摘要: they need is more time. A. All what B. What C. Whether D. That


A long time ago, before human beings lived on the earth, little coral polyps(水螅)settled around tropical (热带的)coastlines and constructed corals. Over a long period they created lots of reefs. Yet, pollution, climate change and commercial fisheries are limiting the chance of future generations knowing or seeing many of the reefs and sea creatures that exist. Hence, take action to dive now and you can explore the underwater world.
Commercial underwater diving began in ancient Greece. Diving in general means that the whole body is completely in water. On that account there are lots of exciting and quite adventurous ways to dive, like shark cage diving, scuba diving(戴水肺潜水)and reef diving.
There are great coral reefs all over the world, but usually they are situated in warm, clear water such as the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, where they grow best. This is why there are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa. However, South Africa’s east coast offers much brightly coloured sea life.
In South Africa more than 100,000 dives a year are made just in coral reefs, which are one of the natural wonders of the world. To see the whole beauty of the reef the right diving gear(设备) is an essential requirement. This means a perfect fitting diving mask and fins, as well as a snorkel(呼吸管)and a friend. Diving alone is dangerous because there may be strong currents you are not aware of, and it’s a lot more fun to share the experience with someone. However, before you can explore the deeper sea, a certificated and checked scuba, a wetsuit and of course a license will be needed. Whether you choose the snorkel or the scuba to spot the colourful underwater world, try to touch as little as possible, be careful with the corals and don’t strike the fishes, because the complex ecosystem is very sensitive.
【小题1】The following factors probably affect coral reefs EXCEPT ________.

A.sea creaturesB.pollutionC.fishingD.climate change
【小题2】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Human beings appeared before corals were created.
B.One needs a license to dive into the deeper sea.
C.Diving alone has many advantages.
D.The origin of diving is in modern Greece.
【小题3】There are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa probably because of a lack of ________.
A.large waters and soft sand
B.warm currents and delicious food
C.friendly creatures and flat seabed
D.clear water and suitable temperature
【小题4】The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.
A.diving alone under the sea is rather dangerous
B.some matters we need pay attention to when diving
C.South Africa is a popular place for diving
D.what we should wear when diving


A long time ago, before human beings lived on the earth, little coral polyps(水螅)settled around tropical (热带的)coastlines and constructed corals. Over a long period they created lots of reefs. Yet, pollution, climate change and commercial fisheries are limiting the chance of future generations knowing or seeing many of the reefs and sea creatures that exist. Hence, take action to dive now and you can explore the underwater world.

Commercial underwater diving began in ancient Greece. Diving in general means that the whole body is completely in water. On that account there are lots of exciting and quite adventurous ways to dive, like shark cage diving, scuba diving(戴水肺潜水)and reef diving.

There are great coral reefs all over the world, but usually they are situated in warm, clear water such as the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, where they grow best. This is why there are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa. However, South Africa’s east coast offers much brightly coloured sea life.

In South Africa more than 100,000 dives a year are made just in coral reefs, which are one of the natural wonders of the world. To see the whole beauty of the reef the right diving gear(设备) is an essential requirement. This means a perfect fitting diving mask and fins, as well as a snorkel(呼吸管)and a friend. Diving alone is dangerous because there may be strong currents you are not aware of, and it’s a lot more fun to share the experience with someone. However, before you can explore the deeper sea, a certificated and checked scuba, a wetsuit and of course a license will be needed. Whether you choose the snorkel or the scuba to spot the colourful underwater world, try to touch as little as possible, be careful with the corals and don’t strike the fishes, because the complex ecosystem is very sensitive.

1.The following factors probably affect coral reefs EXCEPT ________.

A.sea creatures      B.pollution          C.fishing            D.climate change

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Human beings appeared before corals were created.

B.One needs a license to dive into the deeper sea.

C.Diving alone has many advantages.

D.The origin of diving is in modern Greece.

3.There are no coral reefs on the west coast of South Africa probably because of a lack of ________.

A.large waters and soft sand

B.warm currents and delicious food

C.friendly creatures and flat seabed

D.clear water and suitable temperature

4.The last paragraph mainly tells us ________.

A.diving alone under the sea is rather dangerous

B.some matters we need pay attention to when diving

C.South Africa is a popular place for diving

D.what we should wear when diving




Each time a city building is set up, the grass in that spot and trees that once reached up to the sky are replaced by a tar (柏油) roof. In addition to that, roads, parking lots, and yet more buildings are being constructed. The total lost green space can have a very real effect on a city’s air temperature, air quality and energy costs. On a summer day in most American cities, a tar roof can feel like the inside of an oven. But what if we could replace the hot roof of each skyscraper or building in a city with grass or a garden?

    Whether it holds vegetable gardens, wildflowers, or meadow grasses, a green roof can lower the temperature above a building by 60 degrees, which can reduce the building’s energy costs. If used more widely, green roofs could decrease a city’s total energy costs, reduce polluted air from power plant , and improve air quality and public health. But that’s not all — green roofs are a great way to deal with water management in urban areas with overwhelmed sewerage (排污) systems, and actually extend the life time of the roof itself. And green roofs do something else: They beautify the city — whether you’re on the 3rd floor or the 30th. Now that’s a great achievement.

