

Do you know 1 a story gets into the newspaper? Here is an example.

Imagine that a city bus has turned over in a ditch, injuring some of the passengers. An eyewitness calls the newspaper. Then a reporter is sent to the scene, at 2 he talks to passengers, the driver and witnesses. He finds out what they saw, 3 (set) down their answers or comments. Meanwhile, a professional photographer is busy taking pictures.

Many reporters use portable (手提式)computers which allow them 4 (write) the story on the spot and then send 5back to the office.

Next, an editor concentrates on the story, checking facts, grammar and spelling. 6 the same time, a picture is chosen.

The story is set in print. On most newspapers today, this 7 (do) with a computer. The computer makes sets of columns of type, which are pasted onto a sheet of paper 8(exact) the same size as a newspaper page. Only after a proofreader checks the story for mistakes 9 the newspaper ready for printing. Then the presses (印刷机) begin to run.

Miles of paper are turned into thousands of printed newspapers. They are counted and placed in waiting trucks. Within a few hours, people can read about the bus accident in their 10 (day) newspaper.





4to write



7is done






1考查宾语从句连接词。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句连接词,从句a story gets into the newspaper成分完整,但缺少“怎么/如何”之意,故填how



4考查短语。此处考查短语allow sb. to do sth. “允许某人做某事”,故填to write


6考查介词。此处考查短语at the same time“同时”,故填At

7考查时态和语态。本文讲述一般事实,应用一般现在时,主语thisdo之间是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is done

8考查副词。此处应用副词修饰形容词短语the same,故填exactly

9考查部分倒装和短语。分析句子可知,此处是主句谓语动词,因“only + 状语”位于句首,故主句部分倒装,根据短语be ready for“为……做准备”判断此处填be动词,由前文的checks判断为一般现在时,主语the newspaper不可数,故填is




分析先行词在从句中充当什么成分:先行词scene在从句at ___2___ he talks to passengers中充当宾语,应用关系代词



Then a reporter is sent to the, ,


【题目】 When I was growing up in America, I was ashamed of my mother’s Chinese English. Because of her English, she was often treated unfairly. People in department stores, at banks, and at restaurants did not take her seriously, did not give her good service, pretended not to understand her, or even acted as if they did not hear her.

My mother has long realized the limitations of her English as well. When I was fifteen, she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she. I was forced to ask for information or even to shout at people who had been rude to her. One time I had to call her stockbroker (股票经纪人). I said in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing(令人相信的), “This is Mrs. Tan.”

And my mother was standing beside me, whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me check already two week late.”

And then, in perfect English I said : “I’m getting rather concerned .You agreed to send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn’t arrived.”

Then she talked more loudly. “What he want? I come to New York tell him front of his boss.” And so I turned to the stockbroker again, “I can’t tolerate(容忍) any more excuse. If I don’t receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I am in New York next week.”

The next week we ended up in New York. While I was sitting there red-faced, my mother, the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting to his boss in her broken English.

When I was a teenager, my mother’s broken English embarrassed(使尴尬) me. But now, I see it differently. To me, my mother’s English is perfectly clear, perfectly natural. It is my mother tongue. Her language, as I hear it, is vivid, direct, and full of observation and wisdom. It was the language that helped shape(影响) the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world.

1Why was the author’s mother poorly served?

A.She was unable to speak good English.B.She was often misunderstood.

C.She was not clearly heard.D.She was not very polite.

2From Paragraph 2, we know that the author was ________.

A.good at pretendingB.rude to the stockbroker

C.ready to help her motherD.unwilling to phone for her mother

3After the author made the phone call, ________.

A.they forgave the stockbrokerB.they failed to get the check

C.they went to New York immediatelyD.they spoke to their boss at once

4What does the author think of her mother’s English now?

A.It confuses her.B.It embarrasses her.

C.It helps her understand the world.D.It helps her tolerate rude people.

【题目】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Each of us has a time of the day when we’re at our best. For some, it’s the morning, and for others, the afternoon or evening. These times relate to what scientists call our circadian clock (生物钟). 1

The research is the work of two authors, Aaron Schirmer and Benjamin Smarr. The pair used data from a university computer system to study the rhythms and activities of 15,000 students at Northeastern Illinois University between 2014 and 2016. They studied the data to see if there was a connection between the students’ schedules, their natural circadian clocks and their school performance.

2 But if students’ clock doesn’t agree with the rest of their lives, their performance was likely to suffer.

According to the study, those students who suffered from a mismatch underwent a kind of “social jet lag(时差)”. For example, some students performed best at night and therefore chose to study in the evening. But if those students had an early morning class, they often felt tired from late night studying and didn’t get the most out of the class. They might then go on to get a lower grade for exams and coursework. 3

The authors say mismatches between a student’s schedule and circadian clock can have a harmful effect, and not just in terms of academic performance. Social jet lag can also be bad for students’ health.

The authors don’t claim their study proves anything, but they do say that it provides food for thought for school administrators, who might like to think about special ways to help students who suffer on account of their schedules. 4

A.In addition, the findings alerted parents to their children’s sleeping patterns.

B.The study found that the closer a student’s schedule and their circadian clock, the better their grades were.

C.All students in the study suffered some degree of social jet lag, but late-night studiers suffered the most.

D.The clock genes create circadian rhythms in the body, which help control the timing of a variety of biological changes.

E.The findings could also help everyone to be aware, and hopefully take advantage, of their own biological rhythms to lead a healthy life.

F.Now, a new study suggests that the relationship between students’ circadian clocks and their study schedules can have a big effect on their grades.

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