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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£ºÔ­Öø£ºoriginal work\book in the original
 Film or book£¬which do you prefer£¿
There is a common phenomenon nowadays that more and more books have been adapted
as films£®Some prefer films£¬while others are fond of the original books£®

·ÖÎö дºÃÕâÀà×÷ÎÄҪעÒ⼸¸ö²½Ö裺1£® ÈÏÕæÉóÌ⣬ÕÒ×¼ÌáʾÓïÖеĹؼü´Ê»ò¾ä£¬È·¶¨ÖÐÐÄ˼Ï룮2£® ÒÀ¾Ý¹Ø¼ü¾ä£¬²ÝÄâÌá¸Ù£¬ÊáÀíÎÄÕµÄÂöÂç3£® ׼ȷ¶¨Î»È˳ơ¢Ê±Ì¬£®×¢ÒâʹÓø߼¶´Ê»ãºÍ¸ß¼¶¾äÐÍʹÎÄÕÂÏԵøüÓеµ´Î£®4£®×îºó»¹ÒªÈÏÕæ²éÑéÊÇ·ñÓЩдÇé¿ö£¬ÓÐÎÞƴд´íÎó¼°±êµãÎóÓõÈ
Meanwhile£¬the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful
I think I can stay at home£¬reading quietly in a situation of my own£¬and what's more£¬I am able to better understand the author's ideas£®

½â´ð Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original£®The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story£®Besides£¬the film is usually more interesting£¬and it is easier to follow£®
   Some others have just the opposite opinion£®They think that they can get more detailed information from the original£®Meanwhile£¬the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍÒ»£©£®
    Personally£¬I agree with the second view£®Actually I have more reasons for it£®I think I can stay at home£¬reading quietly in a situation of my own£¬and what's more£¬I am able to better understand the author's ideas£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐͶþ£©£®In a word£¬to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it£®

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18£®In many countries£¬schools have long summer holidays£¬with shorter holidays in between£®However£¬a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break£®Instead of three school terms£¬it says£¬there should be five eight-week terms£®And there should be just four weeks off in the summer£¬with a two-week break between the other terms£®
    Sonia Montero has two c hildren at primary school and works full-time£®She supports the idea£®"The kids£¬"she says£¬"have much longer holidays than me and I can't afford to take several weeks off work£¬so I need someone to take care of them£®But nobody wants the work in the summer months-they all have holidays of their own£®"
    Not surprisingly£¬some young people disagree£®Student Jason Panos says"It's a stupid idea£®I would hate staying at school in the summer£®It's unfair£¬too£®The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young£¬but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer£®The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here£¬but they don't forget everything they've learnt in a few months£®"
    Nadia Salib agrees£®"Sure£¬"she says£¬"the first week at school after the summer is never easy£¬but you soon get back into it£®The real problem round here is that kids get bor ed after so many weeks out of school£¬and then some of them start causing trouble£®But the answer is to give them something to do£¬not make everyone stay in school longer£®"
29£®Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays£¿D
A£®She doesn't get any summer holidays in her job£®
B£®She is worried that her children will forget what they've learnt£®
C£®She can't afford to pay someone to look after her children£®
D£®She can't get anyone to look after her children in summer£®
30£®What does Jason say about long summer holidays£¿D
A£®They can help children forget about school£®
B£®Schools in other countries don't have them£®
C£®These days many older people have them too£®
D£®They have little influence on children's education£®
31£®What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays£¿C
A£®They would like to spend more time at school£®
B£®Long holidays are very bad for their education£®
C£®They need something to do to enrich themselves£®
D£®Long holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble£®
32£®Which of the following statements best explains the text£¿C
A£®It has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened£®
B£®Students are angry that school holidays have been changed£®
C£®Some people want to change school holidays but not everyone agrees£®
D£®Teenagers are worried that they will be busy during summer holidays£®
5£®I want to be a writer£¬an inventor£¬a social worker£¬and mayor of New York City£®My future is no great mystery £¨ÃÕ£© to me£¬and yours doesn't have to be a mystery either!All it takes is a goal£¬a little planning£¬and a lot of self-confidence£®
I get excited when I think about what I can do£¬and so should you£®Every dream can become a reality if you work at it£®You don't have to limit yourself to doing just one thing£®I want to do lots of things£¬like Benjamin Franklin£®He was a writer£¬an inventor£¬a politician£¬and a scientist£®
Having a goal£¬something you really want to do£¬is a good place to start in solving the mystery of your future£®It gives you something to work toward£®Your goal may seem impossible at first£¬but if you break it down£¬it won't seem so hard£®Remember£¬a goal is something you really want to do£¬not what someone else wants you to do£®
  Other people can help you figure out your future£¬too£®People who do what you want to do are your greatest resources£®To find out what they do£¬you c an volunteer to help them£¬do an internship£¬or even just talk to them£®Visiting your parents'jobs£¬going to career fairs£¬and taking part in after-school programs are other good choices£®The Internet and the library are great places to research organizations and programs for young people£®You can also read biographies of people who inspire you£¬which can help you see how other people reached their goals£®If you're not certain about your future£¬explore different careers by asking yourself what you really like to do£®
Be realistic when you make your goals but allow a little room for dreaming£®Remember£¬it's OK you're your future to be a little mysterious£®That's what makes it so exciting£®Someday you may be an astronaut£¬a carpenter£¬an ambassador£¬a writer£¬a ballet dancer£¬or whatever else interests you£®You may even do it all!
29£®A ccording to the author£¬which is a good way of carrying out a plan to achieve a goal£¿A
A£®To work on several plans at once£®
B£®To break it down into manageable steps£®
C£®To daydream about a satisfactory outcome£®
D£®To spend a few minutes planning every day£®
30£®What is the author trying to do in Paragraph 4 of the selection£¿D
A£®To make reader know useful resources£®
B£®To inform the reader about the workplace£®
C£®To encourage the reader to do well in school£®
D£®To try to persuade the reader to try several careers£®
31£®Which activity would help a person to be realistic when he makes his goal£¿D
A£®Following people one admires£®
B£®Feeling attracted to different careers£®
C£®Writing about hopes and dreams£®
D£®Seeking information about careers£®
32£®What is the effect of listing many different jobs in the opening and closing paragraphs£¿C
A£®It proves there are many reasonable goals£®
B£®It encourages people to focus on one goal£®
C£®It stresses the many exciting career choices£®
D£®It shows how the author combines all these careers£®
15£®How to Make Friends
Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends£®Good friendship  has  many benefits£®It offers companionship£¬improves self-worth and promotes good health£®There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town£¬or changed our jobs or schools£®Such changes often leave us without a friend£®£¨36£©EBut for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage£®Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends£®
1£®Associate with others£®
The first step to making friends is associating with other people£®You can go to public places to meet n ew people£®Besides£¬you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places£®
2£®Start a conversation£®
Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends£®£¨37£©CYou can always start the conversation£®Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people£®
3£®£¨38£©BChoosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together£®Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience£®
4£®Let it grow£®
It is a good thing to stay in touch£®However£¬try not to press your new friend with calls£¬messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend£®£¨39£©GThe best friendships are the ones that grow naturally£®
5£®Enjoy your friendship
The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves£®£¨40£©DTry not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be£®Become the kind of friend you will wa nt your friend to be to you£®

