
【题目】 You might think male models lead glamorous lives, filled with endless travel and invitations to socialize with the rich and beautiful. Almost everyone has formed an unrealistic picture of their lives, believing that they spend one afternoon beside the Mediterranean Sea sipping coffee and getting suntanned and the next moment they are on board flying to Rome. However, according to a 2016 documentary made by the pop culture news site Fusion, the financial reality of male models is not very pretty.

The main subject of the documentary, titled Unglamorous, is a male model named Cameron Keesling who went to New York to start his career, hoping to make a fortune in the world of models. Keesling is not a supermodel but he has certainly made his name known in the industry. He was “working in the industry for about a year before landing the cover of Italian Vogue” in 2014. But “Keesling and his companions were paid nothing for the efforts”, Fusion reporter Nikita Redkar wrote.

Keesling also appeared at Paris Fashion Week and won lots of praise, while his compensation wouldn’t even cover the cost of traveling to and from Paris.

According to the documentary the most common way models get paid is by receiving free clothes, rather than money. In order to make ends meet, consequently, many of them have to take another job simply to make a living. Many of these models are in debt. Once they find an agency to represent them, a living income is provided by the agency to accommodate their rent, food, clothing and other expenses. Models are expected to pay off these costs once they find work, but many of the industry’s jobs don’t pay at all. Believe it or not, there is a pay gap between male models and female counterparts. Based on a survey conducted by Fortune.com, female models can make millions more than males, especially if you compare the top ten earners of each gender.

1In common people’s eyes, male models are living __________.

A.a busy and simple lifeB.a tiring and dull life

C.an easy and comfortable lifeD.a hard and embarrassing life

2Why does the author mention Cameron Keesling in the second paragraph?

A.To introduce his real life

B.To explain why he went to New York

C.To illustrate the hardship of male models’ lives

D.To encourage models to make a fortune in New York

3What does the underlined word “counterparts” mean in the last paragraph?



4What is the writer’s attitude towards the lives of the male models?











推理判断题。根据文章第一段中You might think male models lead glamorous lives, filled with endless travel and invitations to socialize with the rich and beautiful. Almost everyone has formed an unrealistic picture of their lives, believing that they spend one afternoon beside the Mediterranean Sea sipping coffee and getting suntanned and the next moment they are on board flying to Rome.(你可能会认为男模特的生活很有魅力,到处都是旅行,被邀请去和有钱漂亮的人交往。几乎每个人都对自己的生活有一种不切实际的幻想,以为自己花一个下午在地中海边喝咖啡,晒黑皮肤,然后就登上飞往罗马的飞机)可知,我们普遍认为男模特过着安逸舒适的生活。故选C项。


推理判断题。根据文章第二段中Keesling is not a supermodel but he has certainly made his name known in the industry. He wasworking in the industry for about a year before landing the cover of Italian Vogue in 2014. ButKeesling and his companions were paid nothing for the shool, Fusion reporter Nikita Redkar wrote.Keesling不是超级名模,但他确实让自己的名字在业界广为人知。在2014年登上意大利版《Vogue》封面之前,他“在这个行业工作了大约一年”。但是“Keesling和他的同伴们在学校没有得到任何报酬”,Fusion的记者Nikita Redkar写道)可推断,作者提到男模Cameron Keesling是为了说明男模生活的艰苦。故选C项。


词义猜测题。根据文章最后一段最后一句Based on a survey conducted by Fortune.com, female models can make millions more than males, especially if you compare the top ten earners of each gender(根据财富网的一项调查,女模特比男模特多赚数百万美元,特别是如果你比较男女前十位的收入)可知,同龄的女模特要比男模特收入多。可知上句Believe it or not, there is a pay gap between male models and female counterparts.中的划线词的意思应该是“同龄人”。A. Friends 朋友;B. Peers 同龄人;C. Schoolmates 校友;D. Opponents 对手。故选B项。


推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句However, according to a 2016 documentary made by the pop culture news site Fusion, the financial reality of male models is not very pretty(然而,据流行文化新闻网站Fusion2016年拍摄的一部纪录片显示,男模的财务状况并不是很好)和最后一段最后一句Based on a survey conducted by Fortune.com, female models can make millions more than males, especially if you compare the top ten earners of each gender(根据财富网的一项调查,女模特比男模特多赚数百万美元,特别是如果你比较男女前十位的收入)可知,作者对男模特持客观的态度。A. Supportive 支持的;B. Doubtful 怀疑的;C. Critical 批评的;D. Objective 客观的。故选D项。




How Your Personality Type Affects Your Health

Personalities play an important role in determining one’s behavior and habits, so it’s little wonder that your personality type has much to do with your health. Now research has found that personality traits (特点)can be important health predictors. One study even found that the personality traits exhibited during childhood are linked to self-rated health during middle age.

So how is your health influenced by your personality? Let's take two common personality types for example. One is the classic type A personality. People with this personality type tend to be more competitive, impatient, tense, and even aggressive. According to research, this personality type is associated with many negative health outcomes like high blood pressure, heart disease, increased job stress, and social isolation (孤立). So, if you tend to have some of the more negative features of a type A personality, such as a tendency to be stressed out, explore things you can to lower your chances of developing health problems. For instance, you can practice stress management skills, which can help you to better handle life's daily problems.

