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25.TV Ears helps youB
A.improve your sleeping quality
B.listen to TV without disturbing others
C.change TV channels without difficulty
D.become interested in ballgame programs
26.What makes TV Ears different from other headsets?C
A.It can easily set TV on mute.
B.Its headset volume is adjustable.
C.It has a new noise reduction car tip.
D.It applies special wireless technology.
27.This advertisement is made more believable byA
A.using recommendations   
B.offering reasons for this invention
C.providing statistics    
D.showing the results of experiments.
11.It was a cold winter.The wind blew all night and the snow was blinding.When morning came,my three children and I got up and made our way to the windows facing north.The wind blew hard from the west,and the snow made it har d for us to see the henhouse.
As we looked out the window,we saw that the henhouse was gone.Our three hens had been blown away by the cold wind.
I looked at the emptiness outside.Then I saw all three chickens sat around the edge of a white bucket.I couldn't believe my eyes!How was this violent wind not blowing them into the field beyond?I threw open the back room closet door and pulled on my husband Roger's long snow pants and heavy winter coat.
I pulled the hood up,wrapped a scarf around my neck and stuck my feet into Roger's very large boots.
I shouted at the wind as it blew.I was alone,save for my children.They stared out the window into the vast white sea of snow,their eyes peeled for any sign of movement.
Outside I heard the sound of my boots as I walked against the wind.This wind was strong.
Getting to the'white,almost invisible bucket was difficult.
As the snow circled around me,I steadily made my way to the soft cluck-cluck-cluck sound my hens always made.When I reached them,I saw that their little feet were holding on to the edge of the bucket,heads bent forward and away from the wind.
I quickly unzipped Roger's heavy coat,gently lifted each hen and put it carefully into the warm inside.Then I began the freezing walk back to the small shed directly behind our house.
The doors to the shed were difficult to open,but somehow I managed to pull them apart.One by one I laid my chickens on the cold floor,and they began to cluck softly.
As I shut the shed doors,my eyes went directly to the window where my children were watching.They jumped up and down cheering,and so did I!
I wasn't some dragon slayer from a fairy tale.I was simply a mom,but the look on my children's faces told me that they thought I was a hero mom.
21.This article is mainly written to tell usC
A.that courage takes on different forms in different situations
B.how the author saved the chickens with difficulty
C.that every mother is a hero in her children's eyes
D.how difficult it is to live in extreme conditions
22.When the author saw all three chickens,A
A.she was amazed by their luck
B.she was not surprised as she knew she would
C.all her worries about them were gone
D.she was surprised by the chickens'cleverness
23.The author found the chickens outsideC
A.by searching for the white bucket       
B.by going north
C.by following the sound of the hens      
D.by searching for the henhouse
24.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?B
A.The children liked dragon slayers.
B.The children watched their mother all the way.
C.The author wanted to be the dragon slayer.
D.The author thought herself very brave.
7.Things to know when you write an e-mail message
For most of the twentieth century,people communicated by telephone or by mail.This is now changing,and e-mail is becoming the preferred method of communication.It's faster than traditional mail.(36)BAs e-mail is becoming popular,here are several rules we need to know.
Be polite and friendly.
Start your message with a greeting.If you are writing to a friend,you can begin with hi,Sandra.If you are writing to your teacher,begin your message with dear Mr.Atonso.(37)EMany people just type their names.Others say Bye,Cheers,or use abbreviations(缩写),like BFN (bye for now).
Look good.
    When someone receives an e-mail message from you,they might not know anything about you.They will judge you from your e-mail message,so make yourself look good.(38)DSometimes sentences seem clear when you write them,but don't make sense when you read them back(39)A.
If you start to use your e-mail several times a week,your messa ge box will soon fill with mail.After a few weeks,you can have a list of 60 or 70 messages!It's easy to delete(删除)the messages you don't want any more.If your messages are important,you can save them in folders(文件夹).(40)F

A.Organize your e-mail.
B.It's cheaper than a phone call.
C.The e-mail must b e addressed correctly.
D.Type your message,and then read it again.
E.You need a closing at the end of your e-mail.
F.If you don't know how to do that,just ask a friend.
G.One of the most commonly used e-mails are business e-mails.
6.When I was a little girl,my mother told me to wait for the light to turn green before I crossed the street.This I did.Indeed,I was positive as a young child that I would get crushed like a potato if I ever stepped a foot off the sidewalk while the light was red.I followed my mother's advice until I realized that she herself went through red lights always pulling me with her.So after a while I followed her example and not her advice.
And this was just part of the story.I was out of high school before the picture began to pull together.I absorbed the knowledge little by little through the years.And me,my friends and I,did come to take it for granted.Parents were that way.Older people were that way.And most of us accepted it as part of life.
Now I am grown up and I have my own children.For the longest time I pulled my little daughter across the middle of the street-just like my mother used to do-warning her,"Don't do this when I'm not with you."
