75. Which city has dropped most on the list in North America?

  A. New York.         B. Los Angeles.       C. San Francisco.      D. Toronto.

答案  72.C  73.B  74.A  75.D

Passage 36


One morning a few years ago, Harvard President Neil Rudenstine overslept.For this busy man, it was a sort of alarm: after years of non-stop hard work, he might wear himself out and die an early death.

Only after a week’s leave-during which he read novels, listened to music and walked with his wife on a beach-was Rudenstine able to return to work.

In our modern life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest.Amazingly, within this world there is a universal but silly saying: “I am so busy.”

We say this to one another as if our tireless efforts were a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stress.The busier we are, the more important we seem to ourselves and, we imagine, to others.To be unavailable to our friends and family, and to be unable to find time to relax-this has become the model of a successful life.

Because we do not rest, we lose our way.We miss the guide telling us where to go, the food providing us with strength, the quiet giving us wisdom.

How have we allowed this to happen? I believe it is this: we have forgotten the Sabbath, the day of the week-for followers of some religions-for rest and praying.It is a day when we are not supposed to work, a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful.It is a good time to bless our children and loved ones, give thanks, share meals, walk and sleep.It is a time for us to take a rest, to put our work aside, trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world.

Rest is a spiritual and biological need; however, in our strong ambition to be successful and care for our many responsibilities, we may feel terribly guilty when we take time to rest.The Sabbath gives us permission to stop work.In fact, “Remember the Sabbath” is more than simply permission to rest; it is a rule to obey and a principle to follow.

67. A teacher’s work is most effective with a schoolboy when he ______.

  A. is with the boy alone                    B. teaches the boy a lesson

  C. sends the boy home as punishment          D. works together with another teacher

答案  64.A  65.B  66.C  67.B

Passage 35


If your boss asks you to work in Moscow this year, he’d better offer you more money to do so-or even double that depending on where you live now. That’s because Moscow has just been found to be the world’s most expensive city for the second year in a row by Mercer Human Resources Consulting.

    Using the cost of living in New York as a base, Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including the cost of housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment(娱乐).

    A two-bedroom flat in Moscow now costs $4,000 a month; a CD $24.83, and an international newspaper $6.30, according to Mercer. By comparison, a fast food meal with a hamburger(汉堡包) is a steal at $4.80.

    London takes the No.2 place, up from No.5 a year ago, thanks to higher cost of housing and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar. Mercer estimates(估算) London is 26 percent more expensive than New York these days. Following London closely are Seoul and Tokyo, both of which are 22 percent more expensive than New York, while No.5 Hong Kong is 19 percent more costly.

    Among North American cities, New York and Los Angeles are the most expensive and are the only two listed in the top 50 of the world’s most expensive cities. But both have fallen since last year’s study-New York came in15th, down from 10th  place, while Los Angeles fell to 42nd from 29th place a year ago. San Francisco came in a distant third at No. 54, down 20 places from a year earlier.

    Toronto, meanwhile, is Canada’s most expensive city but fell 35 places to take 82nd place worldwide. In Australia, Sydney is the priciest place to live in and No. 21 worldwide.

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