
例1. (2007 安徽卷) Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it.

  A. none of them     B. both of them     

C. none of whom     D. neither of whom

[答案]D 。

[题源探究]   该题是考查“部分+of+整体型”的定语从句的用法.

[广角思维]   该题是考查“部分+of+整体型”的定语从句的用法部分是指具体的数词(one /two/ twenty)或不确定数量的代词(some/ many/much/none/little等)整体是指前一句子中出现的人或物,指人时用whom 指物时用which.例如:There are 80 students in our class, some of whom are from the country. In the 2004 Olympics, China won 24 gold medals ,16 of which were won by women athletes.

[易误警示]   不注意对部分的观察,错误的运用了代词。比如该例中前句提到了两个而不是其他数目,所以代词只能用neither(表示否定)。不注意前一句中整体的特性从而误用了关系代词,应该使用whom 指人的却使用了which。应该使用which 指物的却使用了whom。

在介词of 后本应该用whom做宾语的却使用了who。There are 80 students in our class, some of who are from the country。(错误,应该把who改为whom)

[悟彻高考]   在做这类练习题时一定要注意部分的指代数量,从而确定使用哪一个表示数量的数词或代词。整体指人时一定用whom;整体指物时一定使用which。

[同类预测]在对这一知识进行考查时我们还应该注意“部分+of+整体型” 的定语从句可以转化为“of+整体型+部分”而转化后的结构极易出错,这是我们注意的重点。

(1)We shouldn’t spent our money testing so many people,most of _____are healthy

A. that         B.which          C. what         D. whom


解析:whom做介词of 的宾语。

(2)It is reported that two schools,_______ are being built in my hometown,will open next year.

  A.they both     B.which both     C.both of them    D.both of which


解析:both of which引导定语从句,如果选择B应该改为“which are both  being built in my hometown”

例2:(08武汉模考)I was much disappointed to see the washing-machine I had    the other day went wrong again.

    A.repaired it     B.repaired

    C.it repaired     D.to be repaired

[答案]B 。

[题源探究]   本题着重考查学生的句子分析能力以及关系代词的基本用法。

[广角思维]   the washing-machine为先行词,省略的关系代词that在定语从句中充当了have sth. Done 的宾语,所以不能选C.

[易误警示]   忽略了省略的关系代词that在定语从句充当句子成分这一重要知识点

[悟彻高考]   关系代词在定语从句中充当了某一句子成分,一定要避免句子成分的重复。The car which my uncle just bought it was destroyed in the earthquake。 (错误)把it 去掉。


(1)Ba Jin, for __ experiences were adventurous and unforgettable, was an old man always telling the truth.

    A. whom      B. whose      C. that      D. which


解析:for whom在定语从句中做状语,whom做介词for的宾语。

(2)Jenny was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _______ of course, made the others envy him .

A. who    B. which    C. what     D. that


解析:which 引导非限定性定语从句用来指代第一句话

(3)He went to New York in 2000, _________ only two years later, he became a millionaire.

    A.when  B.which  C.that    D.where


解析:由于定语从句中有了时间状语,所以先行词为New York,填入where做定语从句 中的地点状语。

例3:(08冲刺模拟题一)There is a garden ,----in an armchair , reading a book.

A. whose owner seated    B. its owner seated  

C. its owner is seated    D. the owner of which seated

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]   这是一道综合性考题,该题测试的是定语从句和独立主格结构方面的知识。

[广角思维]  该题把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查。如果选A/D 应该在seated加was,这样就保证了定语从句的完整性;如果选了C两句话之间缺少连词。而正确的答案B是“逻辑主语+分词“即”独立主格结构“。

[易误警示]   该题易选A或D,忽略了定语从句的完整性;也容易选C,忽略了两个句子之间必须有连词这一重要 规律。

[悟彻高考]   遇到把定语从句和独立主格结构结合起来进行考查的练习题最好采用排除法来进行答案的选择。选择时遵循两个规律(1)保证定语从句的完整性(2)保证两个句子之间必须有连词。


There are 80 students in our class, _______boy students .

A. most of them        B. most of whom

C. most of it          D. most of who



(2)测试the reason/way 后的定语从句的表示方式。


例1:(08天津)For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread our further, _______ New York is an example.

  A. for which    B. in which    C. of which     D. from which

[答案]C 。

[题源探究]  本题是考查“介词+关系代词”型的定语从句的用法

[广角思维]  介词的确定其中一个方法是:依据定语从句中短语的习惯性搭配,我们可以把原句加以变化New York is an example of the cities in the world.由此可知of which 即 of the cities.

