
名词性从句中的连接词有连词that / whether / as if,连接代词what / who/ which / whose / whatever / whoever / whomever / whichever,连接副词where / when / why / how / wherever / whenever。



That they are good at English is known to us all.

The problem is that we don’t have enough money.

She expressed the hope that they would come to China one day.

②宾语从句中的连接词that有时可省有时又不可省,在以下几种情况中that不能省略:(A)当that从句和主句谓语动词之间有插入词语或者从句主语之间有插入语时,that不可省略;(B)当that 从句与另一名词性从句并列作宾语时,that不能省;(C)当that作介词宾语时,that不可省掉。如:

He judged that,because he was a child, he did not understand wine

  Everyone knew what happened and that she was worried.

The reason lies in that she works harder than the others do.

③that从句作主语和宾语时,可以用it 来替换成以下几种结构表达。

(A)It is clear/certain/likely/true/surprising that… (B)It is a pity/shame/good idea/no wonder that ...(C)It is said/reported/ believed/known/thought/suggested that … (D)It seems/happens that。如:

It happened that I went out last night.

It is said that China will win in the World Cup.


that 引导名词性从句时,在主从句中不以当任何句子成分,也没有任何含义;而what引导名词性从句时,在主从句中都要充当一定的句子成分,what可以分解成定语从句中的先行词 + 关系代词即常说的先行词 + that。如:

It’s shame that he has made such a mistake. Do what he says.



They expressed the hope that they would come to visit China again.(同位语从句)

The hope she expressed is that they would come to visit China again.(定语从句)




①下列动词后只能接动名词:suggest, finish, avoid, stop, can’t help, mind, enjoy, require, practise, miss, escape, pardon, advise, consider, imagine, keep, appreciate, eacape, permit。

②下列动词短语接动名词:leave off, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, have trouble / difficulty(in) doing sth. devote to, get used to, pay attention to, be fond of, be worth。

③介词后要接动名词。what about、how about、without、be fond of、be good at等介词后接动名词。注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从中。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival…。


begin, start, continue, like, love, dislike, hate, prefer, can’t stand

例     句
解     析
1. It began to rain. It began raining.
2. It was beginning to snow.
3. I love lying (to lie)on my back.
4. I like listening to music, but today I don’t like to.
5. I don’ t prefer to swim in the river now.
1. 意思无差别,但谓语动词用进行时,后面只跟不定式。
2. 表示一种倾向多接动名词作宾语,如果表示某一特定的或具体的行动,多接不定式。

remember, forget, regret, try

例     句
解     析
1. I remember to meet her at the station.
I remember seeing her once somewhere.
2. I forgot giving it to you yesterday.
  I forgot to tell you about it. Now here it is.
3. I regret not having working hard.
  I regret to hear of your sister’s death.
4. Try knocking at the back door.
  We must try to get everything ready.
5. That will mean flooding some land.
  I had meant to go on Monday.
1. remember to do sth.记住要做的事
  remember doing sth.回顾过去发生的事
2. forget to do sth.忘记要做的事
  forget doing sth.忘记做过的事
3. regret to do sth.对将要做的事抱歉
  regret doing sth.对发生过的事后悔
4. try to do sth.设法……,试图
  try doing sth.试试看,试一试
5. mean to do sth.打算做……,想要
  mean doing sth.意味着,就是

want, require, need

例     句
解     析
These desks need repairing.
These desks need to be repaired.
The patient required examined
The patient required to be examined.
1. need doing 需要被做
  need to be done需要被做
2. want doing
 want to be done
3. require doing
  require to be done
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