



-Does any of you know where Tom lives?


What! Me (to)play him at chess? No!


The thief was thought to be he.(the thief是主格,故用he代替)

They took me to be her.他们误以为我是她。(me是宾格,故用her



I met her in the hospital.→It was her who I met in the hospital.

④在比较级的句子中than、as后用主格、宾格都可以。如:He is taller than me(I).但在下列句中有区别。

I like Jack as much as her.=I like both Jack and her.

I like Jack as much as she.=I like Jack and she likes him, too.


①在并列主语中,“I”总是放在最后,排列顺序为:二 三 一(人称)。宾格me也一样。

You ,she and I will be in charge of the case.

Mr.Zhang asked Li Hua and me to help him.


He and she still don’t agree to the plan.




The “Titanic”was the largest, wasn’t she?

9.   状语从句与连词; 连接副词

1) Before; after:

He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything.

Before I got in a word he had measured me.

Time passed quickly and three months went by before he knew.

2) when(whenever), as, while :

I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his house.(前后)

John sang as he entered the room.(同时)

As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large envelope by the door.(瞬间)

I kept silent while he was writing.(持续)

While others were doing morning exercises on the sports-ground he was sleeping in the bedroom.(并列连词:对比)

The old man was pulling grass in his field when he felt a pain in his left hand.(=and then; but then; just then)

3) till until (not until)

The city remained under Spanish rule until Mexico won its independence in 1821.

I knew nothing about it until/till/before you told me.

Not until she had heard the news was she really frightened.(倒装)

It was not until he was ten years old that he started to read.(强调)

4) since(ever since)

It was ten years since we had been there.(时态)

They have been friends ever since they met at school.

5) Once Every time, Each time; the first time, the moment, the minute; the time; as soon as,

Once you need help, don’t hesitate to let me know.(句首)

The boys ran away the moment they saw me.(as soon as)

Once published, the book was immediately translated into several languages.

6) no sooner… than, scarcely… before, hardly… when

The boys had hardly seen me before they ran away.(时态)

Hardly had the boys seen me before they ran away.(倒装)

The boys had no sooner seen me than they ran away.

7) where(wherever(地点))

Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.

You can find him where he works.(状语)

You can find him in the place where he works.(定语)

It’s not known where he lives.(名词从句)

Where are you from?(代词)

8) if, suppose, in case, unless, so(as) long as(if only), once, given that, providing that, on condition that(条件);

So long as you do it well, I don’t mind how you do it.

Suppose I told him, he might blame you.

In case it should rain, you’d better take your umbrella with you.(虚拟)

I’ll not join them unless invited.(省略)

9) since, as, now that, seeing that,considering that原因,

Many chess players said this meant the end of chess championships around the world, since the fun had been taken out of the game.(区分)

It was because he was ill that he didn’t attend the meeting.(强调)

Don’t believe anything simply/only because many other people believe that.(修饰)

It rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.(because/ for)推测的依据

He could not have seen me, for/because I wasn’t there.因果关系

The hotel workers received him and telephoned the manager, for they had never seen a bicycle in the hotel hall before though they lived in “kingdom of bicycles”.

10) so… that, such… that, so that, that so that, in order that, that, so,结果,

What have I done that you should be so angry with me?

I’ve just come into a little money so this is goodbye.

He spoke at the top of his voice so that everyone could hear.

11) lest, for fear that, in case“以防、万一”

The meeting will be put off in case that it should rain. (should)

12) as… as, not so… as, than, the…, the…比较;

It is possible to make metal as hard or as soft as is wished, by annealing it.

You should master as many words as you can.

He speaks English as well as Russian.

He did not study as hard as his son does now.

Metal that has been annealed is soft but does not break as easily.(省略)

She meant more to me than anyone… even my wife.

Our sports ground is three times larger than theirs.

John plays football as well, if not better than, as David.

My bedroom is slightly bigger than yours.

The longer the heated metal takes to cool slowly, the softer it becomes.(对称)

13) as, as if, as though, 方式

He looked as if he had just stepped out of fairy tales and he passed me like a spirit.

14) though, although, even if, even though, whether… or, whether or not, no matter wh-, wh-ever, as, while, 让步

He said he would come; he didn’t come, though.

Whether he drives or takes the train, he’ll be here on time.

Whether or not he is interested in the foreign language, he has to study it.

Whether or not he is interested in the foreign language remains a question.

No matter what he says, no one will believe him.

Whoever you are, you must do as required.

Difficult as the task is, I’ll fulfill it on time.

Doctor as Mike is, he is not capable of operating.

Much as I like the toy, I will not buy it.

Surrounded as they were by the enemy, they managed to march forward.

While I admit his good points, I can see his shortcomings.

While I know it is difficult, I’ll try.

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