
【题目】 At a young age, Patti Wilson was told by her doctor that she was an epileptic (癫痫病患者). Her father, Jim Wilson, is a morning jogger. She ran with her father every day. After a few weeks, she told her father, “Daddy, what I’d really love to do is to break the world’s long-distance running record for women.” Her father checked the Guinness World Records and found that the farthest any woman had run was 80 miles.

As a freshman in high school, Patti announced, “I’m going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco.”(A distance of 400 miles.) “As a sophomore (二年级学生),” she went on, “I’m going to run to Portland, Oregon.”(Over 1,500-miles.) “As a junior, I’ll run to St. Louis.”(About 2,000 miles.) “As a senior, I’ll run to the White House.”(More than 3,000 miles away.)

In view of her handicap (缺陷), Patti was as ambitious as she was enthusiastic, but she said she looked at the handicap of being an epileptic as simply “an inconvenience”. She focused not on what she had lost, but on what she had left.

That year she completed her run to San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that read, “I Love Epileptics.” In her sophomore year, Patti’s classmates got behind her. They built a large poster that read — “Run, Patti, Run!”

On her second marathon (马拉松), a doctor told her she had to stop. “Doctor, you don’t understand,” she said. “I’m doing it to break the chains on the brains that limit so many others.”

She finished the run to Portland, completing her last mile with the governor of Oregon. After four months of almost continuous running from the West Coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington and shook the hand of the then President of the United States. She told him, “I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal human beings with normal lives.”

Because of Patti’s efforts, enough money had been raised to open up 19 multi-million-dollar epileptic centers around the country. If Patti Wilson can do so much with so little, what can you do to outperform (超越) yourself in a state of total wellness?

1How did Patti look at her illness?

A.She thought of it as a gift.

B.She devoted all her attention to it.

C.She faced it with discouragement.

D.She considered it a small difficulty.

2What did Patti do when a doctor asked her to stop her run?

A.She continued without quitting.

B.She focused on her treatment.

C.She followed his advice.

D.She asked for her classmates’ assistance.

3Why did the author ask the question in the last paragraph?

A.To ask readers to answer it.

B.To get inactive people to run.

C.To encourage deep thinking.

D.To show his view on success.






本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了患有癫痫病的Patti Wilson,她用她的雄心壮志、热情和坚忍不拔的毅力,克服疾病所带来的种种痛苦。通过跑步证明癫痫病人是正常的人,做好自己,超越自己。


细节理解题。根据第三段中的In view of her handicap (缺陷), Patti was as ambitious as she was enthusiastic, but she said she looked at the handicap of being an epileptic as simply “an inconvenience”.可知,鉴于她的残疾,Patti雄心勃勃,但她说,她把癫痫病带来的残疾仅仅看作是“一种不便”。由此可知,Patti认为她的病是个小麻烦,并不是太大的问题。故选D


推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的“Doctor, you don’t understand,” she said. “I’m doing it to break the chains on the brains that limit so many others.”可知,“医生,你不明白,”她说。“我这样做是为了打破限制许多人大脑的锁链。”由此推知,当医生要求Patti停止跑步时,她没有放弃,而是继续跑步。故选A


推理判断题。根据最后一段中的问题If Patti Wilson can do so much with so little, what can you do to outperform (超越) yourself in a state of total wellness?可知,如果Patti Wilson这么小能做这么多事情,那么在完全健康的状态下,你又能做什么来超越自己呢?由此判断出,这是一个值得深思的问题,作者在最后一段问这个问题是为了鼓励深入思考。故选C


【题目】 I’m about to begin my fifth season of tree planting. Each year, around this time, I have mixed feelings about the job. Never have I loved a job so much while hating it with equal measure. I mainly plant trees on the coast of British Columbia and get paid about 35 cents a tree. The job can be profitable. It gives planters the opportunity to lead a roaming (漫游的) lifestyle, with a temporary duty to spend a few months filling their bank accounts. But there are many challenges.

