16. turn around (同turn round) 转过身,转回身

  When the teacher turned around, they began to



  [链接]tum back 折回;翻回

  turn in 上交,交回

  turn away 不理;撵走

  turn out 结果是;生产;出来

  turn down 不接受;调小/低

  turn up 调大;出现;到达

  turn on 开(灯等)

  turn off 关(灯等)

  turn to 转向……/向……求助

  turn...into... 把……变成

  turn against背叛

 [考点3]含“动词 + in”的短语

① believe in 相信.信任,信仰

② bring in 引进,引来

③ come in 进来

④ give in 让步。投降

⑤ hand in 交上来

⑥ get in 收获,进入

⑦ take in 欺骗.摄取

⑧ join in 加入,参与

⑨ take part in 参加

⑩ turn in 交上来

[例句] You can believe in him; he'll never Iet you

down. 你可以相信他,他是不会让你失望的。

The sale brought us in over $200. 这次销售使我们赚


I kept inviting Mrs. Smith to stay for lunch, and finally

she gave in. 我不断邀请史密斯夫人留下来吃午饭,最


We were completely taken in by his story. 我们完全被


She handed in her resignation because of dissatisfac-

tion. 因为不满她递交了辞呈。

They all joined in singing the Christmas carols. 他们一


[考例4](2004湖北)We have to ____ the wheat as

 soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

   A. get away   B. get across

   C. get through   D. get in

[考查目标] 此题主要考查 get 短语。

[答案与解析] D  get away 逃脱,离开;get across 通

过,把……讲清楚;get through 到达,办完,花光;get in




9. take turns doing sth. 轮流做某事

  Since we took turns driving, we didn't find the trip



  [短语] by turns 轮流地

  in turn 依次地

  at every turn 到处


① turn on 打开,使感兴趣

② turn off 关掉

③ turn down 关小,凋低,拒绝,转入

④ turn around 转过身,转过来

⑤ turn...into... 把……变成

⑥ turn to 开始干,求助于

⑦ turn over 转身,翻转,把某人交给,移交,营业额达

⑧ turn up 调大,出现,使某物朝上

⑨ turn out 结果是,证明是,出席

⑩ turn against 背叛

[例句] Mozart's music always turns me on. 莫扎特的音


Be sure to turn off the lights when you leave the room.


I applied for the job but they turned me down because I

didn't know German. 我申请了这份工作,但是因为我


He turned around to find a policeman eyeing him suspi-

ciously. 他转过身发现警察在怀疑地看着他。

A vast crowd turned out t0 watch the match. 大群的观


The car skidded, turned over and burst into flames. 那


[考例2](2004 浙江) We wanted to get home before

dark, but it didn't quite ____ as planned.

   A. make OUt   B. turn out

   C. go on   D. come up

[考查目标] 此题主要考查四个短语的用法。

[答案与解析] B make out 弄明白;turn oat 结果是,证

明是;go on 继续进行;come up 上来,过来,来吧。本句



[考例3](2004四川) The forest guards often find camp-

fires that have not been ____ completely.

    A. turned down      B. put out

    C. put away        D. turned over

[考查目标] 此题主要考查 turn 与 put 构成的短语的用


[答案与解析] B turn down关小。调低,拒绝。转入;

turn over 翻转,移交,营业额达……;put out 扑灭;put

away 收拾,整理,本句话意思是“森林看护人员经常


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