42. collision.[u/c]-(withsb/sth); -(between A and B) ①(物与物或人与人)相撞、碰撞、撞坏The two ships were in/came into collision两艘轮船相撞; ②抵触,(相反的目的、看法、意见等的)冲突.Her political activities brought her into collision with the law.她的政治活动触犯了法律。collision course 必然与某人(某事物)相冲突的进程或行动。
41. coincidence.[c/u]巧合(的事);[u],(事情,口味、故事等)相合,符合,一致。
40. clarify. v. ① cause sth to become clear or easier to understand(使谋事)清楚易懂,澄清. I hope that what I say will clarify the situation.我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况; ②除去(油脂)中的杂质。
39. circus. n. 马戏团the circus 马戏表演;竞技场。
38. circulate. v. ①go round continuously (使某物)循环;
② move about freely流通 open a window to allow the air to circulate.
③spread 流传,传播The news of her death circulated quickly。
37. circuit.n. 围绕一地方的线、路线、旅程,圈;电路;联赛。
36. centigrade. adj. 摄氏温度计的。 a centigrade thermometer摄氏温度计.
35. casual. adj. ① happening by chance.偶然的,碰巧的; ②不经意的,随便的,临时的;③(衣物)便服的,不正式的 eg: casual wear 便装;
④非永久性的,a casual labourer. 临时工。
34. carbon. n. 碳
33. caravan. n. ① 拖车 ②( 供居住可用马拉的)篷车;