of there being an election this years?

  It’s not unusual for there to be a generation gap between teachers and students.

  There is no point/ sense in doing so.

51. –ing作宾语

  Forget, remember,regret, try, mean, go on, stop

  Forget doing忘记曾做过……    forget to do忘记去做(没做)……

  It’s funny that I forgot telling him and went to tell him again.

  When you leave the classroom, don’t forget to put away all the things.

  Remember doing记得做过……    remember to do 记着要去做……

  I still remember being taken to Beijing when I was young.

  When you pass by the post office, do remember to post the letter for me.

  Regret doing后悔;遗憾做过……   regret to do 很遗憾要做……

  I didn’t pass the exam. How I regretted having wasted so much time playing.

  I regret to tell you the news that you will be fired next month.

  Try doing尝试做……   try to do尽力干……

  If you can’t work out the maths problem in this way, why not try using another way?

  As a student, we should try to be all-around, we should simply seek high marks.

  Mean doing意味着……    mean to do打算要……

  I had meant to come early for the meeting, but I was held up by the traffic jam.

  Missing the train means waiting for another two hours.

  Go on doing继续干原来所做的事情   go on to do做完一件事,接着做另一件事

  Tired and thirsty as they were, they went on working in the sun.

  After we finish learning Lesson One , we will go on to do some listening.

  Stop to do…..停下来去做…….    Stop doing…….停止做……

  Stop speaking and just listen to me.

  When he saw we were in trouble, he stopped to help us out.

  Thank sb for doing谢谢某人做过……

  Thank sb to do sth 拜托某人干……

  Thank you for helping me so much.

  I’ll thank you to leave my things alone. It’s none of your business.

  Need/ require/ want(需要)/ deserve(值得) +doing(主动表被动)

  Be worth doing主动表被动

  It has been a long time since the house was thoroughly cleaned. Now as New Year’s Day is around the corner, I think the house needs (requires, wants) cleaning. (=the house needs/requires/wants to be cleaned)

  He is worth praising.= he deserves praising, for he has done so many good things.

  His car has been in bad repair and now it badly needs repairing.

  Devote….to/ look forward to/ stick to/ be used to/ object to反对/ get down to着手干 + doing(to为介词)

  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

  He devoted all his life to teaching and has no time to attend his children.

  My mother strongly objected to my playing computer games in the cyber bar.

  Well prepared, they got down to shooting the TV play.

  But/ except + to do/ do


  The enemy soldiers had no choice but to give in.

  How happily the baby lives, it does nothing but eat, sleep and play.

  Faced with disasters, there is nothing for us to do but keep up our courage and take action.

  In cold winter, most cold-blooded animals have no choice but to lie down and sleep.

  Had better/ best do….最好干…..

  When hurricane is coming, you’d better stay indoor.

  Now that you have been bored with the life in the countryside, you’d better go to the cities to seek more chances.

  Prefer to do rather do….愿意干….而不愿意干….

  Would rather do than do= would do rather than do……

  Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride a bicycle.

  I’d rather read something at home than go to the park in such weather.

  Cannot but,/ cannot help but,/cannot choose but + do 不得不….; 只好…..

  We could not but weep at our bad luck.

  It’s raining hard. I cannot help but stay at home.

  Being endangered, most animal cannot choose but want for their destiny.

  There be句型表示什么地方有…..

50. ing形式作宾语

  Admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, include, keep, mention, mind, miss, practice, put off, resist, risk, suggest, understand, can’t help, fancy, can’t stand + v-ing.


I must apologize for not letting you know ahead of time.

  The flight to shanghai was put off taking off due to the fog.

  -----What are you going to do this afternoon?  ----- I’m thinking of going to visit my aunt.

  Have you made any plan for celebrating your birthday? On reaching home, she got down to cooking.

  They hurried on for fear of being caught in the rain .

The man will die without being operated on.

He used to play cards with his friends, but now he is used to taking a walk afer supper.

We look forward to making a trip to Hangzhou.

After cooking, Mother set about making tea.

She takes great pleasure in helping others.

Afraid of being late for school, he walked in great hurry.

He insisted on being sent to the place where he was most needed.

Education is the key to speeding up our modernization.

He doesn’t feel like going to the exhibition today.

Not being able to stand being laughed, he hit the boy in the face.

On the way home, Bill kept on asking his father such questions.

Nowadays in developed countries, people preferred living in the countryside to living in the city.

The deer was so lucky that it just missed being shot by the hunter.

-----What do you think of the film last night?

-----Oh, excellent. It’s well worth seeing a second time.

I would highly appreciate your calling back this afternoon.

We are considering changing the plan. On account of the rain, he advised postponing holding the sports meet till next week.

Hearing the exciting news, I couldn’t help jumping with joy.

Have you finished repairing the TV set?

It’s good habit to practice reading aloud early in the morning.

As you know, studying means working hard.

The lake is polluted. We don’t allow swimming here.

Why have they delayed holding the sports meet?

Sue’s failing in the examination made her parents very angry.

I don’t like strangers listening to our talk.

I understand your not wanting to go to the meeting.

We must do something to prevent the lake being polluted.

They would rather spend time studying than wonder in the street.

They is no use our discussing it any further now.

-----what made you so worried?   ------Missing the plane.

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