7. 此题系2001年之(24)题

 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology  

_________so rapidly.

 A. is changing  B. has changed  C. will have changed   D. will change

答案 :A  通过率 :57%

测试语言点 :动词时态的实际应用 。

要吸取的经验 :时态在实际应用中才能学会。

试题详析 :is changing 表示“目前正在变化之中”,has changed表示“目前已经有了变化,与从前不同了”,will have changed表示“预计将来某个时候会发生变化,产生不同的结果”,will change表示“将来某个时候会有变化,但是变化结果 ,尚未可知 。”仅仅用汉语讲解是不行的。请仔细对照此题与下列句子的不同含义 :

 Nowadays selecting a mobile phone for personal use like the one I’m used to is far more

difficult than in my days ; you see , there are so many new models that it is impossible

for an old man like myself to tell which is more like the one I’m familiar with or which

is better than which ;  technology has changed and I’m too old to get used to so many

new things .

 I don’t want to spend so much money on such a mobile phone . An ordinary one will do .

And I’m sure in a few months much better and more advanced models will be produced.

Technology will change and production cost will be reduced ; mobile phone will be as

cheap and popular as ordinary phone today .

 By the year of 2008 when Olympic Games are to be held in Beijing , mobile phone

production technology will have changed so rapidly and so greatly that those tiny

things for personal use will cost less than half of the price we have to pay today .

That’s why I don’t want to give away this old one of mine . I’m waiting for the time

when the mobile phone in my hand will be one of the most advanced models in the world .

第二节 书面表达训练

  试将这个短文(Weight On And Off The Earth)的每句话用尽可能不同的句型改写 ,全文10个句子大约能够改写成19种不同的句子 :


 (1) Because we can feel that things are heavy , we think of weight as being a fixed quality in an object , but it is not really fixed at all .

 (2) If you could take a one-pound packet of butter 4,000 miles out from the earth , it  would weigh only a quarter of a pound .

 (3) Why would things weigh only a quarter as they do at the surface of the earth if we took them 4,000 miles out into space ?

 (4) The reason is this : all objects have a natural attraction (吸引力)for all other objects ; this  is called gravitational attraction (万有引力).

 (5) But this power of attraction between two objects gets weaker as they get farther apart .

 (6) When the butter was at the surface of the earth , it was 4,000 miles from the centre ( in other words the radius半径 of the earth is 4,000 miles .)

 (7) When we took the butter 4,000 miles out , it was 8,000 miles from the centre , which is twice the distance .

 (8) If you double the distance between two objects , their gravitational attraction decreases(减少)two times two .

 (9) If the distance is three times it gets nine times weaker (three times three).

 (10) If you take two objects four times far away from each other , their power of attraction gets sixteen times weaker ( four times four )

6. 此题系2001年之(23)题

 As we joined the big crowd I got _________ from my friends.

 A. separated  B. spared   C. lost   D. missed

答案 :A  通过率 :56%

测试语言点 :get+过去分词,表示一种状态。在这里表示“客观所迫”“不得不”,


 get seperated表示 :原来在一起 ,后来分开了。

 get spared表示 :被…放过 ,幸免 。

 get lost 表示 :迷失方向 。

 get missed表示 : 人们找不到了。

如 :To the rescuers’ great surprise , half an hour after the air crash , they found that of all the 119 passengers and crew members only a 3-year-old baby got spared , tightly held in the arms of his dead mother . 

 Strangers often get lost in this neighbourhood where there are so many buildings of the same type , the same size and the same colour .

 An extremely valuable exhibit is said to have got missed from the main hall on the first day of the exhibition .

要吸取的经验 :这里虽然只是一个句子 ,也有“上下文”。上文的意思是 :

  “我们几个朋友与一大群人汇合的时候 ,”故而下文自然是:“我因为拥挤而与这几个朋友分手了。”我们彼此都知道彼此的下落 ,因此,谈不上“lost”或者“missed”,更没有需要被“spared”的问题 。由此可见 ,高考复习必须“语篇化”


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