4. 对重要的情态动词和虚拟语气的用法要做到重点掌握,多区分和体会。

例1. (08江西卷)26. What a pity. Considering his ability and experience, he ____ better.

A. need have done       B. must have done

C. can have done        D. might have done

[答案]D 。

[题源探究] 考查情态动词的完成形式的比较独特的用法用法。

[广角思维]  该题提供的语境是他本可以做得更好的,但是却没能这样。Might have done 符合该语境。 

[易误警示]  有部分学生想到到了这一层意思“他本来能做得更好的”,这一意思是正确的,但是C项没有这一用法,选错答案的学生就范了这样的错误。

[悟彻高考]  (1) could后面接完成式 表示本可能发生或本可以做的事而没有发生或没有做;它的否定形式则表示本不可能发生或本不可以做的事而已经发生或已经做了。例如:

The output could have been increased by 15% .产量本可以提高百分之十五的。

How could he have forgotten him birthday ? 他怎么会忘了自己的生日呢?

Judging from her appearance and manner, she couldn't have been over fifty years old . 从她的仪表和举止来看,她不可能已有五十多岁了。

(2) ought to/should后面接完成式表示本应该发生或本应该做的事而没有发生或没有做;它的否定形式则表示本不应该发生或本不应该做的事而已经发生或已经做了。例如:

They ought to have completed their work much earlier .


You oughtn't to have left your keys in the office when you went out .


I ought to have said it to her in a calmer mood .


(3)might后面接完成式 表示本可能发生或本可以做的事而没有发生或没有做。例如:

They might have finished their work by now .他们现在或许已经完成任务。

She might have done better than that .你本可以做得比这更好一些的。

You might have learned more from him . 你本可以向他学到更多一些东西的。

[同类预测] 上述三种结构并不是表示推测的,这一特征决定了该知识的重要性,使他们成为命题的重点和热点。:

As it turned out to be a small house party, we____so formally.

A needn’t dress up   B did not need have dressed up

C did not need dress up D  needn’t have dressed up


解析: needn’t have + 过去分词,表示做了不必做的事,相当于”didn’t need to do”,译为“其实没必要……”。如:

例2:(08重庆卷)30.– I can’t find my purse anywhere.

   -- You __ have lost it while shopping.

A. may   B. can   C. should   D. would


[题源探究]  该题考查情态动词的完成形式表示推测的用法。

[广角思维]  根据语境可知是说“在购物的过程中可能把钱包丢失了。”符合这一语意的结构是may have done 。

[易误警示]  受can的汉语意思“可能”的影响很多学生会选择B,这是做该题时最容易犯的错误,忽略了can表示推测时用在问句中和否定句中这一用法特点。

[悟彻高考]  can, could后接完成式的用法:①在否定句或疑问句中表示对过去发生过的事情的“怀疑”或“不肯定”的态度,Could he have said so?. (2)may, might后接完成式的用法 ①表示对过去某事的推测,认为某一件事情在过去可能发生了。如果使用might,语气就比较婉转或更加不肯定,如:Mary might have learned some Chinese before. ②可以表示过去本来可以做到而实 际没有做到的事情,有“劝告”或“责备”的语气,如:You didn't do the work well that day. You might have done it better. (3)must后接完成式的用法:表示对过去某事的推测,认为某事在过去一定做到 了,如:Liu Dong isn’t in the classroom. He must have gone to the library. 


My pain____ apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically:” Are you feeling all right?”

   A must be   B had been  C must have been  D had to be


解析:must have+过去分词,表示对已发生情况的肯定推测,译为“(昨天)一定……如:

  Mary____my letter; otherwise she would have replied before

A  couldn’t have received  B ought to have received

C has received D shouldn’t have received


解析:can’t / couldn’t have+过去分词,表示对已发生情况的否定推测,译为“(昨天)一定没……”

例3:(2008年苏、锡、常、镇四市高三教学情况调查二) I ___________ ask him, because I think I ______________ be wrong.

