摘要: 请注意强调句型的特殊疑问句 例 When was it that he changed his mind to take part in the activity?




   Do you like chocolate? Most people do.Some like it in bars.Others just like big squares of.it.

Say you just got a box of chocolate.Which piece do you pick first? A study carried out by a professor in the University of Virginia showed that people's choices of chocolates show their personality.If you choose a round piece, you are a person who likes to party.If you select an oval shape, you are a person who strives.You like to make things and push yourself to be successful.Picking a square shape shows that this is an .honest and truthful person you can depend on.

What kind of chocolate do you pick? Maybe you like milk chocolate.This shows you have warm feelings about the past, while dark chocolate means something else—the person who chooses it looks forward to the future.What about white chocolate? Would you like to choose it? If so, you may find it hard to make up your mind.Those who like chocolate with nuts are people who like to help others.

Do you believe these ideas? Can chocolate tell all these things? It doesn't matter.There is one sure thing about eaters of chocolates - they eat it because they like it.

1.What is the best tide of the text? (Please answer within 8 words.)


2. Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?

     In that case, it will be difficult for you to make a decision.

3.What does the underlined word “strives” mean here in English?


4.What’s the writer’s attitude towards the information about chocolate in the text? (Please answer within 15 words)


5.As described in the passage, the          and         of chocolate can show your characteristics and qualities.




A poet is in his words

The writings of William Shakespeare are today little read by young people in Britian. His young readership is limited to those who choose to study literature at university.

 Still, in British schools, ____________ to study the poet, and when something is made compulsory, usually the result is boredom, resentment or both. Shakespeare, Chareles Dickens, Jane Austen-for many of the young, reading them can seem like being forced to eat medicine, especially when people are at an age when they are beginning to discover themselves and wanting to claim their independence.

 This was my experience of the classics at school. But when I reached my late teenage years, I had a change of heart. Like every other young person since the dawn of time, the world confused me. I wanted answers, so I turned to books to find them.

 I went on to take a PhD in literature and have taught the subject in universities in Britain and China. I have never regretted it. There is something in literature that people want, even if they don’t read books.

 You see this in the popularity of TV and movie adaptations of great works, the recent film version of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice being a case in point. These popular adaptations may help increase people’s interest in the classic.

 Reading a simplified Romeo and Juliet may perhaps lead to a reading of Shakespeare’s actual play. If that is the case then I welcome the trend. But do not make the mistake of thinking that it is the same thing. Shakespeare is a poet and his greatness is in his language. Reading someone else’s rewriting of his work is like peeling (剥皮) a banana, throwing away the fruit, and eating the skin. Take on the original. It really is worth the effort.                                                                             

Find a sentence from the text which can explain the title.


Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words to complete the sentence. (within 5 words)


Why are the adaptations of great works popular?



Do you think it necessary to read the original? Why? (within 30 words)


Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




[1] Learning to save money when you’re young is an important lesson. All good lessons and habits begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone needs. Many people-adults included-do not have a good sense of saving for the long run.

[2] Make sure you save and don’t spend too much, which is a good way to build up wealth. I have put my earnings in a bank. Many teens I know spend all the money they earn so it never has a chance to grow. Young people should realize that their teenage years are a great time to begin saving.

[3] At high school many parents pay for almost everything , so your expenses can be small, If you have a lot , you should have fun with some of the money. But you should also save some so that it will grow. Then you can begin planning for your future.

[4] After high school, college is expensive and then “real” life begins, with expenses such as food and rent. You can hold on to a good percentage of the money you earn as a teen. The earlier      ,the more time the money has to grow. If you are in your thirties without any savings, you will always have to struggle. The earlier you begin saving, the easier it is to create a nest egg.

[5]Later in life it can be hard to start saving because general costs of living are more expensive and you may only have enough to pay your bills. If you want to buy a house and have a family, you need money to start with, which comes from saving.

[6]Saving early will mean you will have to work for fewer years when you are older. It will also allow you to spend time doing the things that you want to do. In addition, it will mean you can live the way you want to without worrying.

1.What might be the purpose of the writer?(on more than10 words)


2.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(no more than 5 words)


3.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?(no more than 12 words)


4.List three benefits of saving early according to the text.( no more than 30 words)




5.According to the passage, what do you think of saving?(no more than 20 words)







(1) Hello. It’s one of the first words we learn as babies, yet it’s one of the last ones we think to use as adults. That’s unfortunate, because saying hello is more than just saying hello—it is recognition of another’s worth. How might the world change—how might we change—if we mastered this word? To find out, I spent one month saying hello to every person I met. Here’s what I’ve learned. 

(2) It can boost (促进) productivity. In one of the few studies ever done on this subject, Allan

Allday, an assistant professor of special education at Oklahoma State University, had middle school teachers greet their students individually each morning. This exchange of greetings raised the kids’ productivity. School went from impersonal to personal, and that resulted in more class participation and better grades. 

(3) Environments influence friendliness, One study found that people in the city were kiss likely to one hands with a stranger than those in the countryside. And researchers say, pleasure environments generally encourage more smiles and hellos than unpleasant ones. My experience was similarly. Whatever the reason, my urban hellos were answered far less often than my rural one. Similarly, people in vacation spots, like the Jersey Shore, were far friendlier than those hurrying work downtown. 

 (4) It’s a form of universal health insurance. It’s impossible to say hello without smiling. And smiling has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and boost happiness. Apparently, a smile creates a similar effect in the recipient (接受者)。

(5)So maybe we can make the world a better place by____________. After a month of doing it. I feel lighter and more connected and I have a better sense of well-being. 

 What does the author say about the adults according to Paragraph 1? (within 8 words)


 Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

 Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests. 


Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 5 words)

List three effects of smiling on health according to the text. (within 8 words)

 ①                          ②                      ③

Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 Chinese. 



Your children are so different-they each have very different talents, skills, and personalities, so it can seem natural to give them labels(标签). For example, one child may be the “smart one” or the “artist” or the “troublemaker”. Although it is easy to                    , you can be hard for your children.

Downsides of Labels

When kids are given negative(消极) labels they often feel that parents don’t expect or want them to change, and they may feel that they should live up to their negative labels. For example:

The “messy child” may see no reason to try to be neat and tidy when his parents have already defined his role in the family.

The “troublemaker” may feel that any attempt to be good will be ignored.

The “wild child” may think that he or she might as well continue to do crazy things

because parents expect it.

Even positive labels can be problematic as children may feel uneasy to meet their parents’ expectations, and often feel uncomfortable that their parents seem to like them more than a brother or sister.

Avoiding Labels

Remember that each child is unique and has the ability to do many things and act in many different ways.

Focus on the positives. For example, if your child, who always seems to be running late, but gets to the dinner on time, be sure to praise him for being on time.

Don’t let children lock themselves into roles-encourage children to try things they are interested in.

1.Who do you think the passage is mainly written for? (no more than 2 words)


2.According to the passage, list three negative labels given to children. (no more than 6 words)


3. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Avoid focusing children on some particular things only, you’d better encourage them

to do all that they fancy doing.


4.Fill in the blank with proper words. (no more than 6 words)


5.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.




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