In the early hours of the morning, we join our teams and travel along rough roads deep into the woodlands. When stepping out of the trucks, often in the pouring rain, we’re faced with a steep chunk of land that’s just been logged (砍伐). I step into the rain and fill my bags with hundreds of tiny trees. Experienced tree-planters treat this more like a sport than a job, thus lighting up the mood.

Once our bags are full, we immediately charge up that hillside before feeling reluctant to go. We jump from log to log, and if they roll out from under our feet, we grab onto whatever within reach and swing around like monkeys. We push through stinging bushes. We stumble and fall constantly, always pushing ourselves to go faster among groups of insects that we often breathe in.

While tree planting, I come across someone else, a self I thought I knew. It is a person I try to come to peace with on those hillsides, during those strange days of isolation (隔绝) and deep thinking.

Tree planting is a lab of self-examination and growth, where you face the worst and the best in your nature and push yourself as hard as you can. And, a new version of yourself awaits at the end of the experience.

1Which of the following is true about the writer’s job?

A.It is a bittersweet job to some degree.

B.He works 12 months a year.

C.He can make a fortune with this job.

D.He is stuck in a place all year round.

2What challenges will they meet when planting trees?

A.They feel reluctant to collect tiny trees.

B.Workers’ mood needs to be lighted up on the truck.

C.They will have to help each other when planting trees.

D.The conditions are really tough on the hillside.

3In what way has the writer benefited most by planting trees?

A.He has smoothed away many difficulties.

B.He has discovered a whole new himself.

C.He has developed tree-planting skills.

D.He has gained lifelong friendship.

【题目】 Ever since Zion Williamson was 5 years old, he wanted to be a basketball star. But to get there, he needed a lot of encouragement and coaching along the way, and there was no one that better than his mother, Sharonda Sampson. She coached Zion in every youth basketball league he ever played. Sampson was a collegiate track star and later became a middle school health and physical education teacher.

He has got up at 5:30 a.m. to head to the outdoor court and play basketball since he was 9 years old. Zion's hard work began to pay off when he entered high school, where he became a YouTube hit for his high-flying dunks (灌篮)and powerful moves. But Sampson wanted her son to not only work hard at being great but study how the legends of the game went about their skills.

“When I started playing, my mom said there were three players she wanted me to watch — Magic Johnson, Larry Bird and Michael Jordan,” Williamson said. “Even though I wasn't alive when he Jordan was doing those things, it just attracted me. Everything he did was just incredible.”

The national spotlight shined on Zion during his one year of collegiate basketball at Duke University, where he was coached by five-time national champion Mike Krzyzewski. The most storied rivalry in the collegiate game is between Duke and North Carolina, where Jordan won a national championship back in the 1980s.

Shortly after his freshman season, Zion declared for the NBA Draft. Sampson was by her son's side when he was chosen by the Pelicans as the top player. “I wouldn't be here without my mom” said Zion with tears streaming down his face after his selection.

Zion was brilliant in the first 19 games of his regular-season NBA career, averaging over 23 points and six rebounds per game, before the coronavirus (冠状病毒)crisis forced the league to shut down. The 19-year-old Zion says he's been staying fit and will be ready to go when the league resumes.

1What do we know about Zion from the first two paragraphs?

A.He was trained mainly by his mother.

B.He dreamed of being a basketball star at 9.

C.He was famous for his mother at YouTube.

D.He coached his mother in basketball leagues.

2Why did Zion's mother ask him to watch three players?

A.She wanted to make Zion beat them one day.

B.She expected Zion to learn much from them.

C.She required Zion to join their basketball teams.

D.She wished Zion to like the same players as she.

3What did Zion mean by “I wouldn't be here without my mom”?

A.He would join the NBA with his mom

B.He would stand beside his mother firmly.

C.His success related to what his mom did.

D.He followed her wherever his mother went.

4What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?

A.To encourage people to learn from Zion.

B.To explain why Zion likes playing basketball.

C.To prove Zion has a gift for playing basketball.

D.To introduce an NBA basketball player.

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