The other one is the “eager to please” personality type. People with this personality type tend to be accommodating, passive, and conforming (从众). Their passive nature also means they're more likely to feel hopeless or helpless in the face of a negative health event. They may also be less likely to seek help when something is wrong. When faced with a diagnosis (诊断),they may simply assume that nothing they do will make much of a difference. So, what can you do to protect your health if you tend to be a people-pleaser? Don't always place your own well-being last. Being considerate of others can be a positive trait, but be sure to take time for your own health as well. Besides, don't fall into thinking that your health is out of your hands. Instead of focusing on the external influences that affect your health, pay attention to the things that you can change through your own actions.

Why does personality have an impact on health? Why are certain traits so tied to certain diseases? The answers aren't clear, but one potential explanation is that personality impacts the ways people choose to behave and live. People who are more responsible may be more likely to make healthier choices while those who are neurotic (神经质的)may be less likely to seek medical help.

Understanding your personality might be a great way to help determine what sort of health choices or changes you need to focus on making. By being aware of the potential clangers you may face, you can turn to your health care professional and come up with a plan to minimize the clangers.

Passage outline

Supporting details


People's health is closely 1 to their personality type, and they can depend on childhood personality traits to 2 their future health

Type A personality

People with this personality type tend to have health problems both mentally and 3

People with this personality type should try to find ways to prevent health problems.


People with this personality type are more likely to 4 themselves to hopelessness and helplessness, which can 5 them from seeking help when in need.

People-pleasers shouldn't 6 their own well-being. Focus more on the 7 influences, which means your own actions matter.

Possible 8 for the phenomenon

Personality can influence people's behavior and lifestyle choices. Responsible people make healthier choices while neurotic people might be 9 to seek help.


Have a good understanding of your personality.

10 your health care professional about the dangers you may face and find a solution.

【题目】 First and foremost, “The Great Salmon Run (鲑鱼洄游)” looks amazing. It is beautifully filmed, done in completely natural and sometimes friendly way and never looking still. The editing is always brief and smooth and the scenery is pure magic. A wide diversity of the different landscapes are included rather than just one habitat. The music fits very well, beautiful and appropriate.

Again, like so many Attenborough’s nature/wildlife documentaries, “The Great Salmon Run” fascinates, teaches, moves, entertains and attracts. In terms of the facts there is a very good mix of the known ones and the unknown. Some facts are familiar to us while some are going into details about the different animals, their challenges and some truly amazing wildlife events in their struggles for survival and interaction with other animals whether prey (猎物) or predator (捕食者).

Certainly the salmon are a thing of beauty but the brown bears similarly have impressive moments as well. It may not be novel territory for Attenborough, but animals are what one can’t get enough of. Besides, there is so much freshness to the material that it won’t make one feel going round in circles but absorbed.

Narration (解说) by Attenborough helps significantly. He clearly knows his stuff and knows what to say and how to say it. He delivers it with his usual richness, soft-spoken enthusiasm and sincerity, never talking down to the viewer and keeping them wanting to know more. Viewers care for what goes on in front of and behind the camera.

At no point does “The Great Salmon Run” ever feel like just a series of scenes. Instead, it feels like its own story and journey, with real, complex emotions and conflicts and animal characters, all of which are developed in a way a human character would in a film.

Overall, amazing.

1The writer thinks in narration, Attenborough ________.

A.changes his usual style

B.keeps the viewers interested

C.ignores what the viewers want to know

D.thinks what to say is more important than how to say it

2According to the passage, what do we know about The Great Salmon Run?

A.It not only entertains.

B.It is set in only one main habitat.

C.It is Attenborough’s finest work.

D.It focuses on the struggle between the salmon and man.

3What is the writer’s attitude towards The Great Salmon Run?

A.He considers it average.B.He is negative about it.

C.He holds an objective view.D.He thinks highly of it.

4The passage is probably a ________.

A.journalB.travel guide

C.film reviewD.science report

【题目】 Americans recognize that there is a past on which the present rests. But they have not developed their sense of the depth of time as much as this has been done in the Middle East and South Asia. The Arab looks back two to six thousand years for his own origins. History is used as the basis for almost any modern action. The chances are that an Arab won’t start a talk or a speech or analyze a problem without first developing the historical aspects of his subject. The American assumes that time has depths but seldom stresses the importance of it.

The American never questions the fact that time should be planned and future events should be fitted into a schedule. He thinks that people should look forward to the future and not talk too much on the past. His future is not very far ahead of him. Results must be obtained in the foreseeable future—one or two years or, at the most, five or ten. Promises to meet deadlines and appointments are taken very seriously. There is real punishment for being late and for not keeping commitments in time. The American thinks it is natural to calculate the value of time. To fail to do so is unthinkable. The American calculates how much time is required to do everything. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” “It will take six months to finish that job.” “I was in the Army for four and a half years.”

The Americans, like so many other people, also use time as a link that chains events together. If one event occurs on the heels (紧接着) of another, they will certainly try to find a causal relationship between them. If A is seen around the area of B’s murder shortly after the crime has been committed, they automatically form a connection between A and B. However, events which are separated by too much time are difficult for them to connect in their minds. This makes it almost impossible for them as a nation to engage (从事) in long-range planning.

1How do Americans see past time according to the first paragraph?

A.It’s worthless.B.It’s limited.

C.It reflects today.D.It helps start a talk.

2What does the underlined phrase “to do so” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.To calculate the value of the past.

B.To figure out the importance of time.

C.To plan a schedule for future events.

D.To meet deadlines and appointments.

3When will Americans chain two events together?

A.When common evidence is found.

B.When A is found near the scene of B’s crime.

C.When the two events happen one by one.

D.When one event happens long after another.

4What does the author mainly want to tell Americans to do?

A.See time further.B.Be punctual.

C.Study the past time.D.Make a long-range plan.

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