
【题目】Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to ______ a good researcher.





考查动词词义辨析。句意:缺乏智能和毅力的人是不可能成为一个好的研究人员的。A. make发展成为(=develop into),是及物动词;B. turn变成,成为,是不及物动词;C. get变成,做成,是不及物动词;D. grow生长,成长。根据句意及句式结构可知,此处应使用及物动词表示“使成为”之意,make a good researcher意为“成为一个出色的研究者”。故选A


【题目】 We often hear such statements: “I spilled (洒出) juice, but it wasn’t my fault.”, “I got in trouble at school, but it wasn’t my fault.” or “I was in a car accident, but it wasn’t my fault.” That “It’s not my fault.” is a go-to response for so many people and especially teenagers.

Parents complain they are tired of the “excuse”. The reason why variations of “It’s not my fault.” are so popular is that it lets us off the hook from guilt and blame. I’m a fan of not owning responsibility for things that I can’t control. Teens who often say “It’s my fault.” when something bad happens tend to be highly self-critical, perfectionistic and more easier to be troubled by anxiety and depression.

While it is important to recognize lack of reason to blame oneself, many teens over-rely on “It’s not my fault.” When trying to get them to take responsibility, parents usually attempt to convince their teens that something is their fault. The approach tends to be ineffective and turn into a power struggle. No one wins. A more effective approach can be to stress significant drawbacks to consistently focusing on removing our responsibility with this phrase.

Overuse of the phrase can result in feelings of lack of ability to control their own lives. This sense has been shown to cause low motivation. Besides creating feelings of lack of ability, overuse of “It’s not my fault.” focuses a teen’s attention on what is done as opposed to what needs to be done.

People may not have caused all their problems but they have to solve them anyway. The example I frequently share with teens is the question of what one will do if he is pushed into a deep lake. One can certainly stay in water, yelling, “It’s not my fault.” However, that won’t get him out of water. He needs to swim to the shore, regardless of the fault.

If you take a proper approach to communicating with your teens, you can help them avoid over-reliance on “It’s not my fault.”

1What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?

A.The teenagers’ dislike for school life.

B.The common trouble faced by teenagers.

C.The reasons for blaming others for accidents.

D.The tendency for people not to be responsible for mess in life.

2What type of teens tends to suffer great mental pressure according to the text?

A.Those lacking confidence and ambition.

B.Those allowing others to find excuses.

C.Those unable to get along well with others.

D.Those often blaming themselves for some incidents.

3What’s the author’s attitude to parents’ usual way of guiding children?



4What lesson is conveyed in the example often shared by the author?

A.We should try to avoid troubling others.

B.We should focus on how to solve problems.

C.We should dare to point out others’ mistakes.

D.We should be self-critical as much as possible.

【题目】 You might think male models lead glamorous lives, filled with endless travel and invitations to socialize with the rich and beautiful. Almost everyone has formed an unrealistic picture of their lives, believing that they spend one afternoon beside the Mediterranean Sea sipping coffee and getting suntanned and the next moment they are on board flying to Rome. However, according to a 2016 documentary made by the pop culture news site Fusion, the financial reality of male models is not very pretty.

The main subject of the documentary, titled Unglamorous, is a male model named Cameron Keesling who went to New York to start his career, hoping to make a fortune in the world of models. Keesling is not a supermodel but he has certainly made his name known in the industry. He was “working in the industry for about a year before landing the cover of Italian Vogue” in 2014. But “Keesling and his companions were paid nothing for the efforts”, Fusion reporter Nikita Redkar wrote.

Keesling also appeared at Paris Fashion Week and won lots of praise, while his compensation wouldn’t even cover the cost of traveling to and from Paris.

According to the documentary the most common way models get paid is by receiving free clothes, rather than money. In order to make ends meet, consequently, many of them have to take another job simply to make a living. Many of these models are in debt. Once they find an agency to represent them, a living income is provided by the agency to accommodate their rent, food, clothing and other expenses. Models are expected to pay off these costs once they find work, but many of the industry’s jobs don’t pay at all. Believe it or not, there is a pay gap between male models and female counterparts. Based on a survey conducted by Fortune.com, female models can make millions more than males, especially if you compare the top ten earners of each gender.

1In common people’s eyes, male models are living __________.

A.a busy and simple lifeB.a tiring and dull life

C.an easy and comfortable lifeD.a hard and embarrassing life

2Why does the author mention Cameron Keesling in the second paragraph?

A.To introduce his real life

B.To explain why he went to New York

C.To illustrate the hardship of male models’ lives

D.To encourage models to make a fortune in New York

3What does the underlined word “counterparts” mean in the last paragraph?



4What is the writer’s attitude towards the lives of the male models?



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