例1 The salesman scolded the girl caught     and let her off.  A. to have stolen    B. to be stealing  C. to steal       D. stealing  分析 本题考查的目标是看学生是否掌握catch sb. doing这一结构,caught在这里是过去分词做后置定语,相当于the girl who was caught stealing. 例:  The farmer caught a man stealing his apples. 或A man was caught stealing apples.  那个农民发现一个人正在偷他的苹果。


  例2  Rather than     on a crowded bus, he always prefers     a bicycle.  A. ride, ride  B. riding, to ride  C. ride, to ride   D. to ride, riding  分析 该题考查目标是看学生是否掌握了prefer to do A rather than do B. (宁愿做某事而不愿做…)尽管把主句放在后边,答案仍是C。答案选C。

例3 单项选择:  The reading room is    the classroom.  A. two times as big as    B. twice bigger as  C. twice as big than     D. twice as big as  分析 此题中正确答案是D(twice as big as), 表示“某物是某物几倍大”可用“…time as big as…” 或者”…times bigger than …”结构,而“两倍”要用twice 而不用two times, 所以其他选项均为错误。如:He has worked twice as long as I have. 他工作的时间是我的两倍。

例4.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door      “Sorry to miss you, will call later.”  A. read     B. reads     C. to read     D. reading  本题考查-ing形式作定语。此题中a message 由pinned to the door 说明其位置,由     “sorry …later”说明内容。因“a message + read”之间建立的是主动的主谓结构,故用-ing形式,选择D项。此题难度较大。

例5.What worried the child most was      to visit his mother in the hospital.  A. his not allowing      B. his not being allowed  C. his being not allowed    D. having not been allowed  本题考查+ ing 形式的复合结构(亦称独立主格)作表语及其否定形式。(1)ing形式的复合结构有四种形式:名词+ing形式,名词所有格(’s)+ing形式,代词+ing形式和形容词词性物主代词+ing形式。但充当表语时,只用物主代词+ing形式和名词所有格(’s)+ing形式。(2)非谓语形式的否定,都是在非谓语形式前加not. 在复合结构下,not加在逻辑主语之后,非谓语形式之前。(3)该题应判断用被动语态。故选B。

例6.       his work, he went back to work after supper.   A. Having not finished      B. Not having finished    C. Not finished          D. Finishing not  本题考查现在分词的完成式,答案为B。非谓语结构的否定,都是在非谓语结构前加not.

例7.单句改错Having shown around the labs, we are taken to see the library.  将Having shown 改为Having been shown. 主语we 与show之间存在着一种被动关系,因此要用它的被动形式,在having后面加been.

例8.European football is played in 80 countries,      it the most popular sport in the world.  A. making     B. makes      C. made     D. to make  本题考查-ing形式作状语。因为题目中有逗号,故不可能选D项,因不定式表目的时其前不用逗号。B、C两项用了限定谓语形式是错误的,因句中没有并列连词,所以make和is played不可能是并列关系。故A为正确答案。此题意为:80个国家都玩欧式足球,这使得欧式足球成为世界上最受欢迎的运动。

例9.单句改错The poor dog starved death.     starved 后加to. 本句意为“可怜的狗饿死了。”to death表示结果,意为“致死”,常与hit, beat, starve, shoot等连用。如:That slave was beaten to death. The old man was starved to death.

例10.单句改错The boy weighed 5 pounds by birth.    将by birth改at birth。 At birth意为“生下来”,by birth表示“天生地,出身。”此句意为“这男孩生下来五磅重。”

例11.Standing on top of the building, ______.  A. the whole city could be seen   B. nothing could be seen  C. we could see the whole city    D. all could be seen  非谓语动词作状语时,它的逻辑主语必须和句子的主语一致,该句的主语应是“人”,“(人)站在楼房顶上”,而A、C、D三项中的逻辑主语都是“物”,只有we符合要求,因此答案是B。

例12.What chance ______ of taking an earlier plane?  A. is there B. there is C. it is D. is it  此处chance 表示一种“可能性”,如果把该句变为肯定句,应是:There is (a) chance that we can take an earlier plane. 因此此句话应是there be句型,所以首先排除B、D两项;又因为该句是疑问句,语序应倒装,因此答案是A。

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