A. daren’t; must  B. dare; must      C. dare; mustn't      D. daren’t; mustn't


[题源探究]  本题主要考查dare的用法。

[广角思维]   首先排除C/D。 根据语境可知是指不敢,答案A

[易误警示]  分不清dare的词性,也因此无法断定选项中那一个是正确的。

[悟彻高考]   ①dare:作情态动词用,一般用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句中,一般不用于肯定句中。有时态变化,但没有人称变化。如:

  He dared not go out alone at night. 他夜晚不敢独自出去。

  I daren’t ask you, because I thought I was wrong. 我没敢告诉你,担心自己错了。

  ②dare:作行为动词用,在肯定句中常后接带to 的不定式;否定、疑问句中要用do, does, did等助动词,在否定和疑问句中可接带to或不带to的不定式。有人称和时态变化。如:

  I didn’t dare (to) come. 他不敢来。

  Does he dare (to) swim across the river? 他敢游过河吗?

[同类预测]dare 的用法决定了其在高考中的地位和重要性,做该类试题时务必熟悉dare的词性,然后在根据所学的知识对对试题作出真确地判断。

He _____ his parents that he has failed in the exam.

  A. dares not tell  B. dares not telling

  C. dare not tell   D. dares not to tell




4. must 用在问句中表示强烈的不满。

Why must you play the piano at the middle night?

[同类预测] 把情态动词的特殊句式和具体语境结合起来是一种越来越常见的命题方法,我们既要注意到这些特殊句式,也要特别注意具体的语境。

Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _____ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?

  A. can  B. should C. may   D. must


解析:考查情态动词表达推测。can通常用于否定或疑问句中表示推测,表示可能性。这句话的意思是“布什先生一直按时做好所有的事,他怎么可能开幕式迟到呢?”。用于否定句表示“不可能”,此时要与may not“可能不”的含义注意区分

例4. (北京市西城区2008年高三第二学期抽样测试).Most of the big hotels were full at this time of the year,but finally we _____find a room in one of those small guesthouses near the station.

   A.ought to   B.could   C.were able to   D.might

[答案]C 。

[题源探究]  考查can /could和be able to的区别。

[广角思维]  根据but的转折关系可以知道我们找到了主的地方,有这一能力并且做了,所以答案为C 

[易误警示]  分不清can /could和be able to的区别,和对语境的错误理解是这道试题出错的主要理由。

[悟彻高考]  can /could和be able to的区别 ① can和be able to都可以表示有能力作某事,但be able to的主语必须是人或动物,而can 没有这个限制,如:

He can swim. = He is able to swim.

The radio can be fixed in 30 minutes.(句中的can不能用be able to)

② 根据be动词的变化而有各种时态的变化,而can只有过去时。

③ be able to表示克服困难或通过努力做成某事,其过去时可表示“设法做成”,相当于managed to do或succeeded in doing,而can表示本身具有能力做某事。如:

With the help of the firemen, they were able to leave the burning house.

本题是指通过节省房钱来攒钱,当然用be able to更合适,再如:

Although his leg was hurt, he was able to swim to the bank.

[同类预测] 对can /could和be able to的区别的考查是情态动词部分的一种很常见,也很重要的知识点,需要在复习时认真对比掌握。

I lived with my sister this summer and didn’t have to pay rent. So I _____ save most of my salary.

  A. could  B. would  C. was able to  D. should

本题考查can和be able to的差别。


解析:本题考查can和be able to的差别。我能节省大部分钱是说有这个能力并且做到了,所以答案为:C

4. 关于表示推测的情态动词后面所接动词形式,有下列四种情况:


I don't know where she is, she may be in Wuhan. 我不知道她在哪儿,可能在武汉。


  At this moment, our teacher must be correcting our exam papers. 这时,想必我们老师正在批改试卷。


  The road is wet. It must have rained last night. 地是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。


  Your mother must have been looking for you. 你妈妈一定一直在找你。

[同类预测] 对情态动词表示推测的用法的考查应该是情态动词中最主要德 用法,这一点可以从历年的高考试题中观察到, 应该注重加强对这方面知识的训练和理解。

(1)You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers ________ not like the design of the furniture. 

A. must              B. shall

C. may              D. need


解析: may not意为“可能不”。句意是:你不妨告诉厂商男顾客可能不喜欢这种家具的花样。

(2)-Isn’t that Ann’s husband over there?

