摘要:答:代词是每年必考.贯穿于各个试题类型的一个基本知识点,考纲要求在广泛掌握代词基础知识的前提下.强调在具体语境中理解和使用代词,代词考查的重点是不定代词及it的用法. 例1:Our nerghbors gave a baby bird yesterday that hurt when it fell from its nest. A. us, it B. us, itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, it [答案]B. [题源探究] 这是一道综合性的考题.考查人称代词和反身代词的用法. [广角思维] 第一空为人称代词的宾格形式做宾语,第二空的意思是说伤了自己的那只小鸟用反身代词做宾语. [易误警示] 对是用人称代词的宾格形式做宾语还是用反身代词做宾语这一区别分不清是这类试题出错的主要原因. [悟彻高考] 人称代词作主语一般用主格形式.做宾语用宾格形式.作表语用主格形式.做定语用所有格形式.反身代词一般做表语.同位语和宾语.作宾语的前提是宾语和主语一致.如: I m not quite myself today.我今天不大舒服./ Make yourself at home.不要拘礼,请随便吧. / Don t get nervous.help yourself to what you like.别紧张.喜欢吃什么就吃什么./ Have you enjoyed yourself today? 你今天玩得愉快吗? 注意:1.人称代词用作表语时.如说明主语.一般要用主格.如说明宾语则要用宾格. If I were she, I would take your advice. I would share the room with you if you were him.



第四部分:写作(共三节, 满分40分)

第一节 阅读填空(共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读短文,根据所读内容, 在下表中的空格处填上适当的单词和短语,每空不超过3个单词。

American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of American parents and teachers are starting independent public schools called charter schools.

     In 1991, there were no charter schools in the Unite States. Today, more than 2300 charter schools operate in 34 states and the District of Columbia. 575000 students attend these schools. The students are from 5 years of age through 18 or older.

     A charter school is created by groups of parents, teachers and community members. It is similar in some ways to a traditional public school. It receives tax money to operate a number of students. The charter school must prove to local or state governments that its students are learning. These governments provide the school with the agreement, or charter that permits it to operate.

     Unlike a traditional public school, however, the charter school does not have to obey most laws governing public schools. Local, state or federal governments cannot tell it what to teach.

     Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach those goals. Class sizes are usually smaller than in many traditional public schools. Many students and parents say teachers in charter schools can be more creative.

     However, state education agencies, local education-governing committees and unions often oppose charter schools. They say these schools may receive money badly needed by traditional public schools. Experts say some charter schools are doing well while others are struggling.

     Congress provided 200 million dollars for establishing charter schools in the 2006 federal budget. But, often the schools say they lack enough money for programs. Many also lack needed space. District officials say they have provided 14 former school buildings for charter education. Yet charter school supporters say officials should try harder to find more space.

Title: 76.

●  not having to obey most laws

●  being free to decide 81.           

●  being free to choose the goals and decide 82.      the students

●  having 83.        __

●  having teachers who are more creative



1.可到丽江小镇。这里海拔约2500米,在这里体验纳西文化(Naxi Culture)及很多不同特色的户外酒吧(bar)。


3.再到昆明游览云南民族村(Yunnan Nationalities Villages),接触多种不同的少数民族文化(minority cultures)。

要求:1.必须包括以上要点,可适当补充 2.词数120左右

Dear Emily,










                                                                  Li Hua



       .假设你叫李华,你的一位英国朋友Jack从英国给你寄来一件印有哈利·波特(Harry Potter)形象的T恤衫,并附有一封信。在信中他向你问好,他想知道你的近况。请你给他写一封回信表示感谢。回信要包括以下内容:

       1. 感谢他送你的礼物。你非常喜欢,因为哈利·波特是你最喜欢的电影主角(hero)。

       2. 告诉他你在新的学校一切都好,只是这里的英语老师课堂上英语说的很多,你很难听懂老师说的每一个单词。目前正忙于复习,准备考试,希望自己能考出好成绩。

       3. 因为他是姚明的球迷(fan),你将为他寄去一件印有姚明形象的T恤衫(T-shirt)。

       4. 询问他的近况,并希望他能来中国。

       注意  1. 书信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

                 2. 词数100 左右。          (书面必干净,书写必规范)

Dear Jack,

       I’m very happy to hear from you again.                                 





       I’m looking forward to your reply.

                                                                                                         Yours sincerely

                                                                                                          Li Hua


违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