A£®Be cheerful£®
B£®Do things together£®
C£®Do not wait to be spoken to£®
D£®Try not to find fault with your friends£®
E£®Making new friends comes easy for some people£®
F£®For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch£®
G£®So you will need to give your friend time to react to you£®
19£®Take your camera!Take a photo of something in your world that fits one or more of these four groups£ºhumor£¬animals£¬view or people£®
It begins on November 2£¬2011£¬and ends on December 6£¬2011£®All mail-in entries£¨²ÎÈü×÷Æ·£©must be posted by November 1£¬2011£¬and received by November 8£¬2011£®Online entries must be submitted£¨Ìá½»£©by 11£º59pm on November 1£¬2011£®Entries won't be returned£®It's a skill-based contest and chance plays no part in the results of the contest£®
Contest is open only to children who live legally in the United States and Canada£®Their age must be between 6and 14on November 1£¬2011£®Workers of the organizer and their immediate family members can't enter or win a prize£®
To submit an online entry£º
•Your parent should send us their email address£®
•Organizer will send an email to your parent's email address asking him/her to help you to enter the contest£®
To submit a print£º
•Mail each completed entry form£¬along with each photo to£ºInternational Photo Contest£¬NG Kids/RB£¬P£®O£®Box 97056£¬Washington£¬DC 20090-7056£®
The entries will be judged twice£®In the first time£¬four First Place Winners£¨one in each Group£©and four Second Place Winners£¨one in each Group£©will be chosen£®In the second time£¬one Grand Prize Winner will be chosen among the four First Place Winners£®
Judging is based on Creativity£¨50%£©and Quality£¨50%£©£®Judging will take place on November 20£¬2011£®Parents of the winners will be told in writing on December 6£¬2011£®

8£®Which of the following entries is accepted by the contest£¿D
A£®The entry posted on November 5£¬2011£®
B£®The entry by the child of the organizer£®
C£®The entry by a 3-year-old child£®
D£®The entry focusing on animals£®
9£®For those who want to enter the contest£¬theyB£®
A£®can only choose one of the four groups
B£®have two ways to submit their works
C£®can be from different countries around the world
D£®can take part in the contest without telling their parents
10£®How many kinds of prizes are there for children to compete for£¿B
A£®One£®       B£®Three£®
C£®Six£®       D£®Nine£®
11£®According to the text£¬children will win mainly depending on theirC£®
A£®chance    ¡¡B£®submitting time   
C£®skill       D£®number of entries£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