-No, it ________ be him-I’m sure he doesn’t wear glasses.

A. can’t              B. must not

C. won’t             D. may not


解析:由No和后文I’m sure…可知,是有把握的否定推测,所以用can’t 。

(3)-There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

-It ________ a comfortable journey. (全国卷)

A. can’t be               B. shouldn’t be

C. mustn’t have been        D. couldn’t have been


(4)Michael ________ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.

A. needn’t               B. can’t

C. should               D. may

答案选B。由he’s too short推知,Michael“不可能(can’t)”是 policeman。

例2:(2007 陕西卷)As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area     .

A. need repairing      B. needs to repair      

C. needs repairing     D. need to repair

[答案]B 。

[题源探究]  这是一道综合性的考题,考查特殊词need 的用法和主谓一致的用法。

[广角思维]   need 在该句中是实意动词,need后可以接动名词的主动表示被动的结构,也可以接不定式的被动结构。

[易误警示]  对need的词性把握不准以及need做需要讲后面接什么形式记忆不清,还有相关的主谓一致的用法都是这道题出错的地方。

[悟彻高考]  need既可用作情态动词也可用作行为动词,主要用法如下:

①作情态动词时表示“需要;必须”,后面当然跟动词原形,仅用于否定句或疑问句中,否定式是needn’t,在肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to或should代替,如:

You needn’t buy the book.

---- Need I finish the work today?  ---- Yes, you must.

② 作行为动词时,有时态、人称和数的变化,后面跟to do,否定形式要用don’t/doesn’t/didn’t need,如:

He needs to finish it this evening.

③ need用作行为动词时,后面还可以跟动名词或名词,此时含义跟need后面用不定式的含义不一样。“need +动名词”含有被动意义,类似这样的用法还有有want, require,如:

[同类预测] need 的用法决定了其在高考中的地位和重要性,做该类试题时务必熟悉need的词性,然后在根据所学的知识对对试题作出真确地判断。

(1)It is a good example of a site that many people think _____ to change.

  A. need  B. to need  C. needs    D. needing


解析:此题考查need的用法,还要理清句子结构。that前是个主句,that引导的是个定语从句,其先行词是a site,定语从句中谓语动词应该用单数needs,many people think是插入语,空格处是谓语部分。插入语经常被出题人放在题目中,使句子复杂化,增加句子的难度,做题时可以把插入语去掉,便于理解句子结构。

(2) His homework______, but it _____.

A. needs correcting; needn’t rewriting

B. need be corrected; doesn’t need to be rewriting 

C. needs correcting; needn’t be rewritten 

D. needs to be corrected; needn’t to be rewritten


解析:本题还是考查need作为行为动词和情态动词的用法。“需要修改”用行为动词need可以说成needs correcting = needs to be corrected,用情态动词need可以说成need be corrected,参考以上表达方式来进行第二空的选择,可见只有C项的两部分都正确。

例3:(2007 辽宁卷) -Turn off the TV, Jack.. ____ your homework now?

-Mum, just ten more minutes, please.

A. Should you be doing     B. Shouldn't you be doing 

C. Couldn't you be doing    D. Will you be doing


[题源探究] 考查情态动词的一种独特的表示方法。

[广角思维]  根据语境可以知道第一句话的意思是“难道现在你不应该正在做作业吗?”据此可知应该用情态动词should,并且用情态动词的否定疑问句形式。

[易误警示]  对是使用情态动词的哪一种形式模糊不清,使用一般疑问句形式呢,还是用否定疑问句形式呢?其实问题的原因主要在于语境把握不住做成的。 

[悟彻高考]  情态动词有一些特殊的表示形式总结如下:

 0  251954  251962  251968  251972  251978  251980  251984  251990  251992  251998  252004  252008  252010  252014  252020  252022  252028  252032  252034  252038  252040  252044  252046  252048  252049  252050  252052  252053  252054  252056  252058  252062  252064  252068  252070  252074  252080  252082  252088  252092  252094  252098  252104  252110  252112  252118  252122  252124  252130  252134  252140  252148  447348 

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