When it was my sixth year at high school, I got a summer job in an expensive department store to provide money for my first trip abroad. It was near my home, so it seemed perfect. The first place I   1   was in the silk  2   . I didn’t get my training, so I was  3  of cutting the materials. There were some regular  4  who came with servants and drivers. Some had been   5   for years. Most of them were pleasant, but a few were really  6  . Often when such people appeared, the  7  shop assistants ran away and hid. They only came out from the store room  8  the customers had gone.

 I’ll  9  remember the first day of the sales. I had set my alarm clock (闹钟) early so as not to be  10   . I quickly dressed and left the   11   . Outside, It was raining hard and the  12  was moving slowly and carefully. When I got to work, people were already standing in lines outside the doors. Some had been  13  all night and the weather hadn’t improved their temper (心情). They might be very dangerous and I could see why our  14  had planned the sale like an operation of the army. The day before, he told me to work at one of the tables in the middle of the shop floor.

 At five to nine we were all ready, waiting  15  ,as the seconds ticked (滴嗒) by. Suddenly, the doors  16  and there was the sound of hundreds of pairs of feet   17  through the entrance hall. At the very  18  moment, just as the first customers were coining near, I dropped my scissors ( 剪刀). I was trying to find them under the  19  when the rush of the crowd struck. I was stuck down there for at least twenty minutes, with a sea of  20  around me. I was completely helpless.

1. A. studied  B. worked C. lived D. stood



2. A. department B. clothes C. dress D. class

 [解析]所谓department store, 是指分成各个部门(department) 的商店,或称“百货商场”。


 3.A.surprised B. delighted C. pleased  D. frightened



 4. A.assistants B. friends C. customers D. owners


 5.A.training B. coming C. learning D . trying



 6.A.useful B. pleasant C. hopeful D. unkind

 [解析]与上面的pleasant 相对照。


7.A. experienced B. new C. rich D. old



8.A.before B. after C. until D. while



9.A. never B . seldom C. always D. hardly



 10. A.late B. clear C. sorry D. weak


 11. A. store B. kitchen C. flat D. school



 12. A. lorry B. walk C. traffic D. street



13.A.shopping B. selling C. buying  D. waiting



14. A. boss B. officer C. official D. guard


15.A.fortunately B. heavily C. anxiously D. personally



16.A.closed B. knocked C. broke D. opened



17.A. pressing B. rolling C. driving D. running



18.A.happy B. important C. calm D. direct


19. A. table B. chair C. desk D. floor


20.A. heads B. legs C. lines D. shoulders



以“广播与电视是我的良师益友”为题,按下列提纲用英语写一篇字数150左右的短文。  1.使我消息灵通,足不出户便知国内外正在发生的事。  2.增长我对历史、地理、社会科学与自然科学的知识。  3.广播与电视中的音乐节目,体育运动与比赛,电影和电视剧增进了我的身心健康,丰富了我的文化生活。  4.帮我改进学习方法(studying methods),正确待人接物并树立正确的人生观(the outlook of life)和世界观(the outlook of the world)。 注意:  1.先交代主题句,然后按提纲的提示展开。  2.没必要翻译上面的提示,只要写出提纲中的主要内容,使其通顺完整即可。 答案: Radio and Television - Good Teachers and Friends  Radio and television are my excellent teachers as well as my good friends. Firstly, they enable me to know very well what is going on both at home and abroad even when I stay indoors. Secondly, they supply me with a great deal of valuable knowledge about geography, history, social science and natural science. Thirdly, they show me many beautiful music programmes, exciting sports and games, wonderful movies and TV plays, which really offer me great fun, enrich my spare time and relax myself. Finally, they've not only helped me to improve my studying methods but also taught me how to deal with different problem and how to get on with different people. What is more, they've helped me to set up a correct outlook of both life and the world. I'm sure that my life would not become so interesting or colourful if there were no radio or television.

 Under her bed. Mrs Chang kept a box containing some jewellery that had belonged to her mother. The jewellery was the only  1  thing she had, and she always said that she would keep it and only  2  it for a very important reason. Well, this was an important  3  , wasn’t it? She said nothing to Mary,  4  went secretly into the city and sold the  5  for $ 2,750. Over half the money! But where could she  6  the other half?

 During the next few months, Mrs Chang was always busy. She went out four mornings a week and  7  other people’s houses. She stayed up until late in the night and sewed dresses and trousers for the people in the village. She embroidered (绣) colourful birds and flowers on pieces of silk for the  8  who came through the village. Gradually, her pile of money under the bed began to grow, Mary noticed that her mother was very  9  , but her mother just said, “I want to have some new clothes for your  10  . I’ll need to buy cloth. And I want to be able to  11  you another good present.”

 By June, Mrs Chang had $ 4 250 under her bed. She  12  to a relative in Yuen Long, who had a small business. “Tsun Man,” she said. “ I badly   13  $ 750.” Her relative was   14  . Mrs Chang had  15  asked anyone for money before. But he lent her the money.

 Mrs Chang put on her best clothes, went to the city and  16  a return ticket from London to Hong Kong. After putting it in a nice  17  , she began to write  18  address on it and posted it. “What a surprise this will be for David,” she said to herself. “How  19  he will be! And how happy Mary will be, too, to  20  her brother with her on her wedding day.”

 1. A. valuable B. beautiful C. interesting D. wonderful

 [解析]根据上下文,应为“珍贵的”。 答案:A

 2. A. lend B. send  C. keep D. sell

 [解析]只有在特殊情况下才卖掉。   答案:D

  3. A. box B. idea C. reason D. opinion

 [解析]从下面可以看出这个重要的reason 是什么,之所以如此,才有Mrs Chang 下面一系列的举动。


 4. A. or B. but C. so D. however  答案:B

 5. A. clothes B. dresses  C. jewellery D. trousers

   [解析]上文所指的jewellery。   答案:C

 6. A. get B.borrow  C. make D. bring   答案:A

 7. A. searched B. entered C. cleaned D. washed

 [解析]帮助人家打扫房子。  答案:C

 8.A.neighbours B.tourists C.relatives D. friends


 9.A.worried B. busy C.angry D. content

 [解析]Mary观察到了母亲的忙碌。  答案:B

 10.A.wedding B. birthday C. family D. work

 [解析]从下文可以看出是为了Mary的婚礼而操劳。  答案:A

 11. A. give B. send  C. buy  D. mail

 [解析]give sb. a present, 给某人礼物。  答案:A

 12. A. got B. went  C. pointed D. replied  答案:B

 13. A. lose B. owe C. need D. earn

 [解析]badly need, 急需。  答案:C

 14. A. surprised B. frightened C. hurt D. disappointed

 [解析]从下文可以看出。  答案:A

 15. A. always B . usually C. never  D. sometimes

 [解析]Mrs Chang从来没有来借过钱,与上题是紧密相连的。  答案:C

 16. A. bought B. sent C. took D. carried  答案:A

 17. A. envelope B. box  C. package  D. bag

 [解析]根据下文,应是放在信封里。 答案:A 

 18. A. mother’s B. brother’s C. Mary’s D. David’s

 [解析] 应为David的地址,David此时在HongKong。 答案:D

 19. A. sad B. surprise C. happy D. excited

 [解析]David将会多么高兴啊!surprise的词性不对 答案:C

 20. A. have    B. invite  C. take D. leave  答案:A

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