    The environmental nonprofit group Earth Pledge is promoting a Green Roofs progamme. To learn more about how to create a green roof — and the benefits it will provide — visit its website at EarthPledge.com.

1.This passage is most likely to appear in “______” in a webpage.

A. City Environment    B. True Stories       C. Home and Garden      D. Family Health

2.The construction of more city buildings leads to ______.

A. fewer energy costs  B. increase of gardens C. poor quality of air  D. loss of parking space 

3.What en tar roofs are replaced with green ones, ______.

A. low temperature improves one’s health    B. everyone tends to plant vegetables in roof gardens

C. people need more sewerage systems     D. the greenness adds to the beauty of city environment

4.You can visit EarthPledge.com with the purpose of ______.

A. building a home garden                        B. offering money to the group

C. understanding green roofs better              D. creating a website of Green Roofs




Are you afraid of change? Whether it is you personally or the working/living environment around you that changes, change will happen, it’s one guarantee I can give you and if you want success you need to make changes too.

   Throughout the history of mankind changes have happened and they will continue to do so until the end of time. I do not think I need give you a list of any of these events they are obvious to us all.

    Where are you going with this Steve, I hear you saying to yourself, everyone knows that changes happen all the time and we as human beings adapt accordingly. Well, yes, I agree with you to a point, but in that case why are we all not living the life we want in the world we want?

    Because some of us resist change, because we are afraid of the unknown factors that change may bring into our lives.

    Stop resisting and the changes will happen automatically, that is what happened to me when I started using hypnosis(睡眠状态) and mediation (沉思)to help me come to terms with the changes I needed to make to get out of Going Nowhere Land. I honestly believe that if I had not lost my fear of change when I did that there is absolutely no way that I would be enjoying life and the success I am having as much as I do at this moment in time.

     My intention is to carry on enjoying life to the full and to successfully help others to do the same and if that means making even more changes to my life, as it surely will, then bring them on and let’s get started.

    It does not matter if you start off making small changes like getting up early so that you can share breakfast with your loved ones, take some exercise or meditating before going to work, start making those changes now. By getting into the habit of making changes, you will accept change into your life, you will begin to change more of your old habits into new and better ones and even enjoy the feeling that making those changes brings and the success that comes with them.

64. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Are you afraid of change?         B. Changing for success.

C. Why do you resist change.         D. Change brings happiness.

65. The underlined phrase “come to terms with” in the fifth paragraph probably means “_______ “

A. reach an agreement with            B. fight against

C. accept something unpleasant         D. overcome the bad consequences of

66. From the fifth paragraph we can infer that ___________.

A. the author has never been afraid of changes in his life.

B. the author used to believe that changes happened automatically

C. the author is still not satisfied with his present situation

D. the author had experienced a period of frustration(挫折) in his life

67. In the last paragraph, the author intends to ________.

A. list the necessary changes we ought to make

B. advise us to make any necessary changes

C. explain what changes can bring

D. explain the progress of making changes


Each time a city building is set up, the grass in that spot and trees that once reached up to the sky are replaced by a tar(柏油) roof. In addition to that, roads, parking lots, and yet more buildings are being constructed. The total lost green space can have a very real effect on a city’s air temperature, air quality and energy costs. On a summer day in most American cities, a tar roof can feel like the inside of an oven (烤箱). But what if we could replace the hot roof of each skyscraper or building in a city with grass or a garden?
    Whether it holds vegetable gardens, wildflowers, or meadow grasses, a green roof can lower the temperature above a building by 60 degrees, which can reduce the building’s energy costs. If used more widely, green roofs could decrease a city’s total energy costs, reduce power plant emissions (排放), and improve air quality and public health. But that’s not all ― green roofs are a great way to deal with water management in urban areas with overwhelmed sewerage(排污)systems, and actually extend the life span (寿命) of the roof itself. And green roofs do something else: They beautify the city ― whether you’re on the 3rd floor or the 30th. Now that’s a great achievement.
    The environmental nonprofit group Earth Pledge is promoting a Green Roofs initiative (积极性). To learn more about how to create a green roof ― and the benefits it will provide ― visit its website at EarthPledge.com.


49. This passage is most likely to appear in “______” in a webpage.

A. City Environment    B. True Stories            C. Home and Garden     D. Family Health

50. The construction of more city buildings leads to ______.

A. loss of parking space  B. increase of gardens  C. poor quality of air     D. fewer energy costs

51. When tar roofs are replaced with green ones, ______.

A. everyone tends to plant vegetables in roof gardens

B. people need more and more sewerage systems

C. low temperature improves people’s health

D. the greenness adds to the beauty of the city environment

52. You visit EarthPledge.com with the purpose of ______.

A. building a home garden                               B. offering money to the group

C. understanding green roofs better                 D. creating a website of Green Roofs


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