The output(输出) is the last step in computer operation. It changes the computer’s  1  from machine language into a form that people can  2   . There are several kinds of output devices(装置).

 Suppose a shoe store owner wants to know which style of shoe is  3  best, he uses a printer, which prints or types the  4  of shoes sold on a long strep (条) of paper. The computer print-out shows him  5  shoes he should order.

 A city planner, though, may use her computer in a different  6  . She wants to plan a new bus route to serve the largest number of  7  . Using a plotter (绘图仪) as the output, she gets a drawing, actually a  8  , showing the route chosen by the computer.

 Students in many schools are taught by a computer. Some of these  9  are in foreign languages. To learn a language, you must  10  it spoken correctly. These computers have an audio(音响) output. They actually produce the  11  of the language perfectly pronounced.

   The modern computer is truly a wonderful machine. But it is not able to think  12  itself. It is only as smart (聪明) as the person who prepares its program. Nor can a computer produce correct answers  13  it is fed correct information into. A computer is nothing more than a human  14  . Just as you use a hammer to help you drive a nail into a wall, so you use a computer to help you work out a problem. Computers are our  15  , not our masters.

1. A. questions B. results    C. position   D. (aeration

2. A. speak   B. write    C. study    D. understand

3. A. fitting   B. selling    C. wearing   D. walking

4. A. number  B. kind     C. factories   D. colours

5. A. only    B. different   C. which    D. those

6. A. means   B. place    C. time    D. way

7. A. streets   B. people    C. stops    D. drivers

8. A. map    B. book    C. report    D. plan

9. A. lessons   B. classes    C. courses    D. texts

10. A. have    B. make    C. want    D. hear

11. A. sounds   B. words    C. speeches   D. rules

12. A. of     B. for     C. over     D. about

13. A. or     B. while    C. unless    D. if

14. A. being   B. waiters    C. tool     D. dream

15. A. servants  B. workers   C. friends    D. waiters

答案:1-5 BDBAC  6-10 DBACD  11-15 ABCCA

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