[易误警示]   这种类型的定语从句容易在这两方面出错:介词的选择错误;介词后的关系代词使用错误。另外注意:①在非限制性定语从句中,"介词+ which"结构不能代替关系副词。如:They set up a state for their own , where they would be free to keep Negroes as slaves.


Is this the book which (that) she was looking for?

He is a kind of man whom you can safely depend on.

[悟彻高考]   这一知识的难点在于介词的判断,介词的判断方法有以下两种:(1)取决于和先行词的搭配I can’t imagine the speed ______ he drove yesterday.与speed搭配的介词是at所以空格处应填at which。

He built a telescope through which he could study the skies.(through which 即through the telescope)(2)取决于和定语从句中动词短语的搭配。There is no one on the street ______ she can turn for help.定语从句中动词搭配为turn to sb. For sth 为固定搭配所以空格处应填to whom。

Who is the girl with whom you just shook hands?(shake hands with…是习惯性搭配)


(1)Eric received training in computer for one year, _____ he found a job in a big company.

A. after that       B. after which        C. after it        D. after this


解析:考查“介词+关系代词”型的定语从句的用法,after which 中的which指代前面的句子

(2). Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree ______ they can be controlled on purpose.

A. with which    B. to which       C. of which      D. for which


解析:考查“介词+关系代词”型的定语从句的用法,to which 中的to的选择取决于与先行词degree的搭配,which指的是degree。

(3) Last winter, many places of southern China were struck by heavy snowstorms, ____ more than 120 people were killed.

A. from which         B. in which     C. at which     D. for which答案:B

解析:考查“介词+关系代词”型的定语从句的用法,in which 中的which指代前面的句子中的heavy snowstorms。

例2:(08郑州模拟考试)In Britain, every year 2.5 million animals die in experiments ______ scientists develop and test new medicines.

    A. where   B. that  C. which   D. on which

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  这是一道综合性考题,考查where 引导的限定性定语从句的用法以及关系副词和"介词+ which"转换方面的知识。

[广角思维]   该题中定语从句句子成分完整说明应该填关系副词或介词+ which,如果选择D的话应把on which改为in which.

[易误警示]   不能准确的分析句子结构以致误认为关系副词when, where, why, how的含义永远可以和"介词+ which"结构

[悟彻高考]  关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点、方式或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。关系副词when, where, why, how的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构,因此常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用,例如:

There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 

Beijing is the place where (in which) I was born. 

Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 

I'm surprised the way how (by which) he works out the problem.但是一定要注意  when, where, why, how=介词+ which的前提是在定语从句中

[同类预测]命题人会依据“关系副词when, where, why, how的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构”这一知识点来命题,我们一定要把握住“when, where, why, how=介词+ which的前提是在定语从句中”这一重要规律。

I can’t find a room ______ to store my books.

A. where   B.  in which   C. which   D. in that



例3:(07启东)The reason that he was ill that day was actually made up by his brother. In fact, the reason ____ he was absent is ____ he went to see a film.

A. why; that  B. why; what  C.  why; because  D. that; because

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  本题测试的是the reason/way 后的定语从句的表示方式和that 引导的表语从句的用法。

[广角思维]   先行词为reason时并且定语从句句子成分完整时可以构成the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).但是当定语从句缺少主语或宾语时就只能填写关系代词了。

[易误警示]   受习惯思维的影响,很多学生一见到the reason不加分析就认为答案必须填why/for which,对于这一错误要求我们要分清句子结构,一定不要受习惯思维的影响。

[悟彻高考]   当先行词为reason时我们必须分析定语从句。当定语从句句子成分完整时可以构成the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).但是当定语从句缺少主语或宾语时就只能填写关系代词that 或which了。The reason (that 或which ) he gave us yesterday was unbelievable .

[同类预测]the reason why =the reason for which= the reason (why).以及the way (that)/in which这 两个特殊的结构的使用前提是从句中句子成分完整。命题人会利用这一特点进行命题。

Is this the reason __________ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

    A. what he explained  B. how he explained

    C. he explained       D. why he explained


解析:由于该句中的定语从句中的explained是及物动词缺少宾语,所以必须填入一个关系代词that /which(可以省略) 来做它的宾语

答:定语从句是重要的英语语法知识点之一,是高考必考的知识点,通常以单项选择题的形式出现。涉及的知识点包括限定性定语从句、非限定性定语从句 、介词+关系代词型定语从句和含插入语式的定语从句。形式多样,结构复杂,极易给中国考生带来麻烦。题目的设置主要考查的是定语从句的一些最基本的用法。最近几年,题目的设置注重了定语从句与其他从句的混合考查,这一点应该值得考生高度重视。

例1:(08江苏卷)The Science Museum, ______ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions.

