22. biscuit. ①[u] 饼干②淡褐色③take the biscuit/cake.极其可笑,讨厌,惊奇等。
21. biochemistry. 生物化学。
20. bacteria. 细菌。
19. autonomy n. self-governing; independence.自治,自主,独立。
autonomous. adj 自治的,自主的,独立的。
18. automatic. adj. ①(指机器)自动的;②(指动作)未加思索而作出,无意识的;③必然随之而来的。
17. authentic. adj ① known to be true or genuine真实的,真正的。 an authentic document , signature , painting.正式文件,亲笔签名,原作绘画。
. ② reliable可信的,可靠的。
16. assess. v .①decide or fix the amount of sth. 确定,评定(数额)assess sth ( at sth).
assess the damage at 1000dollars.评定损害赔偿金一千元
② decide or fix the value of sth ; evaluate 确定,评定(某事物)的价值,估价;
③assess sth as sth.评定某事物的质量。 I’d assess your chances as extremely low. assessment.[u]确定,评定;[c] 评价,看法;[c] 核定的付款额。
15. appetite . n.①[u] physical desire, esp for food or pleasure 食欲,胃口;
When I was ill I completely lost my appetite 我生病时完全没有胃口;
②[c], a natural desire for sth. The long walk has given me a good appetite.
14. anecdote n: short, interesting or amusing story about a real person or event 轶事,逸闻(关于真人真实的短小有趣的事). anecdotal. Adj。
13. anchor: n. ① 锚;② 可以依靠的人或物;靠山;③at anchor; bring(a ship)/come to anchor停航抛锚。