Stop and see! Where do you  1  most of your time! You work, watch TV, play computer games, and sleep-all  2   . It’s easy  3  , but there is a whole new world outside your door. The best way to  4  it is to go backpacking.

 Backpacking means to go hiking on foot. You  5  only what you can __6  _ your back. Are you eager to get   7  ? Wait a minute! Before you go  8   , you should  9  some basic equipment. First you  10  some comfortable shoes  11  boots. Always carry a waterproof jacket or poncho, especially hiking in a  12  , or if the weather forecast  13  for rain. Finally, you need a backpack or daypack. It's also a good idea to  14  a compass, a leakproof water bottle, and a map.

   15  hikes are the easiest to organize. Arrange a trip with a small group of friends. Remember! Hiking in a group is safer than hiking  16  . Decide how far you will go. For most people, a distance of 10 to 12 miles  17  in a day if they are already used to  18  .

 Wherever you go,  19  yourself. You  20  tired when you get home, but you’ll soon be planning another hike.

1.A.spend B.cost C. take D. waste

2.A.indoor B.indoors C. outdoor D. outdoors

3.A.forget B. for forgetting be forgotten forget

4.A.find out C. explore D. study

5.A.take B.fetch C. bring D. carry

6.A.carry B. put on C. carry on D. put

7.A.start B. started C. starting D. starts

8.A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.some where

9.A.collect B.take C.gather D. prepare

10.A.have B.need C. own D. buy

11.A.or B. and C. either D. with

12.A.cold weather B. wet climate C. raining weather D. cold climate B. calls C.calling D. will call

14.A.have C.keep D. be with

15.A.One day B.A day C. One-day D. A-day

16.A.lonely B.lone C. loneliness D. alone far enough B. are far enough C. is enough far D. are enough far

18.A.walk B.walks C.walked D. walking

19.A.enjoy B.happy D. love

20.A.maybe B.may be C. must be D. will be

答案:1-5 ABDBA  6-10 CCAAB  11-15 ACBAC  16-20 DADAB

(1) The news you told me the other day wants yet to be_________.

 A. affirmed   B. informed   C. conformed   D. confirmed

(2) Color-blind people often find it difficult to_______  between blue and green.

 A. separate   B. compare   C. contrast    D. distinguish

(3) My friend's son, who is a soldier, was delighted when he was __________only a few miles from home.

 A. camped   B. situated   C. placed   D. stationed

(4) The Americans and British not only speak the same language but also ________a large number of Social customs.

   A. join   B. take   C. share   D. make

(5) In countries where a solar calendar was_________ the length of each year needed to be    modified in order to have the same number of months in each year.

 A. received   B. adopted   C. utilized   D. adapted

(7) He got _________ doing his everyday work. It's so _________.

 A.tired in, tiring B. tiring in, tried

 C.tired of, tiring D. tired from, tired

(8) _________ many times, _________ he still couldn't understand it.

 A. He was told, /   B. Though he had been told, but

 C. Told, but     D. Having been told, /

(12) Is he _________ to _________ a picnic?

 A. determined, go   B. decided, goon

 C. ready, go for D. willing, /

(14) People like to read the _________ newspapers.

 A. late   B. lately  C. later   D. latest

(15)Sun Yao __________taller than any other student in his class.

 A. is supposed to be   B. was thinking that

 C. is going to      D. thinks to be

(17) I don't like the way _________ he speaks to me.

  A. which B. in that C. / D. for which

(19) He took a sick old woman to hospital. That is________ he came late.

 A. why  B. when C. because D. that

 (21) It’s so cold in here. Shall I ________?

 A. catch fire B. set fire C. light a fire D. make fire

(22) __________ the truth, they didn’t quite like the idea.

 A. Telling B. To tell C. Having told D. Told

(23) Most of the persons __________ to the party were from Asia.

 A. invited     B. to invite

 C. being invited    D. had been invited

(24) He _________ you more help, even though the was very busy.

 A. might have given   B. might give

 C. may have given     D. may give

 Most people know that farmers keep cows. But how many people know that ants also keep “cows”? The ants’ cows are  1  kinds of plant bugs, called aphids. These are little insects that live  2  on plants. Plant bugs suck the juice from a plant until their bodies  3  juice.  Ants are very fond of the aphids juice, called honeydew . They eat the honeydew when it  4  on the plants. They also strike the bugs with their feelers to make more honeydew  5  . It is for this  6  that the bugs are called cows . The ants are  7  among the plant bugs, striking them and eating the sweet juices.  The ants collect a number of these cows and keep them near the ant home, where the bugs eat  8  . The ants guard their “cows” from such insect enemies  9  the ladybug.  Plant bugs are important to ants, just as  10  are important to farmers.

 1. A. important  B. good     C. useful    D. certain  2. A. a great deal   B. a lot of   C. many     D. in large numbers  3. A. are filled of   B. are full of    C. filled with    D. include  4. A. leaves    B. was born   C. drops     D. is fallen  5. A. go down  B. being dropped   C. fall   D. appear  6. A. result    B. reason    C. cause    D. honeydew  7. A. come and go  B. walk and run   C. climb and hide   D. up and down  8. A. ants     B. earth     C. cows     D. green plants  9. A. from    B. as      C. like     D. against  10. A. ants    B. plants    C. cows    D. aphids

答案:1-5DDBOC  6-10BDDBC

 Education is not only the teaching and learning of knowledge, but also the developing of a person’s  1  .  Now liberal education has a great effect on the world. Much work has been done to  2  better ways of teaching. Students are  3  to have their own thoughts and their own ideas when they have lessons, which are often held in the form of group discussions. They are properly guided to use the knowledge  4  .  In liberal education punishment  5  exists. Teachers and students are just like friends. The idea is of course a perfect one if it can really be carried out. However it only  6  in the imagination and will never be  7  . We must admit that children should  8  be guided properly. Just close your eyes and think how many students  9  in every hundred  10  will carry out the duties of a student if they are not  11  . What is the use of advice only if it is not supported by a  12  degree of control and punishment? It is  13  for us to judge the success and failure of this kind of education now, but from the bad behavior of the children who are actually the result of  14  , we can see that something must be done to  15  these children. 1. A. politeness  B. habit     C. interests   D. character 2. A. master   B. find     C. make    D. hold 3. A. ordered   B. encouraged  C. used      D. driven 4. A. seen    B. noticed    C. learned    D. met 5. A. still     B. no longer   C. always    D. for ever 6. A. goes    B.. lives     C. comes    D. exists 7. A. realized   B. supported   C. understood   D. produced 8. A. at least    B. in the end  C. ever     D. in life 9. A. it is     B. it seems   C. there are   D. are 10. A. which   B. that     C. he     D. they 11. A. pulled   B. pushed    C. permitted  D. protected 12. A. reasonable  B. remarkable  C. strict     D. small 13. A. easy     B. hard     C. possible   D. proper 14. A. liberal education  B. group discussion    C. education    D. teaching 15. A. punish   B. excuse    C. help     D. trust 答案:1-5DBBCA 6-10DACCB 11-15BABCC

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