
【题目】If we could all learn to ________ a little more, the world would be a much happier place.

A.live and let liveB.live from hand to mouth

C.fight fire with fireD.add fuel to the flames



考查习语辨析。句意:如果我们都能学会各行其是,互不相扰,世界将是一个更快乐的地方。A. live and let live各行其是,相互宽容;B. live from hand to mouth勉强养家糊口;C. fight fire with fire以牙还牙;D. add fuel to the flames火上浇油。根据下文“the world would be a much happier place(世界将是一个更快乐的地方)”及常识判断,“相互宽容”符合语境。故选A项。


【题目】 Tyler Skiuzacek’s father, Patrick, could not sleep through the night. It was 2007, and Patrick had just returned from a year in Iraq, where he served in the U. S. Army. Patrick Skluzacek was energetic and happy when he left for Iraq, Tyler says. But when he returned, he was unhappy and drinking alcohol too much. It turned out Patrick was suffering from sleep panic attacks. Patrick would wake up every night. His heart would beat too fast. He would sweat. The nighttime panic attacks prevented Patrick from feeling good the next day, because he was so tired.

Almost 10 years later, Tyler was in a position to help his father. He thought he could make a computer program that might help his father. So he entered a competition in Washington, D. C, trying to solve the problem Tyler’s father and other U. S. war veterans (老兵), were having. People called them”night terrors. ”The students had 36 hours to come up with a program. They called it myBivy—That name comes from bivouac, a military term for a safe place to sleep.

The application uses a smart watch and a smart phone together. The watch tracks the wearer’s heartbeat. It sends the data to the program on the smart phone. Research shows that a person’s heart rate will increase right before a night terror. So if the wearer’s heartbeat started to rise, myBivy would respond. The smart watch would vibrate and gently wake up the sleeping person. That was enough to prevent a night terror from happening.

Patrick wore the watch for two weeks to get used to it. Then, Tyler turned on the application. On the first night, the vibrations from the watch prevented 10 nightmares. Patrick said he had not slept that well in many years. Tyler and his team won the contest in Washington, D. C. The prize was $1,500. Then the group tried to raise more money from investors, and they were surprised when they took in over$25,000. By the spring of 2016, Tyler and his team were testing the app with volunteers, and hoped to make it available to the public soon.

1What might be the cause of Patrick’s problem?

A.His experience in the war.B.His drinking habit.

C.His family troubles.D.His sleeping disorder.

2We can learn from the second paragraph that ________.

A.the US government tries to help war veterans

B.people look down upon the night terrors

C.many other veterans suffer similar problems

D.myBivy was named after a great soldier

3What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A.How effective the app is.B.How to download the app.

C.How to design the app.D.How the app works.

4What does the author probably think of the future of myBivy?



【题目】请认真阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Running individual official accounts on social-networking app WeChat has become a new channel for Chinese people to express themselves, according to a survey.

At present, many media organizations, companies and individuals in China have launched official accounts on WeChat, making efforts to attract more subscribers to expand their reach. Over 66 percent of 2,001 respondents said they were willing to set up individual official accounts while 27.2 percent said they had already started such accounts.

The survey, published by the China Youth Daily, also said expressing feelings and views, as well as gaining popularity, was the top reasons why people wanted individual official accounts. More than half of individual official accounts offered content concerning personal views and feelings, as well as entertainment and recreation information, the survey said.

Of more than 540 respondents that have individual official accounts on WeChat, 5 percent claimed that they had built popular 'self-media' brands using the accounts, while 12.2 percent said they had made money from the accounts through advertising. Meanwhile, 42 percent said their accounts had limited influence with only a few subscribers.


1. 用约 30 个词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 用约 120 个词说明你对“创建个人公众号”此现象持支持或反对的态度,并给出 2 个理由。


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。






How Your Personality Type Affects Your Health

Personalities play an important role in determining one’s behavior and habits, so it’s little wonder that your personality type has much to do with your health. Now research has found that personality traits (特点)can be important health predictors. One study even found that the personality traits exhibited during childhood are linked to self-rated health during middle age.

So how is your health influenced by your personality? Let's take two common personality types for example. One is the classic type A personality. People with this personality type tend to be more competitive, impatient, tense, and even aggressive. According to research, this personality type is associated with many negative health outcomes like high blood pressure, heart disease, increased job stress, and social isolation (孤立). So, if you tend to have some of the more negative features of a type A personality, such as a tendency to be stressed out, explore things you can to lower your chances of developing health problems. For instance, you can practice stress management skills, which can help you to better handle life's daily problems.

The other one is the “eager to please” personality type. People with this personality type tend to be accommodating, passive, and conforming (从众). Their passive nature also means they're more likely to feel hopeless or helpless in the face of a negative health event. They may also be less likely to seek help when something is wrong. When faced with a diagnosis (诊断),they may simply assume that nothing they do will make much of a difference. So, what can you do to protect your health if you tend to be a people-pleaser? Don't always place your own well-being last. Being considerate of others can be a positive trait, but be sure to take time for your own health as well. Besides, don't fall into thinking that your health is out of your hands. Instead of focusing on the external influences that affect your health, pay attention to the things that you can change through your own actions.

Why does personality have an impact on health? Why are certain traits so tied to certain diseases? The answers aren't clear, but one potential explanation is that personality impacts the ways people choose to behave and live. People who are more responsible may be more likely to make healthier choices while those who are neurotic (神经质的)may be less likely to seek medical help.

Understanding your personality might be a great way to help determine what sort of health choices or changes you need to focus on making. By being aware of the potential clangers you may face, you can turn to your health care professional and come up with a plan to minimize the clangers.

Passage outline

Supporting details


People's health is closely 1 to their personality type, and they can depend on childhood personality traits to 2 their future health

Type A personality

People with this personality type tend to have health problems both mentally and 3

People with this personality type should try to find ways to prevent health problems.


People with this personality type are more likely to 4 themselves to hopelessness and helplessness, which can 5 them from seeking help when in need.

People-pleasers shouldn't 6 their own well-being. Focus more on the 7 influences, which means your own actions matter.

Possible 8 for the phenomenon

Personality can influence people's behavior and lifestyle choices. Responsible people make healthier choices while neurotic people might be 9 to seek help.


Have a good understanding of your personality.

10 your health care professional about the dangers you may face and find a solution.

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