I did not know the city at all.  1  , I could not speak a  2  of the language. After having  3  my first day sightseeing in the town-centre , I decided to lose my way deliberately (故意地) on my second day, since I believed that this was the surest  4  of getting my way around. I  5  on the first bus that passed and got off  6  thirty minutes later in  7  must have been a suburb (效区). The first two hours passed  8  enough. I discovered my sterious little bookshops in back streets and finally arrived at a market-place where I  9  and had a coffee. Then I decided to get  10  to my hotel for lunch.  11  about aimlessly for some  12  I decided to  13  the way. The trouble was that the only  14  I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived. . . and even that I  15  badly. The policeman listened to my question,  16  and gently took me  17  the arm. There was a distant  18  in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded  19  and began walking in the direction he pointed. About an hour  20  and I noticed that the houses were getting  21 and green fields were appearing on __22  side of me. I had  23  all the way into the  24  . The only thing left for me to do to find the  25  railway station.

1. A. Besides    B. Except     C. And      D. But

2. A. sound    B. sentence    C. knowledge   D. word

3. A. taken     B. cost      C. spent      D. used

4. A. road     B. street     C. path      D. way

5. A. rose      B. came      C. got       D. lifted

6. A. certain    B. some      C. after      D. like

7. A. that     B. which      C. what      D. where

8. A. badly     B. terribly     C. nervously    D. pleasantly

9. A. stopped    B. lived      C. inspected    D. settled down

10. A. forward   B. eastward     C. back       D. down

11. A. Walking   B. Walked     C. Before walking  D. After walking

12. A. days     B. time      C. week       D. steps

13. A. lead     B. show      C. ask       D. tell

14. A. word     B. language    C. information   D. order

15.A. wrote     B. pronounced   C. announced    D. spelt

16. A. smiling    B. smiled     C. to smile     D. with a smile

17. A. by      B. at       C. on        D. in

18.A. face     B. look      C. worry     D. means

19.A. anxiously   B. politely     C. angrily     D. hurriedly

20.A. or so     B. later      C. after      D. passed

21. A. fewer     B. a few      C. little      D. more

22.A. both     B. either      C. neither     D. every

23.A. lost     B. got      C. missed     D. come

24.A. city     B. town      C. hill       D. country

25. A. shortest    B. farthest     C. nearest     D. last

keys: 1-5ADCDC  6-10 BCDAC  11-15 DBCAB  16-20 BABBD  21-25 ABDDC 

 0  252002  252010  252016  252020  252026  252028  252032  252038  252040  252046  252052  252056  252058  252062  252068  252070  252076  252080  252082  252086  252088  252092  252094  252096  252097  252098  252100  252101  252102  252104  252106  252110  252112  252116  252118  252122  252128  252130  252136  252140  252142  252146  252152  252158  252160  252166  252170  252172  252178  252182  252188  252196  447348 

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