8. suffer vt. 遭受;忍耐 vi. 受苦(难);受损失;吃亏;

  受罚 (for);患病 (from)

  sufferer n. 受苦的人;受害者;患者

  suffering n. 苦楚;受难 adj.受苦的;患病的

  I will not suffer such conduct.


  His business suffered greatly during the war.


  He suffered for his carelessness.


  The child suffers from measles.


  [词组] suffer for 为……而受苦

  suffer from 患……病;受……苦


▲ 构词:

① used adj. 用过的,旧的

② usable adj. 可用的,适于使用的

③ user n. 使用者,用户

④ useful adj. 有用的,有助益的

⑤ useless adj. 没用的,无价值的

▲ 搭配:

① use up 用完,耗尽;(口)使筋疲力尽

② make (full) use of (充分)利用,使用

③ of (no) use (没)有用

④ out of use 不再使用了,不通用,作废

⑤ in use 正在用,通用

⑥ bring / put sth into use 开始使用(某物)

⑦ come into use 开始被使用

[考例5][2004辽宁] With special equipment, some

scientists are studying the ways in which the mountain

snow can be____, and with the help of a repeater


   A. taken care of   B. made use of

   C. piled up   D. saved up

[考查目标] 本题考查use构成的短语make use of的意


[答案与解析]B  make use of 的意思是“利用”,在本




(intend, certain, return, operate, use, seat, mind)

1. remove vt. 移动,拿开;脱掉,摘掉;去掉,开除。

  He removed his desk to another office after argument.


  Please remove your baggage from the seat so that the

  old man can sit down.


  I recognised Tom after he removed his dark glasses.



▲ 搭配:

① in relurn (for) 作为……的报答/回礼,交换

② (Wish you) many happy returns!(祝你)福寿无疆,


③ write in return 写回信

④ return sb a visit 回访某人

⑤ return ticket 来回票

⑥ in return for 报答……

⑦ make a return 作报告/汇报

⑧ small profits and quick returns 薄利多销

[考例4][2004湖北]Two weeks later, she ____ to

find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new

tires and the radio fixed.

   A. shocked   B. happened

   C. returned   D. came


[答案与解析]C  根据上下文.本空白所需要的意思是



▲ 搭配:

① Please have a seat. 请坐。

② take a seat 坐下

③ take one's seat 就座,坐在自己的座位上;(当选为议


④ seat oneself (=be seated) 坐下

[考例7][2003北京西城模拟] At dinner, he was

____ beside a woman full of dignity.

   A. seated   B. placed

   C. arranged   D. kept

[考查目标] 本题考查seat作为动词时的用法。

[答案与解析]A  作为动词的seat意思是“给某人安排


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