Webster says such behavior is hypocrisy(虚伪),that is,pretending to be better than we are.Is this because we always want to be better?Or only that we want to fool people into thinking that we are?When we practice a religion which causes a concern for our fellow men,do we purposefully march out of church and refuse to rent an apartment to a black family?Or do we all live on two tracks because we have,somewhere along the line,come to the conclusion that such hypocrisy is essential to our survival in soc iety at this time?
33.The writer mainly talks aboutBin the passage.
A.safety education for children               
B.some of her understanding of life
C.the lack of traffic rules                   
D.essential survival skills
34.The writer didn't follow her mother's advice after a while becauseA.
A.her mother's behavior didn't agree with her words
B.her mother's advice proved to be completely wrong
C.the traffic was getting better than ever before
D.she was too young to realize the danger around her
35.How does the writer feel about hypocrisy?C
A.She is strongly against it.
B.She is willing to accept it.
C.She has got used to it.
D.She doesn't care about it.
5.I want to be a writer,an inventor,a social worker,and mayor of New York City.My future is no great mystery (谜) to me,and yours doesn't have to be a mystery either!All it takes is a goal,a little planning,and a lot of self-confidence.
I get excited when I think about what I can do,and so should you.Every dream can become a reality if you work at it.You don't have to limit yourself to doing just one thing.I want to do lots of things,like Benjamin Franklin.He was a writer,an inventor,a politician,and a scientist.
Having a goal,something you really want to do,is a good place to start in solving the mystery of your future.It gives you something to work toward.Your goal may seem impossible at first,but if you break it down,it won't seem so hard.Remember,a goal is something you really want to do,not what someone else wants you to do.
  Other people can help you figure out your future,too.People who do what you want to do are your greatest resources.To find out what they do,you c an volunteer to help them,do an internship,or even just talk to them.Visiting your parents'jobs,going to career fairs,and taking part in after-school programs are other good choices.The Internet and the library are great places to research organizations and programs for young people.You can also read biographies of people who inspire you,which can help you see how other people reached their goals.If you're not certain about your future,explore different careers by asking yourself what you really like to do.
Be realistic when you make your goals but allow a little room for dreaming.Remember,it's OK you're your future to be a little mysterious.That's what makes it so exciting.Someday you may be an astronaut,a carpenter,an ambassador,a writer,a ballet dancer,or whatever else interests you.You may even do it all!
29.A ccording to the author,which is a good way of carrying out a plan to achieve a goal?A
A.To work on several plans at once.
B.To break it down into manageable steps.
C.To daydream about a satisfactory outcome.
D.To spend a few minutes planning every day.
30.What is the author trying to do in Paragraph 4 of the selection?D
A.To make reader know useful resources.
B.To inform the reader about the workplace.
C.To encourage the reader to do well in school.
D.To try to persuade the reader to try several careers.
31.Which activity would help a person to be realistic when he makes his goal?D
A.Following people one admires.
B.Feeling attracted to different careers.
C.Writing about hopes and dreams.
D.Seeking information about careers.
32.What is the effect of listing many different jobs in the opening and closing paragraphs?C
A.It proves there are many reasonable goals.
B.It encourages people to focus on one goal.
C.It stresses the many exciting career choices.
D.It shows how the author combines all these careers.
4.For many parents,raising a teenager is like fighting a long war,but years go by without any clear winner.Like a border conflict(边境冲突) between neighboring countries,the parent-teen war is about boundaries:Where is the line between what I control and what you do?
Both sides want peace,but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict.In part,this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it.From the parents'point of view,the only cause of their fight is their adolescents'complete unreasonableness.And of course,the teens see it in exactly the same way,except oppositely. Both feel trapped.
In this article,I'll describe three no-win situations that commonly appear between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap.The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things.Examples include the color of the teen's hair,the cleanliness of the bedroom,the preferred style of clothing,the child's failure to eat a good breakfast before school,or his tendency(趋势) to sleep until noon on the weekends.Second,blaming.The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong.Third,needing to be right.It doesn't matter what the topic is-politics,the laws of physics,or the proper way to break an egg-the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong,for both wish to be considered an authority-someone who actually knows something-and therefore to command respect.Unfortunately,as long as parents and teens continue to assume(假设) that they know more than the other,they'll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.
25.Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?B
A.Both can continue for generations.
B.Bot h are about where to draw the line.
C.Neither has any clear winner.
D.Neither can be put to an end.
26.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?A
A.The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.
B.The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.
C.The teens scold their parents for misleading them.
D.The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.
27.Parents and teens want to be right because they want toC.
A.give orders to the other                   
B.know more than the other 
C.gain respect from the other                
D.get the other to behave properly
28.What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?C
A.Causes for the parent-teen conflicts.
B.Examples of the parent-teen war.
C.Solutions to the parent-teen problems.
D.Future of the parent-teen relationship.
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