   A. which         B. what           C. that                D. where

[答案]A 。

[题源探究]  这是一道综合性的考题,考查的是which引导的非限定性定语从句和理解句子成分的知识。

[广角思维]   该题主要考查限定性定语从句、非限定性定语从句的区别,that 不能引导非限定性定语从句,which 既可以引导限定性定语从句也可以非限定性定语从句 ,并且在从句中做主语或宾语。where既可以引导限定性定语从句也可以非限定性定语从句,但是在从句中只做状语。

[易误警示]   把握不准四个词的语法作用,如果不注意该题为非限定性定语从句就容易误选答案C;如果不注意定语从句中visited为及物动词就容易误选答案D

[悟彻高考]   针对这一类型的考题,首先要判断是什么类型的定语从句,如果是非限定性定语从句不能用that,其次判断定语从句中句子成分是否完整如果缺少宾语应填which,如果不缺句子成分应填where ,when, why, 等关系副词。

[同类预测]对which 引导的非限定性定语从句考查将会是各类命题考查的重点,并且结构的多样化和利用插入语增加句子的难度应该引起我们的注意;另外which可以指句子也可以指前面的某一名词。

(1)  Chan’s restaurant on Baker Street, ______ used to be poorly run, is now a successful business.

  A. that         B. which          C. who         D. where


解析:which 引导非限定性定语从句用来指代第一句话中的Chan’s restaurant。

例2:(07天津)Today, we’ll discuss a number of cases______beginners of English fail to use the language properly.

A.which    B.as       C.why      D.where


[题源探究]   本题考查的是where引导的限定性定语从句的用法。

[广角思维]   该题的先行词为相对抽象的地点名词case,定语从句中主谓宾成分完整所以应该填一个表示地点的关系副词,综上所述答案为:D

[易误警示]   没有判断出定语从句中句子成分完整从而可能选A; 没有注意到先行词为相对抽象的地点名词case从而选择了B或C.

[悟彻高考]   当先行词为相对抽象的地点名词case,point, situation,degree等,并且


[同类预测]在今后的高考中仍然会利用相对抽象的地点名词case,point, situation,degree等来考查关系副词where.引导的定语从句,这是对教材中where 引导的限定性定语从句的一种引申和扩展,能体现学生的应变能力。

(1)Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activity ________ sight matters more than hearing.

A. when       B. whose         C. which     D. where



(2)After gradutation she reached a point in her career_____she heeded to decion what to do.

  A.that         B.what            C.which        D.where



例3:(2008陕西卷) The man pulled out a gold watch,     were made of small diamonds.

A. the hands of whom     B. whom the hands of

C. which the hands of     D. the hands of which


[题源探究]   本题考查的是whose作为特殊的关系代词在定语从句中作定语的用法,以及whose+n.=the +n +of which/whom的转换这一知识点。

[广角思维]   whose+n.引导的定语从句可以转化为the +n +of which/whom.所以该题的答案D the hands of which可以转化为whose hands。在定语从句中,whose作定语, 其先行项既可以是人,又可以是物

Lei Feng was a great communist fighter whose death was weightier than Mount Tai.

Where’s the window whose glass is broken?

This is the boy whose pen is lost = This is the boy the pen of whom is lost.

[易误警示]   从表面看这是一个排序题,其实是对whose+n.=the +n +of which/whom


[悟彻高考]   在做这一类型题时一定要通过语境分析出试题对whose+n.引导的定语从句的考查。whose在定语从句中做定语修饰名次whose+n.=the +n +of which/whom

[同类预测]whose 在定语从句中能充当定语的这一独特用法使之不同于一般的关系代词,并且可以做如下的转换whose+n.=the +n +of which/whom,这些因素使这一知识点成为命题考查的重点。

(1)The villagers ,_____ had been damaged by the flood , were given help by the International Red Cross.

A. all of their houses       B.  all their houses

C. all of whose  houses      D . whose all houses


解析:whose 在定语从句中能充当定语

(2)Last month, part of southeast Asia was struck by floods, from ____ effects the people are still suffering.

    A. their       B. whose      C. which      D. what


解析:whose 在定语从句中能充当effects定语,所以答案为B

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